>make Link into a transsexual, fill BotW will literal faggots
>give Mario a fucking dress to wear in Odyssey
>give Yoshi a peach costume to wear in Crafted World
>Nintendo rep hosts a pride march in honor of the company
>proceeds to get rid of trans flags in smash
What the fuck is going on with this company? Are they based or gay or what? Why fill your games with all this SJW shit and then delete fucking trans flags in smash?
Make Link into a transsexual, fill BotW will literal faggots
Other urls found in this thread:
>Crossdressing is SJW shit
What a shitty thread holy shit
Crossdressing is seen as a prank/joke in Japan and has nothing to do with sexuality
>Crossdressing is seen as a prank/joke in Japan and has nothing to do with sexuality
well, since this faggot said it, now we know it's not true
>make Link into a transsexual
he didn't sex change tho, he was just crossdressing. To be fair, the Gerudos of BotW aren't dangerous thieves, so can't go knowing them out with arrows.
or they could have just not put this plotline in the game, you know?
One of these is a factual stance, the other 4 are delusional inference by fags desperate for external validation
can you guess which is which, fag?
>Nintendo literally did all of this
you may have autism
>siding with gladiator tonsil stone
you're new here, aren't you?
Since when is giving a marquee character in his own game a dress (particularly that of a another marquee character from the same universe) an endorsement of a trans lifestyle?
Link is not a tranny. He wears a girls outfit.
Mario is not a tranny. He wears a girls outfit.
Yoshi is not a tranny. it wears a girls outfit.
Infer what you will. You're wrong, and living in your own head though, tranny.
That Nintendo rep might be a tranny, I don't know what you're talking about.
Nintendo DEFINITELY does not want trans flags in it's games though. DEFINITELY. Nothing need inferring. It's a fact.
>>Nintendo rep hosts a pride march in honor of the company
>wearing a girl's outfit doesn't make you a tranny
Transsexual, not transvestite
Japanese use crossdressing for comedic purposes without expecting it to be interpreted as political transsexual shit.
I guess they put the gay carpenters, gay fishman and literal side-of-head-shaved-SJW in BotW for comedic purposes too?
It's called slapstick
slapstick is when a rabbit hits duck with a hammer, not when you put transsexuals in children's games.
have sex
Japanese don't have the retarded transgender movement we have. Crossdressing for them is always a joke or a fetish thing.
>have sex
re-attach penis
>Transsexual means transistioning from Male to Female and from female to Male
>Somehow wearing women clothes makes you a women
So if a women wears trousers she is a man?
Lmao what a braindead troll you are
FF7 had an entire arc about Cloud in a dress, are you just now noticing this trend?
>So if a women wears trousers she is a man?
if uh, "trousers", were normally only worn by men, then yes, that would make the woman a tranny.
you're forgetting the part where he also got anally raped by strong men in a bath tub. and no, I've known sony was gay for a long time.
>cutting your penis off makes you a woman
>wearing drag and daydreaming about having a vagina doesn't mean you're a tranny
society has failed us
its him samefagging lol
>implying any dress in Nintendo games isn't a mockery of transgender shit
I know snoys are ignorant of anything outside of California, but you could have at least googled Japan and transgender jokes. Would have taken you two seconds.
Don't ever associate me with that deeply homosexual fanbase ever again
>you could have at least googled Japan and transgender jokes
I'm completely aware of this argument and I don't buy it for a second.
This. Crossdressing was a thing that was done for the sake of comedy. It's just now they want to normalize it as a lifestyle choice.
You must not be familiar with anime at all. There are tons of trap characters. They are -always- referred to as boys. 99% of the time it's used as a joke (mc wants to fuck girl oh no it's a guy) which offends trannies.
>still same number of posters
tonsil boy, could you please make it less obvious.
Well it doesn't matter whether you buy it or not. Mario and Luigi just ended up making Luigi look like a joke after drrssing up like Peach. It's all for laughs, end of story. Hell the flags getting taken down only reinforces it.
i'm familiar with it, and I tolerate it to a degree -- outlaw star is one of my favorite animes of all time and even Gene cross-dresses in one of the episodes. but there's a difference between an isolated instance from a 90's show and an entire modern video game console where nearly every major game on the system has some kind of transsexual pandering. I mean, if it's such a big joke, why did Nintendo only now start with it? they were notorious for censoring in the past, and always tried to stay away from things that were even remotely sexual, and now all of their popular characters are doing it? come on now.
Viva la resetera
Get off this board and go back you little bitch.
Not Nintendo
Crossdressing, trannies, and homosex are all seen as jokes in Japan. The trans flags are because they don't want irl political or social issues in their games.
Yes because look at all those trannys in the 40s and 50s when Bugs Bunny dressed up
>well, since this faggot said it, now we know it's not true
They done it since the feudal times because they forbid women to perform on stages due to prostitution.
This. Trannies also find traps and drag queens offensive.
I just wanted to say that these threads are fucking amazing.
-OP is baiting
-Half the replies are taking him seriously
-The usual "it's a joke bro, SJWs hate drag and dressing up"
-People getting pissed off at them anyway
You see it's amazing because "it's a just a joke" works either as a conservative way to downplay the situation, or as a leftist subtle normalization group.
The second group of posters reject any form of normalization, including jokes, so they attack regardless of the justification or historical context.
The nerds here that actually are aware of history, take it as face value, but they in turn don't understand it can be turned on it's head as a double sided normalization tool, and specific groups in media have been doing this for years, "playing the game" and "coloring within the lines" so to speak.
It's a pit of baboons tearing at each other, and everyone thinks he's smarter than the other monkeys around him, but in reality it's a mix of fools and insincere shills playing mind games.
How the fuck does unironic /pol/ even remotely hope to win this way using idiots like these, i'll never understand.