Opinions on this game?
Opinions on this game?
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pretty good.
I love it. I have yet to buy Return of the Obra Dinn on GOG.com.
I was never clear on the point and mechanism of the home budgeting side. The main gameplay is fun though.
*stamp *stamp* *stamp*
*ahem*, may I have your attenion please, comrades?
*turns on booth's microphone speaker*
FUCK Kolechia, and FUCK Obristan
thank you, and Glory to Arstozka
Debatably fun, but reallly good independent of that.
I recommend playing it in one really long sitting to really drive home that "Soul crushing weight of the world and exhaustion" feeling
Obra Dinn is 10/10. Absolute masterclass in game design.
One of it's kind
It's a masterpiece considering it's a one man project
That sounds fun...
Too bad it's a game you can only play once; tried to replay it recently and I still remembered the name of the whole crew correctly, (even the Chinese topmen)
It's shit
Imbecile frogeposter
>reject everyone after day 3
>win the game
I inadvertently became part of the start of a revolution right after I managed to pay off my apartment repairs and my wife and children’s medicine with enough to spare for Christmas presents. I ended up getting shot by a sniper as the revolutionists rushed my checkpoint. Pretty fun game.
Aren’t you special
Game mechanics weren't very engaging, but still worth playing for the experience.
>that fucking guy that draws his own passport
Jorgi was a gem.
There isn't a man alive who hates Jorgi.
Work Simulator.
After half an hour i realized, the time i would have to invest into the game impeoving efficiency, i could do the exact same thing during my full-time job for better results and money. Didn't help relaxing on my day free.
Everything else is very good in that game. I like the mix of humor and drama, and the sovijet chic.
>even if you turn him away every time he still helps you out
That's not bad on itself.
You can't deny him, it's pre-approved.
Based old man Jorgi
What's to opine? Install and enjoy
*revs engine*
Cobrastan is not a real country.
Pretty good, but a time-based seek n find didn't end up being my jam, so I didn't play a lot
>seek n find
But it was a matching game.
Spot the differences game, then. What do you want from me?
Well, there's nothing like it. It's about as original as games get. That's plenty reason to pick it up if you are serious about games, even if you end up not liking it.
No worries, friend! Back tomorrow, eh?
>point out he has drugs
>he bribes you
I just reinstalled this and was thinking of starting a thread myself
Definitely one of the most unique indie games I've ever played. Who would expected bureaucracy simulators could be fun.
Feels good after reaching a point where you have all the cities more or less memorised and don't even need to check the book to spot them misspelt by one letter.
Doubt I'll ever stop tensing up for that second after letting someone through for fear of the sound of the citation printer.
Oh and some people made a short film of it
>When there was nothing wrong with the last four entrants
the number of meaningful choices you could make in a game about paperwork really was astounding desu
That shit is like when you take a multiple choice question and the last 4 answers were C. Obviously one of them must be wrong right?
Yet multi-million dollar budget games that advertise choice can't even make me care.
Actually allowed a good ending for the authoritarian government. Based.
Anyone else watch the short? I thought it was really good
a bloody masterpiece. That is a big brain game.
It actually helped me alot in my studies for my final exams, because it improved my memory and i managed to remember my notes
Because it is, basically summerizes how you feel about being an inspector in papers please. Loved the Joji Cameo
That short film is some tight shit mate
*green stamps*
you is ok, friend
>the comment section