Only the worst armour and weapon designs allowed.
I don't save crap, but I'd put up the shotgun from marathon.
Gimme that toilet look
The armour itself looks fine imo, its just that dumb fucking helmet that ruins the whole thing
The only thing I hate about Oblivion's glass armor set is the boots. Everything else looks really good though. Skyrim by far has the ugliest glass armor set.
MMOs probably have the highest quantity of awful armors
excuse me, this is the BAD armor design thread, I think you may be lost
This is awesome
This is okay
This is also awesome.
God bless Yea Forums ask for shit armors and get good ones, ask for good armors get shit ones
dat ass tho
When talking about Oblivion it's better just listing the armors that DIDN'T look terrible; mithril, steel and crusader. Everything else was shit.
Gay go away.
Pretty much anything from the first Kotor
hmm yes
Pic related is worse, you can make the combat shotgun look reasonable if you just move the magazine back closer to the action which is what they did in FO4. This "assault rifle" has absolutely no redeeming factors
Slavic Biker, ayy!
>dying wolf armor black
That's a big yike.
The armors are okay, it's the head gear that sucks. That why everyone installs the invisible head gear mod.
pretty much anything from FFXIV. It's all so fucking ugly and looks like it came directly from some edgy 13-year-old's middle school sketchbook.
thats just how it looks
Thank you
I love the game and I love that team but the drillrats are just 2retard for me
You're welcome, but why?
In Fallout 4s defense that armor was made for synths so the Institute probably didn't care about how it looked
I just finished FO4 I hated having to spend most of the game looking like Tourettes Guy. Had to change my face.
To be fair, a lot of D2 armor is trash. But this especially.
But i do, so it belongs to this thread
It looks like it would weigh a ton.
Fuck you
But that's my favorite gun in the game though
That can't be real
I legit thought this was some sort of post-apocalyptic hillbilly armor
I call bullshit. There's plenty of sets in that game that are fantastic or become fantastic with a bit of mix and match.
Wow, that makes the Warhammer 40k armor look normal in comparison.
the assassin armor designers really liked spikes
the only part that looks bad is the shoulders. if they were smaller it would be good
I liked the MIDA Mini-Tool minus all the unnecessary bulk in the rear
Most of Skyrims weapons belong in this thread. They're all WoW tier oversized abominations with dull edges that would be useless in realistic combat.
that top is fantastic but everything else in the set is bad.
>useless in realistic combat
good thing its a video game then
>Best armors in XIV are items ported from XI
Which is precisely why I said with some mix and match sometimes. Such are the benefits of having a half decent glamour system.
This applies to all D2 titans
All 3 tangled shore armor sets suck ass.
any game with good sci-fi armor?
Warlock one is still the best. I like the pockets and lack of a loincloth
There are mods that give the retarded orc caveman weapons smooth edges. They're still green fantasy weapons but no longer look like fisher price toys. They don't need to look realistic, just not fucking stupid.
her right eye is bigger than her left eye
that bothers me
You proved my point. There's ample amount of unnecessary, edgy """armor""" on there.
I wanna rip every piece of armor off her cause it's so bad.
I love how it manages to be busy and boring at the same time.
Literally every single weapon and armor from mars war log, everything from that game looks like trash
I liked what Mass Effect did even if it is kind of dull. They are all just more or less the same space suits with different thicknesses of armor bolted on to them. No fancy stylings or useless widgets. Just a sealed suit and practical armor plates.
ha ha ha, that gun makes no sense.
Default wolf armor has all the leather straps in dark red.
Pretty much every piece of armor in Halo 4.
I imagine Halo 5 has pretty shitty armor as well, but I wouldn't know cause I've never played it.
I'll never understand how people could think pointy-spiky armor = cool. If I'm fighting a demon from another dimension or whatever, alright that's fine. I can picture that.
>Best armor in the game
>Is also the ugliest armor in the game
Too many games commit this sin.
>lower-level armor looks realistic and aesthetic
>high-level armor is flamboyant overdesigned garbage
thank god for the smithing skill making differences in base protection almost meaningless
skyrim everything belongs in this thread
Well to each their own user. When I'm slaying false gods and evil empire members every other day I tend to prefer armor on the fantastic side.
Your not wrong. My friend was playing 5 the other day and the vast majority looked like bad paintball gear.
*blocks your path*
Doesn't surprise me. I'm not a Bungie dick rider, but 343 took a nose dive with the Halo franchise in every conceivable way you could imagine.
There's a fine line between fantastic and retarded. Everything clashes on the first one. It looks like some weird scholar outfit made out of carpets, with an edgy dragoon helmet and pointy bits? What the fuck?
Second one clashes less but shit like the straw loincloth? Cloth wristwraps? It doesn't go with anything, why is it even there?
Wanna see me fix the armor in less than a minute?
Every game with armor like this should have a closed face version of every helmet.
they were retards for dropping class sets
at least those had a chance of being good if they weren't too influenced by the raid at the time
Pretty much everything in Runescape (3). And everything in OSRS past Dragon chain.
The only good armor designs in skyrim are the nordic plate and the dawnguard armor. Everything else looks so clunky and ugly.
The Imperial armor was good.
this is fucking great, why did you post that
I win.
all the early-game armors like fur/hide/imperial/iron look good. But the design goes to shit when they move away from realistic armors and toward fantasty-style stuff.
Elven armor could've looked cool but they fucked it up by giving the male set massive birthing hips that look gay as fuck.
wow has a LOT of bad armor sets
>HAY GUISE, what if we took all the useless features of the BAR but also made it weigh 80 fucking pounds?
if only it fucking spawned
the only thing it has going for it is that it matches her hair
also if she looks down, her own FUCKING NECK ARMOR will stab her in the chest.
why the fuck would you ever put on FUCKING NECK ARMOR without a chest plate? can she even turn her head?
her leg armor jutting out looks like it would be a nuisance to her hands
I had forgotten how awful the inquisitor armor was. Now I'm mad again
Too bad it's worse than regular steel armor, no wonder the empire had their shit pushed in during the great war
easier to list the few good ones
Don't remind me of that shit. I threw up in my mouth a little.
fuckin bandits are out in the wasteland wearing power armor and a technologically advanced underground society makes armor with holes in it
bravo Todd
imagine not being able to do anything but keep your arms at your sides because any time you tried you smacked your face with your shoulder spikes
Took me a few seconds to realize that wasn't from Anthem.
what were they even aiming for with that mess
Fire Emblem really should have an option for armored units to actually wear their helmets.
It's mostly the proportions in the armors. Armors looks super fucking bottom heavy and super ugly to look at because the legs/ankles are way too thick and bulky looking. Every single armor in the game would be improved if the leg/ankle armor was reduced in thickness to about half of what it is.
can a magic caster throw a fireball at someone's head in the game? or walk up, aim down the neckhole and just blast a firespell down the inside of the armor?
Steel Plate is without a doubt, the best armor set in all of Skyrim.
the cat ears are dumb but the armor is aesthetic
that says more about skyrim than steel plate
Holy FUCK what happened to Halo
> professional assassin gear
> bright red bathrobe
> fingerless gloves
> pajama pants
> casual loafers
That's because originally it was supposed to be a light machine gun and the game was supposed to have either the original Fallout 3 assault rifle or the Chinese one. For some reason they nixed that and replaced it with that fucking water-cooled monstrosity.
>dedicated bulge area
No, it's not okay.
looks more like a court jester than an assassin
>mom said it's my turn to play the xbox now
Nah I dont think Fire Emblem will ever get to that level of attention to detail.
It took eight (8) years, but someone finally made that mod
>elven anything
>not looking gay as fuck on guys
Elves are shit
You know what, hmm... It's actually a pretty close tie between Steel Plate and the Dawngaurd armor.
people who defend shit like this ruined gaming
The big bulky mech looks cool, but everything else is just trash.
Planetside 2 has some decent armor. Shame the game is dead as balls.
I kinda like the middle one
The fuck are you talking about nigger? It's not even like super-sexy armor is all that common anymore
It's ironic that westerners cannot into medieval fantasy armor. Look at that fucking mess. There isn't a single matching, flowing or complementary pattern across any two pieces. Just aimless fucking lines. Only thing that comes close are the triple glass borders on the breastplate/tasset, and clearly an unintentional match given the different shapes. The only thing tying it together is the shared colors/textures. It doesn't communicate "light but sturdy," it's just a muddy mess.
When did the west lose its touch?
mid and right are fucking cool
Literally what the fuck where they thinking?
bethesda didn't care either
I used to love that game. Those endless fights at the Crown. Shame it's dead now.
>imperial steel armor is inferior to nordic steel armors
What did they mean by this?
>play wow (a huge mistake, I know)
>every stupid asshole on the planet is using the same 2-3 old tier armor for whatever class they are
>every male human paladin is in t2
>then there's the fucking normalfags that wear CURRENT armor unironically
Thank god I dropped that shit. It feels awful to hate WoW, but it feels irredeemable to me, I don't know how they could even begin to save it.
nomura is a shit character designer and a worse game director or whatever the fuck he does now. his retarded zipper fetish worked in like ffx where tidus is from an autistic future society, but nothing else is appropriate for his belt and zipper fetish
Mass Effect 1 armors were all ugly as sin
ask the millions of autismos who have been following this mess of a series for almost 20 years
Why would you want an armor with your nuts exposed ?
Ć fucking love tons of belts, zippers are shit tier though
Belts have that edgy "chained up prisoner" feel, like that inner monster being held back
This 100%
Ive been following this mess for that long and i still hate it
it's completely inappropriate and out of place most of the time. it's the only thing nomura does, and he does it for every character, no matter the circumstances
then I don't know what to tell you, to a normal person this looks just as retarded as everything else in KH
That doesnt even go with soras character though. Maybe with chain of memories sora where he had soul but not this one.
The Empire is short of cash after the war? In Oblivion the legion armor is no weaker than steel and in Morrowind it's better than steel.
I don't disagree, I mostly like it as a general motif, not as something specifically pertaining to KH
Imperial Steel sword is also inferior to the regular nordic Steel swords
Bethesda forgot what armor level the sets were and just kinda threw darts at the wall hoping to get it close
>not getting the reference to that Tom Hanks skit
Guards just keep getting weaker and weaker each game. In Morrowind guards were actually very threatening to early-earlymide game players. By Skyrim every guard is harmless because they're all wearing literal furs instead of something sturdy.
Just another sign of the empire's degradation over time
I know that feeling. I was such a collector for every piece of plate gear I could get my hands on, that I needed to make a guild bank with more than 5 tabs filled with whatever I can get before the wardrobe feature was a thing just for BoE stuff, while my bank/void bank, ect was also full of gear too.
No I get it, I just don't think it was funny and I think its ugly.
Orcish everything is so fucking ugly in Skyrim. Compare Orcish equipment from Morrowind, shit looks amazing compared to the "just green squares" shit they gave us in Skyrim. Even compare the Ebony armors. Someone in Bethesda forgot Ebony is supposed to have gold in it.
Guards in Morrowind are fixed at level 20. Guards in Oblivion are fixed at 10 levels above the player level. Guards in Skyrim match the player level and cap at 50. Technically, Morrowind has the weakest guards.
I prefer Skyrim's ebony armor.
Skyrim's Ebony is incredibly bulky and unpleasant looking. High resolution textures of Morrowind's Ebony are incredibly looking, the only weak part being the dumb looking helmet.
Maybe nordic style ebony uses silver instead of gold?
Skyrim guards aren't shit because they're all wearing the most basic bitch weak equipment available in the game. Fucking fur. You could kill the entire Whiterun guard at level 5 before you even think about taking on a group of Ordinators in Morrowind.
The Ebony in Skyrim is actually the Dunmer "style" of Ebony. In Morrowind it was the Imperial "style".
Ordinators aren't much shit either. I'm in the middle of playing Morrowind right now. I'm only level 8 and I just got into a fight with 3 ordinators at the same time and came out on top without any trouble. Fighting 3 npcs 12 levels above the player at the same time shouldn't be piss easy but in Morrowind it is.
>not even posting actual shit looking armor
the nords prebably copied the dunmer but swapped gold out with silver
Reverse psychology tends to work best on kids
God Mass Effect aged badly
Unless you're playing an power leveled build or have some sort of difficulty mods I have a hard time believing a Level 8 can take on a group of level 20 guards equipped with Ebony weapons and come out on to without any trouble. Unless you're fighting the Ordinators in the Imperial Legion questline which have weaker equipment than normal Ordinators.
What's wrong with this one? I think it looks pretty good
Is that Kaibaman on the right?
I have to agree with the hunter one, the crucible armor sucks ass but has the best stats if you're a F2P pleb that refuses to give Bungie a penny for the shit they pulled with D1 and D2
>too lazy to label a machine gun as a machine gun
jesus christ bethesda
>he doesn't have balls of steel
Say what you will about how it looks, at least it's the only elder scrolls game where the top-tier glass armour set actually uses glass as armour instead of just being a generic light armour with glass pieces glued on for ornamentation.
Feast your eyes.
Can't believe it took them until Skyrim to make a good set of dwemer armour
Why the fuck does TES even call it "Glass" when it's Malachite?
90% of guild wars 2
Morrowind's Dwemer armor always looked like the remains of a broken centurion rather than something a Dwemer would wear into battle.
I disagree
Why are they all so fucking wide and stubby
I got attacked for wearing ordinator armor. Killed a few ordinators and then reloaded. I was just screwing around. And no, I'm not power leveling. I'm not even paying attention to making sure I get the maximum attribute bonus on leveling up. Just playing casually. 90% of the content of Morrowind is only a challenge if you really low level. Like less than level 5. The progression and balance of the game is shit and the AI is retarded. It is so easy, for example, to bait the magic inclined NPCs to completely waste all their magicka.
>adds a dagger that Disciples use
>cut the Disciple quest chain
Oblivion had a lot of shitty looking gear
The elven stuff looks particularly crap
Sad how 3 is the best Sora has looked.
The problem is Morrowind's glass armor was fucking great. As a glassarmorfag it was suffering.
I am nostalgic for this kind of armor cause its no longer a thing.
It's a common name. The same way "Elven" or "Dwemer" isn't a material.
It has toes.
>Morrowind Golden Saints
>fucking awesome robots
>Oblivion Golden Saints
>this absolute trash
>elves suck
At least oblivion did one thing right.
Pretty sure that's what it's supposed to be, and that's even mentioned somewhere.
Personally I like the idea that Skyrim's set is the Dwemer's own armour, Oblivion's is export armour for selling to Aylids or whoever, and Morrowind's is just random trash people have scavenged and thrown together.
No idea what the fuck they were thinking.
>glass goku
not bad. Certainly better than Oblviion or Skyrim default glass.
I really liked how Orcish looked in Morrowind, wish they could have continued that style
Oblivion as always looks like hot poo
I like high detailed textures timeline.
It isn't quite as good as MW, but like you said, it's miles beyond Oblivion and Skyrim glass.
Although oblivion glass colored black and skyrim glass colored blue look exceptionally good.
Orcish was probably one of the least grievous of offenders when it came to armor design in Oblivion. Not counting the helmet, obviously. I can't think of a single helmet other than steel that didn't look fucking retarded in that game.
I like that a lot
Why on this fucking earth they'd toss out shit as cool as "basically a samurai except full plate" for what they had in Oblivion is beyond me
it looks like a vacuum cleaner from the Bioshock universe.
What the fuck did they do to the Mida?
Armor was fine. Wonky head gear and poor variety in heads + human only choices that are the weak links. The body armors themselves (and robes) looked fine. IIRC The echani mesh + zavren blaster look really nice together. Too bad you'll never see armor on revan after taris. Robes are superior choices due to force speed being such a neccesity.
don't diss my bathrobe
Go make a video about it, Anita.
Wtf is with asians and finding cyclopean women hot? Like "Hey daddy, i have no depth perception, does that turn you on?"
What happened to the dark seducers is a bigger tragedy. They are supposed to be winged naked women.
Still looks like shit Todd
I thought the Imperial, Blades, and Crusader helmets looked okay.
90% of armor sets that got released in wow post vanilla. Actually, most armor sets that arent T1-T3. I'm not nostaliga fagging either, the callisc sets actually tried to make your class look like your class, everything after that ist just Way too shiny and everything fucking glows and looks like it fell from outer space. It dosn't fit the setting or artstyle of the game at all. Also, draenei were probably the worst design decision i have ever seen. Whoever thought of putting bright blue bulky alien men in a fantasy setting should be shot.
Blizzard was trying to get as many snowflakes as possible.
Wow Armor really took a shit in D2. D1's armor looked allot better IMO. Still probably gonna try to F2P version when it hits steam since I kinda miss Destiny. Still glad I skipped 2 at first from the sounds of it's launch though.
Where do I begin
>Belts everywhere. Belts on his legs, belts on his gloves, belts around his biceps, his headband is actually a belt
>Quaffed up hair, but also a long ponytail
>Absurdly topheavy, but not to a cartoonish degree, so it just looks fucking weird
>Sword can only be used in a reverse grip, and is, in fact, actually a sheath
why the duck flippers?
Yeah I can't play the game without better shaped weapons anymore desu.
Say what you want about it being dead but im playing on the lowest pop server and still seeing multiple 96v96+ fights on the maps consistently while playing 8 hours a day. The direct x11 update brought in a lot of old and new people.
Why do so many of them have a pommel thatās just a smaller version of the blade?
that's just a submachine gun that gets buffed if you also have the mida equipped
Even as an LMG it's a monstrosity. It looks like a 5 year-olds drawing made realistic
T.hasnt played kh2 at all
>The little subdivisions
I understand that itās supposed to make it look like a fire
But it looks DUMB
This is a armor thread dude
Also this thing looks more like a weird axe than a sword
I also donāt like how it looks
literally everything in warframe
Fire Emblem armor and weapon design went down the toilet (almost literally in the case of Cavaliers) in Awakening and Fates. There was a return to form with Shadows of Valentia but Heroes redesigned several weapons from older games (Eirika and Ephraim's Sieglinde and Siegmund, for example) to look more retarded when they looked great before. Three Houses seemed fine until they revealed the relic weapons for the Lord's. Holy hell, those are ugly.
>high level armor or weapon
>its just higher resolution
Always hated this about wow loot. Besides the high rez rextures this could be a level 40 set
The grineer aesthetic is awful. How can you compare to the corpus chads?
Doomguy looks now just like some teddy bear holy fuck.
as silly as it looks, this really is top tier character design
Take your pick.
The Far right one is bretty gud too with a color swap, but floater and default are pretty meh
not true they just looked like space suits with a bit of armor the colours were awful though
>the demons were all just trying to hug Doomguy all this time
>Doomguy misinterpreted that because of all the bodies
>demons don't know their own strength and that's why they squeeze humans to death with their hugs
>Armor on everything except your dick
This always bothered me
Who goes into battle wearing a giant bomb disposal outfit?
Love how it plays and the dress-up for the Javs, too bad it has no endgame and its a post EA Bioware game.
Heres some garbage though
Oblivions looks the best
WoW has MUCH worse examples
This is silly and impractical but at least it's visually appealing and not ONLY because boobs.
Only the shoulders on the Titan set look bad.
>he doesn't wear bulletproof bombsuits
What an overdesigned flashy peice of shit shit.
>I too wish to buy myself a neon sign beard and to tattoo a mustache onto my face.
it's a cloak made of money and a beard that displays the current stock prices you can not get more gangsta than that nigga
A series of errors drag'em down to a 6/10
>well yes but actually no
Fuck off yeah he was you dumb zoomer incel
Ayelids have bird motifs.
Now i want to go to work as a stock broker with a neon suit and a wireless stocks board beard.
Glass armor was great in Morrowind, hell all armor was
nigga look like a stick of deodorant
you mean goblinos
How does the spent shell get all the way back there?
I liked the way the heavy sets looked.
To this day I'm baffled they didn't have hooded jedi robes, not just the tunics.
>peice of shit shit.
You expected anything less from a turkroach?
The vato jacket isn't as bad as the Cat armor. Fuck that's ugly.
I really like how their weapons in Skyrim were just jagged bits of ruined metal despite the orcs meaning to be some of the best smiths around.
I'm not sure what it is that makes the oblivion armors look so much like ass. I wonder if it's the horrible carrot up the ass idle pose or the disgusting character models.
But it's pretty amusing when almost fifteen years later literal whos are better at design than bethesda is
are still better than bethesda is today, i meant
It's marginally better than the Doom 4 armor, except for the stupid switch blade and predator cannon
The one bad Mesmer armor set
Ehm, what the fuck?
Yeah, he'd look better in something a little... bare bones.
The glass armor looks fine, it's only the open face helmet, that was made that way so beast races can wear it too without an extra model, that looks wonky and some people just don't like the color of the bright green but overall it's fine.
I miss fallout raiders wearing the more traditional mad max style gear, not looking like industrial christmas ornaments
just everything in eso
Best smiths in all of Tamriel, can barely put together two slabs of orichalcum and everything looks like a chimpanzee put it together.
Fucking retcon bullshit, orcs in other fantasy properties are crude and primitive builders, now for some reason they are that way too in Elder Scrolls just because, thanks Todd.
I can't tell which side is front or back, its like the pants head guy from Yotsuba.
Why is so difficult for games to have normal looking sets?
It's really a testement to how uncreative they are when they can't make a practical looking set be intersting
Fuck off with that logic, weaboo.
It's a confusion ray
Nigger you best take that back
You know, you're right, it's not awful if you just take away that horrid green color. And yeah, the helmet is stupid.
yallr high this shit looks awesome, the WORST is the Trials of the Nine gear
imagine having such shit taste
I'll never know why they picked these colors.
This one always gets me. Even a nogunz can just watch a quick video on Youtube on how guns operate and get it. This person just didn't care.
>random pieces of rebar sticking out
this looks great
I feel like there ought to have been a more borderlands-style raider faction with bright neon colors and Christmas decorations for armor
Did Fallout 4 fail on every single facet of the game?
Was any of it done well?
>I'm a thirsty little flower, you have to water me
shooting and character face customization
They fixed it in New Vegas.
Pretty much anything from Dark Souls.
'Dude lets take medieval armor and paint it black! edgy zoomers will love it'
The only issue is how big his gauntlets are. Everything else is great
thinking this nigger might be retarded
you had to fight to not say sickdark, didn't you.
You have seriously bad taste user
You fags ain't seen nothing yet.
I don't see what's so bad about it. I dig the crossbow, too.
>basically a samurai except full plate
Because Blades armor fits that description
zoom zoom
>Breastplate and placart are inverted
>Tassets are facing sideways, a typical nip trope
>The protusions on the knees and shoulders are too much
>That weird mark on the waist, just above the belt
Thats what I remember
What's so bad about these. If this is from that new Fire Emblem there are way way worse armor designs in the series, hell just post the last MC's shoeless armor
But it looks cool though. Ain't that good enough for you?
These look great
This is autism.
It's the pose and the lack of face coverings so you end up looking at a dumpy middle aged man instead of the ultra badass you actually want. WoW's idle posing has the same problem, everyone is all hunched over so they look like a bunch of nerds LARPing
That mantle turns it from Knight armor to Princess armor
that's the funniest part, what sets TES orcs apart from generic fantasy orc is the fact that they're legendary smiths, and yet their weapons in game are crudely put together hunks of shit that would snap immediately in a fight
and it's not like todd forgot about that bit of lore since NPCs keep repeating how awesome orcish craftsmanship is
at least the armor is nice
t. brainlet
One thing funny about the Ebony set is that the blades (dagger,shortsword, longsword, greatsword) all share the exact same texture file copied and renamed 4 times.
I remember inverting the colors of all the ebony stuff to make a "Silver and Red" set, put it in a chest in the Imperial City Market, made it into an .esp and brought it over on a USB stick to install on my best friend's Oblivion as a birthday gift. I was 13 I think.
Every clown suit in MH:World and 80% of actual complete armor sets
Hop on Connery, hit up CIK at 6pm Pacific, Wed/Fri. Dead game my ass.
Reminder that ES:O and it's "success" (read that as not-failure) set the bar and style for all future TES games. TES:Blades for example, is just as horrible. Oblivion and Morrowind don't exist anymore, TES6 will have the ES:O and TES:Blades style all over it. Orsimer are back to being generic orcs, and ebony armor can be found from a lowly bandit.
TES is dead, anons.
>TES is dead, anons.
Welcome to 2011
Jesus christ, ignoring everything else that's fucked up about that shit, is there a fucking birdnest in that uh, helmet?
Reminder that orcs are elves in TES
And all elves have a common elvish ancestor
bottom right is ok, rest is terrible shit
I blame HEMA
No, I never liked history, but binge watching those history channels on youtube after watching people bitch and moan about "practicality" has made me very nitpicky. And I don't enjoy history either.
Is it me or the legs on the small dude are way too long? It seems that there is no faulds below the breastplate, and it connects directly with tassets that are supposed to protect his thigh, but on the pic they barely cover them at all.
Helmet also looks really fucking small.
Any paladin transmogged to T2 is bad
T2 is a huge red flag for "worst player imaginable"
morrowind -- glass armor
>Briggs to Connery transfers open
>Either play with lag or play with no one
Fuck you Daybreak
I actually like this a lot.
>Is it me or the legs on the small dude are way too long?
Probably is, just like the sideway tassets the nips do
>skeleton chad
>bad design
Noooo. Make it stop!
>having open helmets in 2019
I seriously hope devs don't still do this
>Can't believe it took them until Skyrim to make a good set of dwemer armour
Oblivion's is better.
mfw its one of my favs
We made out like bandits with the omega final set
>Oblivion as always looks like hot poo
Oblivion armors for the most part actually look wearable. Like a humanoid could put on on and still move around while also being protected.
it looks like a European science fiction B movie, literally kino designs all around.
I don't understand why they went out of their way to model an entirely new shotgun but didn't model the city killer.
You don't need to make the noise, we can tell you're a zoomer anyway.
Could be way, way worse. That just needs a couple small tweaks. Otherwise it is great.
>I'm not sure what it is that makes the oblivion armors look so much like ass. I wonder if it's the horrible carrot up the ass idle pose or the disgusting character models.
Oblivion actually has the best armour designs by far, except for glass. Elven needs one or two tweaks. The main problem is the modeling and the texture. The concepts that inform the designs are great.
what should bother you is the fact that there are no mag pouches or anything at all
Literally perfect.
GW1 was goat /fa/
Nope. I'm a PB chad.
Dwemer armor plus Konahrik's mask is the most absolutely aesthetic armor in the game. Plus it matches Spellbreaker.
What's better is that no one in the game wears dwemer armor so you don't have anyone trying to jack your style.
Warframe has that 60's/70's heavy metall sci-fi camp. You don't see stuff like that anymore.
Guild Wars had something for everybody.
why are the portable toilets from eu, but the shitters inside are full american?
why is it so big what the fuck
The face of the helmet is the only problem with this set.
he looks like a juke box with a head.
In it's defense.
This set is supposed to be for mage assassins: fingerless gloves allow spells to flow out easier, bagginess is to conceal caster's figure, cloth is for lightweight and easier escapes, loafers are muffled for better sneak and color scheme for brand recognition.
The actual assassin's suit is more practical for up close knife-to-throat level assassinations.
Don't forget that mages can just turn themselves invisible anyways
I would actually like this if not for the colors. Idk what this is from but I feel like this is supposed to be alluding to this type of armor in pic related
>german engineering
>exposed nuts and femoral artery
big yikes
>play wow
>play horde
>EVERY armour set is designed on the human model
>even the sets that are horde only
>this means by the time uts gone through all the stretching and warping to fit on other races it's hideous
>they couldn't even be bothered to make the forsaken set shoulders not clip and float at the same time when worn by forsaken
Halo 1-3. ODST armor specifically is the best video game sci fi armor because it's not overdesigned.
By your logic Duke Nukem has the better armor because he doesn't wear it
They all have teenager moustaches which makes it 1000 times worse
Nuka World added the Pack who all wear bright undergarments and fursuits and have bright painted guns
the fucking gunblade
I unironically like it, only in a wizard/courtier context though
That's a lobster cage and yes, there are thorns/twigs in the 'helmet' purely so that Bethesda didn't need to model the player's face in the cage, but without leaving a black wall in its place.
they were okay, the default colors were a mess though. they had a comfy Star Trek feel to them that jived really well.
Uhm... companions reacting to what's happening was pretty neat. And I liked that my character automatically leaned out of cover when I aimed at a wall. And that's literally everything positive I have to say about Fallout 4.
this reminds me of some of the really retarded looking late game heavy armour in the original Xenoblade. Most specifically the one in the middle of here
wasn't this in an ed, edd n eddy episode
Yeah but iirc invisibility immediately shuts off if you attack or interact with objects while invisible
Tbqh I wish FO4 had a manual leaning mechanic like Stalker. It's really hard to enjoy shooting when the character movement is janky as hell.
>still no fucking shoes even though they first promised to give trolls shoes in cataclysm
By the way, this is a bolt action.
>377+ posts
>no pizza-cutter man posted
>implying people aren't able to tell they are taking the piss with him
I like this
This is the most retarded post I've seen all week.
I only just noticed this nigga has 2 pizzas in his fucking satchel too
Those aren't pizzas. Those are metal holder things that keep a book in-place.
I can't remember the last time I was this confused when someone put words in my mouth
well they look like pizzas
according to Yea Forumstards this is bad design
is it tho?
looks fine to me
soul xd
Love this desu
Who let this happen?
>bear on shoulder isn't mutated
The faulds looks alright for a 16th century armor, which seems to be what it is going for.
>NCR hunted one of the last non-mutant bears to wear on their arm
Truly America has fallen.
and the mail cape has a real life counterpart too.
maybe it's from a stuffed bear or rug
That's nothing, look at this shit.
>just stick some fucking bones in there
god damn Fallout is such a joke now
>star citizen
Putting that money to great use.
Destiny is so trash. How did these guys made ever made Mjolnir armor?
the scope looks like a sim card
The guy who worked on Halo art team and D1 art team was fired before D2 came out and replaced by Blizzard people. He rejoined Bungie like a year ago but i dont know if any of his shit has made it into the game yet.
To ride a horse into battle
I don't personally dislike the "upgraded" versions of the Nine armor
You got your ass drilled in
>Slice to meet ya!
Only appears that way since his breastplate ends on his natural waist. Which was the proper way of doing it due to mobility.
You're posting early 15th century Milanese armor. Vilhelm's armor is more 16th century Maximilian in style. Where they were slowly merging the faulds with the tassets. Kinda like pic related.
>giant kettle helmet
>pauldrons of varying sizes
>weirdly elongated chest
Not him but, where is the plackart? I think I see is that most of the breastplate seems to have ended up in a single piece.
i legit love this one
Oblivion actually has the best armour designs by far.
You fucking nigger. Look at this smeary mess and tell me it is anywhere near an acceptable level.
looks like kurt russelll's get up in the thing
You were saying?
>bolt action
>revolver-style cylinder
Ffor what purpose?
Also, does that stock even work?
>tfw I installed all the mods that port those armors to Oblivion and Skyrim
Dwemers were first to invent mechanical golems and first to wear heavy armor, espacially in full set.
Here is lore piece how based cellar jew outmemed Chimers wearing basically what we have in old good Morrowind
Yeah, let's just have Max load himself up with tacticool garbage.
Thank fuck you can get his Road Warrior outfit, even if it's post-game. How it should have been the whole way through.
>The front is actually just belts belts belts
Ahhaha I never noticed.
>Glass armor
>is just moonstone armor trimmed with glass
Morrowind did it best
G-got this from any other angle?
Every time I've played that game I've just gotten the racing gloves, the goggles, bright face paint and no shirt
hope you like dfc
It was the designer's response to people in the studio complaining/making fun of him always using unnecessary belts
You can really see that Oblivion had no concept artist.
That is some top tier fashion What's dfc?
disgusting flat chest
also, lurk moar
Aye, 16th century cuirass were one piece.
Oh, so pic related is bait?
It's not. See how the breasplate on the right isn't ending on the natural waist? Even if you have a one piece cuirass like pic related it'll still be wasp shaped as if it was breastplate/backplate + plackart combination.
Look at pic related. It curves into his natural waist. So he can bend over and sideways. In your picture the natural waist is overlapped and the breastplate ends on the hip line instead which is what you usually see in games or drawings.
Your pic was taking from Knyght Errant's video where he talks more about it
I lurk all the time unfortunately, just because I'm not in on the sick nasty twitter memes means nothing.
I see, thanks, this always confused me.
Nice blogpost nerd. Also
>One thing funny
don't listen to him
it's actually delicious flat chest
Np senpai. I also highly recommend watching Knyght Errant's similar video on fantasy armors
Very relevant to most armors you see on this board and /tg/.
The bones look like a dog toy
he did it to try and fuck with the cgi guys
what about mage robes
I wonder what is going to be released first, bannerlord or a new knyght errant video.
Looks like a weird mix of different styles of armors put into one.
Pirate boots and a knight chestplate the fuck is that. Also the legs are really unprotected and look like the sack cloth pants prisoners in oblivion wear.
open beta s-soon!
The fact that men can fit in that javelin baffles me.
They were ugly as shit, but IDK, it was just part of the charm. Loved running around in that goofy-as-fuck white and neon pink space suit.
to be honest I dare anybody to find any armor that would look good on that dude
>literally inspired by a French royal armour
You're such a retard.
Titan looks retarded. Warlock looks homeless.
Worn by the French king but made in Italy.
This gun is the prime example of Bethesda somehow managing to completely misunderstand the Fallout aesthetic after pretty much nailing it first time around in Fallout 3. Fallout 4 is absolutely full of completely retarded 'whacky retrofuture' military equipment, when the original games and FO3 applied the 50's trappings as they were divided in real life - civilian stuff had all the sweeping curves and style over functionality, while military equipment was always rugged and relentlessly practical, and more often than not very closely based real life gear.
Meanwhile Fallout 4 is chock full of completely fucking stupid designs for its military gear would be completely useless in any sort of actual fight, like this ridiculously enormous APC with beyond stupid weapon placement.
It had some gems
If only everything could look as good as full Odogaron/Zorah/Anja
I kind of like this one but I think it only works because of the lightening mark sticking out of her skin.
Imagine larping a white knight cuck
That's what good armor should be.
All the details look like they're painted on and the helmet like from a dollar store 5POA action figure with chest light gimmick.
It isn't dead at all
Which... still makes it viable for assassination.
Muffling spells do not end, however, on interactions.
Your opinion is worthless if you think that HEMA is epic and watching youtubers makes you an expert on weapons and armor. Worthless bandwagoners with no taste.
>but omg look at this souls armor it's euro plate armor wow
Add every armor from 2 to this. I suppose you could excuse Alva and Royal Soldier. Even if some armors should look good, they don't because the people doing the models in 2 had no skill or vision. Everything is textured terribly and warps around the body unnaturally. Delusional soulsfags can't see it though, and screech about how 2 has the best "fashion souls"
Listen, if you can make energy/lasers/lightning work in lieu of a fucking crossbow cord, then you don't need to shape your gun in the shape of a crossbow at all. That's a fucking waste of space and it looks dumb.
Or y'know... Cortosis.
I like my space Wizards to look homeless
250 million dollary dingos
8 years of development
dawnguard armor plus guild master's hood was PEAK unmodded fashionrim
Obi Wan wore robes because he was a weird desert hobo. I hate that Prequels made it a uniform.
Mirror Knight and Ruin Sentinel sets were fucking amazing.
I never liked the Shadowfall Helghast designs, they look like mallcops and action figures
Im too distracted by the delicious midriff to care.
>nipple piercings
what should bother you is the fact there are still law enforcement officers in that city at all
these are not that bad
2 had the best armor
I mean his armour is already piercing his torso all over so a line of nipple cut out isn't that big of a stretch
I never got the whole pornstar armor obsession, it just looks dumb to me
Those are fucking winged-twilights you nog
This style is literally "edgelord"
its only the faces realy.
i realy like the slutty armors.
that beeing said, looking like their skin is made of metal is certainly giving the morrowind ones the edge here.
Oblivion did the DB better in every area.
Not that guy but Dark Seducers were basically naked winged succubi in Daggerfall and Battlespire.
You obnoxious Morrownigger.
i genuinly like Oblivions Orcish aror, simmilar to Skyrim it went for a mongolian look, but unlike skyrim it actually looked up some steppe armor designs and threw in some viking, rather than just making some overlapping fantasy plates that got popular with MMOs.
new armors look ok.
they got one that looks exactly like the Humans from innistrad / bloodbourne
This kind of thing has been suppressed or removed for a while now, gaming has been ruined for a while now. Coincidence? I don't think so.
post it so I can laugh at it
TES orcs are more of a deconstruction, altough perhaps an accidental one.
TES Orcs take the "Noble savage" orc trope, and make it believeable, and that way, orcs look even worse.
They basically have an animalistic society where only one male is allowed to breed, and this keeps em from developing any sort of civilization, because all males are in constant conflict with one another or doomed to be a beta.
THey are also fucking insufferable and constantly complain about past grievances while not realizing that maybe just maybe its their own fault for beeing backwards, raiding murdering shitheads who worship a god of sour grapes
shut up you stupid nigger.
For one, TES blades looks like oblivion.
Ebony armor on bandits was an oblivion thing.
ESO was actually great for Orc lore, such as finally admitting that Malacath is turd-Trinimac and centipedal herd beasts existing.
but you dont care about that because you are just baiting.
>random overlapping metal plates
>leather mixed into it
>Shin guards over tall boots
>Mixture of a barbute and a morion helmet
>Rivets on cloth
>Gorget only on the heaviest version
>Hip flaps but no groin protection
>No coherent colour scheme
Dude this is some of the worst armor design ive ever seen, specifically BECAUSE of how much detail there is.
You cannot even defend it by saying its lazy:
Theres thought put into it. Just realy realy fucking stupid thought.
I already came to terms with that. And no amount of TESOcuckolds screeching will change it.
Who do people in Oblivion look like they are middle aged working class people from 2 blocks down my house?
if we go by what everything was in daggerfall and arena it would all be boring, generic trash
just like the argonian and khajiit
>non orc on orcish armor
Because it is, its obviously not the armor the dwemer wore, you can tell from the statues of the actual dwemer.
Oblivions dwemer armor is the only one that actually looks like soemthing the dwemer wouldve worn.
Skyrims is basically Space marine armor made from a centurion
Dwemer were just better than Chimer, Chimer were stupid daedra worshiping niggers
Eat shit Morrowcuck.
Since it partially takes place in the Hardcore Henry universe I like to think they're clones of a handful of guys, it explains why they're so numerous, so repetitive, and why they're so stupid
Oh, you don't have a good enough comeback, huh? I thought you enlightened old farts had better comebacks.
>he didnt finish the entire game in the default warrior outfit and using the falconer helm
Shit taste
I can't think of a single piece of Skyrim armor that looks worse than it's Oblivion counter-part. That's not to say Skyrim's armors are all great, in fact most of them are bland, but Oblivon should be your bench mark for garbage sets. The only good Oblivian sets that come to mind are the Imperial Guard/Officer armors and the Knights of the 9 armor.
there you go, i think it works
I meant the in-game model
gas all dwemerboos
no u
what do you think its gonna look like.
im pretty sure the concept art they actually show around is just paintovers of the ingame models