Turn based gameplay

>turn based gameplay
>it's not based at all

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i wonder where the lie that turn based games are outdated started from

They're just lazy game design for lazy gamers. Computer scientists make a turn based game in the first fucking semester of school.

>Role playing game
>no rolls

Those are done in the background.

>first person shooter
>the enemies are robots and therefore not people

>strategy game
>RNG affects certain mechanics

Mainly from Pokemon, I'd imagine, as it's incredibly popular and still uses the exact same system it's had since before the turn of the century. There's been innovations like with FF and SMT, but most people would just think of a very standard "I go and then you go" sort of thing.

gee I wonder if it comes from the fact they only were popular because of technological limitations making them that much easier to make back then, and now only wannabe boomers with nostalgia goggles can enjoy them

>first person shooter
>you don't shoot cavemen

ok i chuckled

>real time strategy
>you can save your game and keep going the next day

>dark souls
>they're either white, blue or yellow

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>japanese role playing game
>your characters don't even pretend to be japanese even once during the whole game

Manus has a dark soul.
Confirmed human after all.

>turn based game
>it's fucking based

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>role playing game
>the GM rolls for you

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Persona 5 and paper Mario are the only games to get it right

isn't it the opposite?
the ones who possess the dark souls are gods
the hollows are humans
you lose your god-ness and you become more and more human/mortal by becoming hollow

the 'good' endings are the ones where you stop the cycle of the fire, you stop the age of fire, the age of gods, and you start the dark age, the age of men, of hollows
giving up your godness, your fire/ember for every single soul out there so that everyone becomes equal

though I haven't played DS1 since release and I'd need to go back and replay them all now that they're all out

probably people who only played pokemon
or even worse, people who's only exposure to turn-based games are actually old games like FF7

like no shit it feels outdated when your only exposure is an actually outdated game and a series that refuses to innovate

The jewlizard ending is where you don't link the flame and the dark age begins.
Human's have always been the greatest evil in Dark Souls and are a allegory for the original sin.

You're not wrong the three souls games have always been full of contradictions.

only because evil is subjective user
of course gwyn and the rest would claim that humans are the evil ones and all of that, but who the fuck comes in random ass places and start killing people and stealing their souls?
is it them? the evil humans?
or (you), the god

the point frampt tried to make was that no matter how many times the cycle restart, it always ends the same way
the lord, gwyn, or (you) the lord of cinder, ends up in power and though peace lasts for a certain time, it always collapses as your godness reaches a certain point, as you start amassing so many souls you completely lose yourself and lose your hollowness, your humanity, which is what you can see in the lord of cinder fight, I guess
there are no words exchanged, nothing, he simply sees you approaching and instantly tries to kill you, to get your soul and become even more powerful

maybe giving humans a chance wouldn't be so bad, the firekeeper in DS3 says so, at least
'but in the dark, I could see thousands of tiny little flames, dancing' referring to the humans, the hollows that would be now touched by fire

No clue what you're going on about.
Dark Soul 2 follows the same paths as the first but is even more clear on this.

In all likelyhood what happens in Dark Soul 3 is that the firekeeper is doing her job and waiting for another correct god to link the flame that she's holding so you don't have to sacrifice yourself for a small age of relief again.

And what is non-outdated exposure? Nucom and civ are casualized mess. Expeditions vikings is basically nucom. Xenonauts is basically oldcom. Homm is dead. Jga is dead. Silent storm is dead. Disgaea stinks. Battletech is meh. Invisible co was a little whiff of fresh air and thats mostly because they knew how little fuel they had before it gets boring so they made the game so short, but i cant remember anything else. The whole genre stinks. Because its inherently limited by the core structure of every unit having points to spend on actions and having to act in an strict order, on a very limited grid like map. If you add too much actions to increase variety game turns into an overcomplicated (not complex) mess which is almost impossible to balance and implodes under its own weight. If you add a few you are playing a 20 year old game. Thats it. No matter how much bells and whistles you add, the best the genre can do is make you solve very simplistic math problems one after the other. It can be entertaining for a few hours tops.

>sandbox game
>there isn't a single sandbox in the game

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>Sandbox game
>It's actually a litter box

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