Who was this character designed to appeal to?

Who was this character designed to appeal to?

Attached: 89955jjhg486ds.jpg (1280x720, 132K)

probably weirdos haha


Beta cucks

African refugees

Attached: Marie Refugee Welcome Center.webm (1280x720, 2.07M)

very little hope for you if you cannot figure it out


Attached: f599feca9e87caf9.webm (1920x1080, 2.32M)

To this guy

I think this guy.

she looks soo happy


I wish I was her.


>Liking a girl with developed breasts and secondary sexual characteristics
You don't really know anything, you just throw terms out there

Attached: 20190414143628.png (1920x1080, 2.4M)

Whomever falls for it. DoA isn't about taste it's about clinically filling the gaps of every female fighter fetish for cash money.

pedo in denial
off yourself

more in this outfit?

Bet ya know all about what appeals to kiddie diddlers ya pedo

Seems to be this guy OP

my penis obviously

Marie has TWO (2) threads!

healthy men

Happy fapping

Attached: 8 - 726splh.png (1080x1920, 2.68M)

this guy

What’s wrong with that guy’s mouth tho

she has got to be stopped!

Team Ninja has to cut corners everywhere because Koei-Tecmo won't give them any more than a shoestring budget for anything. Background characters are PS2 era quality.

Well the characters are certainly only wearing shoestrings that’s for sure

That screen is DOA6 though, the most ethical DOA game ever. Everyone is shari'a compliant.

FF7 mode is an optional toggle though

seems like this guy is the target audience
