Things that you'll be glad is gone in the remake

Things that you'll be glad is gone in the remake.

>Pressing that fucking button with Tifa and Barrett
>Dolphin jumping and saving that fucking little girl
>Red being in the sailor suit
>Jumping the swinging rope in the slums
>Getting lost in the fucking maze known as the snow fields
>Grinding forever to get a master materia
>Wu Tai being completely empty
>Submarine mini game
>digging around for fossils
>chasing that fuck head known as Ultimate Weapon
>dodging the midgar zolom

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Everything after Midgar

>sexist Tifa body proportions
>homophobic Market scenes
>transphobic Market scenes
>disparaging sex-worker Market scenes
>Red XII being labeled male instead of gender-neutral

I’ve been on the fence if I should play the original right before the remake comes out. I can’t decide.

did you even enjoy about the actual game or were you only there to see cloud and sephiroth being bishies like you fanfics, faggot?

All of that is based though.

I really didn't care for the minigames

How to get Vincent with the safe. Or Yuffie with her stupid answers.

I still don't even know how I got the numbers to open Vincent's tomb. I think I bought the guide.

>doesn't want to give a little girl mouth to mouth
>doesn't want to get lost and find a snow witch
>doesn't like the submarine with the comfy music
Yer a faggot, son

Aerith's Life AGAIN

I hope they add secret bosses in the remake.

>Fight with Lightning
>Fight with Noctis
>Fight with Squall

That would be great.

I'd be glad the anime humor is gon gone. It needed to be more edgy and serious. I just wish there were really gory deaths for the enemies and even the player characters. Imagine Aerith getting stabbed from behind and then sephiroth instead of pulling his sword out from her body, he slashes upward splitting her body in half from the point where he impaled her. It would make a bloody mess and would like to watch Cloud's reaction.

>Aeris will have her Kingdom Hearts "innocence personified" personality
>Tifa won't call Barret a retard
>Cid won't be abusive to Shera
>Barret won't dress up like a Popeye sailor
>Red XIII won't dress up like a Shinra soldier
>Yuffie won't have unbuttoned short shorts
>No marching or squatting minigames
>Since the entire game is just Midgar and you'd only have four party members until Red XIII joins at the end, Jessie and Biggs will get added as temp party members
>More focus on the Turks
>Rufus won't die
>Palmer won't randomly get hit by a truck when you beat him
>Scarlet won't name the world's most powerful weapon the Sister Ray
>Don Corneo won't try to rape a 16 year-old
>Crisis Core people will show up in Cloud's flashbacks
>Hojo won't try to breed Red XIII and Aeris
>Dio won't be a muscular guy in a speedo
>No Barret date, probably no Yuffie date
>No Tifa/Scarlet girly slapfight
>No gay sauna scene
>Fewer wacky enemies
>Increased emphasis on Zack, his parents are no longer missable
>Probably more about Cloud's past during Midgar since you can't have an entire game where you don't go into the protagonist's history
>Final boss of Midgar will no longer be a random tank
>They'll somehow work in "dilly-dally-shilly-shally"

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>Red being in the sailor suit
>Pressing that fucking button with Tifa and Barrett
Even just having those two on the list proves you're a fag, those are some of the best parts of the game.

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I never got into the FF series (as in never played any game) I've only watched my friend play VII back in like 2002. Should I buy VII Remake?

No the original is actually pretty damn good

Give me your credit card info and I'll figure this out.

>being this shit

Attached: dont_be_such_a_phag.gif (223x230, 33K)

Stuff that probably won’t make it into the remake
>corneo’s lecherous nature
>corneo wanting to rape teenage yuffie
>homosex in honeybeeinn
>tifa’s catty slapfight with scarlet
>hojo trying to get aerith and 13 to mate
>cloud beating the shit out of aerith after giving up the black materia
>barett’s potty mouth
>cid’s abusive relationship with shera
>tifa’s panties/bra in the nibel flashback
>collateral innocent casualties from avalanche’s attacks that are referenced
>tifa fucking cloud under the highwind
>elena’s flirtatious moves in battle
>yuffie’s unbuttoned shorts
>hojo relaxing at the beach while sluts fawn over him
>reno being the one who drops the plate. Will be a random shinra mook who commits the act while you fight reno
>reactor condor battles
>nude jenova
>sephiroth being a naked crystal and angel

Stuff that will get added to remake
>boss battle with the fish weapon that gets its head blown off by the mako gun
>battles with the sephiroth clones
>xiii’s girlfriend to explain how he made kids in the timeskip
>zack and yuffie flashbacks
>boss battle against tifa’s master
>shinra mooks/other SOLDIER that fondly reminiscence about zack
>tseng boss battle
>rufus being pulles out of the wreckage by the turks
>sequel hook

HAHA LEpic sir! 44 internetz for u!

I hope they have Sephiroth reminense about Angeal and Genesis

>corneo’s lecherous nature
>corneo wanting to rape teenage yuffie
>hojo trying to get aerith and 13 to mate
>barett’s potty mouth
>cid’s abusive relationship with shera
>collateral innocent casualties from avalanche’s attacks that are referenced
>hojo relaxing at the beach while sluts fawn over him
>reno being the one who drops the plate.
>sephiroth being a naked crystal and angel
These will be in.

>cloud beating the shit out of aerith after giving up the black materia
>tifa fucking cloud under the highwind
>nude jenova
These will be kept in spirit but modified.

>tifa’s catty slapfight with scarlet
>reactor condor battles
These will be gone and the game will be better for it.

Meant to move the Hojo one and Corneo lusting after Yuffie to "kept in spirit but modified"

I agree. Midgar was very plot heavy and intense. Everything else was just filler walking from point A to point B.

The only relevant plot events afterwards are Aeris’ death and the Lifestream sequence.

>doesn't like the submarine with the comfy music
yes, just when you thought dire dire docks was teh best water theme, along comes the submarine theme

Chasing Ultimate was fun.