>playable Zelda in BotW 2
>we finally get a Gerudo outfit for her
Nintendo struck gold with Gerudo Link, they can easily do it again with Zelda
Playable Zelda in BotW 2
Why would Zelda need to wear the Gerudo outfit?
Yeah, but it was cute on link. Women just cant stand it when they are outclassed by men.
Because it's hot in the desert, same reason the Gerudo women wear clothes like that.
Why not?
No one's interested in her, she's ugly as fuck. Gay twinks are better.
Actually they wear it to seduce their single grandson who is the only male in their tribe who shows up only once every three generations.
There's no need to have women in a series that has already hit peak sexuality with twinks alone. A deviation will neccessarily result in a quality decline
because she looks like shit in it
Shoo shoo, homos
You're right, she shouldn't wear anything at all.
Ancient Zelda is better.
>tfw the current male Gerudo isn't around because he died of excess snu snu
Can you really imagine playable Zelda? Do you believe we would see Zelda set on fire and ragdoll down a mountin to her death? I don't think they have the balls to show the cute princess die a brutal death like that.
I imagined it three times last night.
Why not? She's had times where she wasn't a dainty bitch like Peach. Playable Zelda or playable other characters in LOZ would be great.
If botw 2 doesn't have a rimming mini-game I'm not buying it.
As Zelda or as Link?
Why can't you see her nipples through the translucent cloth?
Haha yeah imagine
You can, just barely
You're going to have to circle it for me, user.
more characters should wear the Gerudo outfit
>implying he's not trapped in some hidden away dungeon
God I love slutty exotic outfits.
actually it's more efficient to cover the body completely in the desert, have you seen how tuaregs dress?
>playable Zelda in BotW 2
Literally never gonna happen. Can't wait until all you waifufags and SJWniggers get BTFO.
>Dress Link up
>Dress Zelda up
it's just not as sexy when it's an actual girl in it
I'd laugh my ass off if BotW2 ends in Zelda putting on her iconic princess dress and saying it's time to be who she was destined to be.
Imagine a dual gameplay: link adventuring in the wild, and zelda having minigames making recipes in the castle,cleaning, etc...
Yeah but BOTW Zelda is ugly so who cares. Maybe if it were Smash Ultimate Zelda it'd be something of note.
Man, I wish I could kiss her.
...But she's not a female (male), so it's shit.
I think Zelda in armor or a suit would be sexier and more viral
Enjoy your sun stroke.
What if there’s a new outfit for Link we well?
I hate the Ancient Armor set because it makes you look like some redshirt soldier trash mob in a sci-fi RPG.
We were able to undress Link to his underwear.
What're the odds this gets cut if Zelda is playable?
Botw Zelda is shit.
>y-you just don't like girls with short hair!
Tetra was great. Botw Zelda is shit.
She’s cuter when she dresses more conservative, link can be a slut if he likes.
If you wear that in the desert for a day you'll become a nigger.
90% given that BOTW was primarily aimed at the otome criwd
People as white a Zelda and Link would burn in an instant
>playable Zelda
I hope you mean "if" she was playable
Why else would they cut her hair?
>some redshirt soldier trash mob in a sci-fi RPG
Absolutely perfect way to describe it and the reason I dislike it too. Kinda looks like some shitty armor from Xenoblade.
>Not a single post pointing out it says Garudo and not Gerudo
Because Nintendo knows exactly how to pander to waifufags and that hairstyle is popular due to being 'moe'?
>See through cloth
>Can't see nipples
Pussy artist, either commit or don't do it at all
Why would Zelda have a bellybutton piercing, those are notoriously difficult to keep clean in the beginning.
Also the risk of infection in pre-sanitation times is retardedly high
>Not censoring Zelda to Hell and back
>tfw no Hylian wife
>tfw no Zora wife
>tfw no Gerudo wife
>tfw no Rito wife
>tfw no Twili wife
>tfw no Kokiri wife
>tfw no Deku wife
>tfw no Goron wife
>tfw no Squid wife
>tfw no Octoling wife
>tfw no Space-Princess wife
>tfw no Space Bounty Hunter wife
>tfw no Umbra Witch wife
>tfw no Trixie-Kong wife
>tfw no wife ever
guys i don't think i can play Zelda games anymore. maybe no Nintendo games altogether, ever again. the feminine perfection torments my mind. I guess I'll stick to western and Sony gaymes that only have ugly cows in burkas. I'm so lonely, plz give gf or give death.
If they were smart they would double down on the fanservice to bump up to a T rating at the minimum
You got my upvote ;)
That's not the fucking same. Yes we've her be tough and shit, but she's too cute and regal to be thrown around and literally killed with ragdoll physics. Smash Bros. is comical and a very different thing.
it's a fucking magical world, user. even if there aren't any fish-priestesses around to heal and cure her, she can just eat some fruit and she'll be fine.
If she gets any sand in her bellybutton I volunteer to clean it out with my tongue.
Hear, hear!
listen if you keep going on about hypotheticals and stuff you'll never have you will only ever be miserable, you can't let yourself get lost in fantasies if you only compare them to your life
what i'm saying is you have to go full schizo and become the fantasies or drop them altogether
Actually the dry heat of the sun requires you to be fully dressed. Cultures with more lose clothing are often closer to the sea where they a subject to humid heat rather than needing protection from the direct sun.
But you can already have that
But user you can‘t sexualize women
If it even makes it into the game it‘ll be tame as fuck, with barely any belly and no cleavage
The unga bunga amazon Gerudo already wear lewd outfits. They just need something similar for Zelda.
BotW Zelda is boring and basically the worst girl in her own game. She’d also have nothing on Riju if she wore a Gerudo outfit, though at least it’s a step up from trap Link.
Prototype at WonFes next month!
Hopefully she's better quality than the BotW Link; GSC's quality control people really dropped the ball there.
>people don't know you can actually use these mods on wii u and switch and think its only cemu
Lol idiots
>you will never have someone who loves you
My BotW Link Nendo is just fine. The DX edition has an overwhelming number of accessories, though.
Yea, that's fair, don't you know how things work?
Sexualizing women was always part of the series identity user
Why do you hate manservice?
They're ugly though so it works.
And no, muscular womens can't be attractive, you're a faggot.
Most of his hands are too loose in their sockets and I read more than a few accounts of his bow shaft snapping with a glance.
It's a shame too, since he looks so good.
Havent those idiots ever watched an mma fight or something?
>He doesn't want shy, modest zelda being very embarassed of her skimpy outfit.
Yeah, though admittedly it is a lot Easier with Cemu
She might be better this time around, since she actually gets to interact with Link outside of random memories. Also her new short haircut is cute.
But she's a QT.
What if I don't want to play as Zelda at all?
I don't want to play as some female like a tranny.
I always play male characters
don't get your hopes up, the next game is going to double down on the LGBT pandering twice as hard, I guarantee it. the whole reason they made Link into such a faggot twink with the last game is because they're building up Zelda as the stronk female hero. just watch.
the helmet's really dumb
Riju is top cute even if you don’t like typical Gerudo features.
>implying she wont get discarded after the intro
I never said it's not allowed, I'm just saying it's not reasonable to have one but ban the other.
Why cant the zelda series have cool helmets that arent either garbage or stupid (looking at you twilight princess)
maybe just maybe
>left cuck sjw
go to hell. Women have been playable characters before this new wave of trash and were fine. And nintendo hasn't bent to them yet.
I just want link with swords/axes/spears and the weird mystic arm thingy from concept art, while zelda sticks to light weps, bows and heavy magic plus sheikah slate. Would be pretty great.
>equip her with gerudo set
>she blushes and awkwardly tries to cover her stomach with her arms while standing idle
>nintendo struck gold with gerudo link
they strike gold all the time with their unbelievably high tier waifus each and every single new pokemon release.
Never going to happen. You can only sexualize men and still get an E rating
Imagine Zelda making out with a Lynel.
That would be pretty funny, wouldn't it, ha - ha.
a decent-looking headdress in a Zelda game would be jarring at this point
low-test homosexuals detected. just come out of the closet and admit you want rock-hard Goron cock inside your boypussies.
I don't care that you're gay but shitting on female perfection is unacceptable.
It's a shame, because the one of the rejected concept art helmets looked like pic related.
this settles it, I'm buying bubble tea tomorrow
>all this Zelda-Link shipping when Link spends the entire game running from pussy and pursuing life as a tranny
Zelda has short hair so they don't have to deal with hair physics in the game lmao
Confirmed playable.
I would like to have Rito or Lynel.
>He didn't play as the Hero's Final Form: Speedrun Link
Most regrettable.
I want a game with IAHFY art.
Nah son, don't fall for tranny pandering.
Barbarian Zelda is where it's at. Best armor in the game
I'd be very happy if Nintendo put a significant amount of dev budget into making the best open world girl teasing simulator possible.
the barb armor literally looked gayer than the gerudo outfit
I wonder how they're going to handle Link already having the Master Sword and being recovered/upgraded.
The only thing I can think of is that the hand aids metroids him back to basics and the sword has to be shoved in the corpse to keep it restrained long enough for the game to happen.
>running from pussy
While you control him Link doesn’t really get to have independent desires, but they make it clear he wanted some hot fish pussy in the past. Despite the crossdressing this is the straightest Link in the entire series, save for Spirit Tracks.
>need to enter Gerudo town again in sequel
>cross dressing link gets in fine
>zelda stopped at gate
>guards mistake her for a boy due to her short hair, prominent eyebrows and small chest
>They're ugly though so it works.
So is Zelda? BOTW made all the women ugly save for Riju for loli pandering and one or two random NPCs that they missed.
By pulling a skiward sword/wind waker
>Oh no, the master word has lost its power and now its a glorified ceremony sword, now go charge up this piece of shit in 3 temples :^)
This is the only correct option
imagine the double blowjob of those two in these outfits
>meet a hot busty Gerudo who is a prominent character
>she flirts with Link and teases Zelda about her appearance
I'd ask if we could cuck Zelda but we know Nintendo won't go that far.
>forgetting Paya and Purah
>forgetting Mipha (if you’re into that kind of thing)
Most of the BotW girls are attractive.
That linkle mod is so fucking cute
If they manage to include EVA levels of bullying I'd be extremely happy
Geeerudo Jamaica oooooo I wanna take ya
Bland looking; gets by more on being generic "uguu so shy" waifubait.
Loli, but with a bobblehead
Stubby legged womanlet. I'd also say she's flat but every female is flat that isn't a tranny, as female players would be intimidated by large breasts.
She has a nice body desu
I agree, the gerudo outfit scene is particularly *hnng* inducing. I just wish I remembered to screenshot it on my last playthrough
Theresa is better
Nigga you gay, of course you'd say some bullshit like that. I bet you wank it to traps and shit.
because she want that big dunga in her bunga
That only makes me harder; I love short women
Shit, are those her real three sizes?
How does one go about modding on the switch, this shit looks great
Goddamn I just finished jerking off
As long as the fire within her burns brighter then the fire around her, she'll be fine
Link X Zelda ship is so pure it makes my cold, withered heart feel warm and fuzzy
Sorry, I don't actually know how to mod the consoles, just that you can do it and it can have some undesirable consequences. I just did it with Cemu. It's actually come pretty long way now, even on old toasters like mine. BSoD's guides are pretty good if you need help setting it up.
it's the most bland vanilla couple you could imagine and I don't even visit BLACKED.com
vanilla is a favorite flavor for a reason
Does it work on AMD yet?
It stuttered hard whenever I tried turning the camera in my PC and I was told it was because my r9 fury
B-boy, I sure do love talking about v-videogames!
It's dogshit and non-canon.
Shit taste.
Some people like to have something other than vanilla once in a while though, so only having vanilla all of the time is boring.
>Zelda in Gerudo outfit
>short hair Zelda in Gerudo outfit
>short hair Zelda in skimpy Gerudo outfit
You can sun stroke my penis.
>tfw no gf to crossdress with
>tfw no oracle girl to embarrass me
As far as I'm aware it works with AMD, there are also settings that help it work better with it. As for the camera there is a setting you have to toggle to use it but it's not that annoying if you don't use it much. You can leave that setting on but it hits most peoples performance and can cause some weird enemy behavior. For example it likes to give my guardians crazy jiggling leg fever.
why not
>fags are mad at this idea
>implying she'll be playable
She looks like a Ghibli protangonist
Aonuma already said femboy link exists because he wanted to make it so EVERYONE can relate to link, he's a guy but he looked androgynous enough for girls to be able to self inset as him. Little did he know that trannies wouldn't be able to accept that.
Good thing botw was heavily influenced by ghibli
>she discovers that Link is a bit of a show-off
Why do you think ganon was all shriveled up in the trailer? They drained him dry.
and this is your brain on porn lmao you fucked up son
fuck off faggot
who cares what trannies think
Yea Forums
there should be a game where you're a man and not part of any legacy but you still put both link and ganon down
I know nobody played it but SS Link basically fucked an entire population out of his Zelda. The entire game was about a Link that wanted to get his rocks off.
this Yea Forums guy is a stupid faggot
Daily reminder that BTOW was a shit game and Btow 2 will be shit.
>20 second trailer
>everyone thinks they know anything about the game
Link can wear a voe outfit in addition to the one made for women. Why can't Zelda wear a Gerudo girl's clothes?
Link's been a bishi fag since OoT. If Nintendo is playing the long game its a really fucking long game.
Zelda isn't cut enough to pull off the Geurdo look. She'll just look like another soft cunt in a bikini.
It's not a bad look, but it's not gerudo. Link pulls it off better than her precisely because he's closer to their Amazon build type.
I do
It doesn't matter. Rule is no males not no fat females.
>the art direction of every game since OOT doesn't matter
Big brain post.
Define toaster
A nearly decade old laptop, my framerate kind of sucks but not so much to be unplayable. Plus the original game was only 30 frames anyway.
Yeah ok but don't make her a nigger like in this pic
I've just seen Yea Forums refer to some pretty high end shit as toasters so I can't tell who's memeing and who isn't anymore
because she's a cutie
>ugly hair
>giant downy eyes
>fat face
>big eyebrows
She's a 6/10 at best
It was actually pretty good at the time (at least for a laptop) so it's still usable, but I definitely need to upgrade. If only I wasn't poor.
You know that normal woman can pass without problems right? there's one bird woman in the gerudo place without outfit and also everyone knows who she is,so no,this isn't going to happen,go back to reality faggot
Because she needs to remind the other women who has the best midriff
>Link x Zelda
Now I want to see the princess in peril wtf
>tfw you'll never see jelly gerudos dominating the beautiful princess and playing with her royal navel while she can only struggle untill they're done with her and leave her humiliated laying in the desert with her saliva filled midriff going up and down due to the heavy breathing
>Zelda will never let you kiss and lick her tummy
>Best midrift
I like Zelda but I'm sorry, that is just simply not true
>People as white a Zelda and Link would burn in an instant
But Zelda doesn't care about that, she just wants to show off her body
BotW was a pretty well-written character
Not quite as strong as SS and maybe ST zelda, but definitely one of the better zeldas.
Zelda would be just the gerudo's toy
All you need to know is that it's a shitty cash grab
You can always dominate her and play with her beautiful tummy as much as you like, it's what the gerudo women will do once they see the cute princess in their town
It's a shame she didn't draw athletic gerudo lesbians.
What about an actual Gerudo Link? Personally, I'd be all for that.
WTF did Link actually dress as a whore in BoTW??? I havent played anything Zelda in a while but wtf is this bullshite
Truly we are in the end times
To get into a city that doesn't let men in.
He should have been spotted at the very entrance with the massive boner he had, not at the palace
Some kind of fetish for white girls wearing ethnic clothing.
>he hasn't seen TFH where you can put him in full drag
For some reason this thread makes me want to jerk more than the doa ones
He's adventuresexual though
Even if Link were straight, he'd never get a boner from all those ugly bulldyke-looking jews. Riju is the only attractive Gerudo.