SGDQ 2019

Now: Metroid Prime 2 Echoes
Later: I forgot

Attached: Samus 06.jpg (650x919, 397K)

Other urls found in this thread:

what are those creatures on the couch?



What's the tier list so far?

Samus looks retarded and that pose makes sense

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Why does that man have bobbs

Attached: P3520_701-02855_01.jpg (1500x1500, 106K)

the run is actually trash
and the commentary is garbage too

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Re-Creators - 08 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_03.01_[2019.04.21_01.42.00].jpg (1920x1080, 149K)

What a great transition

What does it mean to have a female brain but a male body?


Notice it's in subs only mode?

Are the prime games over yet?

I dont want spoil myself on them.


What's your premature rating for this run?

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It's enjoyable, Claris is doing her best!

hey whats up juggador lol

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Would you sit on a couch with an Ampharos?

Attached: Ampharos 6.png (270x301, 102K)

re-creators was trash

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it has been the whole marathon. at least it isnt emote only.

It means you have autism


Howling at this faggot trying to thread police

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they couldn't put me on couch with an Ampharos because of what I'd do to Ampharos


So Yea Forums what's been your favorite run so far this GDQ?

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20 minutes before Prime 2 estimate

You tell us.

i bet trannies ruined it, cringe

It was open chat when I last checked.


Attached: d90.png (644x800, 15K)

fuck off

>we're in the last stages of the run

thank god

Next is Uncharted: Drake something something

>fewest trannies in years
>Yea Forums can't stop obsessing

Attached: 1546762786479.png (800x800, 267K)

Are you comfy?

Or are you cozy?

let's save this run with some quality Samus posting

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>Grown man wearing a dress and hugging a stuffed toy infront of thousands of people

Attached: download (2).jpg (350x144, 5K)

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Yes, her.


Attached: 1560752716196.jpg (635x817, 306K)

SS: Rygar / Titanfall 2
S: Streets of Rage // Alien Soldier
A: The Hobbit // Tony Hawk // Marble Madness // Ranger-X // Half Minute Hero // Bloodstained: CotM
B: Devil May Cry // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3 // Zombies Ate My Neighbors // Metroid // Castlevania: SotN // Metroid Prime
C: Sonic Generations // DKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Doom // Bwaster Master // Solomon's Key // Jackal // Contra 3 // Ninja Spirit // Castlevania // Perfect Dark
D: Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland // Outland // Contra // Super Time Force Ultra // Timespinner // Castlevania: PoR // Prey
F: Super Mario Bros 2 // Ducktales 2
ZZZ: Borderlands 2

Attached: 31 - rVKMlYe.png (4225x2377, 2.12M)

hey namazuros u fag love u

>It makes these threads worse
>Threads are 80% tranny shitposting

Titanfall 2

Attached: 1546818828999.jpg (1400x1400, 277K)

It's like watching a trainwreck in slowmotion.

Attached: 1499658742609.jpg (600x600, 74K)

of course your "waifu" is the trap character

Hell yeah, Ampharos is based.

Says the guy making a post about trannies. Ironic.

It's weird having the chat this slow. You can clearly point a couple people who keep spamming the same messages over and over again for whatever reason.
Like, what the fuck is wrong with this metal guy, fucker won't stop spamming "ha ha" and emotes.

Attached: she-her.png (921x508, 68K)

>female brain

no such thing

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>This Run

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what was bad about mario 2?


wat do?
be honest

Attached: CHIBI.png (557x447, 317K)

Want to see what couches used to look like?

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What does that word mean user?

That's what I thought. Coward.

i thought her leg was her cock

People thinking speedrunning is cool is the biggest goddamn meme on the planet.


You know I'm right dude, these threads were tranny obsessing city before Claris and they blew the fuck up after he showed up

They have a mental illness, don't make fun of them too much.

Is he at GDQ this year?

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HIS best :)

Shout outs to the two autistic anons having a retarded argument in the previous thread

Attached: 0d591370539a52c09274cf671f4ea249.jpg (600x847, 123K)

>GDQ is now furfags giving donations to trannies

The glory days

>no Yunyun

Attached: Yunyun.gif (480x270, 1.49M)

I want to lick her belly!

Natsuki is cis you SHITLORD

How much longer will this go?

Literally two trannies currently the screen...
Dilate you fucking freak your wound is about to seal up permanently.

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>Voice training is hard man

If only you spent your life doing a repetitive action over and over again which most people would argue says adds no value to society.

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when is it gonna be her turn, bros?

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Ampharos is my bromon, hell yeah

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Stop posting that, user.

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Already ate.

does this guy on the right even do anything besides create awkward silences and ask about things he should know about already

>Being this triggered by trans people


Spyro 1 was alright.
TMNT 3 was great.
>this image

Attached: 1522453328175.jpg (599x357, 24K)

That's a really autistic image to make

>I don't want to comply with society's ideas of adulthood which encourages boys to drop games from youth and shows from adolescence as well as being capable enough to take care of myself and later a family.

please be quiet

yo the anime fell off

Sure, man. But first you have to name at least 5 evil pigs in a video game.

>poverty chat
>"When did agdq become lgbtq?"

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I just came to say that I love Ion!

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Who is he?

not much good so far but I enjoyed Minish Cap

>The fucking STATE of the thread policer

Attached: Based.gif (350x183, 3.97M)

I agree, it's weird. Any stream with a faster chat?

>titanfall that high

literally what? just because he was a gay

About 20 minutes

titanfall 2


Steve1989MRE is based AF


>voice training is hard
~just be yourself~

>tfw soft lock soon

Attached: neo.webm (1280x532, 1.14M)

I rather liked Portrait of Ruin, why is it in D tier?

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Steve is based, this run is not.

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Where did it all go so wrong?

Kill Jester

If any one can the tranny man can

who has tolki lewds

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it was unironically good and fast. the runner being gay wasnt mentioned even once in the threads

scared to speedrun now

gagged and banned

>Other guy

>that runner

It's true.

>It makes these threads worse
>Threads are 80% tranny shitpostin

Attached: 1475963996803.jpg (400x300, 16K)


I have that plush
Jigglypuff is my favorite Pokemon

It makes sense to my dick

People got triggered by the pun donations. I agree with you, I thought it was fun and think people were just being autists.

Titanfall was hype as fuck. The runner wasn't obnoxious and he pulled all his movement tricks off nicely. Game looked fast as fuck


And you are conveniently avoiding what I told you to avoid.

i dont know. i dont understand trannies. if I suddenly had a girl body, I wouldnt go though crazy surgery and hormones to look like a man again.
its like why not just accept who you are?

I don't know why I bother to argue with 12 year olds

>Dead fucking silence

gamer girl BTFO

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Whatever happened to Reiq?

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This run has by far the fastest moving sgdq threads on Yea Forums. They shook

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Does anyone have the Five Guys pic from a few GDQs ago?


couch criticizing donations, can you be any more cynical and attention-seeking?

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>Mannerisms are all over exaggerated, unnatural and awkward
>Names are always 2unique4u
>Almost exclusively MTF
These people really need to stop taking anime as an example of real life.

They're banned from Twitch for shit like that, right?

these threads are the only thing that makes the gdq fun for me

in here i can laugh at the trannies and not look like a jerk

Sorry to ruin your fantasy user but he's got a qt goth gf

Attached: sgdq five guys.png (1280x667, 1.08M)

>All these people in twitch chat referencing Yea Forums or Yea Forums.

Show yourselves.

When people's response to someone trying hard and having fun at an event is to continue to ridicule and hate on, then yes, I would say you're all pretty triggered.

Where are the sluts to help me cum during boring runs?

yeah, I could be a tranny endlessly tweeting "boobs"

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if it were me i would be on the verge of snapping and telling them to not read puns anymore

nothing to see her.....
it'll make sense in a second

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Yea Forums is criticizing donations, lmao dude get fucking real. No need to be this much of a fake ass contrarian.

should I order from steak n stake or wendys

look at that massive schlong

where are all the trannies?

Does anyone else want to screw attack Claris?

Attached: 00076.png (1025x662, 209K)


Nobody. People here don't care about twitch chat.

>He thinks it's the same person
based retard


Time to transition to orbit:

What are you going to do about it?
This run sucks, but TransPride

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This nigga still larping as a janny when he can't even tell anons apart

Post speedrunners that you miss


Titanfall 2

>even 12 year olds know trannies aren’t people

titanfall 2

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Just looking at this run almost gave me botulism.

How do I achieve this mode?

Yo, these threads are shit atm and the chat triggers Yea Forums so its a win win

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is this a good example of irony?


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living in their heads rent free lamo

This is the worst speedrun i've ever seen but Yea Forums is fascinated by the trannies like it's some zoo exhibit.

it's been a fairly comfy tradition every 6 months since about 2015 for me. Where in that year I did donate until I realized what a scam the PCF was, ah well.

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I want to hotdog that thing's ass

Makes no difference. You're doing what I told you to do while pretending it was your idea. You're following orders.

This run is going over estimate, isn't it?

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So i am watching this creatura on echoes right now how long this supposed to take? Seems shitty


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He's scared to speedrun? Sauce on this?


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Is peaches running something in this one?

Mods are watching and deleting shit as soon as it gets posted

So really what happened to Cosmo?
Did losing to John FUCKING Numbers kill his soul?

>like it's some zoo exhibit.
it basically is

Even ancient civilizations had bread and circus user. This is the modern clown show.

>It makes these threads worse
>Threads are 80% tranny shitposting


Based fucking schizo

Looks like alternate universe version of Larkin Love where she's a skinny androgynous trap.

Is there an old photo? Steve looks so handsome with long hair



no sauce but he doesn't do yoshis anymore for no particular reason

people say he's afraid to choke since his run in 2015

>There's a whole lot of nothing here.
Just like this run

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what am i looking at here

>At lunch with boss
>Server is granny clothes wearing tranny
>"If he wants to be a girl, he needs to try harder."

I don't think you understand what that means user

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Attached: compooper man laffs @ u.png (1065x542, 1.08M)

We are going to go over-estimate, calling it now.

The result is the same.

>watching a tranny stream video games in Iraq
Pretty sure you can be executed for that over there

imagine having to stare at twitch chat for an hour and a half defending the valor of this fat man moob piece of shit

>I'm not unhappy
Who talks like this?


Attached: 1556875887975.png (1346x1295, 142K)

You can't really lewd post anymore since the domain changed to 4channel, I miss it.

Who the fuck is even deployed in Iraq anymore? What year is this?

go to bed old man goose
it's based your bedtime boomer

Attached: BOOMERSOLID.png (250x250, 86K)

>deployed in iraq
>watch trannies speedrun

and doing it for free

how many months of hrt are you on now

He seems to grow it out and cut it just randomly. Whats wild is how big he has gotten. Dude has gotten massive in a few years. I am not even gay and I want to see him without his shirt on.

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unironically cosmo


It makes no difference who you are. I just said that. You won't spam.

>zoo exhibit
That's what it is though

I want to FUCK Aile!

read that in shakes voice

honestly Cosmo before the dark times.

Attached: D52Y_2BUUAAq-go.jpg (1200x1053, 255K)

Explain how they aren't people.

Lost his girlfriend, his records, then his dignity on stage at nintendo.
Tragic, more than anything.

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It's my birthday today, I'm off to bed
See ya tomorrow anons
Try to get some sleep too, for your health

Attached: weed.jpg (640x611, 34K)

the word creatura said with complete disdain never fails to make me laugh

cosmo streams used to be so comfy

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>Long time watcher, first time donator

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Maybe he just really likes video games.

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He was trying to get banned at that time, and it took 14 infractions, 4 within 30 days, 2 nudity 2 porn. Damn some partners really get huge leeway.

>incredibly entertaining rub

Attached: 1532531735699.jpg (250x167, 7K)

>Assuming I'm trans

>runner doesn't know the mechanics of the game they are running

Good Lord

Is this shit almost over? Anyone know how long is left?
I just want to watch Uncharted before I sleep, and have to wake up in 4 hours.

Army/marines that have a grunt mos are literally too dumb to do any job that requires more brain power than guided manual labor.

Would you be averse to a whole block dedicated to these two speedrunning their respective games? Just 3 games tops, 2 for Caveman and one for Chibi

Attached: CAVEMAN AND CHIBI.jpg (1280x720, 46K)

Heck to borders >:3

I think he just stopped enjoying it and burned out from too much grinding.

cosmo was fun and now he's a broken man and no one can help

Is this one going to that sketchy cancer charity again?

First time watcher, long time donator! XD!!!!!1

Long time male, first time female

no, this one goes to human traffickers

est says 6 minutes

>Claris is just so good
>As she fails it 15 times in a row


Nobody cares about either of these people. You need to stop trying to hill yourself, Caveman.

thank you user

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what was that at nintendo?


>8 minutes left
Incoming mercy kill

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I'm pretty sure him losing at the first NWC E3 broke him

I find it hard to believe they raise 2 million bux regularly.

And 150,000 ppl watching ? during peak hours ya rite

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Garbage Run

Attached: choking.png (768x768, 211K)

Reminder that MSF:

>provides medical supplies and treatment to ISIS fighters
>provides food and water to known terrorist cells
>provides food and medical aid to migrants attempting to illegally enter foreign nations
>personally commits illegal human trafficking
>exchanges food, water, and drugs for sex

Let's break 2 million this GDQ!

Attached: charlie15.png (809x903, 627K)

>Miles is just so good
>As he fails it 15 times in a row

This nigga still larping as a janny when he can't even tell anons apart

>tfw waiting to the Fates route bidding war to open
Gonna choose the worst route, and you're gonna like it.

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Have you seen Yoshi runs with controller cam? That shit is insane, probably was worried he'd break his hands.


Attached: shhh.webm (316x473, 287K)

>ZZZ: Borderlands 2
Was there something especially shit and worth watching, or is this just a 'Yea Forums thinks rooty tooty loot and shooty is a bad speedgame' thing?

a BULLET in the HEAD of EVERY disgusting tranny FREAK

This one is going to the guys who take money from western countries and use it to treat terrorist members (literally: They treat ISIS members), cartel members, and then use that money to bring refugees into Europe on massive boats.

Long term gf broke up with him, and his rebound was a tumblr whale that fucked with him emotionally.

the latter

Professionals make mistakes, especially with the pressure of a live audience. She's still really good at the game.

has anyone posted that in twitch chat?

4 minutes to go

He fell for the open relationship meme and realised he was getting cucked too late, that sent him spiralling into insanity

sounds based

Remember that time Ninja single-handedly got more views than AGDQ?

Attached: omegalul.png (226x84, 6K)


cringe, seethe more incel kys

I want her to shush my dick

>tiny screens make it hard to see shit

there's like 10 banned words in that post

what run?

Only if you're an accelerationist.

>quality Samus posting
Smashbabbies were a mistake.

GDQ keeps that for 7 days

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>Zero Suit

Attached: 1466978412483.jpg (108x169, 5K)

it would be too funny so GDQ wouldnt allow it

Magane was perfect tho, I wish she was in a better series.

see Hippocratic Oath
its not about politics. its about doing some good, regardless of who its done to, and getting a great skillset doing it

I know this one won't but I wish every FE run would just be like that one from 5 years ago where the guy completely fucked the RNG up and had to be mercy killed.

Super Mario RPG from last year

Absolutely based

Sorry to burst your post-modern bubble, but nature exists objectively of your ideology. Male and female brains are measurably different.

Whatever happened to these two?

god these jokes are as flat as Mile's heartrate will be in a few years

Yeah they are pretty bad. Ocarina of Time too are pretty bad, since you are mashing during the 30+ minute of cutscene

it’s a safe assumption

I dont think couch librarian is a her.

It always doesnt help that instead of going to therapy or exercising they always try to self medicate with a shitload of drugs and then amplify all their problems



what a nasty noise.

Didn't that runner used to be a man?

Attached: 781263.jpg (640x480, 44K)

Let’s goooo Heshe you got 2 minutes

They're both trannies now

oooh what run, tell me the story before bed daddy OoO

And non-professionals make even more mistakes, as shown by this whole run.

2 minutes

the CURE for mentally ill tranny FREAKS is LEAD injected DIRECTLY INTO THE BRAIN

Beauty marks are top tier, homie.

>watching speedrunning with your mom

My sides

Attached: any percent.jpg (313x345, 39K)

Which game was it, Radiant dawn, or Path or Radiance?

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Still is, just mutilated.

good morning Yea Forumsros, what runs can we look forward today? Anything interesting happening the last 10 hours?

Will it be over estimate?

Why didn't your mom take you to GDQ Yea Forums?

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I understand you're trolling, but treating terrorist members who are just gonna go out and kill more innocent people (probably the poor, malnourished people of the same country you're trying to help) is bullshit and not a good thing. In fact, it is an evil thing.


prime 1 is quite a bit better than echoes

keep fighting the good fight

Why do people watch him again? Is watching fortnite really that big?

don't see you posting anything

Attached: il_fullxfull.1359482556_3izl.jpg (750x1125, 130K)

Like when Hbomberguy donated to Mermaids. Mermaids is a litigious scam, its a small group of lawyers that pay themselves to sue people, and they lost their charity designation a month later.

What happened to gdq, why do the mentally ill have to ruin everything i enjoy

Attached: 4555.png (112x112, 20K)

t. homosex

Caveman is irrelevant but still does runs. Shows up at GDQ sometimes.
Chibby is living a very sad autist life and I actually feel bad for him.


>nobody got the soccer joke

>"Get out"
>That silence
I think their comedy is not working too well

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I got you

Attached: armor.jpg (2000x2000, 461K)

>2 minutes till estimate
>They aren't even discussing when they are calling time

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Are you delusional enough to believe that only trans people would call you out?

Good job, user

Attached: 2019-06-25_03-36-43.png (325x36, 2K)

which one's who


That horrific laugh.

Attached: 1469555049119.jpg (555x526, 82K)


chibi still streams but changed his name to get rid of his embaressing past, caveman lives on a reserve who hates twitch now


>Metroid Prime

Every fucking time I turn this shit on one of them is running

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also, believing Zero Suit originated in Smash Bros. lol

Attached: f17.jpg (900x1553, 655K)

WHAT year is this?


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Completely ignoring the greater good which is paradoxically extremely unethical. It evades responsibility and tries to make life and death decisions and the value of human life a simple arithmetic in order to help doctors have an excuse for their decisions. They can just claim they didn't have a decision and delude themselves into thinking they did the right thing despite how much overall suffering or subsequent deaths their decision created. It's an elementary application of morality and it has no place in a civilized society.



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We're going WAY over estimate.

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this is honest to god some of the worst commentary Ive ever heard

Why the fuck doesn't the runner even remotely TRY to be girly? I don't get it. If you're a tranny why not put the least amount of effort in your looks? He sounds like a man and he's fucking obese. At least the 3rd couch tranny (from left to right) puts some effort in sounding even slightly feminine.

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imagine you're this players father and have to watch your son in a dress playing video games.

>Under 100k viewers

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And we're over.

It's ugly and doesn't belong on her face.


>over estimate


aaand TIME




Her name is Claris.


the final boss takes at least 4 minutes including cutscenes lmao

Treating terrorist militants is causing more harm to human life than is actually treated, so it's actually defying the point of the oath since it's overall causing more suffering.

Twitch and Youtubers are the new babysitter. Parents in the 80/90s used TV.

>Over estimate

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Fuck this tranny.

My Metroid collection is on another device. Absolute garbage taste by the way.

They need counseling. Stuff like what you say just makes them dive deeper into their illness and not face reality and seek help.

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obsessing over trannies
loving futas


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That doesn't even make sense.

why won’t you answer how many months?



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Caveman has stache

>that estimate 30 minutes longer than this one's

Where is sauce for this
Nothing shows up

How do they fuck up the timing this bad?

>Over estimate

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Maybe spend less time tweeting about your fat and spend more time practicing next time, Miles.

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They got him.

Attached: 2019-06-25_03-43-17.png (329x33, 1K)

what a horrible donation and a horrible joke

how about the world better effectively wars on terror so these decisions dont have to be made by people that take action for whats immediately presented in front of them?

>are you DF
isn't that a ban?

He's a man wearing a wig user. He will always be a man. He will always walk, talk and act like a man.

actual claris

Attached: Tina-Belcher-bobs-burgers-38510376-1080-1858.jpg (1080x1858, 260K)

Why do you care?


Out of bounds and over estimate?

because they are the definition of mentally ill
would you expect a drooling retard to brush his teeth in the morning

I can forgive doctors for treating sick and injured people. Gonna need a source for that last one though.


>Lots of people on Twitter are fat so that means it's okay for me to be like that too.

Time to call it tranman let’s hit the dilation station

subspace emissary is a kirby game

I was just quoting what was said, my dude.

Treating militants on both sides of a war is one thing, and while I disagree personally I can respect the values that lead to that decision, but msf is deeply involved with many forms of human trafficking, which there is no excuse for.

He looked like a decent human being....
Like a really cool and chill guy...

He went overestimate like crazy last time too, sadly they can't refuse him cause he could scream discrimination


How much longer?

Rate this run

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he's going to be like 15 minutes over

>snubbing donators
i thought i was dumb

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I hate """her""" voice.

Stopped watching mtg streams too because of tranny host on scg

user if every tranny ate a bullet posters like that would just move onto the next group
This is reactionary shitpostland, well-reasoned thought has no place here

So why did the tranny go over anyways?



I watch football (not soccer you absolute yank) and I didn't get it either, I feel retarded

Out of bounds can be called oob, which is almost boob. like the boobs i have. girl

>AGDQ 2018
>Caveman being interviewed about PS1 games
>"Well, I recently got Adventures of Little Ralph, and I'm really looking forward to playing that."
>Crowd laughs
That was bizarre.

It was appropriately useless in the source material, unlike being at least 4 tiers above the power suit from Brawl onwards.

Really abusing his oldboi status when everything he does is an embarrassment.

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would it be allowed to exist by terrorists if they somehow, ineffectively, excluded their groups?

make it stop/10

They are. Hormones can only do so much, sadly.

Actual worst run so far. Not the most boring, just the worst.

Tranny suicide over failed run today?

0/10 I can't even give it a arbitrary 10/10 F---- worst than Borderlands 2

Wow, they're going heavily overestimate at this rate, they still have 2 bosses and some travel in between.

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>Assume this person would have been at the bottom dregs of record holding for this game and category due to being over estimate
>They're actually the 2nd world record holder for it and a minute below the current WR
What the fuck.

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1 open wound/5

>donation is just "comment"

yah, definitely not money laundering

this is the first time there's been one all event

I would be surprised if it was anything else.

me on the left


>greetings from Germany

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Even if he didn't fuck up the out of bounds earlier he'd still be over estimate.

easy 0/10, just awful

this dude is his biggest fan, it’s nonstop

That's so pedantic. Why do trans people trigger you so much user?

what happens if they go to long? do they get the boot?

missed basic jumps, couldn't manage the OOB glitches for awhile.

>this run

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Because they're fucking disgusting.

She had to reset repeatedly because OOB can lead to softlocks easily.

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can't wait for the shitty video game

Ahmed wasn't dtf that night

I know that. But I've seen REALLY passable trannies that try really hard on their looks to be and feel feminine, have a friend of mine who's a pretty cool guy and he looks ridiculously feminine and nice. Obviously he'll always be a man, but he's good looking because he puts effort into it, despite being mentally ill.

No, man. There's completely zero effort on the runner. First thing he should do is lose weight and not be an obese fat piece of shit. That's the bare minimum anyone should do for their looks.

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Did he run Pandemonium that year?

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MSF trafficked a lot migrants into Europe:
Some migrants reported they paid up to 8k euros per person, to get on the traffickers boats.


Holy fuck this is painful

There are two open wounds on the couch though...


>nothing impressive that isn't OOB
>overestimate as fuck
>nearly cried after failing a trick once
>is tranny
>cringe couch
>annoying crowd
0/10 delete the vod and kill trannies

Somehow worse than borderlands 2. Too many inside jokes, over estimate and its oob,

Seems to be ongoing theme with Miles/Claris' runs. Remember that one year when they had one of Prime devs on call and Kirbymastah on couch, and they kept fucking ignoring the dev?

That is not an excuse, nor is it an argument. They willingly and knowingly and purposefully give medical aid and supplies to terrorists who then kill their own people. Most deaths from terrorist attacks are in the middle east, by middle easterners, against middle easterners and the primary proponents of these attacks are terrorist groups that MSF gives these supplies and treatments too. It is not good. It is not just. It is not the right thing. It is very much the wrong thing and nothing can justify their behavior.

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You niggers need to stop watching Alex Jones shit

Thing is I'm totally fine with their mascot having no gender. Lots of these sorts of things do sometimes.
But the way they said it, as if the character has a preference just made it fucking retarded.

as you would know, since you take them and won’t admit it


Hahahahahaha guys I can't even do basic controls correctly haha did I mention I HAVE BOOBS AND AM GIRL?!?!

>tired of the lack of out of bounds

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I'm allowed to dislike people.

that voice crack


How so?

This run is actually so fucked

>he got so excited he forgot to do his woman voice

I like how there's already porn of this thing.

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Did he fuck up?

he just squealed like a fucking pig about forgetting missiles
get off the stage you cumstain

Kill me.

t. fob and homosex

zomg soo cute

Someone get me a webm of that reaction, jesus christ


it's never gonna stop, is it

>I furghet to get missiles!

Attached: umaru dance.gif (540x304, 1.3M)


What the fuck is this freak saying?

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kill this run please

>doesn't have missiles
hoooooooooooly fuck

Fucking disaster.

as long as their making a profit what's the problem?

I appreciate the clarification because it means we get more variety in porn and its not really apparent what gender it is by looking at it. I dont get the issue.

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>>nearly cried after failing a trick once

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He suddenly started talking like a man.

oh god my ears

>over estimate

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>four minutes over time, two boss fights to do
>"I forgot to get missiles"

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How much of the run is even left?

40% chance you do first

This. All organizations, corporations and charities are our friends.

I think it was the year when he was gonna run Animorphs, but he made a deal with other runner than if he beat his time (Caveman would not attempt to retate the record) and then also beat him at rock-paper-scissors the other runner would get to do it.

2/10, because I can still tell what's going on, it's not 3 tiny screens with dev commentary and 3 fucking hours long

Oob more like orb

Spike calle this nigger one of the best runners ever. What the fuck...

Jesus christ miles, you used to be the best.

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First, I was asking about the part where they supposedly exchanged food, water, and drugs for sex. Second, that source doesn't say anything about the migrants paying MSF to get on the boats.

check between your legs



she's cute!



Claris is rusty as fuck, last time she seriously grinded prime for competitive times in non-meme categories her name was Miles.

>"That was still pretty fast"
Jesus, wasnt she supposed to take the boss out in the first phase?

Spike fucks proto


That's fair actually. It's pretty cute.


He actually let his real self slip out for a second there. Whoa! Can't have that, now can we?



All fucking oob tricks and still over time

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i wish some zealot US soccer jesus mom would go on a media rampage against GDQ and its support for the mentally ill. Claiming something like it being a bad influence on the young audience etc. Something, ANYTHING to force the main sponsors/benefactors to tell Mike to lock those trannies out of the event if he wants to keep it going. These people are all mentally unstable as fuck and it's not good to propagate that everything is fine and dandy with them

I hope you guys weren't looking forward to Bonus Game 2, because they're no longer going to have time for it.

my fucking sides, it's real

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CisHetWhite runners would get booted. They're trannies though so probably not.

I want some sources on these accusations on this organization

>dev commentary
I'm pretty sure 2/3 devs quit early. What a boring, shitty run. They even had to use modded saves just to do it.


Sure, but be prepared to be ridiculed for being transphobic


Spike is incapable of being mean to people

Rate this skipped run!

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The fuck do you mean "how"?
Do you need an explanation for why cockroaches are disgusting? Trannies are just as gross.

this run was a complete shitshow




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0 biological females/10

based dan

thank fuck its over


Did he get consent from the other four?

I didn't realize he was doing a woman voice the whole time

>Those betas giving a standing ovation for no reason

It's not SHE, it's THEY
Singlets get the fuck out

Bad run and commentary sucked ass. Game is good though.

In what way?

as a trans woman i am disgusted by these freaks

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Spike is held at gunpoint at this point

>we should get going
yeah please fuck off forever jesus christ you rude ass prick

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at least it got finished

I'm so sorry trannies like this exist

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honestly like 6/10 or so


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i'm glad you fuckers are still spouting this meme, it's still funny after all these years

what was it?

e261 you newfag

Overestimate choke fest/"diversity" couch


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I'd give an ovation too if this shit ass run finished.

kill yourself freak

Post tits

you mean celebrated


If i wasn't banned from twitter i'd make sure to send choice screenshot to Claris. either he kill himself or he seeks help, both are upgrades on his current condition

So is the Uncharted speedrun pressing fast-forward?

0/10 Like hot damn. That run was just bad, such awkward commentary. Didn't even thank the couch at the end, such awful people.

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what even are these games after uncharted

Did they mercy kill it? I couldn't stand watching.


0/10 I can't even give it a arbitrary 10/10 F---- worst than Borderlands 2


Legit like a 1/10, and I'm usually pretty generous with scores

get dabbed on nerds

Like, it was just a bad run. Skips failed repeatedly, quiet giggling instead of explaining things, not actually fast.

Over time/10. Couch was bad.

>then mostly some random shit
I hate being a britfag during GDQ

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there are cute ones that actually give a fuck about their appearence. unlike those GDQ freaks.

It's okay, I'm sure you're a QT user.

there you go vee claris transitioned and still goes outside you can do it too


That isn't very nice.

Sounds like the ban was justified

>ublock not working on twitch anymore
what the fuck

featherfags were a mistake

Fucking trash/10

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you're such a badass, i'm so proud of you

they mercy killed the closing comments from the couch seemed like.

played PoE instead/10

7 minutes over on an 80 minute estimate isn't enough for a mercy kill. If they made it to 10-15 mins and still not close to final boss even claris would have had the run killed, I'd think...

Post face

1 and I think I'm being generous, runner was a huge cunt and the gameplay was trash

barely watched/10

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I'd say naming Claris a tranny is giving him a bit to much credit.
It's literally just a fat man with a wig.
No dick chopping or even fucking drag, just a man with a wig

He had the wr for over a year, back when he was a male

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What the fuck

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get alternate player for twitch tv

Played pathfinder kingmaker instead. Hopefully the uncharted run is better.

Jesus who’s gonna help him/her out of that chair later?

this webm is hilarious! you could interpret it as Neo ignoring Agent's >her/>she, or as Agent mad at Neo for blocking his faps by redpilling him that it's a >she/>her

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are children even allowed at GDQ? if so it can't be too long before a tranny try to diddle them

move to the new thread niggas

mentally unstable, filthy, diseased, butchered sexual deviants.