Now that the dust has settled, what's the verdict?
Now that the dust has settled, what's the verdict?
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it was fake but not gay.
I actually just started it around 2 weeks ago. Got the complete pc edition.
Definitely okay, but nothing really stands out one way or the other so far
It was kind of shit
It will be most people's favourite soon
It was pretty gay, user.
It's really about whether you want sugar or substance from a videogame. Because this game is all sugar.
> Broken story
> fun soundtrack nothing with longterm value
> Battle system is more or less hold one button to win from start to finish
> absolutely nothing challenging
> litterally every character besides the main 4 has no development they serve one purpose and they die or dissapear forever
> open world with legit nothing to do in it
> you get to drive a car, but cant control outside of an on rails experience so you might as well just set it to auto travel or w/e
> the characters have more interesting names than they do stories
> plot twists in the last quarter of the game feel thrown in, thoughtless, and hilariously have no effect whatsoever on the final story or the characters outside of legit 1 conversation
> the summons work like shit, and the way they work leaves it up to chance which means you might not even see all of them
> when you upgrade weapons you have no idea when they are done, the interface is awful, and should have been left out of the game
The game is 100% sugar, its an okay playthrough, but after that it has no value whatsoever. Its the least noteworthy release in the entire franchise. However, it is deeply charming, graphically beautiful, and somewhat fun.
Mediocre and the fact it needed so much DLC to tell a complete story is fucking sad.
That's not even getting into the casual pandering "gameplay"
I’m mad about how they just made magic grenades and summons mostly useless
>hurr this final fantasy is with gay boys and its for girls
and which final fantasy is not?
oddly enough, I loved the linear section of the game and hated the open world part.
Canon ending in the novel wouldve been god tier as a game. Damn shame we never got it playable.
what was it
TLDR: Ardyn, Noctis, resurrected Lunafrey btfo Bahamut
You can read this for a brief synopsis if you want to go more in depth
Garbage. One of the worst games I've ever played.
>it needed so much DLC to tell a complete story
And they didn't even finish all of it
Don't let Barry hear that
>takes the bad guy of the game and asspulls it so he is a hero to take out a good guy
god, what a trainweck
Solid 8/10 at this point
>but muh gameplay
Fuck off, Yakuza has no gameplay and you love it don't you faggot
In all fairness, Bahamut and the gods were dicks though. They did allow Ardyn to get screwed over in the first place for just doing his job
More like thank fuck they didn't do those DLCs, fanfic tier shit there. The only two disappointments left in FFXV is that the ebil city and the green city aren't explorable. Well at least Insomnia got fleshed out and the venice city also got some decent mileage with DLC.
>Yakuza has no gameplay
>In all fairness, Bahamut and the gods were dicks though.
Just like in Greek Mythology.
>Fuck off, Yakuza has no gameplay
It has more gameplay than FFXV
I said Yakuza has no gameplay. It's all surface level shit. Comrades combat/leveling is unironically deeper than anything in Yakuza. People like Yakuza because of the world and the characters and that's exactly why people like JRPGs. I don't know at what point FF fags started pretending that FF6 and FF7 had good gameplay, it was always shit. But the world and the characters carried the games, just like they carry Yakuza and FFXV
Do you really think you can't defeat most everyone in Yakuza 0 with one button? Do you REALLY think that?
First it was KH, now it's Yakuza
Shit if you played it at release, mediocre if you waited until royal edition.
Yes everyone who likes FFXV is one person, despite it selling millions. Only person liked it somehow.
>Comrades combat/leveling is unironically deeper
Holding O alongside other people are Holding O is deep?
>But the world and the characters carried the games, just like they carry Yakuza and FFXV
FFXV's world and characters didn't carry shit
pretty ok/10
Gayest game ever
Uh on user Barry is losing his shit still kek
This thread is basically OP casting summon Barry. Honeypot, or OP is the madman himself.
It was bad, but contrarians will love it once the next one releases. ESPECIALLY in the state it released in.
Thought I liked it after the Royal Edition dropped but the fetch quests killed it for me, even if they're optional they were still an optimal way to level up but it got way too repetitive.
It's just so damn boring. It might be weird to say about FF, but the game would've benefited immensely if it was more linear. That wouldn't save it the story would still be a broken, incoherent mess, but it would've fixed some of the tedium.
>FF fags started pretending that FF6 and FF7 had good gameplay
after all the patches its not as bad as it used to be, but the main problem with the gameplay is how automated it feels. That's probably why I think its so fun to play as Prompto, since most of his weapons require you to aim all on your own.
It was an ambitious game foiled by a director switch in a way that is almost akin to sabotage by incompetence. Major plot elements were skimmed over, in loading screen tips, or fucking storyboards and content external to the product (free for Brotherhood doesn't excuse anything). Major plot factors were left on the cutting room floor, so we have no investment in Noctis' revenge because without Brotherhood or Kingsglaive you don't get to really know what all he lost since it happens so fucking early. The story also is basically a random events plot tying together the Astral blessings and Royal Arms for 65% of the game, trying so hard to focus on the road trip elements of the storyline - only for everything Altissia onwards to discard all senses of freedom for a turbo linear plot, where the game presumes you got all the Royal Arms (despite the level required for at least two of the dungeons being easily in post-game tiers) and radically speeds through everything to half-ass a sacrifice conclusion.. just because. Noctis may have always been planned to die, but knowing Tabata's track record and the way the reveal occurs (via almost animationless exposition blocks in an empty spectral void to plot dump over a 10 year timeskip), it reeks of Tabata taking a piss over everything to leave his drama-hungry stain over it all.
I could go on and on, like about how the old storyboards for XV had Stella and Noctis contacting eachother by phone, but Tabata wanted things to be "romantic" so Luna and Noctis did an off-screen promise to only communicate by messages with their magic dogs, but this game doesn't deserve more effort than it put out to begin with.
Not hard to believe with how shit the game was.
It's quite shit.
Somehow worse than 13.
Don't remind me about how we were ROBBED
I'm not even talking Versus XIII. Remember, Stella existed even into XV, albeit with an altered role until Tabata reworked her into Lunafreya altogether a fucking YEAR BEFORE RELEASE.
I liked it but I realize it is pretty terrible. Think I just enjoyed the road trip aspect felt like I actually had friends.
I liked it until they took the open world away from me. What the hell were they thinking? I mean, they had such potential for a Dark World variant of all these old places we just went through, but no.
>2+ year long road map filled with a movie, anime series, novels, tons of DLC, 1 season pass, 1 Royal Expansion, 1 villian character DLC episode, many updates, like 3 or 4 timed events, etc.
And the game is still shit. Probably my least favorite game of all time and one of the worst FF games for sure. Also a good example of a cynical business model that the industry should avoid. It encourages releasing half baked games and filling the gaps with half baked content down the line.
They also had most of the second continent mapped out, albeit without much in the way of setpieces, to the point that you can tell that they had shit planned for it but had absolutely none of the time. That underground dungeon you get to by elevator from the train station? You teleport to a crater in the distance on the field that doesn't resemble the actual area you enter, and the map even shows as much. In the main continent all those dungeons you enter had no loading times, with loading reserved for the different chapters to pre-load all the relevant stuff, but then for the endgame they just take you area to area via train rides and transition loading screens for dungeons, areas and everything after a point. Even the Hammerhead is a separate loaded instance of an area from the actual Dark World map prior to it, and places like Tenebris showed up in trailers like they were emphasized, and then show up entirely as background buildings lit on fire. The second "half" of the game's a fucking dumpster fire.
Ignis was fucking awesome
Dude did you not get the fucking monster Regalia that can go off road or the fucking flying version?
>blonde hapa with a katana in a schoolgirl outfit
Yeah what an interesting and noncliche character!
Luna was better, deal with it.
He probably didn't play much post-release. They just added new shit on top of the game instead of fixing its inherent problems, so it's no surprise that someone not happy with their first playthrough wouldn't return for newer shit.
the combat was good and lots of fun, well animated, and the characters were fucking hot. Cidney/Aranea/Gentiana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Lightning
It was one of the worst games I ever played
Luna was literally a walking cliche
>implying Luna isn’t a walking cliche
I want to get pounded by Gladiolus, mating press Prompto, suck on Noctis' dick and Ignis can just listen to it all happen wondering what the fuck is going on.
I'll take her cliche over half white half asian girl with blonde hair in a schoolgirl outfit using a katana. That shit has been done to death now.
>play Noctis in Tekken
>incredibly fun
>"maybe I should play XV again"
>remember that it has dogshit gameplay
why does it have to be like this? ;_;
Shit, but at least it wasn't another mmo
>schoolgirl outfit
that's a modern japanese fashion outfit you dumb fuck, because nomura has a boner for youthful japanese fashion
so is demure girl who has to be rescued and dies halfway through to give character a motive
>not wanting to fuck Ignis
He's the hottest of the 4 guys
Best boy band simulator on the market.
The gameplay was better than any other FF game. Need I bring up that old boring turn based shit, or FF 13 aka walk down hallways the game?
Can someone tell me what went wrong? I haven't played it but I want to
Was it basically Nomura pissing money or did they shaft him and kicked him off when it wasn't done and some other guy had to come and try to salvage what he could because they were like release it we don't care
Still looks boring as shit and not regal at all
Best FF since 9
It had really nice fishing and a fun platforming bonus level. Seriously though, the fishing was absolutely fucking based
imagine being hyped for Laviathan for all those years only to end up with this
His personality reminds me too much of me. Besides, Pompto is the cutest and Gladiolus is the sexiest.
You had me until the combat was good part
Kingdom Hearts III was promised and so was Final Fantasy VII Remake, and I guess Nomura was the only director Square-Enix had at that point that could be put into those roles (don't take my word for it, just saying). So they took him off of XV so he wasn't juggling 3 super major games at once. Then Tabata, in all his "infinite wisdom", took everything that had already been rebooted a couple years prior, and silently, partially rebooted it again in the year leading up to the game's release. Everything just started coming apart at the seams as a result.
I platinumd the game when it came out, along with that 2D beat em up game which was pretty good and i watched the cgi prequel movie but I still have no idea what it was about. Something about 3 dudes doing fetch quests and fishing and then leviathan wrecks shit, then something something crystals
>hey dickhead, you're facing the wrong way
>how do I omnislash?
What happened XVbros? Expansive open world RPG with even a multiplayer mode barely has any players? Wasn't it supposed to kill Monster Hunter with Comrades? Even the Witcher 3 still sees thousands of players.
>someone tries to convince me XV is better than the XIII trilogy
kys if you honestly believe this
comrades was fucking terrible and a complete waste of time and money. i dont know what they were thinking. they should've added stuff to the base game or reworked the base games combat instead of having them stuck in the shitty multiplayer mode
How was it bad? I never got this one button shit, I never played the game that way. It's not dmc 5 on dante must die mode, but it sure as fuck isn't holding down one button.
But it is? Only reason to play the XIII trilogy is if you have a fetish for Lightning or Fang. Only argument I can make for 13 series is it had better waifus, but that's it.
I enjoyed it enough as a weekend rental. Really weird game.
shit but not as shit as FFXIII
Comrades let me create my waifu and put her in a black suit with a katana.
Absolute trash game that failed to deliver anything of worth in any area.
You're wrong just stop
Was XV them trying to do everything to the point where they took on too much and couldn't do anything?
>only thing wrong with XIII is it's linear
>make XV non linear but fuck everything else up
>retard zoomers think it's an improvement
How does it smells like? also post sexy pics
>> the characters have more interesting names than they do stories
>> plot twists in the last quarter of the game feel thrown in, thoughtless, and hilariously have no effect whatsoever on the final story or the characters outside of legit 1 conversation
It's funny how Prompto's entire backstory chapter is so completely irrelevant to everything. And Gladio's chapter is all about him deciding to support Noctis no matter what and then a few days later he's being a dickhead over Lunafreya.
The monster truck is pointless because you already have chocobos that do the same thing but better, and the flying version is a fucking joke that serves no purpose except to access one bonus dungeon after you don't crash land on your eighth attempt. The only purpose the car serves is fast-travel.
>Comrades had actual mp going down magic spells
It's weird to say but In terms of gameplay I actually preferred comrades combat over the main game.
FFXV main problem is that Tabata was trying to please everyone and ended up pleasing no one as a result
XIII series wasn't good, just stop. Like I said, only thing good were the waifus, and arguably the environments. Best waifus are in order:
In that order
Closest FF XV came to Jihl's perfection was that edit of the guys as girls, that female Ignis was hot
Was it his fault though? Can Yea Forums really blame him?
Not by holding the button down while doing nothing with anything else, no.
You're far from the only person to say this. The same goes for some of the boss fights, particularly Bahamut who was co-designed by FF14 devs that actually knew what they were doing so he has genuine game design behind him. And not having an inventory for spamming the shit out of potions means you also can't just power through everything with potion and elixir spam, so you had to give a damn about your fights.
But FF 14 combat sucks and that game isn't even good, people only like it because Jizzard's garbage is even worse.
FUCK squarekikes. they fucking lied to us. WHERE'S THE MOD TOOLS YOU FUCKERS?
I still watch the TGS 2011 trailer sometimes and think of what could have been. I think that build of the game looked amazing for the PS3.
The new FFVII Remake trailers kind of remind me of Versus and that gets me excited because it might scratch that itch that Versus left all those years ago. Yeah, FFVII isn't Versus, but it seems close enough with the command menu combat and dark, moody atmosphere, and I'm just glad that it's coming out really soon.
I don't care about waifus, not in FF games anyway.
the combat system FFXV shipped with was made 1 year before release, which is why its so shit. its clearly the very first draft and they neve rexpanded upon it or had time to refine it. comrades was them doing exactly that
>Duscae demo releases March 2015
>a revamped combat system after changing everything once Nomura left
>surveys goes out and people complain that it's still too complicated because turn based shitters can't into action games just like how everyone thinks FF7R plays like XV for some reason
>as a result, combat is revamped
>game still has a 2016 internal release date
>meaning everything needed to be revamped with 1 year
>all the combat encounters designed around the old system are probably fucked as a result
>stuff like cross-link only get added back into the game 6 months after its release
>a bunch stuff we'll never know about probably also cut
if he did what he promised and just finished Nomura game instead of trying to change everything, none of this would've happened. webm related is 2014 gameplay, one year before duscae demo. here's the whole thing
What is it with open world games and hugely disconnected story events? Every time you start a mission it's always a super quick rundown of what you're going to do and then it cuts off at the end just as abruptly, and there's no connection between any one mission and the next. I can't think of a single open world game that doesn't operate this way and the story always suffers for it.
>Was it basically Nomura pissing money or did they shaft him and kicked him off when it wasn't done and some other guy had to come and try to salvage what he could because they were like release it we don't care
Both. Reminder that Nomura legit wanted to have the game redesigned as a musical on a whim at one point.
I'm not commenting on FF14's gameplay, just that the designers are more competent than whoever designed 15's gameplay design, which is why Bahamut's actually kind of fun and takes more than mindless hack and slash. Tabata wanted enemies and monsters to have less telegraphing so they felt "realistic", but games do that shit so they're fun in the first place.
That's because Comrades actually improved the combat. But it still fell short in too many areas, especially how fucking grindy it is just to progress.
I'll let you know when it's finished.
>Was it his fault though? Can Yea Forums really blame him?
yes, because Tabata is a yes man who had no vision of his own. the entire game was decided by surveys and Square higher ups. he should have either make the game he wanted, or make Nomura's game. but Duscae Demo's survey and the post release survey prove that he was too unsure of himself and the game suffered as a result. no compitent director in any field would release a survey like this. it's just embaraassing
The problem is XV has a different yet also common problem via having a main plot that follows the beat of its own drum and comes at complete odds with the open world design, before just ditching the open world for the last 30% of the game for linear corridors and fight-to-fight shit. They abandoned the entire game's selling point for a rushed and half-assed conclusion.
Tabata was the one who wanted to reduce combat to holding down circle and he gutted the initially developed more complex systems to reduce it to that, so yes.
Ultimately mediocre, bad for almost the exact opposite reasons XIII is bad. Its crime is that it is yet another entry that sullies the name of franchise that used to be consistently good.
>needing a survey to touch upon the idea of adding difficulty to your fucking game
What a fucking hack.
not only was it grindy, and on multiple fronts (increase your weapon levels, use specific material combos for specific buffs or turning them into new weapons, increase your character level, replay the same missions a few dozen times for better materials for the first two and to get crystal energy to be able to unlock more shit and more missions, etc), but it had agonizing load times. every single mission was beyond Sonic '06 problems, by loading in near the mission area to get basic food supplies at camp, loading into the mission area, completing or failing the mission, loading back to camp for the results, and then loading back to town to do it all over again. every single time, with at least half a minute for each screen
this is the worst fucking boss fight ever
Tabata is a mystery.
>make a PSP game with 15 different playable characters, all of whom play completely differently and all of whom have different abilities you can equip for a customizable moveset
>PS4 game doesn't even have multiple playable characters on launch. Also the combat animations are less impactful and feel sluggish.
Type-0's plot was just as stupid, though. Fuck that last chapter and fuck Tabata.
You haven't found the meaning of "fuck Tabata" until you read the plot of Third Birthday, at least if you were a Parasite Eve fan.
I'm never good at explaining shit like this but I'll try. The "guard" button has no skill, Noctis dodges everything as its held down, nothing like getting the timing down.
The enemies have little to no stun on hit, they'll attack in the middle of your combo like nothing. There is no even tiny tell of any enemy off screen about to get you.
The mp bar is only for "guarding" and warping. The magic spell system you might know of previous FF's is replaced with magic grenade craft system. Might be cool but you have to walk to specific parts of the map to constantly refill your magic battery. Even when you make the bombs you only make three at a time. Example: wanna use fire? Go collect some fire energy go into the crafting menu and make your magic bomb that you only make 3 fire bombs at a time, if you want to pre load some, better get some more magic flasks to carry three more. The actual main use of your mp bar is to warp strike which deals tons of damage but eats a chunk of the bar, but don't worry there is "point" warp locations in every battle to instantly refill your bar back to full.
That's just some of it.
it's really not. Maybe better than the original XIII but not really better than the other ones. At least each of the XIII trilogy games were finished products on release.
>The "guard" button has no skill, Noctis dodges everything as its held down, nothing like getting the timing down.
This is wrong, there are certain attacks that can't be guarded unless you hit guard at the right time. If you just hold down the button they'll hit you instead. But the game doesn't give you any way to know what these are so you just have to get hit by them first to find out.
>Even when you make the bombs you only make three at a time
You can make up to 9 at a time, you just need to use more materials to do it.
But yes, 15's combat is shit.
Jesus, that sounds awful.
Oh yeah forgot about that weird parry. And I still hate the limited magic that has nothing to do with your mana/magic points. They're just screen clearers. I guess it is kinda funny when you hurt the party and they're all groaning.
God, I’m glad this asshat isn’t fucking up FF anymore.
instead we'll probably just get Yoko Taro marching in to make a scathing deconstruction of everything Final Fantasy when the series is in such dire straits that potentially mocking the very audience's expectations is the last thing the IP needs
Well in a way it'd be nice if Taro did make the final fantasy.
Oh you.
It's the best FF ever made.
Maybe a spin-off like what Versus was going to be, but never a mainline.
Yeah, no.
he still looks like a manlet onions boy :(
>People like Yakuza because of the world and the characters and that's exactly why people like JRPGs
What world did FF XV have? It was 99% empty space because muh road trip, but the environments weren't even interesting and the only content in the game was empty fetch quests. There was nothing of interest outside the main cast, and even then Noctis and co. weren't enough to carry the whole game.
Time only increased my disappointment.
I’m bummed that we’ll never get her DLC.
Started with Royal Version, on PS4 in 4k, it was a really good experience.
The concept of the HP sacrificing weapons didn't work though, which sucks because those weapons were fun. They should've just made em work like normal weapons.
This If you bought this game day 1 you got conned, it was a horrible game and I'd you bought this game 2 years later, it's still shit but now there are less missing pieces in the storyline and a bestiary/index
People who don't normally play FF games will sometimes think its a good game because they are used to bland shot like PUBG or wasteland areas.
>Cool dragoon woman
>Barely use her
It hurts.
Yeah in FFXIV where it's useful
That's not even a school uniform. It's casual clothes. Wtf
How is fighting Stella worse than Luma being a walking vagina that talks?
at least the OST is lit
if the MP system worked like the Duscae demo and items management wasn't broken then they should've used MP. as they are now, no one would ever use them for anything other than stat boosts and maybe 1 or 2 attacks
Ironically enough, KH3 didn't even blow up like it was supposed to. Majority of the KH2 players ditched the game because nobody played those stupid handheld in between games and it's not worth it to do so.
Really fun game, the world was pretty nice, i liked just pissing around doing what i wanted
It wasn't a good final fantasy game and would have honestly done better under a different name since its just attracted people to shit on it saying "N-NO THE GAME IS JUST BAD"
I think that regardless of how long they had been making ff15 they really should have just done something else
It wasn't gay enough. Still no good SFM of the guys desu.
>after you don't crash land on your eighth attempt
>play Platinum demo
>literally just a KH song in FF, meaning its a leftover from Versus
>get excited
>FFXV comes out and we get Elder Scrolls rip offs
>find out Tabata scrapped most of the Versus 13 soundtrack once Nomura
>almost all the best songs ended up being Nomura leftovers
I played it on release and didn't like it. Apparently it's been patched to hell and back but I've long since traded it in
>, KH3 didn't even blow up like it was supposed to.
>2nd best launch in SE's history
>best selling game in the series
>2nd best selling title of 2019
>more sales that REmake2 and DMC5 combined
>didn't blow up
Are you retarded? KH2 sold less than KH1 and the handheld games sold less than that so nobody at SE was expecting KH3 not only to surpass KH1's sales but to become the 2nd best launch in SE's history. KH3 launch sales are FF numbers and i can guarantee you absolutely NOBODY at SE expected one of their IPs to hit FF numbers.
The fact KH now stands on the same exact ground as Final Fantasy is pretty fucking huge deal.
XIII is actually good. XIII-2 is much better despite the Pokémon. LR is just fanservice, but they fucking chucked Cauis the ONLY GOOD ADULT MALE CHARACTER. Like fuck Noel and fuck Lightning. Shit.
13 soundtrack was miles above 15, Florence and the Machine SUCKED. The FFXV songs always lacked something when played to completion, always being mixed and changing tones. They shouldn't have kept making the songs so volatile. OMNIS LACRIMA and APOCOLYPTIS NOCTIS are the most consistent, Hellfire is perfect until the end of it. The second OST for the dlcs, the variations of APOCOLYPTIS NOCTIS are good, Cerebus, Es Foron, Encelevenemus is good, but the others are just train wrecks.
Sommus sounds empty without vocals in the piano version.
Zelda breath of the wild. People bitching and moaning about how games guide them too much, too stupid to turn the map off.
It's not true open world if you're being guided, that's why they make open world games where the shit you do in them mean nothing and you can beat it by walking in one direction and skipping everything else. Like Zelda that won GOTY undeserved
Type-0 deserves a part 2. Why the fuck haven't they started it, we all know XVI will be shit if they try to start making it now.
>The monster truck is pointless because you already have chocobos that do the same thing but better
this incapsulates everything wrong with FFXV. before the game came out, Tabata said the Regalia can no longer go off road this was shown in the 2014 trailer i think since that's what chocobos were for. then, simply because people who dont understand game design asked for it, he patched in the mponster truck which made chocobos completely useless
>Do the Noctis quests in FFXIV
>mfe they made me interested in the game
Still haven't bought it though, maybe some day.
>Why the fuck haven't they started it
they were but it got cancelled
>Sommus sounds empty without vocals in the piano version.
>KH3 secret ending uses the Somnus notes from this version
>this version is much more sinister and has powerful notes at various points
>XV's Somnus isn't even the real fucking Somnus but Somnus after Tabata messing with it
Tabata can do nothing, absolutely nothing well. So fucking untalented.
Yeha the best selling game nobody is talking about. This isn't about who bought it. It's about it being talked about. All I hear and see nonstop is about DMC5 or modding DMX to Remake2
Shit, you'll hear more about Skyrim. Who cares if a bunch of people bought the game. Did they finish it? Do they want more? We don't know because nobody cares. Nobody is talking about how they played Sora and saw Elsa from Frozen shit stain.
Its also a clusterfuck but at least they reached the finish line even if they had to go super budget and ask Tri-Ace to kill off Valkyrie Profile 3 and make it into Lightning Returns.
XV's content plan abruptly got canned because the cost was exploding somehow post-development of the main game.
I'll take the finished trilogy over the mess any day.
I bet its because there were no FF characters and they weren't actually big disney fags.
Anything related to FNC is over. But you're lucky its not as bad as what they did to the Ivalice Alliance they just suddenly dropped off the map.
It's a single player game with no modding capabilities you fucking retard, nobody is talking about nuGOW or Spiderman do you think people hated them too? KH has daily threads on Yea Forums btw so people DO talk about it.
Why did you make a reply that has absolutely nothing to do with what was being talked about?
i just finished the game. so wtf happened after Noctis died?
I mean, if i find the full version with all DLC for like 10-15$ i might get it, if only for the OST. Can't be THAT bad right?
I never said anybody hated them. You must be a triggered KH fan. Games aren't just about how many sales they had. XV still sold high despite all its garbage. If you aren't getting talked about after your epic launch besides niche communities, you aren't big. Monster Hunter World? Huge. Mortal Kombat 11? Huge. KH3? Everyone has moved on months ago and are on E3 and when's the FFVII remake coming out.
Back when KH2 was released and KH3 was "next" for a while people were talking about it, theorizing etc. And also comparing sale in like early 2000s to 2affordable is a joke. So many people probably didn't even have a Ps2 back then and even less hand held, whereas now everybody has a Nintendo Switch.
Just face it. KH3 is an okay game. It gets less publicity than Skyrim and Witcher.
Are you fucking illiterate? Do I need to spell it out for you?
Add "it's because of" in front of "Zelda" and maybe you'll learn how to breathe with your mouth closed.
>tfw Nomura used a multi-million dollar game to throw shade at XV and vent
Based. One reason why I love KH3 that most people that played the game don't even know about.
>Versus XIII -- Verum Rex
>Versus XIII was supposed to release for PlayStation 3
>Verum Rex released on PlayPlus
>Yozura resembles Noctis
>Verum Rex trailer features Yozura accompanied by two companions that resemble Ignis and Prompto
>trailer is set at night time in the city and evokes Insomnia
>girl in the trailer is wearing white and looks like brunette Stella
>Yozura means Night Sky and Noctis means Night Light Sky
>music in the Secret Ending with Riku in Verum Rex sounds amazingly similar to Somnus
>Monster Hunter World? Huge. Mortal Kombat 11? Huge.
They also have multiplayer you nigger
Boring as fuck. Thus far, it's the only game I've ever straight up deleted and sold. Didn't even wait for the season pass to do it; it was out of my house before that Carnival event.
I pirated it, played it for a few hours, and then uninstalled it.
Never gave up on a Final Fantasy game so fast.
You know why?
Because it's not Final Fantasy, it's Boy Band with Action simulator.
It was worse than X-2, and XIII
Wait, if FNC is dead then what Epoch are we in again? Because XIII, XIV, XV, Type-0 all have a mother crystal last time I checked, but I heard they separated XV from something I just forgot.
What will the new FF games even be?
it doesn't sound amazingly similar it's literally Somnus' first few notes then it mixes in with Dearly beloved
Witcher and Skyrim are single player games. DMC5 is a single player game.
Give up
This is the game that cemented the fact that Persona and Atlus are the true kings of JRPGs while FF and Square-Enix are basically mainstream garbage for gullible normies
At this point even Tales of is better
Just gonna have to wait till after ff7 for any possible FF XVI news.
That image is so sad now that he's announced that he will retire after FF7. He never got his dream game. Maybe he should try to do a Kojima, or Kamiya and go to one of the hardware manufacturers and propose a game. But hopefully not end up like Kamiya.
Agni Project. Based on the supposed FF16 teaser. It sounds dry. And course and rough.
nobody talked about it until the switch port
ultra modding autism game has kept it alive, nothing else
DMC5 is being talked about just as much as KH3 since both of them have their core fanbases
Give up
i want to play THIS game
game goes linear after first chapter which was a big mistake.
KH is a series for children, how embarrassing.
>Back when KH2 was released and KH3 was "next" for a while people were talking about it, theorizing etc.
They were "theorizing" cause KH2 felt like it'd be the end and the secret vid was completely diferent, while KH3's hooks and secret vid are a direct continuation of things we already know about (we know about the box, about the foretellers, about MoM, etc) so there's not a lot you can speculate about. KH3 was not designed as a "finale" and that has its own advantages and disadvantages desu.
It's not really a "mistake", it's that the devs didn't know what they were doing
They created a large open world but th story they chose to tell was made for a linear progression
If my kingdom was under attack, my father assassinated and the world at the brink of destruction i probably wouldn't go camping and hunting frogs with my bros
Thanks for admitting you're retarded
So is FF, by the devs' own admission.
>We ask Kitase if, as he settles into his 40s, he ever thinks about those members of the Final Fantasy audience who have also grown up with the series. After all, even those players who only joined the fanbase with the seventh game in the series, the first to make a truly global impact, are now entering their 30s. Surely the expectations of these players and the things that they look out for in games are different now to what they were ten, 15 years ago. Is Square Enix interested in changing the tone or theme or style its output to meet these changing needs of the audience?
>"I actually think that it's a very natural thing for players to grow out of the Final Fantasy series," he answers. "In terms of the age group we target with each new game, it remains the teens to 20-somethings. That said, you're right in saying that some of our staff have been working on the series for many years. They are having new experiences and growing and they inevitably do bring those new ideas and perspectives to their work. In Final Fantasy XIII, for example, we have a greater spread of older characters in the story than we have had in the past. Satzu is older, has a family and is not really the kind of character one would normally encounter or play as in the series. But, that said, I think it's better that we keep the focus on the young generation rather than ageing the series' appeal. If players choose to stick around and continue playing the games as they grow older then that's great, but hopefully new generations will find the appeal, grow up with the series and then pass that down to the next generation as they themselves grow older".
After reading through a lot of these posts, I really feel bad for you FFfags. You anons have one shit fucking game and I remember the ass-hurt of XIII. As a DQfag, please come join us. We want more confidence in games getting sent to the West
its also clear that they would have made the 2nd have open world as well but they lacked the time. they overestimated how long it would take to make an entiree ff game open world, and the game suffered greatly because of it
Can I pick up a DQ game at any point in the series and understand what the hell is happening?
Yeah, every game is self-contained. The only thing youre missing out on is references in the later games. The only thing you have to sift through is which version of certain games you'll play.
>That image is so sad now that he's announced that he will retire after FF7.
He did? Wtf.
Boils my blood how they relegated him to just pump out however many episodes of FF7 Remake for however many years or decades instead of just letting him make some new shit. And this stings even more now that this will be his final project.
This is why I was never behind the FF7 Remake. Instead of 3 episodes for the same game over the span of 10 years, they could have made 3 completely brand new games. The remake just isn't worth it given how much it takes.
Witcher is actively being put into other games, still has views on development videos recently released, Gwent and Their other shit card game. Skyrim is always being talked about. DMC is being talked about more since it is the better game, and will not die, like KH3 already is. It's not that great with your Disney characters. Even Nier Automata is still more popular.
Give up.
Then I'll probably try it out. Can't be any worse than every FF game since X.
I honestly would love to play FFX-3 or get a XVI already. FFXV wasted a lot of time. FFXIV is the only fun game to play right now right now since they don't shit on it consecutively.
After XV, Square should just give Taro the FF franchise. Maybe he'd actually make it feel like a FF. God knows he did with NieR, N:A, and Drakengard.
Will Tidus and his head be separate party members though?
>FFXIV is the only fun game to play right now right now
>since they don't shit on it consecutively.
okay that might be kinda questionable
>spend your entire career making Square one of Jpanaese most succesful companies
>create of of the most iconic characters in the history of video games
>get cucked out of your magnum opus
>saddled with a 10+ year remake just before you retire
I suggest DQV
at least the food looks nice
>ARR post Gaius is shit
>HW is amazing
>SB pre Garlean is shit
>ShB is probably going to be amazing
Use your Brian.
Are you ready Yea Forums, for the True King of Light to Reclaim his Heart?
How is teens - to 20 somethings for children?
Your own retarded wall of text disproves your idiotic argument.
>I honestly would love to play FFX-3
>mfw Kitase hinted that X-3 will only happen if Nomura does it.
this man is a fucking slave to that company
ah, we have our own cycle now, I see, I hope it'll be true, too bad I'm currently away from my desktop so I won't find out for myself
It' probably take place after that drama cd with Tidus becoming jecht, yuna with her new priest boy toy, and Auron's daughter.
this is why I think ff7 remake will suck. after midgar, then what?
I'd eat this
I'd have taken X-3 over FF7 remake.
Why remake a game any FF has played?
Only graphic fags and newcomers will like it.
Nothing beats eating Cup Noodles out in wilderness under the stars next to cozy campfire with my three best friends.
I wonder what part Verum Rex will play in KH4 or just on its own. Biggest mind fuck was when realizing that Verum Rex is bigger than just the Toy Story world. But most likely, it's nothing big.
>How is teens - to 20 somethings for children?
Not him, but how are teens NOT children? Are you a teenager or something? He's admitting that he makes games for children and emotionally stunted adults.
Not only that, but what he says is absolute horse shit. There are all sorts of things that are designed for children that adults enjoy, too. One example is every Pixar movie ever. Another example is Miyazaki's films. Another is Calvin and Hobbes. These products are able to appeal to both young and old in equal measure.
This is somehow incredibly depressing, saddening and unfortunate all at once.
The man whose world was stolen from him. I hope he's at least filthy rich at his time. His legacy is in tatters he has to go back to FF7 to cover it up.
Anyone else wonder how the noodles keep all that meat from sinking? Is the water even hot?
that why they're making it in parts, because FF games are too big. remember, Versus 13 was also supposed to be 3 seperate releases, but they changed it once it was rebranded to XV to be a single release. but even then, it wasn't going to be open world and instead have smaller zones like KH or something. it was Tabata's decision to go for open world, which cause all these problems.
There's a big difference between 12 year olds and 17 year olds.
Teenage to early 20's means late teens, not literal child tier. (Like Kingdom Hearts)
Why so many hapa in games and anime?
Nomura implied heavily in his Ultimania interview that he wants Verum Rex to become its own thing, maybe a KH spin off or w/e.
He also said that the world in the secret ending is the world of Yozora.
how can they have a remake ff7 open world and make it linear though? they would have to force no exploration to other areas.
>FF games are too big
FF7 wasn't that fucking big
>jap series tries to cater to the west
>ends up shit
I thought we left those shitty days behind us with the PS3 gen?
>There's a big difference between 12 year olds and 17 year olds.
Yeah. 17 year olds are somehow less mature, painting with a broad brush.
Hope he sticks around long enough to see his vision through though.
they're just segmenting it. i imagine part 2 will end on the boat before the 2nd continent. that way, it'll be a much easier size to work with. making an entire FF overworld with current graphics is literally impossible. Midgar alone being 2 discs is proof of that
it is if you make everything 1:1
Versus xiii and fnc were being made in ps3 gen.
I'm 23, and I do my absolute best to not meaningfully interact with anyone under the age of 21. They're either too tryhard, or I run the risk of getting accused of pedophilia or something. Fuck all that shit.
*sends other devs running in a panic*
It's obvious that Nomura wanted to tell a story with Versus and since he couldn't it started sipping into KH. Problem is that KH's rating (and Disney) won't allow him to go all out (i mean people in KH can't even say kill and "death" was pretty much a no-no until The Final World, which is the best segment of the game desu), that's why i want him to get finally get his game.
Shit game, 4/10, don't even play it if it's free.
Worst mainline title.
This game is making me avoid FFVII's remake, and makes me extremely skeptical of VIII's remaster.
Solid 5/10
Glad I waited for the sale and DLCs and didn't waste my money.
Anyone who thinks this game is higher than 6 is braindead
>AAA is good
Fucking hell, thank god he left.
I'm confused are you saying a 5/10 is worth playing?
If so I must commend your ancient review scoring system.
Not that guy but 5 is like fair.
He's making special Olympics video games now for some reason.
Better version, now we just wait for the True King.
>There's a big difference between 12 year olds and 17 year olds.
>Teenage to early 20's means late teens, not literal child tier. (Like Kingdom Hearts)
KH is rated T
>T: Games with this rating contain content which the ESRB believes is generally suitable for those aged 13 years and older; they can contain content such as moderate amounts of violence (including small amounts of blood), mild to moderate use of language or suggestive themes, sexual content, and crude humor.[19][45]
So, yeah, the game is aimed at people as young as 13. KH is rated E10+. So there's about 3 years of emotional growth there. But if you think FF is made for 17 year olds, then they would go for the M rating. They don't.
>KH is rated T.
Meant FF is rated T.
Who knows? It was too glitchy to finish.
PEGI classification puts KH3 at age 12, and Final Fantasy 15 at age 16.
KH is not rated T, it's rated E, by the way.
>—So that means that's the world of VERUM REX?
>Nomura: Yes, that's right. I know the visuals have some people thinking it's the same as a title I had been working on in the past, but it isn't.
>There are parts of the unreleased project that have been cooking along inside me, so there's a chance that I may have some overlap of ideas, but VERUM REX is a completely different thing. Nobody knows what was in the project that wasn't released
>VERUM REX doesn't even exist yet, so perhaps it's difficult to understand right now, but I will just say that they are different things and leave it at that.
>Verum Rex doesn't even exist yet
Oh boy, here we go.
Who cares about PEGI? And yeah, I mistyped and corrected here:
>"unreleased project"
>"Nobody knows what was in the project that wasn't released"
>Doesn't even acknowledge FFXV
Nomura you madman
>same as a title I had been working on in the past
>a title
Look at this motherfucker being all coy.
>Versus XIII will be an "unreleased project" for all eternity
Why even live?
even Tabata admitted that they aren't the same game
Considering 39 countries use PEGI, and only 3 use ESRB, who cares about ESRB?
Semi-related but do we have any news about the KH3 DLC? I haven't heard anything about it besides that E3 trailer.
You are talking about gameplay. The posts you were replying to were talking about story, and also games from long before BOTW.
It literally isn't the same game
He has an FF villain face there. Like Sephiroth or Vayne Solidor. Scratch those two off he reminds me a lot of Seymour Guado. Queue his theme.
Those 39 countries combined don't equal the sales of the US on its own, from what I'm seeing. But even ignoring all that, the PEGI doesn't have a 13 year old rating. The ESRB also agrees FF isn't good for the 10-12 range. So there's no real argument. Maybe if PEGI had a 13 rating, there would be some sort of argument to be made.
How many tires are on that thing?
>they're aiming for the same amount of secret bosses as KH2FM plus a couple of more bosses for the Secret Episode
>release date planned before 7R's release because they don't want them close to one another, but still not sure when
>Re:Mind can also mean "Reclaim you heart" among other things
>same amount of bosses
Nice desu.
>Re:Mind can also mean "Reclaim you heart" among other things
Cryptic Nomura shit again.
>—By the way, about Demyx...
>Nomura: Well, he's coming (wry smile).
Fucking finally, 10/10 DLC. Thanks user.
unironically enjoyed it a lot but wont claim its a good game. but what games are?
>making an entire FF overworld with current graphics is literally impossible.
Or they could just do it the old way. Getting rid of world maps was a mistake.
>that shiva
R.I.P. Barry
No one ever believed in his fabled KH-kun
Versus was full of lewd designs. look at her groin in pic related and the Versus trailer compared to her current version
Ethics department won't allow that anymore, sorry.
Calvin & Hobbes isn't made to appeal to children. Calvin's vocabulary is much too big for that, along with the jokes themselves generally being about things kids wouldn't get.
they didn't allow it in XV either, she is covered. It's all about the age rating. spin off FF can get away with M rating, T is as far as mainline FFs will ever go.
That's what happens when you quote 50 different people calling all of them KH kun and insisting that it's all one person resetting his IP or phone posting.
Barry was projecting really really hard.
I specifically searched for the most complicated C&H image I could find. If an 8 year old can't understand this image, they are likely retarded.
I can guarantee you an 8 year old won't read much more than the first text bubble.
If you had a younger brother you'd know how short their attention span is or how quickly they get bored nowadays. Even if you forced them to read the whole thing, they wouldn't understand it because they weren't really paying attention while reading. It's the age of mobas and fortnite.
Not him, but I was reading Calvin and Hobbes at age 6. Shit isn't exactly Doonesbury.
I think it's clear that i am referring to the new generation of 8 year olds.
>tfw no more Barry to dab on
He dead?
Good to great until Leviathan.
Bad to unholy garbage after Leviathan.
So you're saying they are capable, but unwilling? Or are you saying that children are regressing?
I very much doubt you were understanding the actual jokes.
It wasn't good at any point.
I enjoyed it enough to ask for the comics in the news paper every day.
They are capable as even dogs can learn if trained, the brain will always be capable. They're regressing because they're being trained to be retards due to smartphones, f2p games etc, they're conditioned to respond to instant gratification and to ignore/be unwilling to do anything that requires real effort.
In short the kids these days only show interest to the "pay off" without the "build up", if there is "build up" they just move on and look for something that will give them instant "pay off".
Good game let down by years of overexpectation.
yeah modern kids that go to school not to get educated but as a day care
modern kids that are given a phone or tablet as early as age 3 by thoughtless parents or parents who don't have time to spend time with their children because of the ever growing economic pressure on the middle and lower classes
not the type of kids you'd have in the booming 90s
Both FFXV and Yakuza games are complete garbage.
>Holding O "to win"
>Gets knocked down on your back in the first second
FFXV is a "good game" in the sense that Anthem or Fallout 76 are good games. It's not that anyone actually enjoyed them but they are too big to fail so we pretend it's good
Nahh, he was just shitting all over VIIR by defending this hot mess of a game.
Transplanted from :
Ahem *ting ting ting ting ting*
A-AHEM *ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting*
>turns the best FF game since FFX into a GTA bro trip sim
>has literally NO sense of tone, soul, taste or music
>FFXV ships as a LITERALLY unfinished game
>All DLC cancelled and tabata is BTFO by square
>Luminous CONFIRMED still working on a PS5 exclusive
>Nomura CONFIRMED reviving Versus XIII in Verum Rex
Lmao completely fucking anally devastated, not long before XV-kun, Barry, Bazzteck and all the other TabaTOIDS are finally put in their place. We won the long game Versus lads or shall I say Versus CHADS.
[SPOILER]>not the guy who made it, but surely Stella will get her game now, won't she? ;_____________;
15 is shit
>inb t. someone who actually 100% this shit game
I agree with everything except
> fun soundtrack nothing with longterm value
Bitch what are you smoking?
Despite all of it's numerous flaws FF15 has one of the best OST's of all time. It's probably the only good thing to come out of this pile of shit.
> when you upgrade weapons you have no idea when they are done, the interface is awful, and should have been left out of the game
Cid calls you when they're done.
> open world with legit nothing to do in it
There's actually tons of side content, especially after finishing the game. Also, IMO Pitioss ruins were fun.
I enjoyed the game when it came out but I had literally no expectations and didn't buy into the hype. Iris is cute.
Unironically this.
how's comrades?
Now that the dust has settled, how do we get this game?
Just a reminder.
10-2 is shit
11 is shit
12 is shit
13 is shit
13-2 is shit
13-3 is shit
14 is shit
15 is MEGA shit
Dissidia is shit
world of final fantasy is shit
type zero is shit
7 Remake is confirmed to be shit already and it's not even out yet.
16 will be shit
17 will be shit
Changing Position. Encountering enemy. Moving. We will bury them.
Aren't the servers dead? I wanted to look into the FFXV Season Pass 2 some day but I've only heard bad things on top of bad things about it. Like how its now impossible to get those achievements for good because they're stupid and added online.
XIII-2 was fun.
>Despite all of it's numerous flaws FF15 has one of the best OST's of all time. It's probably the only good thing to come out of this pile of shit.
Literally the only song I still remember from it is from the Ignis DLC which wasn't even the main composer.
>There's actually tons of side content, especially after finishing the game.
Oh yeah, loads of hunts which you can only accept a few at a time for no reason. That sure is a lot of side content.
>Also, IMO Pitioss ruins were fun.
Pitioss ruins highlighted how bad the movement in the game was.
by buying Nomura's next KH game so that he will be able to convince higher ups to let him do Verum Rex
>XIII-2 was fun.
13-2 was good for the most part but it had an unfinished story in between two shit games.
Type-0 is god tier until you get to the last two chapters which then proceed to take a massive shit over the entire game.
Actually has one of the better battle systems and the world-building is surprisingly nice. The main plot still sucks though.
Base game yes, Zodiac version is much better
I'm in my honeymoon phase so i'll refrain from talking about it BUT i will say it has an amazing OST.
Fuck off you cunt. No more (You)s from me.
If your only complaint about the music is "it wasn't catchy" then your understanding of what makes music good is too low to have a valid opinion.
>Zodiac version is much better
Being locked to a specific job as soon as you get the character without any idea of how good that job is or how well it'll work with other jobs is fucking retarded. If they implemented a job change function it'd be great.
>and the world-building is surprisingly nice.
I only liked the Dress Spheres and the Leblanc Gang. Everything else was mostly snooze fest.
Outward is miles better open world game than Zelda breath of the wild and it's made by 9 fucking people.
Not that greatest game ever but the monster catching aspect was enjoyable and Serah and Noel were more fun to watch than the original XIII cast.
You can still do everything with a shitty job composition no? Sure it will be harder but it's not impossible (i think, been a long time i played it). I'm just autistic and i like my jobs, i hated the license board, it made everyone too same-y
I rather do my taxes.
Okay? No one said you had to play it.
Modern final fantasy is shit and dead people stop playing them stop buying them stop stop stop!!!
Verdict: Yup, it's a post-SNES Final Fantasy game, all right.
Caius is also the best antagonist of any FF game before they completely sidelined him in LR.
It's just that most people hated how "upbeat" everyone is in the game But imo it made sense, Spira was living in a constant fear of death cause of Sin, now suddenly they're free to live their lives so them doing things like games in Calm Lands or having concerts and stuff is normal. And by the end of the game you can see people cooling down and things stabilizing around Spira, it felt nice desu.
He was a cool dude.
And remember. The ruins of Zanarkand wiiilll beeee waaaiiiitiiiiing.
You are right. I felt that most in Kilika, since its the most populated map. Luca is mostly shipping crates. And we can only glimpse at Bevelle from above.
Loving those goalposts
>I felt that most in Kilika, since its the most populated map
Yeah, Killika is the one area that shows what i'm talking about perfectly, with them going through their "fuck religion!" phase and then calming down by the end. Fuck, i'm actually feeling like replaying X-2 now. WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU
Do it.
I'll leave the music since it's subjective.
>Oh yeah, loads of hunts which you can only accept a few at a time for no reason. That sure is a lot of side content.
Additional dungeons, behemoth fights, side missions, timed missions. Also, why would you want to do more than 10 hunts at the time? Hunt givers usually have max 6 hunts available, it wouldn't make sense to have more.
>Pitioss ruins highlighted how bad the movement in the game was.
Don't get me wrong, movement is fucking awful, but I still liked Pitioss. I think it had a lot of great ideas, too bad it's in this game.
Also, I've read the dawn of the future synopsis. I'm kinda glad we didn't get it, it's too fanfic-like. Episode Luna seemed cool tho.
Fuck the Youth League. Bunch of commies using religion-is-bad to take power.
Its bad because Nooj, Gippal and whatever are all in cahoots with each other. So even if they supposedly break from the temple they never escape the ruling class.
All they had to do was calm down and become blitzballs when they grew up. And uh, listen to Dona.
God he was hot desu.
I'm still mad he gets stuck alone, Noel and Yeul don't even bag an eyelash. Ungrateful fux
Honestly it was a great and well put together game. Unique in design and allows some form of straying off the linearity. 13 was good, it just had the worst fucking characters. But still had solid game play with multiple combinations, interesting design bosses and characters despite being easy to beat most of the time. That game should have let us travel in the city more but the area designs were top notch.
Still awful fucking characters my God.
Garbage forgettable OST. 13-2 actually has the best OST out of all the FNC games (excluding 14). They put so much soul into every song. 13-2 ending hit the spot (I wanted Caius to win)
>they made the villain's brother mustache-twirling evil to make him the "good guy"
It's sad.
>all the FNC games (excluding 14)
Is 14 considered a FNC game?
Rikku wanted to bang him. Her waifu fags were probably on edge the whole time.
>Garbage forgettable OST. 13-2 actually has the best OST out of all the FNC games (excluding 14). They put so much soul into every song. 13-2 ending hit the spot (I wanted Caius to win)
Listening to XIII-2's OST makes me sad when I remember that Origa passed away.
I had a fantastic time with FFXV but I acknowledge its glaring flaws and understand why other people hate it.
Episode Luna would have given us demon Luna and then have Aranea fight with us
>7 Remake is confirmed to be shit already and it's not even out yet.
>16 will be shit
>17 will be shit
Shitposting aside, what makes you say that?
he probably dislikes MMOs on principle like everyone else
It has the mother crystal but I don't know how else to categorize it. Maybe Shadow Bringwrs changes that, but it's more like FNC games than past games, but has both past game features as side raids and stories.
>14 is shit
that's where you're wrong buddy
It's very sad. Even tho Nomura is a hack I'd rather have him over Tabata and the guy who wrote the book.
Ok XV-kun.
>20 seconds GCD is fine
The fucking state of XIV fags.
lets just go back to shitting on XV and ignore your retardation
>can't even defend XIVturd and resorts to insults
>Charice - New World, kicks in as Caius wins again
I honestly smiled and laughed at that ending. I wish it was canon, I really wish.
It might be because i just got into XIV and i'm a shitter but bwtween oGCDs and procs i'm constantly pressing skills on my BRD, it never felt slow (aside from maybe the early levels).
Versus XIII was vaporware. It was never going to happen. If by some miracle it did, it would've been the usual shit from Nomura (all flash, no substance).
>Versus XIII was vaporware
stop falling for memes
>Also, why would you want to do more than 10 hunts at the time? Hunt givers usually have max 6 hunts available, it wouldn't make sense to have more.
It's pretty obvious. There's no reason at all for them to be limited. All them being limited does is mean you need to keep going back to NPCs to accept more once you've done your current ones. If there was no limit you'd simply be able to accept all the hunts and then go do them on your own time. You also wouldn't end up with the inevitable annoyance of completing a hunt, picking up a new one, and having that new one be near where the hunt you just did was.
It's the most waste of time piece of shit I ever had the displeasure of playing. If I could turn back time and get back all the hours I put into it I would in a heartbeat.
lel. 20-25% is fucking nothing. It was still in the concept stage.
It's gay, but not as gay as you. Has the semen settled in your stomach yet?
Why are you wasting more time talking about it and going into a thread dedicated to it then?
>dedicated to it
More like shitting on it
It was fine.
The multiplayer expansion was better. Less depressing, more skill-based, more fun.
>20-25% is fucking nothing.
That's about the same as the XV we got at launch. It's currently sitting at a solid 55% completion with Episode Ardyn.
13. Seven main characters, four of them hot lesbians.
Combat was too simplistic
Characters were okay but not great
Story was shit and rushed
Open world was boring
It was a disaster in every sense of the word
Given that Nomura and his division have been working on two flagship games at the same time and just released one of them this year, with the next one incoming early next year, I would argue that the game was in good hands and management issues got in the way.
Serah isn't gonna fuck any girl but her sister.
Who is best FFXV and why is it Ignis?
Kingdom Hearts III was absolute garbage though.
>management issues
Nomura fucking about taking too long with it.
A trainwreck of epic proportions.
>what is xiii taking vs xiii's entire team
>what is crystal tools
>what is xiv
You mean the girl who dies after meeting her childhood crush? Pfft
We don't even know what Stella would have been like.
May have been underwhelming, but still an impressive, high quality, and polished game made alongside another flagship title.
Truth is that Nomura's division is actually quite efficient at making games. Even after CC2 fucked up on FF7Remake, they worked around the issues fast and have the game ready for early 2020. And they're still making KH3 dlc as well set for 2020.
*KH3 dlc as well set for 2019
man, the behind the scene aspect of FFXV is so much more interesting than the final game
it's a peculiar phenomena in that it had a director who came in once the game already had a solid foundation and all he needed to do was continue the work of his predecessor, but instead he decided to change everything at the last second
normally with a clusterfuck like FFXV comes out you'd expect that someone was brought in to salvage a fucked up project at the last second, whereas here it was the opposite
Literally all of them except 15, unless you are thinking about all the spin-offs. In that case Tactics and Crystal Chronicles.
Did you ever hear of the tragedy of Ardyn Izunia?
>Hazmer also said that Nomura is a genius in terms of design, as "the team was stuck for a week or so trying to solve a level design problem, and when they met him he solved it in 5 minutes."
>"He looks at the game at its completion; it's already there in his head. He's very adaptive; he can change according to the situation. But man does he have a lot of answers in his head," the former lead game designer, now gone indie, has shared.
>inb4 he can't talk bad about his boss
He quit SE years ago and has his own studio in his country, he has no reason to get on Nomura's good side
The final optional sealed door dungeon did not let you use items at all. It was actually challenging. The game needed to restrict item usage more during combat. It is literally impossible to lose when you have infinite Ethers.
Ignis and Aranea make a great couple. Sex between them must be amazing.
healcasts and the ring trivialize it.
Cope harder, Nomuretard
Nice nonargument
Don't forget elixirs, megalixirs, and potions, mega potions, phoenix downs. All of which are cheap and you can stock up on quite easily. Not to mention you can pause combat at anytime to use recovery items, and you can regenerate your health back slowly.
Then battles just become a game of whittling away at damage sponge enemie's health, taking hits because encounters can become clusterfucks, popping consumables constantly, warping to a safe spot to recover MP, then warping back to do it all over again.
This is what the combat loop boils down and it's mind numbingly boring.
You keep making excuses for that hack. How long did KH3 take to develop? And what did we get? A shallow piece of crap with retarded storytelling. The best thing I'll say about Nomura is that he's an ideas man, but I would never trust him in charge of a project. Even his character designs look like ass unless he's reined in by someone higher-up.
Space suit.
Anyone try fighting Ifrit with said suit? What did it end up like?
> How long did KH3 take to develop?
Started development in early 2013 and wrapped up development in November of 2018. Lost a year of development because of SE's decision to force kh3 to switch engines in order to make Luminous a FFXV exclusive engine.
That's the average amount of dev time for most AAA games this gen even if you include the lost year of work.
Nobody is making excuses, these are the facts. Suck a dick.
What a disgusting shill you are.
BTFO and thanks for admitting defeat in this argument shitter.
>FFXIII came out in 2009
>the FF series has been shit for over a decade now
>we're gonna be stuck with FFVII remake games for at least the next 6+ years
the remake looks good so far but they're dedicating all this time and resources towards essentially creating a brand new game in an old setting, I'd much rather just have an actually good mainline FF sequel
I guess we'll have to wait another decade
some of the characters were wasted on this game
Nice and unethical. Just the way I like it.
>without DLC on release
Shitty cashgrab, absolute failure. Also only bad ending
>with DLC now
Kino and based, has good ending
>with DLCcontent on release
It'd become the new VII and a standart for JRPG genre. Sadly, it didn't happen.
Shame TRUE ending is only in the book based on cancelled DLCs
>> you get to drive a car, but cant control outside of an on rails experience
He didn't make Regalia a monster truck, lads.
are you memeing? I've never picked up FFXV but am somewhat curious how it plays now that it's in its final form
The filename is a joke that's not Prompto
Base game has a melodramatic ending
One of the DLCs has an alternate good ending
Ardyn's DLC was supposed to be a segway to 3 more DLCs with true ending which were cancelled so they changed Ardyn's ending where originally Lunafreya comes to kill him and not Noctis
*sips your Monster*
What do?
>how do we make this bishie look old and grizzled?
>just slap a beard on it
Yes fucking yes that's exactly what I'm thinking. Man, that's so sad
>instead of dying its going down in flames
>boxart features the Lucian kings of old
>kingsglaive has an utterly kino sequence featuring them wrecking shit like the gods they are
>game only has a single, 30 second long sequence in the literally last few minutes of the campaign where they are poorly modeled and simply do one attack and then credits roll
This shit is a mother fucking crime. Why in the absolute nigger fuck were there NO cutscenes in ffxv outside of one or two featuring Luna and that stupid fucking commercial of noctis having a nightmare. Holy fuck I'm still mad at what a failure of a FF game this is
I think the DLCs have more of them
>Despite all of it's numerous flaws FF15 has one of the best OST's of all time.
the ost you posted has no highlight, no strong moment, it could be a generic boss music since there aren't any specific instrument, symphonic orchestras don't work in video games because it doesn't follow the fight's rythm.
It could very well be a Kingdom hearts or a ff13-x ost no one would bat an eye
It still feels like a mess to play to me. Never bothered finishing it.
Kek. Buy episode 9 of FF7 to get KotR.
It was a final fantasy for dorkiest and it ducking shows.
>10 years later
>only his head grew while his body stayed the same size
poor guy
>spend your entire career making Square one of Jpanaese most succesful companies
that's just delusional, square had already built its reputation by then, admittedly KH was massive tho
still, given his track record Nomura is an incompetent director, he's a good visionary but he can't write a good story for shit and he needs someone to translate his ideas into a cohesive whole
KH3 is an example of Nomura at his worst
It's a "Turn off your brain" game. Enjoyable if you don't want to invest time and skill into game mechanics but nothing else. FF15's pretty broken from a gameplay and story perspective. Healing and magic system completely break the pace and are easy to abuse while the guard takes care of all of your enemies without any skill or active involvement. Enemy design is also brainless and garbage and the game has no good boss fights, at least when it comes to mechanics. Looks great but if I want a game where everything looks cool while also having the option to actually play and think, I'd choose Kingdom Hearts 2 or 3. Iris and the ending with the bros at the campfire were my highlight of 15 but it felt like the story was punishing me for even caring about them because nothing felt coherent.
At least FF7R seems to be in good hands and we might see some cool shit from the Versus Project Nomura had planned years before in KH4.
That's actually a real disease. I just don't remember what its called.