Who are your favorite female villains in video games

Who are your favorite female villains in video games

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Holy shit I don't even remember one female villian.

Ah now I got one, the witch from banjo is cool af.

I want her to turn me into a statue and then fuck me.

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Megan Reed is a cunt of biblical proportions.

you posted them

>i'm bored so I want despair
Junko is shit

she's great

you already poster her user
not mukuro tho, no one likes the smelly sister


I like the 16th Student

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so is this a danganronpa thread

>added shit to the name

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>When you smell so bad you have to wear a gasmask else your fumes kill you

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Ahem, FUCK despair and BELIEVE in HOPE. That is all.

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All problems would have been solved if Naegi just raped them. You literally can't refute it.

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This. She’s unironically my favorite vidya villain overall.

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FFXIV. Probably the best MMO but you still need to like MMOshit in order to get into it.