>Add someone on steam
>Profile and game list are private
Do some anons do this and if so, why are you so paranoid? It's not like people give a shit.
Add someone on steam
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck you
mine is friends only
>add someone on Steam
>say "Hi"
>talk for a little
>never fucking speak to them again at any point over the next four years
What if people make fun of me and are mean. I don't know if I can handle that.
You obviously do care
You clearly care, why would you ask otherwise? Besides why should he reveal anything at all?
>Add someone on Steam
>Say "Hi"
> They instantly block you because your profile picture isn't a cute anime girl
>Looking through friends list
>Barely remember where half of them came from.
Probably hiding power level due to library full of hentai puzzle games user
I dont have friends so I dont have to worry about this.
It's even worse when they've changed their names enough times that even looking at their aliases doesn't show the name they originally had when you added them, stripping away any potential to remember.
>tfw had the same steam name for 13 years
>someone who name changes on Steam so often the name they had when you meet them is gone
Probably not worth keeping around anyway if they can't stick to their Steam identity for longer than a week.
And that is why I remove them if this happens.
Apparently you give a shit since you checked.
>why do you make it hard for me to stalk you?
My mother is literally on my friends list along with some of my siblings. So I rather hate it when people try to keep tabs on me, same with Discord too. If I wanted people to keep tabs on me I would move to fucking China.
I got made fun of for playing Skyrim. Never again.
It's better that way. I tried to talk to someone where the same situation happened and asked them to play a game with me. They just flat out said no and that they were going to play it with their friends. Now I am just wondering why he didn't remove me from his friends list.
>It's not like people give a shit
OP says while he checks and gives a shit.
Because I use Steam Achievements Manager and don't want to get exposed.
>It's not like people give a shit.
yet here you are
OP btfo once again.
>friend's friend adds you
>they try to converse
I used to have my profile private because I didn't like having my friends list public but now you can hide your friends list individually
Meme here discord.gg