He hasn't appeared in a new Zelda game in nearly 13 years...

He hasn't appeared in a new Zelda game in nearly 13 years. How likely is it that SJWs are going to be outraged that a middle eastern man is the king of evil? He's appeared in remakes, Smash, and Hyrule Warriors since then, but I think it may be on their radar this time due to the immense popularity of botw, and how it explored the ethnic culture of the Gerudo. And now Ganondorf is a focus in the sequel.

Attached: botw sequel ganondorf design.jpg (1200x857, 133K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I see we have gone past being outraged at random twitter screenshots and just taken to fabricate imaginary outrage on an hypothetical basis.

Thats some good Akuma design

Until botw2 releases OP has no screenshots from literal whos to post.

no dude, sjws are more focused as playing as a girl. Nothing else, they looked at the persian style character as a power character blah blah blah.

Demise had uncanny similarities with Akuma

I'm sure those that want to complain already do, since Ganon is pretty well-known. Don't think much will change after BotW2

How is Ganondorf going to be a threat whatsoever when Ganon, the physical manifestation of all his divine power, was destroyed a very short time ago in-game? It's not Ganondorf.

Attached: 1496711573880.jpg (974x1024, 176K)

I think everyone is just hoping he's hot

Attached: 1560571099949.jpg (1005x1200, 247K)

Its a man so nobody will give a fuck.

>imaginary outrage on an hypothetical basis.
This has been happening for a long time desu



>what would Anita think???
>any SJWs said anything yet????
>SJWs will ruin FF7 Remake. they haven't said anything yet, but if we look hard enough....
>i bet they're going to ban this game because a girl has big boobs
>check out these headlines from a blog no one gives a shit about
>hey guys check out these shitty opinions from a 14 year old's tumblr. fucking SJWS am i rite?!?
>what i hate about SJWs the most is that they go LOOKING for things to be mad about!!!!



This Ganondorf is a bit too bara for me

No one cares as long as he's fuckable

Attached: trial.gif (1000x707, 305K)

I do think a more sympathetic Ganondorf would be nice, kind of like in Wind Waker. I have this story in my head of Link being adopted by the Gerudo and being raised alongside Ganondorf as brothers and eventually having to fight against each other due to their roles in the endless cycle they're in.

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The mummy down there must be Ganondorf from 10,000 years ago or something.
It's true that they killed Calamity Ganon, but who knows, maybe another "this evil shit wasn't fully dead" junk.

probably the same way he is in all the games where Ganon is a mid-stage boss before the final fight against Dorf

this. fucking hell

HW best Ganon

Ganon is just as often the end boss as he is the mid-stage boss, not to mention even if you make it a stretch and say that they somehow became two separate entities, all of Ganon's power was banished in the last game, Ganondorf would be just a guy.. I definitely don't think it's Ganondorf, probably some vampire or something. Something more traditionally horror would be cool.

Concocting your shitposts already, eh?

Attached: 1519371338522.png (600x445, 437K)

They'll be fine because Ganondorf will be portrayed as a tragic hero.

Attached: Pigman.jpg (640x736, 60K)

As likely as when white people got upset at Mexican Mario in Odyssey.

Attached: 1558232601152.png (620x525, 215K)

It's TP Ganondorf. The question is what link fucked up so bad by pulling the Master Sword from his chest someone had to lose a hand? Side note my dick has just spoken up and requests more Zelda corruption for its viewing pleasure.

I don't get this. Wasnt this confirmed long ago that's it's Link being represented as a shrew?

Ganon is always bara. That is the only reason he's hot.

it's clearly Yuga. as opposed to using Termina again, they can go with a similar idea by making BotW 2 into the first Legend of Hilda game.

>It's TP Ganondorf

Zelda and Link change every time, the thing about Ganondorf is that it's always the same dude, only thing that changes this was the timeline when you have WW and TP Ganondorf existing simultaneously, although technically they are still the "same" person.

>psychotic murdering tyrant
>"tragic hero"

I really wonder about Yea Forums sometimes.


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I'm sure they'll find a workaround to that "Single male to a harem of sandbitches" shit.

Yes, people are just being fucking dumb.

I can't believe we still have retards pretending that the mummy isn't ganondorf.

Attached: 1560341752332.jpg (2556x2880, 1.17M)

It's interesting that they're going for kind of a Demise/Hyrule Warriors look for him this time around and he seemed to be a figure of some prominence to the Gerudo, even after writing in one of the artbooks that after Ganondorf the Gerudo completely abolished the "male every century is the king" rule.

I bet the lack of beard is throwing people

OoT Ganondorf doesn't have beard tho

Yes it fucking is. He has the Gerudo symbol so who the fuck else would it be?

Attached: D9Hvi9tW4AADlif.jpg (343x358, 11K)

he's had a beard for the past 17 years, and in more games.

Link had the Gerudo symbols on his arm wraps, that means nothing.

The "Middle East" doesn't exist in Hyrule

He doesn't have beard in Smash Ultimate so people should know better that Ganondorf can NOT have beard too instead of saying "that's not ganondorf!".

explain the mural, smart guy

Show me proof

Attached: D85New2WkAgJoBN[1].png (755x795, 789K)

I hope they flesh him out a bit. Give some good cutscenes too. Would Unironically soiboi hype to see him march through gerudo city and sit down on the throne to retake his title of Gerudo king.

it's just a prediction dude, and don't fucking tell me you don't see this happening.

The guy in the mural is clearly not Link

Ganondorf has appeared in 3 games and in 2 of those instances, his human form was the final battle. Same goes for Demise.
>I definitely don't think it's Ganondorf, probably some vampire or something.
Okay now you've just outed yourself as someone who doesn't know shit about the series, I thought this was an actual debate.

I sincerely do not, user. Though I am sure you will search twitter tirelessly until you find exactly what you want to get a kick off of it, good ol' soccer mom searching for proof of autism in vaccinations style.

It's only the next logical step of outrage culture.
Can't find a anyone to call your enemy? Just fucking make him up and act frustrated like a complete lunatic would do.

Pig Ganon is the best

What do you mean?

>a middle eastern man
he just looks like any other evil elf

You are weak

Attached: D9D4WfuVAAA7DQg.jpg (800x1200, 114K)

School can't come back soon enough

Kids gotta stop watching Shapiro or whoever is giving them these dumb fucking ideas

believe it or not im not one of those twitter screenshot fags, I don't even use twitter. I just always wondered and feared that ganondorf would never appear in a new zelda game again because NOA warned nintendo that people may not respond well to a middle eastern man being the main villain of the series in the current year.

this shit is getting too gay

Attached: 1561403307123.gif (330x166, 2.1M)

I'm 28.

The sad thing is the most simple answer is probabaly the right one. Miyamoto would never let them do soemthing beyond "Evil Demon do bad things to Zelda" so I'm sure that glowy hand was just some red herring for Ganondorf's revival.

Is a middle eastern man portrayed as an evil demon king not a worthwhile discussion for you? I'm just curious.

Oops my bad

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Is there a problem?

Calamity Ganon was just some of his essence that leaked out from his chest down there under the castle, you see it's still happening when Link and Zelda go down there in the trailer.

>it's not Ganondorf
retard alert

Attached: ganondorf corpse twilight princess.jpg (693x767, 52K)

I think he was talking about the Ganondorf with a trident on the wall

>It's TP Ganondorf
GanonDORF has been the same guy in every game, but if you mean it's Gaondorf in the child timeline, after TP, then you're wrong. FSA comes after TP, and FSA introduced a new Gerudo that Ganondorf reincarnated into. That is unless Nintendo completely ignores FSA.

Hope we can expect more monstrous boar forms in the future. Those are always great.

>i spend my free time getting mad at my own made up hypothetical scenarios where people are angry at something stupid
Then maybe you need a hobby.

>He hasn't appeared in a new Zelda game in nearly 13 years
Because people bitch when he shows up and complain that it's not some other villain.

Does anyone have any solid theories on timeline placement for BOTW yet?
It drives me crazy that they just straight refuse to tell us anything this time around.

have sex. With a girl.

>although technically they are still the "same" person.
Which is most likely how TP Ganondorf ended up with the Triforce of Power, by the way.

We tried, but your mother was booked for the entire year prior hand.

women are gross, no thank you
i'll stick to sticking it in dudes

You offering?

>it's Link being represented as a shrew?
insane cope
ganon was the hero, accept it

bend over sissy

I just realized, if these ugly little creatures in this mural from the second botw trailer are supposed to be Hylians, then it makes sense that they gave Link that bizarre pointy nose look that resembles Ganondorf. But why does Zelda look relatively normal?

Attached: why do the hylians look like that.png (1339x709, 1.71M)

It really irks me that FSA had Ganondorf reincarnate. One of the cool things about Ganon is that he just fucking persists.

BOTW's boar form was really bland. Way too much bloom, too.

Ganondorf's 3 canon appearances have all looked vastly different from each other. No reason why he can't be clean shaven in this game. That or they just didn't want a corpse to have a beard because it would look fucking stupid. It's magic shit. It's not realistic for him to have that long healthy hair while he's mummified anyway.

It's at the end of the timeline. Seems like all the timelines merged together at some point in the past. Probably has something to do with why the triforce is bound to the royal family blood line again like pre-OoT.

Link was wearing Gerudo looking patterns not their goddamn sigil. Long red hair and a jewel on his head was already a dead giveaway before considering the gerudo sigil.

That one is probably the worst, not a fan of glowy pig either

so why did the king of hyrule send hylian soldiers after the sheikah?

That's what I was saying, since he didn't have beard in OoT nothing prevents him from not having it in BotW2.
>It's not realistic for him to have that long healthy hair while he's mummified anyway.
Hahahah, yeah, it's not like real-life mummies DO have long hair still attached, r-right?

Attached: pre-Incan-mummy.jpg (935x719, 107K)

What's really interesting to note is at the start of the murals timeline there's burning trees under the mountains. There are no other examples of geography in it at all.

Attached: tapestry.png (3840x2160, 1.63M)

Aren't Middle-Easterners evil by default in American media? They kinda blew up those two fancy towers back in the day, so I don't see a problem.

Because they attacked the Sacred Realm and/or tried to take the Triforce

Attached: 1560363354971.jpg (6955x5589, 3.2M)

Well based on that picture, makes sense that he would lose his beard and not his hair. Obviously a skull with no flesh would have no beard, but this does prove that head hair is resilient after death.

I tought that was common knowledge in 2019.

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Attached: ganondorf at da computer.jpg (640x758, 51K)

Maybe to show that they destroyed the natural world, like the sea turned into a desert in SS. The next part seems to be about how technologically advanced they became.

bringing midna back would be based, she's the only good part of TP

>Brown equals middle eastern


Seriously this though. His mummy having rounded ears in the trailer was good attention to detail. I can just imagine Ganondorf pulling a vai up by her pointed ear with a look of confused disgust.

Yeah it's weird that they just randomly decided to make Ganondorf reincarnate just once, in a multiplayer Zelda game that is arguably a spin-off. But Nintendo considers it canon. It wasn't even Capcom OC, Nintendo made it. They fucked up. I mean what the fuck was the point of that if he was still a Gerudo anyway?

dead people's hair and fingernails still grow for weeks after they died, it's one of the last things that stops in your body.

In the upper right section it looks like they're using the Triforce to power their Sheikah tech.

>implying their fucking skin tone is the only indication that they're middle eastern

One thing I am worried about as far as Ganondorf goes is his voice. The one thing I think everybody agrees was a miss in BOTW was the voice acting. It w=ranged from terrible to OK at best. As big and scary as this Dorf is supposed to be I won't take him seriously if he just sounds like some random dude Nintendo pulled off the street like everybody else

I think this is just wishful thinking from midna fans. The green symbols are Gerudo text.

Naw that looks like the same luminous stones like in the trailer. It even shows mining rails around them.

>One of the cool things about Ganon is that he just fucking persists.
Yeah that's why he reincarnated.
Ganondorf is the human body, and even tough it is immortal and all, if the body is completely destroyed, it is gone and Ganon only materializes as the pig.
Nothing prevents him from reincarnating again though.

Calamity Ganon is just "Malice", the red-black substance that you see all around the ruined high rule, the trailer also shows it seeping out of Ganondorf.
This also further explains why Calamity Ganon can be defeated without the Master Sword or anything else divine, he was basically just Ganondorf's sweat.

Yeah it is good attention to detail, he's over 10,000 years old, so he has certain Gerudo traits that the Gerudo in botw don't have because they've been mixing with Hylians for much longer. They also have green eyes while Ganondorf/past Gerudo always had yellow eyes.
>I can just imagine Ganondorf pulling a vai up by her pointed ear with a look of confused disgust.
That would be kino.


The japanese dub is fine, it's just the english one that's especially horrible.
It's extremely clear that the english voice director had no idea what he was doing, on top of hiring a bunch of literal whos (likely due to nepotism).

What else user. Let's play

It's a floating, glowing triangle


based retard can't even use the right canned response
seething, cope, obsessed, etc.

Does this really make sense tho? Gerudos have always mixed with hylians, that was established even back in OoT.

I don't think they're going to brink Midna back, but it would be great if they revisited the Sheikah attack on the Sacred Realm from TP. It would be cool if that was what that one guy in Kakariko was talking about, something about how their technology was like the power of the gods, and then they were shunned.

After ganondorf they got rid of the practice of making the once in a hundred years boy their king.
Its plausible said boy is also strangled in the crib or sent away whenever he pops up, or at the very least given the stink eye by the entire population which would hurt his reproductive chances.
Without big gerudo dick injecting his genes every generation more hylian traits showing up is simply inevitable.
Was there a gerudo male in botw anywhere?

Kill yourself

Hell earrings aside he has ganondorfs fucking forehead amber jewel thing.

I think it makes sense. After mixing with Hylians for over 10,000 years, it was long enough for them to develop slight changes in their appearance. We don't know what Gerudo looked like centuries before Oot.

Oh no i'm pretty sure what you said was accurate, didn't they even mention that in the game?
But i don't think the Gerudos ever used their 1-in-100 years male for reproduction, at least that wasn't stated anywhere.
All we know for sure from past games is that Gerudo frequently seduced or abducted hylian men for breeding.

If it's anal, sure.

Their facial features, architecture, clothing, and jewely are clearly reminiscent of middle eastern culture. I don't need to be any more specific than that.

I mean, Urbosa makes a point in the original to say he's a shame to the gerudo. Hell, he's the "one guy supposed to rule" in their tribe, they'll be glad he's the villain.

I'm really not concerned about whether it will be good or bad, I just want to fucking hear him talk.

I think those smaller guys are Sheikah, looking at the full mural.

I really wonder if Nintendo was planning a sequel when they decided on Ganon being evil barf, because they knew they were going to bring Ganondorf back. Even though the game was all about freedom, it's a good explanation for why the master sword was optional when that wasn't the case in past 3D Zelda games. It would also explain how they thought it was acceptable to have such a shitty almost nonexistent villain, because the sequel will redeem it.


I think it's downplaying it to say it's just "some" of his essence. Seems to me like Calamity Ganon was like an incarnation of him, trying to recreate a new body since this one is sealed (which would be the incomplete one we face at first). Defeating it probably weakened the seal, allowing Ganondorf to use his original body, and he'll probably try to heal it over the course of the game.

Basically, BoTW is what ends up happening in every timeline. Since events in this story tend to repeat themselves, every timeline ended up having a twilight princess, and wind waker, etc, and BotW comes after all that, thousands of years into the future.

Ah yes, who can forget middle eastern tribe of Mojave


Definitely. Calamity Ganon was a back door out of his seal. What people seem to forget was the first calamity 10,000 years ago was calamity Ganon as well. Not Ganondorf. The sheikah making all that tech to face calamity Ganon the first time had to of know Ganondorf himself was sealed and that it wasn't a perfect seal. Meaning Ganondorf hasn't been sealed for 10,000 years. Try 20-30,000 years.

In this depiction, , of the events that happened 10k years before BOTW. Ganon looks like a monster, and not the man you see mummified.
In the cavepaintings from the trailer he looks like a man leading an army of raiders. I don't see how the Sheikah would have the foresight to build an army of guardians to be ready to fight these raiders. Or why it would be deemed necessary.
He also appear to be entombed in ruins that look like the ancient ruins you find in BOTW.

So, the tapestry depicts events that happened 10k years ago, while the cave paintings depict events that happened ~20k years ago. Ganondorfs raid is what caused the ancient civilisation to collapse.
Ganondorf was defeated and sealed away, but the seal wasn't perfect. The ones that sealed him away realised that, which is why the Sheikah began building the guardians and the divine beasts.

The first part of the tapestry with the burning trees under the mountains would be 20k years ago.

>that Sheikah/Yiga split at the bottom
Does the Sheikah running to the statue of Hylia represent them fleeing to the Sacred Realm?

You stupid fuck, the orignal Gerudo symbol in the 1.0 cart of Ocarina of Time was a star and crescent almost exactly like that of the Ottoman Empire and was removed for fear of offending the religious on the basis that it's often regarded as an Islamic symbol. Bottom line, they're sand niggers.

No it's them running for protection under Julia. That's why the village has a Julia statue in the center.

I need a source on that famalam

Attached: tumblr_pm7zv6pE7o1solqw9o3_500.png (500x609, 296K)

the green arm is what keep ganondorf sealed on the trailer.
but retard therorist think it's his arms ?

I thought it was explained to be the fallen hero timeline, which is why Ganon had no human form when you fought him.

I still say it's not Ganondorf but Yuga who was sealed since he resurrected Ganon in Link Between Worlds and then was defeated so him being a vessel for a fucky version of Ganon like Calamity Ganon would make sense since he's from a different realm.

Attached: Yuga.jpg (2810x1080, 298K)

>no dude, sjws are more focused as playing as a girl.

I'd rather play as Ganondorf.

It's Ganondorf. They wanted him in the first game but chose a different direction. He's in the concept art for BotW so it's not hard they'd recycle the original idea.

thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=XUhVCoTsBaM


You're right, I was just thinking of it like eventually enough built up for him to form Calamity Ganon. I think Link and Zelda might have broken the seal on him themselves though.

Attached: oot_mirror_shield_by_blueamnesiac-d4kyl4a.png (889x1305, 911K)

I know blah blah blah ancient evil and all that but impying Ganon was just leaking a small amount of his power kind of undermindes the whole plot of BotW. Like just showing how much of a colossal fuckup Zelda is if she can't even turn off the damn faucet.

Attached: 254364747.jpg (1280x720, 80K)


I hope nintendo keeps expanding the retarded shit you can do in the game

the older gerudo symbol was much cooler, fuck religion and fuck niggers

Attached: file.png (121x126, 14K)

everything but a small reference* implies that BotW is set on the adult timeline way after Spirit Tracks.
*in the knighthood ritual Zelda performs on link she references SS, OoT and TP, but since we know that Arbiter Grounds existed in OoT era we could easily asume that the Twilight realm exist in every timeline

so BOTW hyrule is new-hyrule from spirit tracks ?

no. its old hyrule post flood, thats whyvthere are aquatic fossils everywhere

No one is going to give a fuck that an arabian is a powerful demon king. You need to stop trying to think like a SJW

BotW pretty clearly shows that Gerudos oppose him and that he's an outlier.

>this picture was taken during a broadcast over 10 years ago

Why did they decide to do straight sequel to BotW?

What made this game so special that it alone deserves actual sequel and not the usual treatment of any other game from Zelda series?

They put way too much effort into creating the botw engine to use it for one game. It's quite obvious

With that trailer showing Ganondorf's actual body was under the castle the whole time, it seems like they built BotW with a sequel in mind.

I mean you're right it's dumb, but Yea Forums's done this for decades

It reminds me of the final trial in the Champions Ballad DLC. You head back to the chamber link woke up in at the game's start and then suddenly it becomes an elevator. Was awesome and surprising but "damn that worked out like it was planned"

I think Ganondorf is the 10k old hero who helped seal Ganon INSIDE himself because at the time they knew about the curse but now that he's been exposed to Ganon for 10k years he's completely corrupted or some shit. Or maybe he's just evil.

Either way I hope Zelda doesn't get captured in the intro, now THAT would be lame.

Attached: 1482281347369.jpg (850x1137, 225K)

Have you played BotW? The amount of world building and lore is second to none as far as Zelda goes, it's insane how much you can learn about the world. There's enough material there for even more games.

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Thank you, based reason retard

what concpet art? All i can find is fanmade garbage

>The amount of world building and lore is second to none as far as Zelda goes
It was this or a story.
Since we have the world and the lore, maybe now we'll get a good story

>Miyamoto: Is it time for the return of the Gerudo king after 12 long years? Back to redeem himself after the shitshow that was Calamity Ganon?
>Aonuma: No, it's time for the faggot painting collector from that 3DS game to come back. He's everyone's favorite.
Seriously, user?

Attached: smug mario.jpg (254x294, 28K)

why are you obsessed with SJWs?

I mean, Zelda never really excels at telling good stories, so I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Most of the games just dump exposition in your face and that's it. But as you said, since we are now already familiar with the world and characters maybe they'll actually manage to pull through.

because long before SJW outrage culture, the outrage culture lived on Yea Forums instead


They did say that the sequel is a product of many DLC ideas (Which i roughly remember Majora also was) so it's entirely possible that while the game was in dev there was some discussion of the post release DLC revealing the true threat under the castle.

Does no one remember that Majora's Mask is also a direct sequel? It's just the same concept.

Fucking based, keep calling out those tards on their shit
>People that start threads with some literal who's opinion that got three retweets

It's official 64DD title was supposed to be Zelda Gaiden. Gaiden is more along the lnes of a side story than a direct continuation which is pretty much MM's plot in a nutshell.


based fuck these goons

The guy on the right fighting Ganon is referred to many times as Link. Did you not play the game??

Well, now you're just splitting hairs.

And this BotW sequel was just supposed to be DLC, yet now it's a sequel, as is majora.

That would unironically be interesting

Wind waker Ganondorf was great, I'm honestly surprised he doesn't have mroe facets to his character like that. I forget what he was like in TP though.

>muh power
that's pretty much it.

How didn’t anyone notice this ?!

It's possible, but I really doubt they would make a character as important as Ganondorf DLC.

pretty sure most women are gonna think he's a sexy bad boy
most homos are too

nothing is common knowledge in 2019
I had a 40 year old woman tell me that
>turtles aren't ANIMALS, they're REPTILES
and I couldn't convince her that reptiles are animals