Fire Emblem Three Houses Thread


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Standing outside of Beru's door until she comes to class!

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>liked black eagles the most at first
>now its only carried by edgelord
How can 1 faction fall so far?

I want to knock down Beru's door before knocking down her panties!

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>Ingrid is getting all the good art
>Marianne art is all shitty

Well Marianne is shitty.

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Will we really have to go from pegasus knight to wyvern? I want Ingrid in a pegasus

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You don't have to do anything, we can keep a character at any class until any point. Maybe Wyvern Rider won't have particularly good promotion bonuses or the skills aren't too useful, then there'd be little reason to switch out of Pegasus which already gives us Avoid+20

There will probably still be Falcon Knight. Maybe it's a final tier promotion.

I think so too, at least I hope, I want to see a lot of varied final tier classes. Advanced tier is pretty disappointing considering what the game's been building up to.

I hope there is also Dark Knight

>Hero is genderlocked
For what fucking purpose?

>Blue Lions is full of chads and stacys
>Golden Deer have weirdos and memes
>Black Eagles just have a bunch of basic tropes
They're truly the Cucked Eagles.

Women aren't heroic

how are you going to call anything else a bunch of basic tropes when the only interesting Lions are Ashe and maybe Dimitri


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I'm hoping they have some crazy classes in the later tiers. Everything seems really standard right now aside from the Brawlers. I want Barons from FE4 to return. Not sure if they confirmed whether you can wear heavy armor and wield Reason magic at the same time yet.

>Not sure if they confirmed whether you can wear heavy armor and wield Reason magic at the same time yet.
Not with current revealed classes, no. You can make a mage and give then any melee weapon to use but so far there's nothing that mix-and-matches magic with armor, riding, or flying.

>yfw we get Barons AND Masterknights back in 3H

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The Blue Lions already have a bunch of interpersonal relationships set up, and a couple have personal conflicts to resolve.
The Black Eagles are lacking in contrast.

I haven't been paying much attention to any of the info released, but learning there's a fist fighter class has me interested. I'll be really disappointed if they turn out shit though

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So girls can be mercenaries but not heroes? What do girl mercenaries promote into then?


>the inferior sword class
What a shame

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Classes don't "promote into" anything in this game. Every class is a singular endeavor approachable from any other class. is wrong as Myrmidon is a tier below Mercenary anyway, if anything the sword-based class that a female Mercenary might want to work towards is Swordmaster

Women also get fucked by not getting Swordfaire from Hero.

Swordmaster will probably also have Swordfaire

Why have them be available to males if they are a reskin of hero?

Fuck, it's between Golden Bros and Lion Chads, decide for me Yea Forums.

Why is he so pissed?

I'm gonna pick black eagles or blue lions. golden queers are a clear "steal their bros/hoes" house

They'd have a skill different from vantage.

Blue Lions and steal who you like from Deer.

I’m gay for this character

Golden Deer and steal who you like from Lions.

Golden Deer and steal who you like from Lions

>Dimitri: "Glad you could make it, Felix."
>Felix: "Watch your tone with me, boar. You may be the prince, but I'm still your childhood friend."
>Dimitri: "As if I could forget. Listen, Felix, there's something about the crests you should know. Oh no. It's too late. These people have all submitted to crests. They may look fine now, but it's a matter of time before they turn into Nightcrawlers."
>Felix: "What?"
>Dimitri: "This entire city must be purged."
>Felix: "How can you even consider that? There's got to be some other way."
>Dimitri: "Damn it, Felix. As your future king, I order you to purge this city."
>Felix: "You are not my king yet, boar. Nor would I obey that command if you were!"
>Dimitri: "Then I must consider this an act of treason."
>Felix: "Treason? Have you lost your mind, Dimitri?"
>Dimitri: "Have I? Felix Hugo Fraldarius, by my right of succession and sovereignity of my crown, I hereby relieve you from your command and suspend your battalions from service."
>Ingrid: "Dimitri, you can't just..."
>Dimitri: "It's done! Those of you who have the will to save this land, follow me. The rest of you... get out of my sight."
>Felix: "You've just crossed a terrible threshold, Dimitri."
>Dimitri: "Ingrid?"
>Ingrid: "I'm sorry, Dimitri. I can't watch you do this"

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Are combat skills like Vantage/Sol/Astra/Wrath back?

This is the Beagle route or Blue Lion route?

I fucking hope so. God I love that skill.

Is Dimitri gonna use a force scream on them?

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Byleths is the good ending
FemByleth is the true ending

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IIRC Byleth's crest has Sol properties with it.

More info soon.

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I like that guy, kind of annoying at times but I like the news

RogerBase is alright. That's fine.

Hoping Armsthrift is a thing as well

Hero has Vantage

Weird choice but OK

>could say anything,even under the NDA

That's weird. Usually that's a skill for Myrmidons

The Nintendo ninjas have him on kunai-point

Well he likes the supports, Roger is notoriously shit at games so I doubt he would say anything on the map quality

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This is me if hero doesn't get Sol as a skill

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>There's no good ending route

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Berserk reference

This character design caused me to preorder this game despite my thinking it looks like trash for the past year.

>tfw no beautiful ladyknight gf

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>Wanting a good end DLC route

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>He doesn't like good endings

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Don't shitpost with my husband

Golden deer and steal who you like from eagles.


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I fucking love edits of that scene.

So can I make a wyvern riding mage?

1. Cavalry and flying units can't use gauntlets.
2. Magic can only be used by classes capable of it (Commoner/Noble, Monk, Mage/Dark Mage/Priest, Warlock/Bishop, which are all infantry).

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They're all gonna make it, r-right?

Can i fug the dragon loli?


Leaks say yes.

Of course brah, blue has friendship plot armor. Trust me.

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I'm stealing Ingrid from Blue Lions.

When will that faggot Ohma wake up?

Ingrid has like literally 3 pieces of art.

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Still more than Marianne.

Good taste

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But you have the screenshots 10/10

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Fantastic tastes.

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She is so beautiful.


He is just really tired, let him rest

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I can't believe some people like he.

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More time skip designs when?

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I love her tits.

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You really want them to spoil everything?

>Not that fat ass and delightful A-class ZR+thighs

Next Famitsu probably.


Faggot autistic wish fulfilment trash for low lives

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He killed millions.

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To save his seven classmates.

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Why not?

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What are they gonna do with her timeskip design? Most other pre-timeskip designs looked either bland or just shit, so they were all a huge improvement. But how can they improve what's already perfect?

Change nothing.

Sothis on the throne in title screen. Also i hear chimes from first trailer with main theme in minor. Neat.

They're gonna cut her hair so it'll be shorter than Dimitri's.

Then I'm going to kill every last one of them!

Keep posting it every thread, user. Someday it will be true.

Deers, Ingrid is the only worthwhile Lion, easy to steal and impregnate.

Chad Lions have an elder god-tier edgelord leader. Golden Queers is led by a power of friendship loser.
The choice should be obvious.

Schoolshooters can’t be chads. Deers on the other hand have the most popular house.

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Training with Catherine!
Never winning against Catherine!
Becoming stronger thanks to Catherine!
Meet Catherine in the cafeteria!
Bonding with Catherine!
Finding out Catherine has never had a boyfriend!
Laughing at Catherine!
Watching Catherine leave the room flustered!
Fucking up things with Catherine!
Finishing the rest of the day at school never seeing Catherine!
Going to sleep after a long day of teaching!
Hearing my door being smashed open in the middle of the night!
Drunk Catherine standing in the doorway!
Asking Catherine whats wrong!
Being pushed back down on the bed by Catherine!
Being raped by Catherine!

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Hubert is for protecting, serving and being helpful in general to Edelgard!

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Quick question bros. Will we be able to invite Sothis for tea?

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Isn't Dimitri's retainer Dedue?
Why is aussie nigga's retainer the school's bicycle?

You just pour it over your head

They get guaranteed brave weapon effect from their gauntlets so I doubt they’ll be bad

Every house gets one or two retainers, students you can't recruit. Claude isn't a royal so he doesn't actually have retainers per se, but it seems Hilda can't be recruited.
>school's bicycle
Just because she's cute and has twin tails it doesn't mean she's a whore, user. Don't be mean.

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She dresses like a whore too. And twin tails is the definitive "god I wish someone would fuck my face" hairstyle. I'm not saying any of this is a bad thing though.



>can't deliberately teach a rival class wrong to make lategame easier


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On a side note, can we all agree that Hubert is God's gift to mankind?

>posts Eizen from ToB

Nice my man.

Look it's Sensei's harem

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Pick who do you think is a gay option.

I have no idea who Hubert is

Hubert is perfection incarnate.

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What's Leonie's deal again, aside from being the token tomboy? She kinda reminds me of best girl Ellie there.

Oh, it's that guy, I get confused with FE Three Houses' characters sometimes.

Your dad's fangirl.

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She's a tomboy that's a big fan of your dad.

Just look at Lorenz, becoming the chad he was always meant to be.
Also holy shit, is that Casper to his right? Boy went from being a little shonen shota to an absolute fucking unit.

>Surprised that an ironic weeb is only interested in the waifus
He was always like this

>all of them having tired eyes except Lorenz

I remember him because he's like one of 3 Black Eagles I actually like

Younger Dimitri is going to be one of those characters that looks genuinely alright in everything but his actual game. Thankfully Punished Dimitri makes up for that.

I love how people will think he is telling the truth when he is just another nintendo youtuber trying to get good boy points with the company. LMAO he's just another shill hyping a shitty game. HOW ABOUT THE FUCKING GRAPHICS. I like ingrid and all but seriously, the pic that anons keep posting with her smiling and blushing is cute and all but i can't fully enjoy the image cause the graphics of the game are so shitty, her outlining is fucking jagged and idk terms but you can see the pixels i guess....the game looks lazy like Sword and Shield. fk is mario and zelda and even xenoblade the only games nintendo really put time into?
debatable 4.5

Cute, assuming she doesn't obsess over my ebil daddy too much.

>the game looks lazy like Sword and Shield
Not at all, I mean, sure the graphics aren't that good but everything else seems pretty neat. This is the most effort they have put into a FE game since long quite some time and actually cared enough to look at fans comments about it.

First part of the previev:

>Shows Awakening when comparing the Switch graphics to the 3ds
Why not SoV?

>yfw your allied house’s leader breaks down and cries in Byleth’s arms once the other two factions are gone and their leaders are killed

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no one gives a shit about graphics

>saving thumbnails
You people are worse than hitler

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Because it's the game people actually played.

>mfw Dimitri breaks down and cries in Byleth's massive tits

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I can't help but wonder has Metal Gear been so disappointing after 4 that the only big hit was a short 4 hour game made a by different studio. Are metal gear fans so blueballed they must seek its exitemenr in other franchizes altogether?

People that started with Awakening and Fates are afraid of playing older games in the series.

>lazy lile Pokemon SWooSH
whoa there, the 3D graphics are indeed lackluster but it's not THAT bad.

I’d argue it’s more the case of specifically Yea Forums being incapable of getting over MGSV

Not counting Heroes, for many Three Houses will be their third game played.

I'm absolutely choosing the Golden Deers. Since Lorenz has grown on me and it looks like he's going to be a lot easier on the eyes after the timeskip, Ignatz is the only one I'm iffy about, and I'm sure the time skip will fix him too.

I’m going to get him a gift card and a bottle at the end of the semester. Male Byleth just look perpetually “done” with everything, and it’s for good reason.

I don’t think she’ll mind desu.

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I never played V, was it too good or too bad? Everything after 4 just didn't felt like MGS. Even Rising feels like a completely different series.

I love his
>*slow exhale*
>"these fucking kids..."
Expression. Very teacher like

>I don’t think she’ll mind desu.
That's the idea.

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What's your favourite returning mechanic and why is it CANTOOOOO?

>tfw claude goes to byleth
>is distraught about losing his friends after the war
>he goes to byleth to have guidance from him
>tfw he just gives claude a mug and a poster of pic related

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Face it, you're just trying to force that meme.

bros before hoes

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Eh, it's not a bad game, just an incomplete one. It certainly has it's flaws and shines more as a very good open world game than a worthwhile sequence. These guys encapsulate most people's experience with the game.

The real question is, Who's the Nico of Fire Emblem Three Houses? Answer me.

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Rising was hype and fun as fuck tho. its what video games are for
and personally Peace walker was the last straw for me. Its great, but not enough, and then phantom pain and V was just a disappointment, both story and gameplay wise
still, the casualties of phantom pain was the soldiers that you raised in PW, and i found it neat as fuck. RIP Crocodile

Having lots of unprotected sex with your students but only after they graduate!

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Why does Byleth's hair change color? Too much sex with Sothis over the past 5 years?

Pretty good. Poor Dimitri always on the floor.

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I hope not. Sothis is not cute.

This pic is amazing, even better than the original

It’s a fun experience for a while until you think about it and start feeling empty

>not cute
What's wrong with you?

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Dragon blood. It's always dragon blood.

God her body is so perfect, I just cant get her out of my head

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So I haven't been keeping up with TH, last I checked mostly everyone was pretty negative on it, is it true that opinions have turned around on it and if so why?

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Every female at the monastery is a slave to the BBC (Big Byleth Cock).

I care more about design than voice.

How big are those titties?

The gameplay in the Treehouse demonstration turned people around on it, as did some leaks as well as the trailer for the game showing that it's much darker than it initially seemed.

Imagine being balls deep in her wet warm cunny and pumping a hot load inside of her.

I will be the one to save lysithea


Calm down Byleth, you're in the middle of giving a class.

I hope Linhardt gets better hair in the timeskip if he's the only boipucci around

Not big enough.

>the biggest breasts in the game aren't big enough
You madman.

My... teacher..?

nigga 'bout to go gray from all this horseshit he has to deal with

>Sothis will never possess your body mid lecture and proceed to teach your class in your place while you get to take a mental nap
I want a headbuddy damnit.

Those are not the biggest. Byleth, Manuela, Dorothea, Petra, Hilda are all bigger.

>>the biggest breasts in the game
(You) have the biggest chest in all of Fodlan though.

I never really payed attention to the Black Eagles, I'm more interested in the Blue Lions faction

>Manuela, Dorothea, Petra, Hilda
Wrong. Forgot about femByleth tho'

How do you guys pronounce lysithea?




Its been awhile lets see if the general consensus has shifted
For me its

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It's Lee-sith-ee-a

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>Golden Deer

Is it? What does her name even come from? I know her last name is a King Lear reference

It’s all incels like Raul.

>Characters are only 16 to 18 at the start of the story
>5 year time skip make them look like they're in their early to mid 30s
What in the fuck happened?

Blue Lions
Marianne and Leonie or Lorenz

Blue Lions
Leonie is the main one I care about recruiting.

Golden Deer
Ingrid, Mercedes

Everything in Deers is a huge Shakespeare reference.

War, user. War is hell.

I know that with the regions and last names but their first names are too?

war... war never changes...

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>Golden Deers

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>Golden Deer
>I love all of the Deer girls, but it will be a hard choice between Marianne or Hilda
>Ingrid, might waifu her as well

Check their last names. Gloucestern, Goneril, Cordelia, Edmund.

Thanks user

Listen the fuck up

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>Literally not a single black eagle
New question
>Least favorite unit in your house
For me its Dedue
Why is so damn ugly ?

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>says he can't be trusted
>'oh, how innocent - how naive - these two seem next to me, shiftiness incarnate!'
What will his angle be post timeskip? Divide and conquer? Reap the rewards?

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>Least favorite unit in your house
I'd have to say Ignatz. I don't hate him, it's just that he has a yee-yee ass haircut and we haven't seen his time skip self yet. At least Lorenz becomes beautiful.

Ignatz looks like too much of a jobber to exist.

Blue Lions no doubt.

Favorite design: Adult Dimitri.
Girls I want to fuck more: Lysithea and Sothis.

Lysithea and Hilda if possible, then I will have the perfect house without needing anything else.

I'm thinking even factoring spoilers there will be a lot going on in this story making it hard to predict. Like I think I have a pretty good idea of what's going to happen but I can't figure out Claude or sothis' role yet
Either way I don't think he's as much rah rah friendship! as people seem to think

Nah, his profile says he is cunning. He is probably good natured but pragmatic enough to have things go his way unlike the other two who seem to have completely lose their minds post timeskip.

Anyone else disappointed that there was no new footage in the preview embargo released today? Why the fuck was there an embargo? It's just the E3 footage including the shitty grind map

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Blue Lions.

>Either way I don't think he's as much rah rah friendship! as people seem to think
His lines got lost in translations, or so I read.

It was just part 1 of 3, spent mainly on shilling graphics.

I could see it also being an issue with the eng voice acting. Just the tone his va used came across as very "Sonic talking before a final boss"

Move Anna and Lysithea up to S. and Petra too.



Every male and female at the monastery is a slave to the BBC (Big Byleth Chest).

I only need Ingrid

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Imagine shilling the single worst part of the game.

Ingrid is such perfection.

He didn't really say anything wrong though.

I have a feeling her post-timeskip story will be super tragic and traumatic on her

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It will be when she is killing her childhood friends.

That's your only argument, graphics. No give a shit about them, all we want is the gameplay, fuck off.

Supreme taste

>etika will never play halfway through this game then drop it right after the timeskip
Feels awful

What will be the destiny of Ingrid?

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What caused him to go nuclear?

Matilda, it is probably why they gave her deeper voice in the English dub

In the good end Ingrid will heal Dimitri's soul and start a nice family.

O shit Phos what are you doin?



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Don´t even fucking step up to me I like your tier list though nice picks

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Blue Lions
One of the girls from Golden Deer

Golden Deer
Don't have one
All of them

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Cute voice

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Sensei didn't put out for 5 years straight.

le gamer society man
Can’t wait to fug my cute hatfu

Teach won’t give pussy

>That list
Holy shit user, are you me? I'd put Catherine a little higher, but otherwise that taste is exactly mine, right down to the top 3
>Honorable knight gf
>Depressed religious gf
>Fundamentalist mommy gf


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Remember me?
It would be good to have all 6 offensive skills (Sword, Lance, Axe, Bow, Fighting, Reason) focused among your students.

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>Cathrine higher
Okay fine where do we put her C? Then well be fine

hilda(or whatever the pink haired bitch is named) looks like a slut now... Beru looks like Morgan(and that's a good thing!)

How is the Switch homebrew and hacking scene?
Because I want to get this game free and eventually hacked with the eventual fag on fag relationships because someone is butthurt enough to do it

I never see this shit on other games,why FE of all series is subject to this

No previews?
Which has been posted ITT, the 1st of 3rd videos covering the same demo everyone at E3 got.
Nothing so far.

Does Serenes forest have all the info we know on their site or do I have to watch Treehouse videos for all the details? I haven't been following much about the game beyond knowing the time skip is a thing.

The switch was blown wide open for homebrew and piracy, but only older models due to an unpatchable hardware exploit. I don't know how good the modding ability is but it's possible if the Linkle skin for BOTW is any indication.
Consult with the trannies at /hbg/.

She's cute, I want to pound her pussy.

Because one of the selling points of FE is pairing up your units. More or less cancerous shipping, staright or gay, was unavoidable.

Why can't I just teach at an all-girls school?

It does, because Famitsu covered a lot of shit before E3 did.

Reminds me of the arena

Capturing Beru during the war phase and publicly executing her!

>her timeskip look
I can't get over it
Lorenz becoming a gigachad was not worth this

except she looks good, you fag

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Here hoping her portrait makes her look good.

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Do we know if the "stealing" people happens after the 5 year skip or during the academy part?

Still not tits. They've just changed the hair and clothes on the pre time skip model haven't they?

Should be during the academy phase, as students were shown to not want to join until you reached a benchmark in the stats they value.

Lorenz becoming gigachad is worth any price, and I'm not even siding with the Golden Queers.
I will admit it kind of sucks to see one of the Eagle's few decent units hit with a downgrade, but the Blue Chads will just have to find other ways to cuck Edgelord

But that's to be expected, most girls don't grow boobage between the ages of 18 and 23.
For what it's worth, timeskip Bernadetta is notably taller than Hilda, but I don't know how they compare pre timeskip.

>They took off the sex hair

If you choose the Lions or Deer, you will team up with each other, topple Edgelord's empire and there will be a scene where she is spitroasted by Dimitri and Claude.

I’m ok with that.


Thank god the thread is still up.

Based Golden Bro and Lorenzchad.

It’s excellent, just makes you feel sorry for him lol.

So it was Claude this whole time... Also bless Byleth for healing Dimitri through her love, care, and a few other things.

Professor pls.

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Whatever house you choose, the leader will end up "spitroasted" by Byleth, after which he'll travel back in time to try again.

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Has the game caught fire already by being accused of encouraging "grooming" yet or are they saving that one for when its released?

I haven't seen any freaking out over it. All I've seen was some people feeling uncomfortable over the power imbalance, but that's it.

The revelation that you can't S-rank until after the timeskip calmed down the redditors and their ilk who were bitching about how icky a teacher student romance would be, but $50 says there's at least one support chain that'll be suggestive enough to send them frothing at the mouth

Thread are lasting pretty much the whole day, thankfully. I’ll probably stop browsing Yea Forums when July starts tho’. Want to start the game as fresh as I can.

They made Edelgard so strong a draw they had to even it out with the others but over did it

>every single S rank involves spicy teacher/student roleplay

Attached: 1537660519234.jpg (1920x1080, 106K)

Even with the other teacher?

Even the non-teachers like Rhea
and you'll be the student getting a private lesson

Hey /feg/ i have an idea to next thread make a poll for voting for /feg/´s favorite Three Houses waifus do you guys think i should do it?/do you want it?
I´d make a system like

>Top 10% get S
>Top 10-20% get A
>Top 20-30% get B
Something along those lines and suggestions would be great

Attached: Your meme carried the day.jpg (800x812, 79K)

S should be number 1

Manuela giving Byleth a private lesson on spears, lances and thrusting!

I can’t believe someone, if not the same artist, did a timeskip version.
>”everyone’s looking amazing years later and I’m just sitting here... glowing”

Dimitri is for abuse and bullying, unfortunately.

I’m finally not alone.

Good tastes fellow Lorenzchads

I’ve honestly been enjoying these bump-limit Three Houses threads recently. Great discussions, awesome anons, fun memes and jokes, a lot of info gathering/posting. It’s still some time away, but I’ll miss them once the game drops, or when everyone moves on.

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I thought she was a mage

Manuela's lances are a bit different!
Her proficiency with them is magical!

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>Blue lions probably, maybe golden deers

>haven't decided yet cause personality matters and we don't have that yet, Ingrid, lysithea are the top contenders so far.

>the two previous girls and Rapheal if I go lions.

He looks like Eizen with an eyepatch.

So she only knows how to use a shockstick? Sounds like you'd be better off getting a different lance teacher

Flayn reveal tomorrow?

>One of the Three Houses, which seems to include the lord and eight of their colleagues
>whatever units you manage to tide over from the remaining houses, might be capped at two per house?
>fellow professors all but confirmed
>same with Sothis and Anna
So what about the Church, the generic evul dragon cult, Flame Emperor, and Death Knight? Think any of them will be recruitable?

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More likely to be Gilbert or Shamir.

He comes from a country of merchants so I'm hoping he low-key turns out to be a manipulative bastard and his goal ends up being using the war to profit from his 2 friends being stupid. I want the plot to not be about retarded friendship BS, we don't need another Fates where everyone's decision making is extremely retarded.


Attached: Post Promotion Claude.jpg (512x377, 23K)


I wish, probably gonna be Seteh.


I love Hilda and so do you.

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Attached: Chad Hanyu.png (810x641, 324K)
So I need to say this trailer has to be one of favourite trailers in general. Also has anyone found a rip of the track within it? I’ve been searching forever, but I just can’t find it!


As he should be.

She's the type to let you cum inside her after the first date.

He looks like some manga character but I can't place who. Any help bros?

Nintendo Dream

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Interview with Yuzuru Hanyu.Looks like he was embarrassed when he said about the FE.

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Nothing new

Boy I sure wish this game had marketing here in the West

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What is the significance behind Felix having literally the only major crest of all the students

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Maybe he'll betray you in Dimitri's route

Obviously the Blue Lions are the house since they have the most crests

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So, best girl?

none of this looks like new info

He’s the only chracter chad enough to handle a major crest

Realistically I think he is going to be some scheming dweeb pre-timeskip then when everything goes to shit he actually steps up and stops pretending to be carefree

>50k subs
Why was this guy of all people invited for a preview?


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the bottom part is his personal skill

I’m glad this game went from caution to hyped for me

Probably talks about Byleth’s personal skill.

Nice try

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Attached: serhtre.png (486x443, 391K)

Imagine being the same size as your tiny sensei. Jesus christ.

Imagine unironically wanting to join one of the crestlet houses, when the Blue CHADs have not only the most crests, but the only MAJOR crest beyond teach himself.

Ingrid is a loli?

Attached: zgrgvzr.png (1520x1080, 2.85M)

Girls slightly shorter than you are cutest girls. This is a proven fact.

>smaller than lorenz
>skinnier than caspar post timeskip

I think femByleth is just tall for a girl.

Dedue is a giant then. He literally towers over femByleth.
Someone post the image.


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Every goddamn time.

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holy fuck

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>choose Blue Lions
>fighting Raphael
>Dimitri: Why won't you die!?
>Raphael switches from axes to gauntlets

>not recruiting Raphael on every savefile
A crime

Dedue vs Raphael
it would be a legendary fight

God imagine having such a smol sensei.

How many of you guys have been spoiled at this point? I really tried to avoid them but I got accidentally spoiled and I'm kinda bummed about it. I know it doesn't really matter but I wish I could experience the game without knowing anything like some of the anons in this thread say they're gonna do

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I don't know what to consider spoilers. Pretty much everything major in the leak has been revealed officially so I don't know if it's worth being upset over

We're making the mother of all omelettes here, Dimitri.

I don't really see the stuff that IS put out as spoilers desu.

He's a big guy

The really weird one to me is lysithea dying

Golden Deer are such an obvious King Lear reference that even if the spoilers never came out people would still be speculating about it anyway. So like on the one hand I'm upset im spoiled but on the other I likely would have been no matter what. It's weird

Dedue looks like such a good boy, it's hard to believe he was a murderous bandit

>Dimitri big and onfront in the poster
Lionchads always win baby

We don't even know how accurate and /or unavoidable that is.

The only dude I want from golden deer is Lorenz

>After a grueling year of war and losses on both sides, Dimitri and Edelgard decide to finally listen to Claude.
>Claude invites them to a barbecue party in Leicester where they can negotiate peace

There's not really any spoilers anymore. The biggest was probably the timeskip and the hostility between houses after it, which was shown in the E3 trailer. Although yeah that might have been a cool surprise, but that was actually what got a lot of people interested in the game that weren't before, and I'd take that over complete silence.

I don’t buy it for a minute. Personally I think that’s fake.

That was probably a bait and switch. The real person that will die will most likely be Marianne due to her ties with the church. Although Lysithea having Prodigy as a personal skill could justify her dying as well. Or who knows, maybe they'll both die.

She'll be fine. R-right?

Attached: Lysithea.png (1901x1691, 2.29M)

No she's fucking dead.

still can't get over it being called that. Half expecting Jamie Vardy to turn up or some shit

Why do they have ant lines on their faces? Shouldn't they have at least smoothed that out

I think someone specific might die depending on which house you choose.
Also another interesting tid bit is Dmitri is named after a legendary king who practiced Necromancy and was succeeded by King Lear

The sad thing is this preview embargo was entirely pointless as well. There is zero new footage from the E3 stuff.

I'm guessing we get no new information until release.

What would picking her up and manhandling her be like?

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Honestly if it weren’t for the threads on Yea Forums delivering information from Japan, I never would have shifted my position on this game. Real glad for the anons that relayed it back here, with translations as well.

Good tastes my friend.

If you recruit her, sure. Almost guaranteed. But, for example, if Elise can be accidentally gutted by her own brother for a bit of drama and the crime of not belonging to the kingdom you joined in fates...well, you get the idea.

I'd rather the students I don't recruit have interesting scripted deaths anyway, it'll give them a bit of character.


The future supreme edgelord
Giant Sebastian
Lone wolf
The adopted
Big brother womanizer
Mom of all
The true magical loli
Goddess knight

Attached: FE Blue Lions.jpg (1280x905, 610K)

>probably 145cm just like her voice actress

>Sothis completely absent in all the new promo stuff and screenshots
so did they just delete her from the game

How do I make her my wife in real life

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She probably just has a really big story role user

So is Lysithea actually an insufferable arrogant bitch? If so, she just jumped up several spots in my ranking. The worst part of the 3DS Cordelia-type characters was how humble they were about their supposed infallible perfection. Having a naturally talented genius who's a smug cunt about it is way more interesting and endearing than some unrealistic perfectionists

Wait for the DLC.

She grows up, stops being a loli and only then you can fuck her.

Apparently she's not conceited but childish instead.

Attached: Lysithea.png (1280x720, 703K)

I would put money on two eyepatch man. He has two spears.

>left has two spears
>right looks like he's preparing some Naruto looking jutsu

People got over the art style.

Goddamnit, why can't we get another Shinon who's always rubbing it everyone's faces that he's the best at what he does?
So what does "childish" mean? She wants Byleth to show her all the adult things Hilda talks about in the dorms late at night?

Same reason why Animal crossing villagers can't be sassy anymore

I thought she was supposed to be a "genius" and was really arrogant?

No, just female Ricken.

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Well now I'm disappointed

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Place your bets

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Don't be too disappointed user. It's still very likely there's more to her than meets the eye.

I'm not seeing the comparison here other than that they use magic and are potentially childish

We've seen several shots of Lysithea shit talking people and calling them fools


>Claude! You Dastard!!!


Have we? I can't read japanese but I hope so. I want her to be bitchy

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>My, my! You haven't aged a bit, Professor! Now, where were we? Your socks. Hand them over.

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I've seen a few snippets of text she comes off as really snarky and seems to think shes smarter than everyone else

>The Blue Lions have the best roster
>hate Dimitri

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I hope so but I'm thinking the opposite.

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still debating if I should buy it or not

do you think Nintendo will release a demo on day 1?

child prodigies, don't want to be seen as kids, short
not damning
second image says
>"Huh... This should be obvious to the eye. I'm 2 or 3 years younger than everyone else here."
"They're fools." in context isn't even elaborated on

what's got you on the fence user?

To me that just reads that she has a hidden childish side not that it's the way she acts all the time.

literally joining his house solely for him

a king denied his kingdom

>literally nobody liked Ricken or Hayato and only used them for one off /ss/ pairings
>I know! Let's turn Ricken into a cute flat girl! Now they'll like our garbage character archetype
God forbid you guys change up the one-note character molds I hope Lysithea's paralogue is her having to kill off one her little sibling's for treason or something. At the very least one of them dying with Lysithea unable to save them. That ought to fix her "childish" personality

possibly, they've had demos for quite a few major releases on Switch

Is customizable MC a thing in this one

Sothis literally IS the plot. They can’t show shit about her without spoiling more than they originally intended.

>>hate Dimitri
Off to the queer corner you go, you gay homo.

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Who else is going blue lions but scouting Lorenz? I still cant decide who to take from the eagles.

the fire emblem gameplay

I love tactical RPG, its just that Fire Emblem ain't one of them

Don't be. Every sentence we've seen from her is a bitchy one. 'It should be obvious' and 'Of course I did it perfectly'.

no and never will be

What do you think Ingrid's reaction would be to licking her toes

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Can any of you anons explain to me what the King Lear references are? I never had to read it as a kid.

I mean do you really want to know? It'll probably spoil parts of the plot

I think you have to re-recruit characters you recruited during school in war phase though

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maybe try to look at the game as if it were a micromanagement sim with srpg elements? The new game looks like it's leaning heavily into the micromanagement side of the series

I don't think that's how it'll work, but I'd rather it be like that. It'd make so you'd have built up several of the bosses you fight after the timeskip, unless you did sidequests for them/REALLY jacked up the stats they like.

>hate Dimitri
Then you don't deserve the Based Lions

>The new game looks like it's leaning heavily into the micromanagement side of the series
that's why I'm interested in it in the first place.

It looks different than regular fire emblem, but the tactical combat doesn't look different enough to guarantee my money.

I hope they release the demo like anons suggested, maybe I will like it this time. Last Fire Emblem I tried to enjoy was the Marth one.

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The gist is user that all of the nobles in the golden deer house all have last names that match up with the names of the characters in King Lear
It could mean nothing but it is very likely at this moment that the story of this game will take some elements from the play

Attached: Marianne.png (1280x720, 723K)

>the power of friendship route ends with everyone either dead or physically and spiritually broken
Honest to god Kino Emblem.

What parts of the combat did you not like about the game you played? They are changing some elements of the combat so maybe they'll fix what you didn't like although the core gameplay is still the same.
I doubt that there will be a demo for the game but you never know

Will there be a girl as soft as Florina in Three Houses?

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In that case, no wonder the leak said Lysithea was fucked; Cordelia didn't exactly get a happy ending in King Lear
Once again, every route ending bittersweet at best is the most kino thing IS could do for the story. thank fuck that tripfag shithead hasn't been in the last couple threads, that asshat unironically wants there to be a golden "everyone is happy" ending

he'll be back, don't you worry

Sounds like the kind of guy that would love Revelations.

I don't think anyone could love Revelations

Can ISIS outretard revelations plot?

I hope your spoiler doesn't happen, but I know it will. If not in the base game, it will happen in DLC.

I guess I'll just avoid it then.

Golden Deer has the best girls
this is not debatable

they did, it's called Conquest

We can always go lower. Though I'm pretty sure ISIS has some level of self awareness, they are perceptive of fan feedback

The fact is that War should never ends on a positive note and Fates had the most retarded way ever of handling it even by anime plot standards. War doesn't get resolved by asking your army and family members to pretty please hold back and let people live while still trying to pretend you're mean to the king.

Dmitri having the same last name as a king who practiced necromancy also has me intrigued

all you gotta know is shit will be sad for the golden deer

>Phew, thank goodness we managed to knock out all the enemy soldiers after setting them on fire and burying 3 foot swords in their sternums! Now it's all Garon's fault for executing them that any Hoshidians are dead, so they won't hold the war against us after we kill him! Boy I can't wait to have slumber parties with Sakura and Hinoka in Castle Shirasagi!
Fates, and Conquest in particular, is a very special brand of stupidity you don't see too often. The mere fact that Punished Dimitri orders his troops to kill puts 3H leagues ahead of Fates

let's not forget everyone being totally cool working with a serial killer in Perri

I thought they were going to when 3H was still only Hogwarts Emblem: Child grooming simulator

Same. No idea there was a timeskip where shit goes down. Pretty excited for this game now.

New to the threads, only joined after I saw Dimitri's timeskip design. What happens after the timeskip that makes this game way more interesting than initially shown?

the three countries that the classes represent are now actually at war and you have to fight the kids you may have spent time getting to know in school

It's looking like the story gets very dark with the player having to kill the students they didn't recruit and other characters dying anyway. Plot actually looks interesting which is why people are excited now
Also someone who leaked parts of the game said they considered the story a 9/10 for what it's worth

Some of this is partly speculation based on what we've seen so keep that in mind
>Edelgard becomes a cold hearted conquerer who wants to put the entire continent under her heel so no one can out-crest her and take away her throne. "we have no choice but to eliminate those who cling to unreasonable ideas of justice"
>Punished "Venom" Dmitri wants to burn the whole system to the ground for some undisclosed reason. "Someone must put a stop to this cycle of the strong trampling the weak"
>Claude is, on the surface, le friendship man, but his profile says he's shifty and cunning so the friendship spiel may be a cover for his true motives. Like, say, fanning the flames of war so his Alliance can turn a pretty profit.

>Dimitri resurrects Byleth's ancestor to defeat the church

>Want FE to stop being "FRIENDSHIP SOLVES EVERYTHING!!" shonen BS
>Like Golden Deer the most when FE 3H gets announced
>Golden Deer will most certainly have a dark/depressing plotline
Can't wait!

Holy shit this is great.

Young Bernadetta, maybe.

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>suspend your battalions from service."
Isn't felix a lone wolf?

If there is one thing I'm hoping for it's that the final enemy for the routes are one of the two other houses you didn't pick and not any of those obviously evil fuckers. I don't mind if they start some shit in the background that causes the conflict between the three, but I don't want them to have too much control over the what goes on. When I kill edgelord and golden queer it better not be because they were being manipulated by some asshole in the shadows that I have to fight at the very end.

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I'll bet dollars to donuts Sothis is the final boss

As I said in a previous thread, they should just be trying to capitalize on the suffering and chaos the war causes, not be its root cause. You'll deal with them on the way, but your ultimate enemies should be the other two lords

Placing my bets on DimimiD personally. Capable of dual-wielding the legendary lance? That’s a feat on its own. Concealing both of his eyes though, this is the crucial piece here. He’s become a beast that not only lives for the hunt, but craves it, relying only on his instinct to follow his prey to the ends of the Earth.

>token magical shotas that hate being doted on succeeded by a loli
She’s cute and I like the personality they all share, so I can’t be all mad.

God Timeskip!Lorenz looks phenomenal. Took a design I already liked and made the whole thing better. Although... why does he want Byleth’s socks?

I completely know what you mean. Still sad that I missed out on the ‘Seasons of Warfare’ Limited Edition though, but it was expected.

>Dmitri having the same last name as a king who practiced necromancy also has me intrigued
Dimitri + Thales resurrects Byleth's ancestor?

Attached: erwhytk.png (834x545, 662K)

>DimimiD has two spears
>but no eyes
>ImidimI has two eyes
>but no spears
tough call

What interest me the most is that there's still so much we don't know despite all the leaks and everything.
Like we don't know what the Death Knight or Flame Emperor are gonna do, we don't know sothis' role, we don't know who the other green haired girl at the monastary is, we don't know what the goal of the nightcrawlers is. There's a ton of different directions the plot could go in

And there's the little shit like time skip Edelgard's axe having Marianne's crest symbol in it

I could see the nightcrawlers manipulating a punished Dmitri and him unknowingly helping them

God, imagine Lysithea having a nightmare and she ends up going to your bedroom for comfort and safety and just end up asleep together.