SGDQ 2019

Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Marathon

tranny time is here edition

Now: Metroid Prime 1
Next: Metroid Prime 2
Later: Uncharted

Full Schedule:

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I-I'm up n-next! W-wish me l-luck!

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SS: Rygar / Titanfall 2
S: Streets of Rage // Alien Soldier
A: The Hobbit // Tony Hawk // Marble Madness // Ranger-X // Half Minute Hero // Bloodstained: CotM
B: Devil May Cry // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3 // Zombies Ate My Neighbors // Metroid // Castlevania: SotN
C: Sonic Generations // DKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Doom // Bwaster Master // Solomon's Key // Jackal // Contra 3 // Ninja Spirit // Castlevania // Perfect Dark
D: Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland // Outland // Contra // Super Time Force Ultra // Timespinner // Castlevania: PoR // Prey
F: Super Mario Bros 2 // Ducktales 2
FFF: Borderlands 2

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OK. This is ebin.

Good luck Miles.

I hope you choke.

no youre not
there's a man up next. not some silly girl.


refer to

I want to FUCK Ebina!

refer to

First for 40% suicide rate

more like ZZZ: Borderlands 2

Just woke up, what happened during BL2? Orb?

Who the fuck are you? Where is she?

>boring, bad game has boring bad speedrun
Like pottery
Why do people praise Metroid Prime?

This is a pretty good run, honestly.

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please die this game is great and so's this run

Or bad was the borderlands run? I was sleeping

Attached: Bait.png (500x294, 12K)

>lazy (You) farming
sure is summer

Shut the fuck up Yunyun. No one likes you.

3 hours
3 players
nothing happens

Funny what happens when Justin doesn't reset every 5 minutes


Is CrossCode gonna be at this event

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horrible, of course
not like oh god I can't look away horrible, just bad

Literally nothing for 3 hours

Attached: wait for it.webm (800x480, 3M)

The Fusion suit looked awful in Fusion

>this game is great
Not really, it's a mess

I like Yunyun fuck off.

What's the betting odds on "Clarys" breaking down and crying during "her" speedrun? I've got $1000 to blow tonight.

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i used to watch miles stream the prime games a few years back.

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fuckin BASED

Like you can fool us, samefag. Everybody knows it's you, Yunyun. Get lost, stinky.

Suck my dick, then maybe you wouldn't be an incel

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Where is the loli at my niggas

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I would let her stick it in me.

do people actually watch runs? i keep it on in the background while posting about trannies and jerking off intermittently.

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Fuck you

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Even moreso in 3D.

futa fags are just as bad as tranny fags

ill put $50 on a breakdown

Shut the fuck up yunyun. Stop samefagging.

Fair point, updated.

SS: Rygar / Titanfall 2
S: Streets of Rage // Alien Soldier
A: The Hobbit // Tony Hawk // Marble Madness // Ranger-X // Half Minute Hero // Bloodstained: CotM
B: Devil May Cry // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3 // Zombies Ate My Neighbors // Metroid // Castlevania: SotN
C: Sonic Generations // DKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Doom // Bwaster Master // Solomon's Key // Jackal // Contra 3 // Ninja Spirit // Castlevania // Perfect Dark
D: Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland // Outland // Contra // Super Time Force Ultra // Timespinner // Castlevania: PoR // Prey
F: Super Mario Bros 2 // Ducktales 2
ZZZ: Borderlands 2

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0%, safe space means it won't happen and he'll probably keep babbling on to prevent any donations that might break him

>metroid prime 4
Please let our girl get out of the trash bin that Other M put her in bin

>that prime joke

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Im in on that bet

Watch your mouth, user!

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It was pterrible.

why was STFU so bad? Was the runner just shit or what? I love that game.

>two threads

>these jokes


God I wish that were me.

show me those milkers NOW

I like Yunyun fuck off

why was Mario 2 bad?

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give me tranny run now!


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i would have to go find it in biomedical waste dump first

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I can't take these stupid puns anymore. Enjoy the runs, user.

They will filter out anything that might break him regardless of value, user. Enjoy getting scammed.

Different universe, Metroid Prime 4 is in the Prime series not the original Metroid universe.

>400 people on couch

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You're doing Runescape next, right?

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Highly doubt during (((her))) speedrun. Guaranteed for a mental breakdown on twitter afterwards.

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HOLY FUCK THE REDDIT TIER JOKES when does the fucking suffering end


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These puns are genuinely not funny

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Good luck Legosi!

non gay thread over here

This thread is older, kys

As usual the fucking faggot donations are bringing down a good run.

>watched it for a minute
I'm retarded.

This one has 4 times the posts, you fucking retard.

what a cute kitty
i wish i could cuddle with my cat, but either wants to play fight or sit by himself

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>less active
>less gay

fuck off
this thread has more posts

Nothing would get through. There will be six layers of HR oriented people filtering everything like hawks.


let that die

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faggot retard


Is it just me or do all the female announcers all sound the same?

I'll be your cat.

>shit game
>shit donos

The one with the lolis posted on it is the real one

duh, that's what makes it gay



>the one guy that keeps laughing into the mic

what's with the image

I am going to throatrape the announcer until her voicebox is ripped so she can never speak again

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Based phendrana drifts music

Watching one of my favorite runners and one of my favorite games. I actually tried to run Echoes a few years ago, so I know how much skill and dedication is needed. Good luck and at the end when the final door starts closing up don't forget to dial eight!

>x2 couch
>3/4ths haven't talked
>somehow the highest donations/talking ratio I've heard in the runs I've seen so far

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Can I hire you for Edobean?


I don't understand why this game is so broken or how people even figure these skips out

>really basic bland music
Wew lad

give it some time and let the kitten grow closer to you
make sure to not disturb it meanwhile


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most of the couch doesn't have microphones

how does samus not break his bones when he turns into a ball?

>5 days until ASL
>Flash playing
oh boy I can't wait

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I'd do that shit for free famalam

currently fighting the need to sleep so i can watch the echoes run which we all know will be a tranwreck

hey guys my run is next wish me luck

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LMAO this thread is dead

>up don't forget to dial eight!
Auto-filtered by bot

wait is metroid a girl?

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Get smoked.

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double the couch double the autism, therefore half the speech

Around where was the King Crimson QPU skip, I want to clip it.

we are watching you

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I'm playing outer wilds while watching the stream. It's nice so far, but I need to know is it faygala nonsense or is it a wholesome spooky mystery?

It's not understood in-universe either. There are space pirate logs about them trying to replicate it and failing.


>this thread is autosaged

you're the one smoked, bitch

Jannies killed other thread and this one is now autosage, wheres OP

>maybe if i keep shitting on metroid prime i can change the majority of Yea Forums's opinions

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nyoken has been doing english casts of Flash vs everyone matches go check em out when you have time

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>404 the other thread
>put this one into autosage
literally what did these retards mean by this

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Any tips on beating Crypt of the Necrodancer? I can't get past Zone 2

A girl (male), there is a reason why this game is popular with trannies

are you fuzzy and cute?

i've had him for 6 years now

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okay here is more snake

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what are you having trouble with?

Is dial eight really auto filtered?

BASED jannies killing both threads at once

>page 9

ok, can just ONE of you make a new thread?

Attached: pisseddog.png (378x379, 220K)


like how do I even move my character

>it's chozo magic I ain't gotta explain shit.png

why is this autosaging??

Wow an actual technical answer to the question, wasn't expecting that.

try tapping your foot or bobbing your head to keep with the rhythm

Don't bully the kids too much user. They are just taking a break from Fortnite

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just press with the beat

What video game are you guys playing while you're watching/tuning this out in the background? 96.60% in Bloodstained here, my goodness what a great game.

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fucking jannies

>shot a zoomer


Hey buddy did you just blow in from stupid town?

Get your shit together Yea Forums.

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no-no word in OP

goddammit anons

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absolute retards

For whom is he a big guy?

posting a sage in an autosage thread

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Hey anons don't stay seated for so long, get up and stretch your muscles!

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Is there a new thread?

I already went to the gym today, Wii Fit Trainer


No, someone needs to make a new one

Its not much of a mystery, not really anyway. But its a decent enough story if you want to read all the entries and stuff. Nothing amazing though, but solid.

absolutely not


Already did. Just finished getting a snack of watermelon. Didn't have any pastries for a late night snack so just went with fruit instead.

fuck off

You said the forbidden word!