>no, it's like a game but without any of the gameplay
Why are walking sim fags so delusional?
>no, it's like a game but without any of the gameplay
Why are walking sim fags so delusional?
>not liking walking sims
>an experience for mature people
red flag
Is this Cradle? God that game was disappointing.
Why do VNbros accept and embrace that they're not playing a vidya game but walking sim babbies can't?
>liking walking sims
as expected of tumblr
>Like LIS/TWD/David Cage product
I don't see any mental gymnastics here
you really showed that guy with a private profile
Because VN readers actually play games too and don’t have to go through mental gymnastics to try to prove they deserve “gamer cred”
>censoring names without any reason
VNs are for people who already play other video games.
Walking Simulators are for people who never play video games.
vns tend to be humorous or light-hearted so VN fans tend to be happy to poke fun at their median where as walking sim guys is pretty much exclusively appealing to uptight hipsters.
ah yes, the guy with the groups for narrative adventure games and makes comments like this
>Oh very kind of you! Merry Christmas my dear!
is /ourboy/
I mean it's not happy holidays
here's the dude's twatter, it's really highly unlikely
it was probably the OP of the thread with a private profile and an emoji username
so Myst series are walking sims as well, right?
see Walking sims are predominantly comprised of the "MUH SERIOUS GAYMS" audience. Notice how people who play silly walking sims like Stanley Parable agree that it's a walking sim.
>walking sims
Are you retarded?
on a fundamental level, they're different
Visual novels actually require you to read so they automatically require more intelligence than walking simulators.
i played shitload of games of many genres eversince, like, 1993, starting from atari2600, and i don't shy away from playing a good looking/stylised/narrative-driven walking sim (Dear Esther, Proteus, Beginner's Guide) w/ puzzles (Mind: Path of Thalamus) or open world ones w/ slight survival elements (Solus Project).
So walking sims games are now.
what the fuck happened to pushing what you could do in a vidya? are devs really that conceded and lazy now?
So walking sims are games now.
I want a walking sim that's set during napoleon's invasion of russia and is just hours and hours of you marching and chatting up your fellow soldiers while you walk, and then the game ends when you get killed in the first volley at Borodino without getting to fire your musket once.
IIRC you can't see the characters in walking sims getting boned so VNs are superior so far
creatively bankrupt industry - high budget titles are scared shitless of experimenting and low budget have explored everything they could within their constraints of scope. Occasionally someone will release a brilliant mash-up, like, idunno, rhythm-based tetris game.
better yet, war and peace walking sim where player jumps from character to character in highlight scenes
Is OP a homo?
>go back to 2005-2010
>gender politics start to become popular
>vg shareholders: "we need to keep up with popular trends! hire some trannies!"
>trannies with zero fucking background in game development get hired
>trannies bitter about the fact nobody read their fanfics are now given creative control
>trannies with no roots or investment in video games give no shits about the future of vidya
>trannies only see vg as another means of telling the same stories nobody read
>walking sims becomes a genre
Who should we blame more? Trannies or the greedy short-sighted shareholders? I mean, you don't give a monkey a hand grenade and then blame the monkey when shit goes wrong.
>censoring names
what does "mature" even mean?
People who say vidya NEEDS to be only about gameplay are like people who say movies NEED to be only about visuals
oh wait nobody says that because everybody realizes how fucking stupid that sounds
morons are just autistically attached to rhe fact we call them "video games"; even though that's just because early on we couldn't do anything but simple games with them
It's totally valid to make vidya that's more of an interactive story with minimal gameplay, just as much as it's valid to make vidya that's all gameplay and no story
I wasn't even in the thread retards. I subbed to it because I wanted to see if drama and lulz would unfold. It didn't so here I am.
>It's totally valid to make vidya that's more of an interactive story with minimal gameplay
Sure. As long as you fags don't get mad when we appropriately call those "games" walking simulators.
>its for mature people
Yeah faggots we mature gamers dont need no stinkin gameplay
>games don't need gameplay
Ohhhh... that's why you're on Yea Forums...
>Being so fat you take interest in walking sims
Yikes indeed.
>narrative game
So shit from people who are bad game devs and could not make it as writers.
This is true
And this is the problem.
"Walking Sim" has a stigma attached to it because it's a shitty way to describe a game. They shouldn't be called "walking simulators" because you do more than just walk in them, but no one gives a fuck about that. No wonder /pol/ came here, all people do is try to politicize the types of games they don't like in an effort to keep people who never even tried them in their corner. If the industry is in any type of terrible shape, is entirely due to people like the latter quote. Fuck yourself, my man.
Meant to quote
As the problem
>They shouldn't be called "walking simulators" because you do more than just walk in them
Yeah, you can also run and climb and sometimes jump. It's a totally unfair name. They should be called "movement simulators".
>because you do more than just walk in them
like what?
>wanting games to contain gameplay is politicizing them
I could almost be sure that you were shitposting, if it wasn't for the fact that so many walking sim fanboys say the exact same kind of shit. So either you're being ironically retarded, or you're just normal retarded.
Yeah thats why you blanked out the names.
VN fanboys:
>"yeah they can be pretty dumb sometimes"
>buys and downloads 5 more VNs
>quietly masturbates to them and never drags you into it
>you learn to live and let live
>life goes on
walking sim fanboys:
>"They're not dumb! You just don't understand the complexities of the inner workings of a intellectual work of art and the characters therein!"
>long winded speech about pretentious shit
>always followed up with:
>"Maybe if you read a book once in a while!"
>"Maybe if you did something with your free time besides play gore and tit-filled shooters!"
>"Maybe if you moved out of your parent's basement!"
>more casual faggotry that never ends and refuses to become self-aware
VN fags and walking sim fags aren't the same. Don't get them confused. I would rather have 20 VN fags in my group than 1 walking sim fag.
>alt timeline:
>keep names uncensored
>jannies delete thread
>no lulz or drama ensue
Good thinking.
No, you absolutely just fucking walk in them.
based VNchads
I agree, I enjoy some walking sims (I'm a raging alcoholic and they're easy to play while drunk) but call it like it is.