I miss ding dong and julien. Why did they leave? Was ding dong just getting butt hurt that Chris says faggot a lot?

I miss ding dong and julien. Why did they leave? Was ding dong just getting butt hurt that Chris says faggot a lot?
The new guys just don't interest me. Tomar and Zach are okay but fuck The other dudes.
I know it's e celeb nonsense but they play games so it's still relevent!

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they hated california

Zaq and Lyle are better anyways

they left to work on their game. I don’t think they were on bad terms



>Why did they leave?
Their former TheBestGamers members got them doxxed, California was too expensive, they had a couple of burglar break-ins, they had a skeevey landlord, and their apartment was in such terrible condition that their ceiling fan almost fell on them.

Also, not vidya.

They will come back as soon their money run out.

I wish Oney Corey and Jeff did a full playthrough of Sonic Adventure 2. It was a perfect balance of autism

internet celebrities

eceleb cancer is not video games.

Chris=Zach=Jeff=Cory>>>Tomar>>>Ding Dong>>>Julian>>>Niall>>>power gap>>>Lyle>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Mick

Why the fuck was their surge of youtubers and e-celebs moving to California a bunch of years back?

I didn't hate Lyle until he spewed his awful DMC opinions

Who the fuck is Mick? I don't think i've seen any he's on
To get into the animation industry

Micks the only asshole

didnt they move their for VA work?

Lyle = worst

Zack went from being the worst and being too tryhardy to becoming the most based

Animation shit that fell through. Chris almost had a show on adult swim.

How's that game going DingDong?

will another halloween pass without them releasing trigger treat?

This has been answered a bunch of times already:
When internet social media got more monetized, the more people wanted to make connections with already-existing entertainment companies. Also, I don't know if you're American but California is a shitty state that has been falsely promoted for nearly a century as a place where people can "make it in show business." In reality, only the top echelon of people can come close to having adequate living conditions.

>being the worst
Your taste just got better you dork

They fell into the "connections" trap.

Nah, the first episode or two he was on he didn't sound comfortable and it sounded a bit jarring. Once he eased in and realized it wasn't necessary to always try and force a joke in he ascended to the next level.

Zach was always great. He and Chris is what always holds Sleepcabin up.

Is the best we can get now.

Williams Street is in Georgia. Why be in California if he almost had an adult swim show?

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They still live there, you know. Just not in an as expensive city

>listen to Sleepycast
>one of the earlier episodes is them talking about how living in more expensive places as an artist is unnecessary because there's no real reason to even if it's for connections
>fast forward a few years they backpedal on this once more than half of them now live in California
wonder what changed, I'd imagine living in Philly was more convenient

Everyone who likes Julian is a fucking retard faggot

I tolerated Mick and thought he was okay but when he told that story about how rude he was to Charlie Adler just because he didn't know him that just makes me dislike him on principle

Zach and Tomar

no they don't

When was that?

sadly california has all the business they all interested in (animation and videogames), and if thewy really want to fulfill those projects they had in mind, they have to stay in california for that to happen. california sucks, lots of spics and niggers making everywhere dirty and expensive but is the price to pay to bloom your projects

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Why do I always browse these threads? I don't even watch OneyPlays, but I probably understand all of the behind the scenes drama of the channel better than most of the people that watch it. What is wrong with me?

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They said they moved to Ontario, which I doubt the emigrated to fucking canada to

why the fuck is this thread still here?

>stamper will never make an appearance
A-at least he's getting his shit together, right bros?

i agree with chris, i also love california but the people does ruin all whats good about the cities


These recent uploads have made me realize that Chris is only as funny as the guys he has on with him. Tomar works fine as a straight man, but Lyle and Mick are not funny at all. He needs someone like Zach to bounce off of in order to be entertaining, otherwise he's just kind of whatever.

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Lyle Is best dad

There's no established rules for eceleb threads so it's up to whichever janny is awake at the time to determine if they should get deleted or not. I think they are fine, but only if they're created to talk about something in specific, and don't crop up that often.

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Saw a pic of him eating dinner with his family a while back, he looked like a skinny sleep deprived crackhead.

that cousin of his really fucked him up

Will Shadman ever appear in Oneyplays?

post it

every fucking thread this goddamn retard comes in here bitching about a fucking "straight man"

every fucking oney thread. check my 4

It's on his Twitter behind a bunch of random action movie gifs.

I think ding dong is working on a game and Jullian is helping? I’m not 100% just a theory.

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He talks about how it was the worst fucking pitch and it was all his own fault

they been doing that for ages and still no progress, but check out all that furry porn of their bunny boxer lmao xD

that user but the story is a little exaggerated it's in one of the newer sleepycast episodes
>Mick was doing voices for some thing on Nickelodeon or something
>Charlie Adler was one of the other voices and was there working with everyone
>is actually friendly and being a good coworker to Mick
>Mick gives more of a "yeah yeah whatever" kind of attitude, like the one employee who's just there to be there and leave
>once everything is done and over with Charlie Adler tags everyone involved in a post about the thing on twitter except Mick
>Mick only really regrets it just because he realized who Charlie was
in fairness, maybe that's a little petty for Charlie to do that but it did sound like Mick was being kind of rude for no reason so I don't blame him
it's no wonder Mick has a hard time making connections while hi other VA friends actually go places if that's his general attitude at work

maybe if mick stops acting like some edgy anime charactrer with a sad past, maybe he would find better connections

Was he not in the PUBG video? Im pretty sure he was in one video atleast

He's not really even right, Ding Dong and Julian were both the straight man (ha) half the time but also as weird as Chris the other half. Chris needs that.

I wish he had the original cast back on more often
The fucking Fartboy and Lavagirl bit from the RE2 playthrough kills me every time.

>>Mick gives more of a "yeah yeah whatever" kind of attitude, like the one employee who's just there to be there and leave
now that I think about it Mick really does seem to have this attitude about voice acting as a job
I remember describing it a few times as "you go in, do your lines a few times, have a good time and get out of there and go to the bar or something"
I wouldn't be surprised if it's a little sugar coated

There's people who just have voices that you'll find infectious. Chris O'Neill's just one of those guys for me, he sounds NATURALLY energetic and happy, brimming with energy. And he's got a very distinctive chimp hoot for a laugh. Zach falls into the same territory, his deviated septum or whatever gives him a voice people instantly recognize, but it also sounds very confident, and when you combine that with how candid he is with his insults it's funny. Like when Oney talks about himself and his friends losin their hair and wonders aloud if his audience can relate, Zach says...

>"Some big fat fuckin pig is scratchin his shiny head." -DKC2 (Part 3 or 4)

I used to watch Game Grumps but Arin's voice actually grates on me now, especially when he tries to voice act the characters. Meanwhile Danny's voice is very friendly and pleasant.

Dropped that playthrough on the first episode as soon as he started saying things objectively wrong like they were right.

I haven't watched Oney Plays in months. Did Zach ever come back?

I still think Mick is a good guy, he's just an impulsive dumbass that tries to act like he knows what he's doing half the time
he just needs to take a step back and reassess a few things
probably because there's just so much of it it's intriguing it can come from some fucking LP channel of all things

for like a few episodes, and he likely wont be back til the end of the year, aside for maybe 1 or 2 appearances in between

Mick sounds like a fucking retard then.

>make it in show business
But that is where it happens outside of maybe also New York, but everyone is also aware of how unlikely it is. People just get way too full of themselves and think they're special, which of course 9 times out of 10 they aren't.

he's Chinese AND Irish
he was fucked since the beginning

Because you're tired of Tifa's tits, frogs, wojacks, and fake Smash rosters.

His dick must be the size of a clitoris.

As grating as Ding Dongs whining can be what I miss is his knowledge about games. LPs are at their greatest and only really worth anything when they're actually informative on top of being funny. You can tell people like Mick or Lyle don't really know what the fuck they're talking about or just don't give a shit about what they're playing, it makes the video game playing aspect a nuisance instead of a plus because it gets in the way of them just talking. When someone actually knows shit about games, playing a game while commentating actually gives them better things to talk about.

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I like lyle. fuck DD and julian.

so when do you think dingus dongus and joolian's sex tape will be leaked

Fucking this, Mick and Lyle don't give a flying fuck about video games.

I've warmed up to the new crew and there isn't anyone I actively dislike, but I still miss Ding Dong and Julian.


Neither do Tomar and Zach to be fair, however they're funny enough to make up for it. The best playthrough was probably Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 because everyone had something to talk about. KH is somewhat related to animation because of the Disney characters, giving Chris stuff to talk about. It has its roots in gay degeneracy, giving Julian something to talk about. And obviously it's a game, so Ding Dong had shit to talk about.

Hopefully now that SuperMega is mostly separate from the Grumps, they'll do shit with Chris again.

What did he say? i dont want to watch that shit

Oh? Did Arin scare off another group of "friends" with his insane, control freak attitude? I still can't stand Matt and especially Ryan though.

Chris and Stamper would always make fun of his "tic-tac wiener" on Sleepycast

I think it was something to do with Ross and I wanna say Dream Daddy. I don't remember the specifics. But huh... SuperMega are probably my favorites in the LP world.

>it's a nostalgia critic/linkara imitation episode

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>former TheBestGamers members got them doxxed,
What the fuck, story on this?

on a semi-related topic but Mick seems sort of self-conscious about showing his power level for anything that isn't JoJo and tries too hard to be a normie about it
I remember when he was on Doodle Doods for that Yu-Gi-Oh episode and he claimed to watch everything and knows his stuff about Duel Monsters specifically but then he second guesses himself constantly and always tried prefacing his knowledge with something like "I'm not sure, I don't know" despite his guessing being way too accurate to just be a guess
It's not that noticeable in the video itself and it's just my massive autism that notices but it does seem like he does what normies always do whenever something "nerdy" is brought up

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>it's a Zach does a Trump impression episode and he makes a joke about the audience beating the shit out of Linkara
>"Don't let him have his jacket, take his jacket!"

>no more Chris doing Robbie Rotten since DD/J were the only people that gave a shit about it.

DD/Zach are the best on the show because either of them bounce off the crazy shit Chris says. Mick, and Lyle just try to force in their shitty jokes all the time and they are terrible.

No they left on their own terms to pursue whatever it is they do but Matt and Ryan really did throw Chris under the bus on their podcast, saying how they felt like they had to be edgy on OneyPlays and how "that's not our kind of humor guys honest!" just to appease their retarded new fanbase
plus I think there's a post somewhere where Chris himself said none of them really talk anymore so it's not very likely they'll come back

They're both sjw faggots. Matt thinks he's somehow above weaboos despite dating a Japanese girl and speaking Japanese and he and Ryan know jack fucking shit about anything historical before they were born and i'm not exaggerating.

Man that's such horse shit. They were doing edgy humor on their own show too, it wasn't just on OneyPlays. I think it's Ryan being a faggot, he was barely ever in anything with Chris and when he was he never seemed like he wanted to be there.

>Chris under the bus on their podcast, saying how they felt like they had to be edgy on OneyPlays and how "that's not our kind of humor guys honest!"
Both of those guys were like zoomers trying to fit in with an older crowd. I remember, I think it was in a SA2 video Matt says some Matei tier shit like "lol what if sonic pooped lol"

Well I was mainly talking about why they didn't associate with Chris and his buddies, not why they left the Grumps. I'm certain it was something with Chris pissing off either Ross or Holly over Dream Daddies. So to keep their jobs they kind of had to cut ties. They still did a couple live action things with Chris, but Let's Plays were mostly off the table since I guess Chris wasn't welcome in the Grumps office. I'm not aware of the podcast statement, but it was also likely to keep their jobs. They have almost exactly the same type of humor as Chris.

>they felt like they had to be edgy on OneyPlays
I didn't watch those guys aside from their Oney appearances, but if they call the stuff from OneyPlays "edgy", then fuck them. Is Chris saying "faggot" once in a while considered edgy?

They also don't know shit about or care about video games outside of shitty Spongebob garbage.

>Matt's dating a Jap

>No more Julian to be excited about Halloweeny things in any game

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Why the fuck is there a city called Ontario and a place in Canada called Ontario? This clownplanet stinks.

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I just wish I had more zach. I fucking love that retard

Ryan's decent with knowledge and skill. I feel like Matt knows more than he lets on, but he is pretty garbage when he plays. But I watch them for the banter, not so much the gameplay.

>watching that new episode with the new crash team racing
>see tiny tiger
>immediately think "julian should be here."

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>Julian admitted in a stream he wants to fuck Marina

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