Don't forget to read the manual, Manager!
Don't forget to read the manual, Manager!
Other urls found in this thread:
the manual doesnt help
The manual doesn't answer why she is so cute
Remember, its our fault for not being the 20th tifa/smash thread and pleasing our sponsors.
Where is she from?
all I wanna do is grab her ass
Im about to suppress binah core, i hope i dont lose anyone.
Post cute Hods.
From the control team.
Claptrap waifus.
Hod is sleeping.
I wanna LEWD Hod!
>use Google to reverse image search
>LC Hod
Blessed Hod thread
threadly reminder to ignore and filter malclerk posters
>It's true
Based and Hodpilled.
It's wrong to be jealous of Malkuth just because she's cuter than you, Angela.
I get Malkuth in Google search.
Maybe you are high on Enkephalin again, Hod and sees you everywhere.
What's this game called again, I wanna play it
Nice to see people make fan art for this game
I keep seeing these threads, and I have to ask: what genre is this game? Is it a science base builder (I've always wanted to make my own black mesa) or is it more of a linear 'contain these specific things and then move on to the next bunch' type game?
>forget that Mountain gets mad when employee is injured
>literally 1 HP off and it breeches
I hate having chads with shitload of HP that manage to take enough damage to not fully heal off of a few regens
It's a management game since you're the manager. Each day you can pick an abnormality out of a selection of three, with only a description to go off of. After that, you can assign employees and begin the day of poking it and seeing if it kills the agent or the agent survives and you get eco friendly energy.
It's fun but not for everyone, give it a pirate and see how you like it.
It's a management sim where you poke monsters and such for energy then send your guys to beat them up if they escape or if you trigger an incursion of outside forces by poking them too much
Meet the energy quota and it's on to the next level.
he's not mad just excited bro
thinks they might be food
TFW never get femdommed by Angela ;_;
So what is the actual gameplay for this game?
>Cant execute clerks
>Have Army in Pink
I swear any Noon Ordeal becomes an apocolypse event because of those dumbasses
Is there a way to reroll abnormalities from the extract screen other than Binah's re-extraction?
Same team, am i ready for binah suppression?
I wish this game was more about the monster raising aspect than managing and harvesting energy
its a sim and monsters do weird things based on different shit happening in your facility. Its really managing cause and effect and then the occassional battle manager when you just gotta put a bitch in their place.
Should I shuffle workers around? Seems like it would be easier to level some by putting them in a department with some specific anomalies. Is there a benefit to keeping them in the same department?
>girls in suits
Don't what she's from don't fucking care. Post moar
>Raising monsters that can wipe out mankind easily
Yeah fuck that, harvesting them for energy makes more sense
stat bonuses
7 day captain promotion
Any basebuilding stuff or upgrade trees?
Managing funds?
There's all sorts of them.
Abnormalities and expansions come automatically, LOB could be seen as your funds, as you get/upgrade employees with it.
No basebuilding but you pick which abnormalities you get.
Upgrading your staff so theyre wearing the monsters skin and has their weapon is the point of the game though. You manage LOB for hiring or promoting existing employees
>get monster
>figure out what it likes
>buy gear and weapons from the monster
>get more monsters
>oh shit, monster 1 gets jealous if you work with any other monster
>monster 2 enjoys it when you abuse him
>hold up, monster 3 escapes and murders people if he smells blood
>oh god monster 14 is demanding murder sacrifices or she's going to go insane
>and now worms and clown monsters are bursting out of the ground and a woman with a giant fist is turning my emoloyees into soup
>and etc and etc
These management games tend to die off after one playthrough and this one is pricey. Is it just played for waifus?
You can build up departments but it just increases how many Agents you're allowed to have in that department. There's like 3-4 upgrades per department, each one giving you a new future, like normally your departments can heal your agents only if no abnormalities are in the main room of said dept. but there's an upgrade that allows your agents to heal in the main room even if an abno is trying to murder everyone. Eventually you get handy game changing upgrades like execution bullets that allow you to banish employees to the shadow realm, and calling for pic related, the bunny squad, who will lockdown a department of your choosing and kill anyone and everyone in there, employee and abnos alike, if they can.
The game forces you to replay, as you cant finish it on the first run.
Drew shitty versions of each of the Sephirah, so here you go.
That could get quite complicated, there are many different aspects of the human psyche, and that's far beyond the scope of such a small game. Best to leave it to the professional.
You have to do multiple playthroughs because the amount of abnormalities exceed the amount you can have in one playthrough, and if you want the true ending you have to research all abnormalities fully.
Actual replay or just a grindfest replay of the same thing?
you technically can if you repo a lot
If you try to finish the game in one playthrough, you're gonna have a bad time.
post yesod
The waifus are hardly in the game.
Theres like a 5 min VN btween 30 mins minimum of gameplay
So many people asking what this games about is really making me think of just making a 3 minute video of a quick rundown on LobCo.
Or that funny video of the blonde girl profile.
or an image that can be posted every thread
You will get at least 40 hrs worth of game time if you're a failure who uses the wiki to optimize the gameplay choices. The waifus are barely there, Yea Forums is just childish and horny as usual
Mate we had one fucker in the last thread have one day last 300 minutes, mostly afk, but another one did like 150 minutes. Hell my mission to beat midnight took like 90 minutes.
Aslong as you provide the biggest tip, just let punish birb fly.
>becoming /vg/
stop we already had 2 threads deleted today
You cant check everything on the first run, so you will have to replay to finish it fully.
Also you can make your own hair, eyes and mouth to put on your employees.
Thats why i said MINIMUM. Well at least from day 20 onwords
pls no bully
I was just using one guy to clear Netzach, it took a while, plus prep for each ordeal and such
What does she look without the filter?
oh i'll bully you alright
why the fuck are you playing with one guy
I'm not going to make a general like a fuckwit or start every post with the game title, hell the fag janny seems to be catching on with the word Manager now in the title, so even that seems unsafe. People are constantly coming into these threads asking wtf is this.
I wanted to totally circumvent his gimmick so I only used an agent with the full Da Capo set (including gift, so full immunity to white). Everyone else only saw action during a meltdown or ordeal.
Try to imagine her in this artstyle
Post Binah
Could always stop making these threads for a bit and let our good friend forget.
you don't need to spoonfeed everyone
plus an user admitted to falseflagging as a newfag in order to bump the threads because theyre dying faster now
No, fuck you.
Shame. I really want a dorf fort style Black Mesa simulator. Still, it is what it is. I might try it sometime.
Probably the same, she does model herself as a hero of light and justice.
It wouldnt make sense if she looks like a snek when the filter is still on
Even without the filter she's still cute. I bet QoH is as well!
Someone tell me how to deal with the woman encased in amber, i feel like i've tried everything but she just escapes and kills everything
Also parasite tree keeps making me restart with its dumb RNG
>Parasyte Tree
Just tend to your garden bro LOL. I like to send someone there every 30 seconds so I dont accidently fuck up
>woman in amber
Don't walk into her mouth, as for the tree, finish recording its data and memrepo it if you can, that as well as the train are auto-memreps for me
Read the tips and do instinct work on her
Feed her, it's the only thing she cares about. She'll break out unless you get a Good result, sometimes staying if you get a normal one though.
When she gets out just move people out of her way, she's heavily susceptible to back attacks.
Parasyte Tree isn't RNG. She is on a personal clock. When it hits 0 she possesses someone to eat. Save them by spamclicking. Proactively send someone to her when she starts growing shady so she doesn't grab someone.
As for amber girl of many meals, try Instinct work.
Spoiler Alert: High fortitude emplyoee doing instinct work for the amber girl aka King of Greed, if she escapes, hit from behind, frontal attack is certain death
You can snap people out of the tree's control by repeatedly clicking on them before reaching the room, its harmless as long as you pay attention to it and have a way to get rid of clerks
Kinda hard when you can't tell everyone to stop making these fucking threads, I usually watch hoping these would get archive so we don't get sent to /vg/ hell but if others start posting then I'll just start joining.
If people's desire to know more intensifies for a game I enjoy I'll want them to join the bandwagon so the devs can get the support they deserve. I haven't loved a game this much in a long time. The lore's great, music's awesome, it's entertaining in all kinds of categories from humor, mystery, and thriller. I thought I was going to be playing a lot of Bloodstained but nope, LobCo is where it's at.
God I want to dick this cute fuck so much.
There are also girls in Jumpsuits
Thanks team, i forgot you can spam click on people. I figured it out for void dream, but not for that, i shoulda puzzled that together
Also check this out, i wonder if people realize that everything's got hebrew names
Thats the othre tree, Parasyte tree is the jealous one where if you dont work on it in btwn 5 other abno jobs it compels someone to come by. They cant be stopped. When 5 people have been blessed they turn into trees themselves.
>i wonder if people realize
there's more to come user
Yes user that's the point, it even shows the upside down tree during the loading screen.
The Abno classes are also branches of the tree.
After being stuck on her for several days, gonna make a shitpost of her.
Seriously fuck her Phase 2 into 3 and Fuck her Phase 4.
It's insanely obvious the game has Jewish references, star of david is in Central. It's an inverted tree in LC.
Day 50 has a neat gimmick about the kabbalah tree
Yes we did, it also seems to be on the background in this image
When the dude weed is so strong, you also become the weed
Good ol Parasyte tree
>tfw instantly realized it because of SMT
Mem Aleph is a bitch
I might just be a brainlet, but how do I do the first Hod mission to promote 2 employees? Can I do it in the pre-day set up screen or do I just have to grind some employees until they promote
Im pretty sure its the latter, its not hard to do either
Upgrade employees until they only need one more stat level up to hit the next promotion, then just train the shit out of that last stat with abno's.
How hard is it to mod this game? I want to create some custom abnormalities and try to fix the memory leaking issue.
Am I basically looking at reverse engineering the game at this point?
what is this
Since the filter is mostly meant to keep the horrific shit from bending your brain, I think it's safe to assume that the normal everyday representations of people and things are, while cartoonish, still relatively accurate. Those abnos who look human, clerks, agents, rabbits, etc should generally still look that way with the filter off.
You got me OP, Ill buy this game
Read the thread and the manual you fuckwit.
Nexus already has a mod framework, though I don't know about patches.
I'm shit at this game and haven't gotten past day 11.
I'm on day 46. So I just started the Keter Challenges, I was actually doing pretty well before The Claw wiped my team out with it's "Master forgive me, but I'll have to go all out... just this one time" ultimate move. Took the wind out of my sails. I know there is more to this but I am wondering if I should go back to Day 1 again to get more favorable abnormalities or to endure the ones I currently got since I have good gifts from them.
>the train
Express train from hell? Is it really that bad? Seems okay to me if you remember to check him
You need more guys.
Birb containment simulator.
First time Silent Orchastra escaped I almost quit the game.
The curtains looked so spooky and I was certain there was gonna be a freaky ass jumpscare. I found it amazing this game managed to put me on edge.
>take like two hours to beat hokma because I thought going straight to him after beating binah was a good idea and the game was taking up absurd amounts of memory
>game freezes at the end
>ok this happened with gebura I'll just go take a shower or something and come back it should be fine
How would WellCheers taste like?
Yeah, as for me I can't be bothered to keep checking on some random ass tool abnormal as often as it asks me too. I can check on WN much easier though in comparison, probably has to do with being an ALEPH so I'm visiting him regardless to speedrun the days with nothing to do.
At least, that's how the urban legend goes
Oops, wasn't looking at the thread. Here ya go.
Gimmie a sec
I don't get wellcheers. They got sold to a fishing boat but some didn't? It sounded fine honestly. Did I miss stuff later on or is that is?
How so, I already have a saturation of people in relation to Aleph ego gifts. Although I could get more WAW peeps to cover the upper floors. Any ideas of who I should add to my roster?
You can add one abnormality to the game. What does it look like?
Terry Davis
>get new anomaly
>Click the ? box
>>screen cracks
Im unironically scared bros
it's actually one of the easiest ones, as long as you never NEVER touch it
I touched it
Just stick with it user, the only threats during the late game are Abnormalities that breach through means other than management, and the only ones on your lineup that are a pain in the ass that does that are Big Bird , Army in Black and Mountain, who should be dealable with your lineup. Every other ALEPH only breaches if you fuckup management, and your other breachable WAW+ Abnormalities (QoH + Black Swan) require a few hurdles to breach. If you really struggle that hard, do some Clerk cheesing strats and genocide all your Clerks at the start of the day with Der Shooty, to do a controlled breach on your Clerk Death Abnorms. But leave a few for QoH hysteria prevention later.
No, give me a title.
I just finished fapping
Post your Agents so I can put them in a shitpost. Use the EGO List screen like pic related so it's easier for me to alpha channel them.
Listen to Malkuth and read
>"Managerial Tips 4"
>" Appearance, composition and taste are exactly the same as grape flavored carbonated beverages of purple cans. We found that the physical strength and mental strength of the person ingesting the drink recovered together."
For QoH I just work on her when she is the 2nd to last work before a qlippoth meltdown then when she is at 15 or 16 I send someone else to start working to push it over into the next level, thus refreshing her with a good result. I still pop caps in every Clerk's ass because I want to deprive BB, Smiling Bodies, Pink Army, and Queen Bee from access to clerks
You haven't been fooling around with the sephirahs, employees, and abnormalities, right Manager?
Begone Thot
Lemme post my best and most based employees
She ended up looking different but this was the one someone put in a thing before.
also Chesed best boy
This is my personal fave employee, gonna get the magic bullet ego gift for him too, he's based.
Does it have to be in the EGO list or can we scroll off to the side with no background. The suppression visuals is interfering for me
My first employee, still alive!!!
Would you unleash cogito upon humanity and revel in the age of monsters? Maybe you'd get to be a cute abnormality!!! It's worth a try, right?
Noah here has been very hard at work.
He was the worker who pretty much just did everything for Netzach's sup
In memory of Gebura wrecking my shit so much. I'll save the other agents for another shitpost if I can think of something.
Hey that's pretty good
I left all my agents in one elevator room and she came at them during phase 4 and it made me think of a blender. Just gonna be making dumb shitposts while I'm stuck in a hotel since I have nothing better to do.
Inject that shit right into my brain senpai
Who would be the best abno for an edit of this? Punishing Bird?
>can dice roll to either become a Laetitia or a Nothing There
I can dig it, hit it doc
Manager, please...
Is this in the game?
If the monocle didn't look so damn classy with the suit, this fuck wouldn't be worth the trouble, but alas, I grinded for two of these monocles today
Post the cg for that ending, it's kino.
Can I post multiple?
No, it's illegal
Post Malkuth hentai
One of five agents I'm training to be the fastest things alive.
ok well disregard Noah and Bella then, Acacia here was my first agent and she's still doing well
>no angela womb suppression
shit game 0/10
>still need Blue Star, Wolf, Monk, and the other two birds for my meme speed builds and it's day 30
I hope I can get them before day 46, else I'll have to do the gauntlet while getting the last few pieces of the meme builds together
So how are your runs going, trying to finish the game or just doing post game nonsense like me?
Imagine what Nothing There will look like after it learns how to properly imitate humanity.
It'll still have to learn about having a human soul or sum shit like that, since the story of the agent talking to Nothing There showed it doesn't really know how to respond to actual questions. If it did learn how to be like a human though, imagine a world where these things successfully pretend to be someone else.
Isn't the name supposed to signify that no matter what it tries to mimic, there's nothing really there inside of it's mind? Just a hollow facsimile.
Something about the legacy observation
Well it'll still just be wearing someone else's skin.
Remember: as always, at the end, Nothing There
Spooky stuff that's for sure
brain hurty association
Imagining grinding teeth behind a smile strained tight.
Doesn't know how to write, so it just starts to smash a finger against the clipboard until the finger snaps, tears, jagged bone cuts through flesh as it starts to mimic attempts at Work.
It's obvious that CENSORED enforces hopelessness just by gazing at it, but I still wonder what the experience is like.
With time, even hollow shells can grow souls and a sense of self. At least, that's what Nier taught me.
Clerks are people too so you shouldn't be mean to them.
Can someone recommend a good idiot video tutorial for this game? I play it for 2 days but don't still have the hang of it. I'm stuck at day 9 because someone is breaking out at this point and strange Things are approaching in the halls all of the sudden and I don't know how to prevent this. I'm still a total noob in this game, but I really wanna play this!
The things I'd do to this dork
Be more specific. Are you talking about ordeals? "Doubt" and "Cheers for the start" and the like? They spawn after you've done so many works, and there's no way to prevent them from happening, you just have to understand how to combat them. What specifically, abnormalities if applicable, are you having trouble with?
What abno would be the best bet for a relatively stable and wholesome interspecies relationship with?
Yes "Doubt" and "Cheers". So I don't have to work constantly with the abnormalities? perhaps I'm doing to much with them.
CLOCKWORK CUte daughterfus
Day 46 here. I know there's different endings for failing the last 3 days, but how does that work exactly? Do you still get to retry or mem repo each day, or do you need to clear everything in one go?
No, you have to (and chances are you'll want to train agents early when the ordeals don't get too bad, i.e. those Doubt and Cheers things).
Prepare when you see one about to come up. E.g. for the clowns, put an agent or squad in front of the room for your most dangerous abno with a counter.
You'll have to work on them either way, no way to get around that. If you're focused on completing the day remember that it needs a requisite amount of energy, not works, so if you want to avoid ordeals you want maximum energy from the fewest numbers of works, which usually means the higher level abnormalities. Of course, there's also benefits to continuing even after you can finish the day, because it gets harder and harder to grind for stats and ego gifts later on.
>got to day 21
>start to get 2 abnormalities per day
>Missions are to finish the day with few meltdowns
>Managed to do several of these missions
>reach day 28
>no new mission
>"oh right I can do the dusk mission now"
>I will do it this day
It is.
Quite possibly one of the worst ones for someone who doesn't have a set of The Smile yet.
>Waah I got the 3rd easiest aleph to suppress
CENSORED is extremely rough for someone who doesn't have other ALEPHs, which I'm assuming that aside from a possible WN right now, he does not. The insta-hopeless debuff is ridiculous for someone without heavy duty black res armor.
You can beat it with literally 1 employee with a ranged weapon that doesn't instantly panic from suppressing it.
Thank you very much, I will consider it!
Well let's see what his employees are then. At day 28 my best weapons were Mimicry and Lamp, which would have sucked ass for CENSORED, even with the recovery effect and the weakness making aspect. CENSORED has pretty good defenses.
They can be stopped by just clicking on them a few times, and any clerks it marks can be slaughtered like the stupid clerks they are. The buff it gives is really nice if you are willing to spend the extra effort to manage it.
I'd say he's 5th, not counting birdy boy.
Other ones like Blue Star cause a shitload of damage to your facility, but aren't actually hard to suppress when you get to them.
Clerks are not disposable. They are real human beans
What is the absolute worst combination of abnomarlities to manage?
bullshit, I got one guy with max stats (I'm assuming lvl 5 is the max) fully geared with Army in Black gear. it takes forever to deal a good amount of damage.
Has to be a mix of
>breaches per clerk death
>breaches for other abo breach
>breach on alert level
Mind the poisonous thorns that will surely kill you someday.
QoH with any of the clerk-friendly abbos is a pain.
The World Tree + Choo Choo + Holy Fetus is pretty fun as well.
Debatably, having all 3 borbs is bad up until you actually deal with them. It can be difficult to have your day go down a completely different track just because a few clerks died while your agents were being punished.
>Dreaming Current
>Snow White's Apple
Enjoy walking around the entire Facility chasing these fuckers down with two of them leaving shit behind, and two of them being immune to specific damage types.
For my WAW suppressions I released Alriune over and over because Apple would've just left shit everywhere and made it take 10x longer.
With clever grouping I was able to respond and shut down Alriune usually within 2 teles, 1 when she "oopsed" right into a crowd of my gigachads in a hallway and instantly got murdered
Would she let me fuck her if I asked her nicely?
Central Department
All ALEPHs plus the baby
She's a good girl at heart despite what she does, so she'd probably politely decline after laughing and thinking you were joking.
Holy christ finally done with this. Way too many details. Enjoy this SO animation.
Tell her your dick is evil and she need to beat it.
You can have all my energy.
very nice user
That’s pretty goddamn good dude
Very cool but I fucking hate SO and his energy stealing hoes.
wew lad
The blue star one looks fucking awful but what's wrong with the scorpion censored?
Ty bros, you make the hard work worth it. Quick question: I want to have an animation of every ALEPH, and I've already done Fusion Bird, WN, the Mountain, and SO. Which one should I do next, Melting Love of Blue Star?
She only has a couple m8. Tank through the first phase, then for the phases after that just abuse the pause button and constantly move your agents behind her when she attacks, while constantly shielding. A smaller squad is probably better because sending in plebs will just get them killed and panic your good agents.
Is 7 Aleph geared agents good enough?
i just think that it's pretty impressive that some madman remade most of the abnormalities as 2hus
Holy fuck, that's Marisa and Alice in the middle of Blue Star.
Yeah that's plenty. I did it with 5 and didn't have that much difficulty. Be very careful with her special attacks, there are a couple that can gib V-stat agents.
Oh snap, give sauce. That looks pretty funny lol.
it's from the dude that did the CookieBattle with the LobCorp Abnos
This one looks pretty good. Just didn't like the void on blue star having something taking it up.
that ass
Actually pretty good, I'm glad that more people are making some good quality mods for this, even if I won't use any.
They're not mods
They're resources for cookie MADs
Still pretty good.
So let me get this right: the 100% ending is triggered at any point when you have suppressed all sephirahs and gotten 100% abno research, correct? So as someone who has not finished the game even once yet and is at 97% abno research, I'm better off finishing day 50, restarting, and then getting the last abno researched. correct?
I still don't get Alriune.
Who the fuck gives their daughter a six legged armless barbie centaur llama as a doll
Weird parents
So is the game actually fun, or is it just waifushit? Half this thread is focused more on waifushit than the actual game, and in the past this has proven to mean that the game isn't all that great.
Posting a picture of a female character isn't all that constitutes waifushit user.
It's easier and faster to just post waifus.
Else I just wait until one of the newer guys have any question.
It's still a fun game.
Are you new to Yea Forums user?
I enjoy it a lot, but that kind of stuff tends to crop up when a game is winding down in discussion, especially on Yea Forums.
There's not that much of it anyway, just the first few posts, likely just to garner some attention.
Overall it's a pretty damn good game but it's niche and not for everyone. It's probably the most fun I've had with anything on PC in a long time, and the story is decently engaging despite the poor quality translation. It's interesting finding out the individual mechanics of each new monster/item you get, and filling up your analysis index of them, and I enjoy how they usually work differently when they get out. The boss fights range from easing you in to extremely bone-breaking in challenge, and they always seem to provide a reward that's worth the effort.
In modern Yea Forums that kind of proportion puts it amongst the best
In any case the game's totally shit so you can fuck off forever
Midway through they reveal (legitimate spoiler if you care to try it) all the "waifushit" staff members people post in these threads are really just metal boxes with legs. The actual game has relatively little of it, and it's rather grim when it does.
Good gameplay, but some might find it frustrating when an employee dies seemingly out of nowhere.
Being able to know about cookie makes all of his videos even more of a joy to watch.
>takes my energy as payment
>that reimu
I recognize that from some animation
but more importantly from the 300 video playlist of Honobono Shrine remixes I listen to when I'm panicking about something
Who the fuck classified pick related as Zayn? Did they look at it, went "it's pink and smiling, looks pretty harmless", and moved on? This motherfucker cost me so many days, it's unreal.
Employee Serena
Alternatively Moon Jungho
You forgot the pic. But it makes really no sense since you get the false description after working on it and then you know anyway that's bullshit.