Let's have a buyfag thread.
You have your eye on anything, Yea Forums? Anything arrive recently? Anything pre-ordered?
Let's have a buyfag thread.
You have your eye on anything, Yea Forums? Anything arrive recently? Anything pre-ordered?
got mario maker coming friday
I have my eye on these figures.
But i most of these, but I'm missing the four of them. But I don't want to spend $70 to get 6 duplicates.
Being a medabots fan in the U.S. is suffering
Ordered the figma Corrin rerelease and have had my eye on pic related. Also have my eye on the McFarlane Doom Slayer figure but I'm not sure yet.
How's the Todd Doomslayer looking?
Goku isn't videogames
>Anything pre-ordered?
Just this, trying to not spurge too much outside the steam sales tomorrow
Here's a pic of it from E3
More like Gohan
You got your order in, right?
Coming in the mail
Got these on pre-order
Hands down my favorite figure
>Anything arrive recently?
I got these three in the post yesterday. I have the Sengoku Catwoman Nendo in the mail as well, but that was sent separately and hasn't arrived yet.
>Anything pre-ordered
Nothing at the moment, but I'll probably get the Hyakkimaru Nendo next year. Waiting for the next WonFes too to see his Figma and hopefully Sekiro's paintjob.
Uniqlo t-shirts are ridiculously comfortable. Plus they usually keep their shape and colour pretty well even after you've washed them a million times.
got a copy of the megaman zero artbook yesterday
McFarlane's doing FO4 stuff too? I can see a bit of a T45 power armor in the back there.
I've got my eye on SamSho but I feel like I would be better off using that money to a doctor's visit- i've been having neck pains and the lower left area at the base of my head hurts. Possibly both since my gf is mad at me.
I also got the Inkling figma but I haven't gotten a chance to photograph it yet
Videogames are great and all, but the one thing you can't afford to dick around with is your health.
it hurts when I take deep a breath
I appreciate the concern user. I had a health scare last year when my doctors suspected I might have testicular cancer. I'll schedule that doctor's appointment now.
I had to spend $65 getting new glasses/eye exam instead of getting Super Mario Maker 2 this weekend
your health comes first user
I don't think you're posing that toy properly.
Getting this guy to go with Jack Frost. They're perfect as nendoroids.
I got Hilda on pre-order myself. Can't wait to marvel at that fat ass jammed into those tight shorts. Favorite girl from my favorite generation.
Why the fuck did the pink one get the roller, fuck those guys her hair tentacles look dumb. I hope they make an orange accessory pack but I doubt such a thing is happening.
I gotta warn you against anything McFarlane, his stuff always looks better in the box. If you're not planning on taking it out, then obviously this is not an issue, but if you plan on doing basically anything with it, the build quality is shit, the plastic is shit, and there's a high chance that it will be barely pose-able.
>wanna buy shit from a certain franchise
>it's marked up 50% msrp
Getting into buying vinyls. Shovel Knight is beautiful. Pricey as hell though. Would kill for the Persona 5 album.
My preorders
Just received my X Nendoroid today.
>See Karin
>Remember it's a statue and not a Figuart
Why is Bandai so fucking shit
Slowpokes pay the price+tax
My DX Inkling Figma set on the way. I had them shipped by SAL so the wait is pretty annoying but I've been away from home anyway so it's been a blessing. SMM2 with the touchscreen pen and book from Nintendo is on order for this Friday.
That's pretty much it really. I need to get around to buying the new Splatoon plushes.
Bandai is run by idiots when it comes to release schedules. They fucked over the line releasing a crappy Cammy and the literally who Arab no one cares about right after the first 2 releases.
It's better to pre-order than to pay the latecomers tax
Thanks for the heads up.
Guess so.
Most recent purchase. Got Samurai Shodown waiting pick-up tomorrow.
I saw this guy's custom Black Frost Nendo and now it's just making me wish that GSC would do one themselves.
I believe that actually was made by someone who works at GSC, but not for sale
Oh really? Shit.
Reckon they might do a commercial release if people make enough noise for it?
fair warning from someone who use to buy their halo figures, they have a hard time making figures that can actually hold their guns in a convincing manner. from what i remember for most of the halo figures to hold their guns with both hands you had to shave away some of the plastic from their biceps.
There was a recent line (around the time TRU closed shop) that I remember hearing was good? They only ever made the yellow guy (I don't collect or buy Halo stuff, just a frequent /toy/ visitor)
maybe they improved idk i kinda stopped having interest before they started making halo 4 and 5 figures but from my experience with the company's products i would wait for a review before biting the bullet. You just reminded me i haven't been on /toy/ in the longest time though and i think i'm gonna head there now.
Remember to be liberal about bugging GSC with shit you want!
Well... considering it was 7 years ago, not really. It sucks but maybe they'll reconsider when SMT V comes around?
I had some of their old Halo 3 figures and they never had problems holding the guns properly afaik. But from what I've heard and seen of their more recent stuff, that's pretty disappointing. Hopefully they show some more of Doom Slayer at a later date and give it the ability to hold the super shotgun with both hands.
i could get the halo 3 figures to hold the guns with both hands but they kinda just held it in front of their bodies, never in an aiming state. The reach figures were a lot worse in that regard. that doom figure looks kinda stiff though so i have my doubts about his ability to cross his arms over his body.
That sucks to hear. I hope we're wrong about it though and it turns out better than expected.
That is lame, but can't hurt sending some emails about it I guess.
Try sending in a product request with that link above that post. I like Black Frost too so I might as well.
I regret not buying the Pyra/Mythra scales. And I'm eyeing off the BotW Link Nendo since the Zelda one is being soon, but it's stupidedly overpriced right now.
In the same camp with those scales. Will not make the same mistake when KOS-MOS comes around.
Nendos go on sale pretty often. The Guardian one is currently on sale and comes with the ancient bow for BotW Link.
I think the BotW Link Nendo might be out of production though. At least the DX one I was eyeing off. I'm hoping they do a reprint run when the Zelda one is out. Or for BotW 2.
KOS-MOS Nendo? Please be real
Wait for the inevitable reissue of BotW Link. He had quality control issues; most of his hands were far too loose in their sockets and the hilt of his bow was prone to snapping.
Nah. I'm genuinely surprised they haven't tried to milk merch frmo the XC1/X/2 cast. Specially 2 seeing as it was a seller for them.
>Preorders finally open
Fucking FINALLY. I hope the Kawakami figure prototype shows up at wonfes next month.
I would totally buy some figmas of the main cast. It isn't entirely impossible I think considering the KOS-MOS and T-elos figmas and also Zelda, Metroid, etc.
It's entirely impossible. No one else from that game is as popular as KOS-MOS, we can't even get main characters from more recent JRPGs, why would they go back and fart out full-blown figmas of random Xenogears characters?
>3 Kirby Nendos
>still no Dedede
I meant figmas of the main cast of XC2. I agree that it's pretty impossible at this point for any of the older games to get new figures now.
Would there be a market for a Nendo or Figma of William-sama? Maybe with Saorise and/or Nekomata included in the DX version.
Seems a bit unfair that beyond some promo fluff for trade shows like keyrings and t-shirts, a 2.5m seller like Nioh has only got a $1,000 statue (which doesn't even look very good) in the merch stakes. It's not like there's any beef between Koei Tecmo and GSC either, since there's been at least one Atelier Nendo.
Fuck, not even Figmas, SOME kind of merch. They didn't even do a Rex/Pyra/Mythra Amiibo for it did they?
They have to be holding out, no way they'd leave him out
Nope, they did not. All I know about are the statues of Pyra and Mythra. I've seen a Tora plush but I don't think it's for sale. I'd love for some Poppi or Mòrag stuff.
They better be, I need me a good figure of the king.
est Kirby transformation
Do you keep the games in plastic cases? It sounds anal and nitpicky as fuck but I like the added security of keeping the boxes in them
Nah, those are just sealed copies. I wish I had the foresight to keep boxes for my old games
One of my biggest regrets is that as a kid I never took care of my old Gameboy boxes.
For me, it's the bootleg Tracer Nendoroid.
I wish I had more old boxes too, I think the only one I still have in good condition is, by some random occurrence, Harvest Moon 64. I don't think I have all the inserts, though, but at least the box is mint.