Ok, bullet round, the category is "Games That Autists Play". I need games that make you go "damn you really gotta have those autisms to play that son". Doesn't even have to be pure vidya, so hit me up with those grognard wargames and miniature collecting games.
factorio satisfactory magnum opus rimworld siralim 3
Carson Nguyen
dorf fort is for people that want to pretend they are autistic but have not even touched the tip of the autism iceberg. go play your retarded normieshit games, peasant.
Cogmind Duskers Factorio Foxhole Train Simulator (all DLC too) All of the Zachtronics Industries catalog Gladiabots The Black Watchmen DORF FORTROSS X3 or X4 Elite Dangerous EVE Online
Guess some are really escaping me right now but these are autismo dedication on its own
Do autists even play dominions? the community outside of Yea Forums is one of the most normie out there, just a bunch of people with jobs and lives where the PBEM system is ideal for playing at your leisure whenever you have a moment
Jason Phillips
Ultimate Autismo Game Incoming Aurora 4X It's a literal spreadsheet game I'm autistic enough to play DF but I took one goddamned look at that and immediately backed out.
Jace Foster
>I took one goddamned look at that and immediately backed out. don't be so dramatic
Samuel Parker
true story though, wanted a sci-fi spaceman game and downloaded it thinking it would be fun, had no clue what was going on, played for like 30 seconds before quitting. Literally nothing is explained.
Joseph Martinez
any disgaea although 5 has the most systems to be autistic with RCT/RCT2 but with Open RCT2 rimworld terraria factorio simutrans openttd minecraft minetest siralim 3 starbound with frackin universe caesar 3 anything by zachtronics the dominions series caves of qud distant worlds universe
Every shmup or bullet hell that has existed on the fucking planet. Even if you beat it with continues or special bombs, people will dismiss you as a casual for not playing these usually 2 hours games 1000s of times and memorize every bullet patterns while 1CC them and getting a high score. Pure, sheer autism is required to worship and learn from some jap playing the same game for 10 years
I'd also add hardmode romhacks like kaizo for mario. Also obscure webgames like Legend of the Red Dragon and stuff you have to telnet into like HellMOO.
Cameron Morales
Stephen's Sausage Roll and English Country Tune, then link him to the dev's page full of small puzzle games as well as shitpost games. He has lots of both.
Brody Mitchell
elona+ is god tier, user
Nathaniel Nelson
well, now it's elona+ ce because the elona+ guy has gone off the rails