Who are your favorite female villains in video games
Who are your favorite female villains in video games
Holy shit I don't even remember one female villian.
Ah now I got one, the witch from banjo is cool af.
I want her to turn me into a statue and then fuck me.
Megan Reed is a cunt of biblical proportions.
you posted them
>i'm bored so I want despair
Junko is shit
she's great
you already poster her user
not mukuro tho, no one likes the smelly sister
I like the 16th Student
so is this a danganronpa thread
>added shit to the name
>When you smell so bad you have to wear a gasmask else your fumes kill you
Ahem, FUCK despair and BELIEVE in HOPE. That is all.
All problems would have been solved if Naegi just raped them. You literally can't refute it.
This. She’s unironically my favorite vidya villain overall.
FFXIV. Probably the best MMO but you still need to like MMOshit in order to get into it.