How is this game for kids? Wouldn't soccer moms get mad at all the devil stuff?
How is this game for kids? Wouldn't soccer moms get mad at all the devil stuff?
it isn't
did you even play the game? what fucking kid is capable of playing it?
Its E10+
absolute niggers: cArTOoNs ArE fOr KiDs
It's not really violent and it has no curse words. It has no more explicit themes than your average 90s cartoon.
>Le nobody meme
>Le alternating case meme
Stupid twitch zoomer twitter nigger
Why wouldnt a kid be able to play it? Most kids played Contra.
Its rated E+10. Its a childrens game
Any 30+ guy that had a NES played shit harder than this... And with limited lives/continues
that's preteens and up, not kids
Found the 14 year old edgelord
I'm 22, how is anything I said remotely edgy?
are you a newfag?
yeah I literally grew up playing super contra and found that easier than cupbead, although some NES action platformers can be bullshit sometimes
22? Lol, that's even worse.
Super contra was already dumbed down compared to Contra and Super C.
And don't even let me start with fucking arcade Contra... That shit was bullshit
Oh look, another kek frogposter
I’m a teacher and can confirm that kids love this game. Only had one student that said his parents wouldn’t let him play ( because of the Devil stuff - typical superstitious Mexican parents ).