How is it going for you racers?
Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled Thread
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Don't worry user, there's plenty of time to play CTR!
pretty poor rn, gib coins please
reminder that they're adding nitro coins alongside the grand prix update and they'll be purchasable with real money
So i've just got up and played my first 5 races and came 1st every time.
I got the following coins
200 - Papu Pyramid
400 - Tiny Arena
200 - Sewer Speedway
100 - Roo's Tube
200 - Jungle map from Nitro
Is this consistent with other people?
Is there actually a system to this that we know 100% other than longer maps give more coins? It feels alot less than the weekend also.
Patch incoming?
>just unlocked Tropy
Don't think I'll bother with the Oxide ghosts for a while. I just wanted to play as him desu
Anyone else think N. Tropy is just so fucking cool? I love his design. It's a shame the character is underutilized.
For me its best girl Coco.
Yes, he's my favorite Crash character by far.
the character is awesome in ctr and comes with the extra bonus of being an obnoxious brag to other players online.
N. Tropy is PEAK character design
he scared the shit out of young me when i saw his shoulders moving like crazy at Warped (my first crash game) Intro
>online is already dead
Ohnonononononono they better roll out the grand prixes quick
remember to thank the loot box legislation for potentially saving CTR from having loot boxes and premium currencies. purchasable premuim currencies are completely banned under the legislation
Megumi is cute
He got to be the big bad in a GBA spinoff at least. If a new Crash game ever does end up being made it'd be neat if they did that again. Makes a change from using Cortex every time.
To the dingodilefag from last thread:
These are legitimate issues of the hitboxes being screwed up. Beenox is indeed at fault for them and they should be fixed ASAP.
These, however, are not legitimate issues. Your speed and method of handling conflict with those turns and jumps. You are the one at fault for those.
So for the anons getting their saves corrupted
I've heard it happens on PS4, but I have digital and haven't run into any save issues, and I crashed plenty of times on day 1-2. Is it only on physical?
>he isn't genetically engineered to be superior
>GBA crash
ahh good times, fuck the atlasphere tho
My hands are developing new callouses at a rate I didn't think possible. My joints are locked up. Everything is pain. Using the dpad for steering is killing me. My hards are large and I have to wrap my fingers uncomfortably to reliably hit the R1L1 buttons. I would like to use the stick to steer but it just doesn't match the speed and precision needed for high-skill play. I wish I could remap powersliding to the triggers, but I can't. I tried switching to the alternate control scheme but years of muscle memory make U-turning and proper use of the brake impossible. I now understand what Dr. Cortex was truly attempting when he built Nina's metal hands. The perfect means of playing CTR. If only I could have the same.
Anyone have that anime girl saying "This isn't crash team racing! It's anal sex!" I saw it posted a few threads ago and need it for reasons.
i'm digital and i got corrupted twice already, just keep a backup user
I do, but you gotta give me something in return
i wish they made bowling bombs louder so i can hear them coming for me, instead of just getting hit out of nowhere.
You may need to go custom or switch to Xbox user.
search up euphoria bonus game and do it yourself user
we need more nina porn
fuck you if you disagree
Can you imagine playing the same track for hours on end practicing the mechanics and still sucking dick? Could you even possibly comprehend that? Would you sell the game and give up? Because I cannot FUCKING clear that wall on Hot Air Speedway no matter what the fuck I do, and I'll be surprised if the shitty garbage chinkshit they call the dualshock 4 doesn't give me blisters by the time I'm finally finished with this shit
>Dude just hold square in the air lol
I'm beginning to wonder if it's impossible with an accel character though I highly doubt it because I'm pretty sure I've seen faggots do it with speed characters before
So, she was trying to fuck N. Brio so she could break free?
I didn't actually have it.
Get fucked user.
>That insane fucking speed on Deep Sea Driving
Goddamn, making it through the tunnel without bonking is like sex
>TFW have to wait til October to play Nina
>She probably wont even catch the eyes of the porn artists because everyone is obsessed with Coco
Why did Radical have to do her so wrong
It doesn't matter
I pull that shit pretty reliably and I only use accel characters. Git fucking gud
>Tawna is actually a master manipulator
Why did I predict this without ever reading the character bible
Like, I could always imagine her being a rebellious older sister to Coco that tries to play devil's advocate in a laid back sort of way, and always wants to make her question things like "don't you ever get... bored? Of this island?"
Post webm
Tell me how
"Git gud" is not an explanation
It's not advice
it's not mechanic
tell me
what buttons on the controller
the shit fucking piece of plastic
which buttons
only so many
what do you press user
what's your preference
let me know
waiting on reply xoxo
I can do it with polar, so as long as you still have USF it should be possible.
>she gets through to Brio
>this convinces him to betray Cortex, as well as create Coco and the Trophy Girls
I like it
But I am, I main Nash.
Women can be good manipulators user. Vaginas have started wars.
bandicoot power!
>Tawna is the one who redpilled Brio
>finally beat 100% Oxide
>now I get to start working on Relics and Time Trials and REALLY getting good
The first stage is over, but the journey ahead is looking bright
>you need to give me video evidence that you can do this trick you learned on your own because i'm a baby who doesn't know how to learn
how about you shut the fuck up OR suck my fat cock?
Weird that they have a whole slot for bundles when there's only two so far.
>Time Trials
Tough, but very doable
>Platinum relics
Best of luck
Can't wait
Can someone please tell me how you're supposed to win with Handling characters online? They're so slow it's unbearable.
>Best of luck
You just need to break all crates and sometimes boost a little
You don't. Use a speed character.
>making it through the tunnel without bonking
How does one achieve this power? Those spinning blade fuckers are LITERALLY impossible to avoid if you have USF.
Use their easier turning to sneak boosts in where other characters can't
It's nice to see a game where big guys are not only viable but generally considered to be the best in the right hands.
I usually do, fellow Big Norm main, but I wanted to change it up a little.
Abuse the fact you can do nearly perfect sliding and collect tons of reserves.
Any suggestions as to which stats to use on which tracks? I feel like I'll never be able to do N Gin labs
You guys should work on one of these while the game still has nice momentum on Yea Forums
It sounds fun
Guarantee the nitro girls come in bundles of too to make it extra hard to afford them
Just keep a shitload of reserves and eat corners like cake, should run some really consistent times.
It's always been ironic, they've always been called the 'beginner' characters when in reality they take by far the most skilled to get anything out of. Speed characters are unironically the best choice for beginners who can't consistently boost, yet they're 'advanced'
>Tawna is the chessmaster of the Crash universe
I'll keep these tips in mind. Thanks lads.
I want lewd Coco... NOW!
I've done it all of two times, once in time trail, once in an online race. It's hard and basically requires the planets to be aligned and for the McRib to be in season, but it's absolutely godly carrying all that speed into the next lap.
In other words, just get really good with jump sliding and get lucky with the blade positioning
Tawna dropped crash and fucked pinstripe user, shes a whore.
we already decided one, Coco's a tryhard material
I'm using Coco and Crash, sometimes Penta
Waifu Wars soon
That literally never happens. She was removed from the series by that point.
>lost a race to an n. tropy
>in the lobby see he has the blanco skin
never dropped out of a lobby so fast
Took a shower to cool off and I think I realized my mistake but I'm not telling because then this guy would be able to do it too. Having USF there isn't the hard part but thanks user
Couldve sworn it was in some manual. It sorta makes sense in a way.
>he never unlocked the crash 100% ending
>get lucky with the blade positioning
Well, that has been my strategy so far.
>mfw I check out what the track looked like in CNK and it's an anti-gravity section where the blades are perfectly still
Fuck the moving blades, they ruin an otherwise excellent level.
>Liz is my favorite girl in general
>But Megumi's dance is the sexiest
ripper roo for best handling character
What would Papu's stereotype/cliche be?
Based and Roopilled.
That doesn't matter at this point because Wrath of Cortex has clearly been retconned as of this game, and pretty much all the games are canon.
this is innacurate as fuck
put her with Pura
switch with N.Gin
Can't drive for shit
the best part about doing the crash cove shortcut online isn't getting first place, its watching the minimap to see everyone else fail their attempts.
where can one read about this law?
Like N.Gin
thanks user
Why would you flat out copy the text instead of actually making it accurate?
Shit I thought I was the only one, that shadow behind Uka Uka suddenly walking forward was terrifying to me back then.
Pretty much, just replace "Jew" with some form of mildly inaccurate racial slur.
This is precisely why I pick Crash and deliberately kick everyone's ass.
The one thing I know for certain, BEENOX poster aside, is that Dingodile (and possibly N. Tropy) mains are those Yea Forumsirgins who pick Wario in Mario games and try extremely hard to put forth a memey "cool guy" persona but it's a thin veneer layered over top of narcissism, schadenfreude, and massive butthurt when they lose.
Still waiting for that PC release
i cried back then and it took my dad convincing me to try and play it
I can't speak for every N Tropy player, but I just use him because I like him.
What was your first Crash game?
Mine was Crash Bandicoot 3 and later CTR. I've played first and second games only in 2016.
because this is old
stop copying 50% of my actions
Do Krunk mains even exist
I know one of you fuckers was in that tiger temple race just now
fuck you
N. Tropy players think they're cool for unlocking him and want to show be hot shit online online, but are only decent at best and get 2nd or 3rd every race.
I play him every now again just because nobody else does.
I would if he was anything but Handling.
First was Crash 2, second was Crash Bash. I've played every Crash game though, and I've beaten them all except Mind over Mutant and Nitro Kart.
Why won't it let me purchase the electron aqua skin
I think N. Tropy is one of the coolest Crash characters thematically and in terms of design but I'm just talking archetypes here. Dingodile was also a favorite of mine when I was younger
>N. Tropy massive butthurt
can confirm, since i'm one and i ate shit on Sewer speedway shortcut
>Crash: Usually a total noob, with a 5% chance of being a literal god. Be wary either way.
>Coco: Total tryhard with a side of being a waifufag. Always has the Coco sticker on their kart.
>Cortex: A slightly more skilled Crash, kinda like MK Luigi fags. Likes quoting Cortex, but only "THE TROPHY'S MINE"
>N. Gin: Also a tryhard, but really doesn't like being called that so he hides behind one of the more "based" characters. Shits on Cocofags every opportunity they get.
>Dingodile: Would be based, if he wasn't played by absolutely everyone. Tries to laugh it off when he loses, but tends to get salty when he finishes below Top 2 (again).
>Tiny: The most likely to be played by kids trying for the first time. If played by someone with actual skill, expect a good race, but both types are annoyingly lucky with items.
>Polar: Always the most boring guy in the room, who was too weirded out by the rest of the cast to pick anyone else. Too focused on driving to talk at all.
>Pura: The total fag character, played only by gurl gamurz and immense faggots. Loves the smug giggle, and uses their characters as leverage for both their wins and losses.
Finished Hard mode last night, fuck that oxide race.
Now working on the Oxide/N.Tropy ghosts, slowly. Then the only thing left is that stupid crystal challenge trophy to plat.
>got platinum relics on sewer speedway and papu pyramid
Surely the worst is behind me now.
I don't like how Krunk shakes his ass with that weird voice.
>Real Velo: Would much rather use Fake Velo but for now this is the closest thing to it
>He doesn't play CTR-only characters on CNK tracks, and vice-versa to give the characters who missed out on the tracks in question a chance to race on them
You forgot dragon mines
Autistic but cute
this is based
Because of that one turn, right?
The boxes off to the side in relic race for Coco Park close to the finish line are fucking infuriating because jumping to get them doesn't fucking work properly half the time
have you done ALL the CTR characters on ALL of the CNK tracks, and vice versa though?
Is there a known method to get the most wumpa coins? Is playing online still the most efficient way, the drop off is pretty bad after 10 games or so
No, because Fake Velo isn't playable yet
Cutest too
Who /smallnorm/ here?
lmao somebody please post this
Play online until drop off, then do Single Race of Jungle Boogie offline over and over to get the most wumpa coins in the lowest amount of time.
you mean, every, single, kart racer?
>haven't gotten the game yet, won't for a while
>playing a fresh save on the original for kicks and to prepare
>was always kind of okay as a kid
>I've progressed to the point where I can maintain turbo boosts for entire laps and sometimes races
>my right index finger is becoming sore from the controller's rumble and holding R1
I think that's enough racing for tonight.
I would, if i didn't already like Crash/Fake Crash
>Tiny: The most likely to be played by kids trying for the first time. If played by someone with actual skill, expect a good race, but both types are annoyingly lucky with items.
>both types are annoyingly lucky with items.
I wanted to find that motherfucker on Deep Sea Driving who kept knocking me off the map before I could pass him with USF and seemingly could never get hit by any of my bombs
Thanks, yeah I noticed the drop off pretyy much makes online and offline equivalent
Online isnt cross-platform is it?
Xbox and Ps4 are but Switch isn't lol
Don't get too comfy with some of the mechanics. Things like Sewer Speedways shortcut are fucked, and no amount of original CTR playing will change that
mfw i beat oxide on my 3rd try
mfw i normally place in the top 3 online
mfw i never played the og ctr
>Among the top CTR speedrunners worldwide
>Exposes BEENOX crimes
>ripper roo: usually somebodies younger brother who thinks the crazy laughing theme is funny, but unlike other young brother archetypes is actually decent at the game.
>papu papu: saw a fat half-naked man on the roster and thought it was awesome. Similar to wario players, may or may not be good and don't care.
>komodo joe: likes him solely because he looks a bit like a snake or a dragon and they think thats cool. Player is pretty chill but slightly edgy.
>pinstripe: thinks playing the gangster rat makes him fun and silly but is actually trying way too hard and is usually obnoxious.
>penta: exclusively played by young children who found cheat codes online. In pal version also played by cheating assholes.
>n. Tropy: played exclusively by people who found cheat codes online, used mainly by teenagers who want to show off to their friends but secretely used the cheat code like everyone else. Despite the obnoxious racer pick they're surprisingly chill while actually playing.
Yeah, I wanna use Velo goddammit. Why did they make them so shit
any descriptions that use memes or buzzwords should be immediately invalidated
My man
As long as you don't use the golfer skin because that shit looks ugly
Just finished cooking and cleaning and got it
Any tips? I want to unlock a cute character
You can't use cheat codes to get Tropy in Nitro Fueled
where's fake crash
look up cheatcode for penta penguin.
You start with Polar and Pura, and Penta's a cheat code. You can buy _Nash_ from the pit stop later.
you could use codes to unlock everybody in ctr, but Penta is the only one left.
You can in the original
I'm here for you my man
Make me a sandwich
C to the O to the P to the E
Fake crash is played by people who like crash but wanna be ironic about it
I literally cannot enjoy porn since this came out.
sorry i told you to suck my fat cock. i clipped a video to youtube with some light commentary that shows it being done two laps in a row so you can hopefully get a better idea for it
How good is scrapbook in NF?
Are we making this for the original, or Nitro Fueled though?
Is that true? I would have gotten it on PS4 if not for my friends getting it on Switch and now I'm afraid the online is gonna be dead in a few months.
Awfully bold of you to assume I've won a race
The original, nitro fuels only been out for 4 days and the player descriptions are meant to describe local play
don't know don't care. everybody online is coco so it's just assumptions.
Playing 1k+ hours of MK8/deluxe is making it really hard to adjust to drifting. I don't remember having this much trouble as a kid with the original CTR. I usually end up starting them way too tight and then going really wide. Adjusting where i start them is pretty straightforward, but does anyone have tips for tightening up the middle/end? Some of these turns seem literally impossible without hitting the walls like in dragon mine, and i know that's not actually the case so I'm missing something.
offline cup races count too.
>N.Sane Trilogy
>Destroy all humans
All great games are just remakes of classic hits now or is it nostalgia?
Coco is unlocked from the start
i didn't make the mistake of buying it on switch after owning it for wii u. so it took me 3 days from years of kart racing rust to going fast.
Tell me about the latter two, why didn't i hear anything?
They were on THQ's twitter and not shown at any events
They have Steam pages though
destroy all humans and battle for bikini bottom are being remastered.
goddammit, will they be released on PS4?
That's how I define a good game, the amount of time it takes for me to masturbate again
Is this faster than Mario kart or what?
Destroy All Humans was given a trailer and gameplay footage, I'm fairly sure.
who play this shit ?
>30 fps
That's fine by me, I can't consistently do it anyway. I've found an angle that gives me the most success but it still feels like only a 70% shot or so if I make it. Sewer Speedway is still a top tier track, though. Right up there with Cortex Castle and N. Gin Labs.
>why didn't i hear anything?
There's been consistent front page threads for roughly 2 weeks now, where have you been?
it requires more skill, that's for sure
you can't drift every turn. some require hopping or u-turning. u-turning is tricky in this game but there are youtube videos explaining it
you just have to brake or jump during turns like that, unless you want to bother learning advanced shit like u-turns and froggying
If you're doing it right it's about the same as 200cc. If not, it's slower.
Penta you can get off the bat by inputting on the main menu
Hold L and R Down, Right, X, Down, Left, X, Up
And he will be on the roster and you get a cute sticker of him to put on your kart
This is the only way to unlock him
>where have you been?
College stuff and work
Amazing user. My idea was to try the jump further on the right of the ramp because I think doing it from the left like I have doesn't leave enough room, but I didn't think to drift into the ramp angled into the turn either. The trick will be controlling that approach while USF is active
And I too am sorry being a raging baby loser. I'll git gud tomorrow after work with this as a reference
I meant that they weren't given much presence. They were right before E3 too so they got lost among it all.
Yes, they will.
Yes, and even when you aren't going fast, the sensation of speed is greater.
post yfw you see hot rod oxide + platinum spray paint online
or tropy blanco
alright, nice i think i'll get spongebob first though
Yeah. A big thing to learn is that getting a boost off of a drift gives you a lot more vertical off of a ramp jump, for some reason
How long is it gonna take before Ripper Roo becomes CTR's Yoshi?
At this point i dont know what the fuck is canon or not.
>Immediately uses N.Tropy while the rest of the team watch in the sidelines
N Tropy Blanco in a Platinum spray paint would be the most impressive thing
Not that the Oxide trials are hard to beat, but man those plats are terrifying
I still don't understand how winning coins work online? I'm thinking it's based purely on your time rather than your placement.
>mfw I know I'm in for a fun race
It worked like pic related until a day ago, they’ve done something to the payouts and I don’t know exactly what.
I think you have to switch to a different stat set every race. Like if you do two races in a row acceleration characters, you'll get the 5x bonus the first time, and then the next time it'll just give you the base winnings. It's secret encouragement to try and have the players mix up their play
It's tilting that benix wont explain the system or make some sort of indicator in game when we get more coins.
It's horse cock, just let me play my favorite characters. They're trying to be too clever with this when it doesn't have to be that complex.
just unlocked this qt
>og ctr
>miss one turbo boost
>"well you just lost 0.2 seconds but you can still do it bro!"
>nu-ctr on maps with blue flames
>miss one turbo boost or hit some invisible shit because of bad collision
>"haha tough luck pal, time to restart the track xD
Not you but last night I was in 1st with Tiny until a cheeky Cortex in last hit me with the orb, ended up back there with him and every single time I'd pass him he'd hit me with 3 rockets up my ass and I'd turn around and run him off the map with uka uka
git gud
I'm working and yesterday received my 2nd diploma. Don't use that shit excuse
Yeah I'm usually trying to obsessively feed USF at the start of that stretch and the jump ends up messy because of it, I'll need to practice that because I've not been getting the verticality I need probably. And do you really have the plat in the game user or did I misunderstand you?
i wasn't boi, i'm just on a tight schedule
>time trial on tiny temple
wtf, do you need to maintain usf the entire race to beat oxide?
I forgot how short the game was but god damn the credits music is baller. How could i forget
Plat the game? I just stated that I did get the platinum in the video. It's not that hard
>tfw just grabbed this and Beach Coco in the span of a day and a half
>don't even use Coco, she just has really cute skins and they are worth grabbing
stay way from shit that you can easily bump into, its more worth it to just slow down a bit to make a turn then to loose all your reserves colliding with shit
she's a treasure alright
i just got like 60 coins for winning cortex castle
I haven't even looked at the trophies so I just assumed it required ridiculous shit like getting all plat relics. Makes me wanna pull my hair out
On the plus side the more skins you buy the less are in the pool of em to buy meaning when the grand prix gets here theres more potential to get the skins for the lady bandicoots
Based. Thanks
For that one user asking for it, I don't know if it was delivered already, but here ya go
>platinum n. tropy in the lobby
Why am I only getting 20coins online per race?, the grind is meant to be this real?
Nothings really hard aside from beating the game on hard.
Sure you have to win the relics but I think you only have to get silver or gold tier not even platinum relic
Yessir, it's so fucking fun.
>tfw you finish the first lap and immediately assess that you're the only person in the lobby that knows all of the shortcuts, allowing you to completely devastate everyone there
is there a better feeling?
Whens the DLC for this shit
101% and platinum relics aren't needed. Just beat Oxide the first time on hard adventure mode, beat all the oxide time trials, and then bunch of easy if not tedious bullshit
Thank you.
Wtf, are you me?! I even use that color but with the pink shiny tires.
you don't even need the relics, just all 16 trophies and the boss keys/ beating oxide the first time
july 3rd, and dlc is all free.
>mfw I didnt know any of the shortcuts on Tiny temple but the guy in 1st did and I stayed on his ass so closely I just followed in behind him on everything.
Was something like a 6 second time lapse between him and me crossing the finish line
Oxide trials are complete bullshit, you need to be full autism to stand a chance
Getting Platinum relics is more tedious than anything. It's not about how fast you can go (although that is definitely a factor), it's about how many crates with really shitty hitboxes you can hit.
Holy shit, THIS.
Get ready to save up user
>Wtf, are you me?!
That depends. Leave your name, phone number, address, social security number, and debit card info so I can verify this.
>commanding first place with a strong usf
>guy in second right on my tail, it's been a tense back and forth the whole game
>so close to the finish line, victory in sight, just one more jump
That's why I despite it. Your platinum relic time will likely be functionally slower than your regular time when you're not focused on perfect accuracy to get every autism box
So what character do you use for each of the stat classes?
Switch characters
been getting the fist place in alot of online matches and even sone N thropy under my belt.
feels pretty good.
N. Tropy is my speed main, and Joe and Crash are for all-around. I don't really use the other classes.
Classic or Nitro mode?
speed: crunch because he's hot
accel: pinstripe because he's the speed champ, alright
handling: i don't really like any of the characters
base: cortex
I will never not be upset that Megumi is turning. It should be at least one per class.
Fuck it
>beat him because he kept fucking the shortcuts
>Clock not only spins you out and slow you down, but make you unable to use items
Although getting hit by a red potion is just as infuriating.
What have they done to my boy Ripper Roo? I thought he was a balanced or acceleration stat character, they've made him handling?
Also are you digital or analogue?
Someone post their stats again, I need to know who I'm going to use when I want to race with an erection.
nitro because you can swap characters
N. Tropy, ripper roo, crash, accel racers are gay
Dingodile, Nash, Komodo Joe, Ripper Roo
That's what u get for enjoying the piece of shit that was Nitro Kart and that shit final boss.
what was his name again?
these are redditfacebook shit and will never be funny
only stereotype labels i actually agree with is ntropy oxide and cocofags being tryhards, polar/pura being little kids or socialites, and dingodile mains being big fat bastards with terrible hygiene
Seems pretty easy to farm them. Good system.
Megumi the best
>Oh, hey there user... Do you mind? Dingodile and I are on a date and are trying to go for a nice relaxing drive, and you're kinda in the way right now...
yeah im fairly sure the hitboxes were more generous in the original
im also struggling with jumps, i very often go under or above a crate
Big Norm N Tropy if another Tropy player shows up
This. Between the inconsistent hit-boxes and obnoxious placement that forces you to slow down and detour off the beaten path, it's just a big fucking pain in the ass. One paint-job is not worth the wasted time that could be spent actually having fun playing the rest of the game.
Tropy racers arent even tryhards, they're the show em online types who are chill af and usually suck in an actual race cause they spent all their time doing time trials.
truly a match made in heaven
Based dingodile bro.
N. Trance
Papu Papu
>All Around
Nobody really right now but probably Megumi when she's out
For Speed I use Big Norm mainly, I’d use Tropy but I’m not touching time trials until I know for sure that the save corruption is fixed. I ain’t losing my shit.
For Handling I use Zam. For an angry alien dog, he’s actually pretty cute.
For Acceleration I don’t have a preference, I mix em up regularly.
Same goes for Balanced, though I’m using Fake Crash a lot.
Small Norm
Big Norm
Ripper Roo
>mass votes for Crash Cove or Coco Park every time
>Tatsuro Yamashita
Fucking patrician taste
He was handling in the original user. You just have bad memory. The only character who had stats adjusted was Penta, he’s no longer perfect or handling but a speed character.
to be fair Coco park is pretty aesthetic
Meant Fake Crash on Balanced, woops.
I can confirm this. Against my better judgement I speed out of the gate and get fucked by missiles and bombs immediately, then have to deal with the chaos of 4-7th place. I'll get first if I can escape a bad start, but items are my weakness the first lap
>Sewer Speedway Platinum
I lost count of the amount of times I had to restart just because I fucked up the shortcut jump at the beginning.
>Still on fucking Coco Park of all things
>Was off by half a second after getting all the boxes
It's just so fucking tedious. I fucking hate it. Doesn't help that missing a box can mean having to restart entirely.
Crash and Small Norm
>then have to deal with the chaos of 4-7th place
literally acquire a mask and keep it, immediately use it when you got close in a shortcut to gain massive advantage
>Speed out the gate
>Get completely fucked over immediately
So you're saying to not even bother boosting at the start
Glad I am not the only one who feels that way, for some reason I keep jumping waaaay to high and miss boxes, IIRC this rarely happened on PS1. Also fuck Sewer Speedway, it was my fave track but it's all fucky now, there's a pipe you can bump your head with in the first ramp, shortcut is akward to do, full pipe area is no longer fun and the half pipe is pretty fucky anf kart fucks up when you transition from pipe to the flat sides. Wtf?
>tgw you play better when drunk
>tdw no Kore rum
>2 girls in handling
I can see why people are fucking mad. Still, Tawan and Isabella are accel and Ami is speed so I'm pretty happy.
fuck you fantasia
No but good taste in music.
>ami is speed
fuck your fanfic
dying for that Dingo skin tho
im only using accel character since Everything else throw me off.
either coco or N.gin
post best girl
>Liz is in handling because she's the trophy girl of Pura & Polar, two of the handling characters
>Megumi is in handling because ???
She's the trophy girl for N.Gin, Cortex & Tropy in the original CTR. Literally ANYTHING but handling would have suited her
Usually works unless person in first is just as good at the track.
Depends on who you're playing with I guess, but I hit it every time
she bandicute
>Tawna and Isabella are acceleration
I used to love green hair but daaamn, Megumi
Is it true you can switch to easy to get easier times for plat relics?
I think they are meant to appeal to girls and girls are shit at vidya so they gravitate towards turning.
It's what I'm doing
>it's two toned
are you really just gonna be our resident shitposter now? maybe it's a good thing i've been growing tired of the non stop CTR threads lately.
I'm surprised obj_motherfucker isn't a playable racer
>always get between 550 and 600 coins
feels good man
It's because she can handle big thick fat heavy healthy wonderfully-shaped throbbing cocks.
>platinum relics are a puzzle game not a racing game
feels bad
>got all relics and shit before doing oxide
>beat him a 2nd time
>unlocked oxide but no hover kart
Is this a bug or what?
? So, are times even harder on hard?! I am on normal btw
did they say how long it will last?
Shit, is this seriously a thing? I'm going to do that later, then. I don't give two fucks about getting those "legit", they're a gigantic pain in the ass. A time trial should not involve having to puzzle your way around a fucking race track.
Deja Vu: The Character
Shut the fuck up boomer
Time trials are for racing
Would be nice if you could set favourite options instead having to hastily change your kart each time
close to a month, they datamined that theres one a month through december, and spyro being in september aligns with the release of the spyro trilogy on switch/pc
oh yeah, i just realized that we never had Egypt tracks before CTTR, holy shit it's amazing if you realized Naughty dog egypt fetish on Warped
I wish the lobby system was easier to setup playing with other anons
fuck you fantasia
Friendship ended with Princess Coco
Now Beach Coco is my best friend
They're tits are yellow?!
oh thank god I'm gone for tge first 10 days of july and was afraid I would miss out
If it just saved the combination for each character
FOR FUCKS SAKE, why has Beenox not addressed the fucking save corruption yet?
I have a backup but it still shouldn't be happening.
I think medium and hard are the same, but easy does have easier times. Up to ten seconds sometimes.
even if you miss it all the content will be added to the pitstop later.
Can I play as the big bad Velo instead of the small Velo?
No, but they did confirm that after it’s over all of it will be added to the Pit Stop. So none of it is missable, but doing it outside the event will be grindier.
Wait for the autosave do its thing (box flipping at down left corner) before you do anything else. Its shit but that's how to avoid it for now.
I would user but it happened during a gem cup and In the results screen for quite awhile before pressing into the next race.
I wish this was on PC.
>join a lobby
>all seems fine at first
>suddenly getting hit by items I can't even see
>guy ahead of me but placements are not updating
>finish race in 6th
>scoreboard shows me in 3rd
What in holy hell did I just witness
any tips on beating N.Tropy on Dingo Canyon and Dragon Mines? only two tracks im struggling with at the moment
buy a better connection please
try using the muddy offroads while maintaining your fire
Most of my races are normal, man.
then i guess you matched with a room with fucked connection then, don't worry bout it happens to the most of us
Are there any skins locked behind difficulty settings? Do I NEED plat relics or are normal ones enough for all the unlocks?
He’s not in the game yet but definitely will be at some point, because small Velo is called ‘Real Velo’ and specifically differentiating him as ‘real’ implies ‘fake’ will exist too at some point.
I'm working on unlocking him right now
Do I need to beat him for the nitro tracks as well?
can you edit this to make her...not N-SANE?
>d-pad is the only way to truly git gud
>it cripples my left hand and almost makes it cramp
man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor
Also would love to see him in his hovercraft
That's a cool ass vehicle
Is it in the game? I haven't seen it
psting Trophy Grills from best to worst
>tfw beat my time trial time for drift course on an online match and lapped three dudes before finishing
I need to get good in all video games like this, damn
an oxide skin is locked behind 101% adventure mode progress (at least gold relics on all tracks)
a n. tropy skin is locked behind beating all oxide ghosts
getting all sapphire/gold/platinum relics nets you a paint job of that color.
theres only an achievement for beating oxide (first race) on hard
Nothing is difficulty locked, and the only thing that Platinum Relics unlock is a Platinum paint job for karts. Gold Relics get a Gold paint job too. Otherwise there’s nothing special it unlocks.
Coco +10
I would have won my last 5 races if I didn't fall off the FUCKING side like a FUCKING scrub retard
I tried but my paint skills are not great
Has anyone had a good Remote Play experience? Even with both PS4 and client on LAN input doesn't feel right.
Notice how all the muscled characters including tomboy Ami are in speed, but penta, the hand wringing double agent of aku aku and uka uka is there too
>want to save coins
>Beach Coco is in
>fuck it, I've still got enough left over
>Robot Cortex shows up
>damn, might as well
>dirt bike skin for my main Crunch I had no idea about appears
out of coins
Personally I prefer her a bit unhinged, but good edit.
>uses Crunch
it can't be! you guys are supposed to be dead!
I have done them all on Crash. You don't need any kind of character just knowledge of the maps and a plan.
Hug the left side going through the tunnel and keep your kart straight. It gives you a wider entry on the exit and helps avoid the wall
she needs to be controlled
Why would you do that to her? That looks painful.
how is it that fucking crash cove is unironically one of the hardest time trials
Zero track gimmicks to abuse and only one super easy shortcut. You gotta fast as hard as you can.
cuz ur gay
>switch to accel character
>shave 5 seconds off my times, flawlessly, every time
What? I switched from Crunch to Nash and now I'm suddenly a god
I always assumed crash trilogy to be a soft reboot, There doesn't seem to be any intention to acknowledge the sixth-generation games, Same goes for Spryo.
>tfw have digital tropy
>but don't like tropy so never use it
good, now use Coco
i guess so
is it worth taking the ramp or not? i noticed i can be marginally faster without it but i miss out on a hangtime boost
you might be right
Accel characters are definitely easier to use than Speed. Their turning is ever so slightly better which can make quite the difference in some tracks.
What are the trophy girls' stats going to be?
I'll be gay with you
>Use shortcut
straight road
>Use normal tracks
zigzag pillar
shortcut it is
look at the thread retard.
Way too easy to chill on a lead right now, even if the lobby is equally as skilled as me. Raping everybody till its your turn to get stuck in the RNG pack vortex will eventually grow old. Game needs some slight changes to items. Every comeback item fucks all the other players almost as much as the leader. I keep having to take my fingers off the powersliding buttons if I want to have fun when my friends don't have a private lobby up.
Triple missile is probably the biggest cause of pack fighting cancer with the shit tracking on missiles.
Missiles should track first place better so you can actually use it from behind to keep them on their toes
Lightning warp should travel faster and be easier to for everybody else to dodge. Sometimes it completely hovers right over me even when I'm in first place, sometimes I get hit on the opposite side of the road.
Clock effect should last a bit longer on first place. I don't notice it lasting on me as long as it does for the other players.
Triple bowling ball shouldn't even be a thing if you can't throw all of them out at once. Never fun to get and feels like shit to use with the detonator stopping spam
The skill ceiling of this game is still too high for these changes to hurt it and the overall affect it would have on the meta would still probably be negligible. Almost never have asshole clenching moments in online anymore.
I think your a faggot for taking up the speedrunning name anyway. Go back to the classic if the remake bothers you that much.
sorry user i have a husband
no no no i meant the ramp that normally has the wumpa crates
not the shortcut
playing online rn, usually I dnf everyone with coco but there was another guy who was equally good and we had very fun races, but then he left. Now I'm stuck in a lobby full of new people who can't even boost start for fucks sake
Unpopular opinion: acceleration characters should have 4 points of speed because acceleration isn't worth jack
>get ahead of the guys in front of me legitly
>get missiled by juanpablo235 so he can get that glorious 5th place promotion in the corner of his screen
>get ahead of them legitly again
>hit next row of item boxes
>get missiled
a wario main made this
I meant turn but I'm fucking stupid
oh that, it gives you a free boost and actively avoiding it means you'll have to turn hard left, i'd say take it
Fuck off faggot. I've had two back to back races stolen from me because of fucking item spam. I'm fucking unstoppable on Electron Avenue and some faggot using Fake Crash just kept dodging all my fucking weapons and hitting me with shit until I finished 3rd because it kept killing my USF which is the main appeal of the track. He wasn't even fucking using it.
I rarely get over 80 coins wtf
agreed. However accel is still my favorite and I will continue to rek with it
Who fucking cares. Jesus fucking Christ when is this /vg/ shit gonna stop?
No, the PS4 and Xbone are not cross platform
just a couple of races and then I'll get this, which is the last locked outfit for coco
What class do you guys use for Relics/Time Trials?
So you ran into a player of equal skill, got stuck in a pack-fight vortex till you got unlucky RNG that gave him a breakaway, and you had no way of stopping him from that point on because the items are only good for shitty brawls?
depends on the map, all n.sanity beach and lost ruins can be tackled with Speed
I use Coco for the relics ive gotten so far. No regrets.
What the fastest way to get coins now that coin gains are nerfed?
He didn't have equal skill at all, I caught up to him 3 times in the span of a lap and all my fucking bombs just rolled away from him. Every time I tried to get him the fuck out of my way something went wrong for me and right for him.
Blue fire turbo pads should be fucking blue.
Business idea: tie stats to kart types allowing people to play as whatever characters they want with whatever stats they want
How have they been nerfed?
Wreck scrubs in Tiny Arena.
Counter proposal: stats can be chosen independently of everything else as a 'kart tuning' option
>now you're forced to use some ugly kart to get the right one
no. Now we get alot of variety, unlike in mario kart where evryonw uses the same shit
>allowing people to play as whatever characters they want with whatever stats they want
you mean like they are already doing? how many of you retards are actually neglecting your favorite characters online because of their stats? EVERY CHARACTER CAN WORK JUST FINE
I don't recall the bombs rolling to the sides that much, is this how they were or what?
what i notice is that they don't track as well as the OG, and their explosion AoE has been nerfed too
counterpoint: the way they do it now is actually pretty smart because character portraits are shown on the map and on the on-screen leaderboard, so you know what stats someone has when they're near you so long as you know which characters are which
>enters your lobby
>still destroys you anyway since it's Crash cove
>finally got the platinum relic for sewer speedway
i swear half the restarts happened because of the trying the fucking shortcut.
grind coco park races/time trials. offline its 40 coins every minute and a half
i agree with the user from before
needs a smug coco sticker to truly dab on MK babbies
Jumps feel like scripted events tied to parts of the map
Sometimes you do a tiny jump and your character does a pose + gets a speed boost, other times you spend a while in the air and nothing happens
Same here.
>That boost ramp that leads into the pipes with the rolling barrels
>The left box in the air
>Sometimes it doesn't even register you jumping when you try to, so you miss it by a hair
not time trials, if you don't have best time you don't get 100% coins.
where do I have to race to get N.Tropy???The ghost doesn't appear in the time trials nor thwe relic race in the arcade section, nor did they appear during adventure
you need to unlock his ghost first by going fast in time trial
That sucks. Well I'll get to it then
how to make the hairpin turns in turbo track? they are KILLING my times
I'll add one soon
The fucking irony
jump and brake in the air while making an u-turn
You have to beat the time trials in arcade with a really good time and then you'll get a "n-tropy's ghost can be challenged" message, then you reload the track and choose to challenge tropy's ghost
You can actually beat oxide/tropy's times and have to redo it in the formal challenge
I want to BE Coco, frens. Please help
i got my 40 back from amazon. these controls fucking suck, maps are tiny boxes, loading times suck, ai is fucked. whoever told me a few weeks ago this is better than any mario or sonic racing game, just know i want to gouge your eyes out.
Do I need to beat Tropy in the CNK tracks as well to unlock him, or just CTR?
he didn't get gud
cnk as well
Yeah cnk tracks too
>these controls fucking suck,
your problem, shitter
>maps are tiny boxes
demonstrably untrue. they are wider than any other kart racer i can think of (a huge bonus for tonnes of reasons) and have more interesting shortcuts and geometry that force you to get gud
>loading times suck
probably the only decent criticism in your diarrhoea flood of a post, it's a console, what can you do
>ai is fucked
not true at all
back to sonic racing with you loooool
Are they good for the relics? I've been using speed characters since the severely buffed u-turning makes their shittier handling almost non existent.
I don't think Im gettig coins from playing online, what am I doing wrong?
I'm actually pretty paranoid to keep playing the ps4 version, I did manage to get all the ghosts so I have digital tropy, but now i'm worried about what else could risk fucking my save up.
Just back up your save file to the PS4 cloud
then back it the fuck up
i just realised... it's all about optimum lines
I'll try, though I swear someone once said even that doesn't fully work in the long run.
is it just ps4 having crashes? I experienced only one on the switch so far, that was while joining an online lobby tho
the only cnk ones that are really any issue are deep sea driving and tiny temple, because you gotta maintain usf for a huge chunk of it.
maybe you two are the faggots who wasted my time. my hands after 4 years of construction would shoot straight into your brains. mario kart 8/wii/ds, diddy kong racing, and sonic transformed shit on this game. crash was never good and was always a cope for retards who had a ps1 instead of n64
Is it possible keep USF through the crossover in Polar Pass?
mario kart is my most played game on switch and ctr is still better. Now get out of a thread about a game you don't like
>Ripper Roo doesn't get a beach skin
If you’ve played all that then how can you be so bad at Crash?
>t. callused hand nigger thought he'd be good at a difficult cart racer
wew lad
to find a reason to shit at Crash
yeah no its not lol. ive played this, spent good money on it, and gave it a few days. im allowed to break the monotonous circle jerk and disrupt the autistic furries and say this shit sucks. i dont have much more to say though so i actually will stop posting now. goodbye fren
cause the controls and ai work in those games. i beat the expert ghosts in transformed because it handles like a dream and is fair.
youll get a jackhammer to the head you pasty ass cuckboy.
>had the game since Friday
>haven't been able to play it yet
Reminder that this poster is a jealous sonicfag with a vendetta against the game
Is Fake Crash based or what?
you're clearly just shit mate
your only criticism is """"le controls"""" which is because the mechanics and tech are so different from any of your other shitracers that you can't get used to them
basically you cant get gud and are salty as fuck about it, hilarious desu
How come?
based. crash is a garbage series. if sonic is for niggers then crash is surely for filipinos or refugees from war torn balkan nations or some other garbage
white people whose parents weren't divorced or addicted to drugs, alcohol or gambling always had a nintendo
>unironically find this cute
Literally did not know a single person at school who had a Nintendo console other than Gameboys for pokemon
its over
is crenshaw highschool as bad as the gangster rappers say?
and poor miserable people only played one platform and blindly defend whatever they happened to have at childhood, saying it's the best based on what parents bought you
Fuck off nigger
Finally finished the Oxide Ghosts today
Think Dragon Mines was the most difficult by far, and was disappointed that a majority of the Nitro Kart ghosts were way easier than the CTR ones
Why does the switch version suck so much? The game looks so damn jagged docked or undocked. MarioKart doesn't look this terrible. Also the load times are ungodly, jesus christ is there any hope this games gonna be patched on the Switch?
I went to school in a comfy middle class area in the UK, keep coping
>imagine being raised by parents who lacked the wisdom to buy only nintendo
>imagine being spoiled by your parents
leave soiboi
How in the goddamn do you do the spiral?
Lots of brake sliding and hopping like a madman. I'm not convinced that it's possible the keep fire through it, so you need to build fire between the spiral and the boost before the finish line. It's hell.
What does the N of N.Trance stand for?
get a mask and drive through the tunnel
just beat my first oxide ghost, it was tiger temple
pls gz :3
You already shitposted yourself, it's even kinda funny now
>first online race in 2 days
>34 coins
It's the easiest ghost in trials, but good job anyway
forgot evidence
do another one, my second race always has a higher payout for some reason. Coin payout is really bugged imo
Won my first game yesterday and got like 40 coins, spent rest of the evening losing and getting at least 100 per match, baffling
getting more coins is based on:
>more opponents
>longer tracks
>not coming last
I thought oxide station was easiest
I use Crash for everything
zero effort required, try again
Oxide used to be the easiest but the half map skips are all gone so now it's about perfect USF management on the first two laps.
I will only accept a strict give-and-take upgrade system in a theoretical sequel (stat increases are +0 if stats are maxed already)
Twin Turbo
>+2 Speed
>-3 Turn
Turbocharger (not compatible with all-around and speed karts)
>+2 Speed
>-3 Accel
>+1 Speed
>+2 Accel
>-3 Turn
>-1 Speed
>-1 Accel
>+2 Turn
Eh this actually happened
Got 220 for coming 5th somehow
I definitely didn't do perfect USF and still beat him by 3 seconds
Fuck hard mode what the fuck
There's only 4 types so the stats are kind of arbitrary. What does 1 unit of speed/accel/turn even mean?
you have to beat some time trial to be on par with them, trust me
It gets easier.
Tips for relics pls
Get all boxes
get all the boxes, hitting all of them will subtract an additional 10 seconds off your time after you complete the race.
does getting all the boxes in a relic race do anything?
-10 sec
Naked Coco skin
>isabella is acceleration trash
It's just a more technical way of converting the classes, with some new distributions that aren't usually possible, like Twin Turbo Accel kart for instance:
*Turbo Accel I mean...
>just landed the papu pyramid skip at the end
I was considering buying this game, but I leave for vacation in two days and I'll be back in September, so I'll buy it then. I hope it doesn't get ruined by microtransactions by then, but it's Activision we're talking about.
satisfying no?
Try get all boxes, play the track once and plan a route where you get a set of boxes per lap without having to slow down and go out of your way to get any
Tiger temple is the easiest map I've found for this, you do one lap wide, one lap tight and one lap with the shortcut to get all crates
>tfw the original ctr demo had part of the fence missing on that jump
>knew about the shortcut instantly on retail version, even when the fence was lengthened
It's not that hard honestly. I never really played CTR much and I landed that skip on my first try.
>100% CTR back in the day
>think Nitro Fueled will be easy since I have the muscle memory
>Oh I have muscle memory alright
>muscle memory from two decades of Mario Kart
Shit's fucked captain
>invite friend over to play splitscreen
>flawlessly nail every single pyramid shortcut in every lap
>"what the fuck? stop cheating"