Would you ever actually marry a video game character over a real person?

Would you ever actually marry a video game character over a real person?

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I'd marry that chest pussy

Yes, Reisen!

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Magic Knight is the only girl for me.

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I'd marry Luci, the only girl whose voice warms my heart when nothing else will.

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don't say things like that, Reisen is a real person too

I love Aigis

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>eats her own poop

ew enjoy your turd breath

Virgins rise up

Of course.

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Is that a trick question?

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At this point it's my only option.

No I'm married already to a female (female). I have no waifus.

Yes, my wife, Bayonetta!

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>ywn breed Mei in a rough, but loving way as she kisses you and moans in your mouth.

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I love cute user!

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Like what if a video game character materialized and I married her? Or the sad kind of marrying your waifu way?

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keep your jewish tricks away from me

I dunno if I will ever marry when I fail dating so much, but I'm stuck in my ways so if there was an option to marry a fictional character with the benefits of actually being married I don't know if I could go through with it, knowing I didn't do it "the hard way".

If I did it would be some nice hard working fighting game girl or some shit though

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Haha yes goy, don't ever reproduce

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Don't have to get married to have kids, dirty kike.

More like mating press that chest pussy

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If marrying video game characters were legal, I would divorce my wife and marry Tifa in a heartbeat.

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good taste

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>want to marry and fuck all the evil out of Cameela
>but that faggot Geshp canon kills her before she can reform after realizing the error of her ways
>you can't even kill the fat son-of-a-bitch because someone else does it for you when you defeat him
>there is literally zero (0) 34 of her

Being a Cameelafag is suffering.

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I love Kuon!

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I want to kiss Hex Maniac and tenderly hug her tummy!



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What kind of mother would Mei be?

A mother with huge badonka donks.

But what would she do?

I don't know man, nourishing you with snow cones?

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I love my gorgeous wife!

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I want to marry Fuuka and live a long, happy life together!

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