Rebecca > Claire, Jill, Ada

Attached: rebecca_chambers-wallpaper-1920x1080.jpg (1920x1080, 501K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Rebecca.Chambers.full.149228.jpg (500x1100, 61K)

I think Ada is the prettiest!

Attached: ADA_0.jpg (1080x1080, 246K)

Attached: REbecca.jpg (480x573, 34K)

Claire's a close second

Attached: claire_flab2.jpg (868x773, 132K)

Attached: rebecca_chambers_3-wallpaper-1920x1080.jpg (1920x1080, 496K)

where did you get this wallpaper? is there any more?

Jill is best girl.

Attached: becca_peek1.jpg (1204x952, 81K)

Attached: waifu.jpg (1187x673, 115K)


Attached: 1555367697564.jpg (969x750, 77K)

Attached: rebecca high res 01.jpg (3187x5344, 515K)

Attached: rebecca high res 02.jpg (2406x5231, 661K)

Attached: Rebecca 328459.jpg (225x350, 25K)

Toppest RE gal.

what ethnicity would most commonly have this facial structure so I can move to a place with a high density of it and get rejected constantly

Attached: IMG_20190624_230748.jpg (507x496, 59K)

Reminder to post as many Rebecca armpit pics as possible per thread

Attached: Rebecca.jpg (1000x1000, 110K)

Rebecca's game is shit! SHIT!

>tfw still fucking $60

Attached: 71UrbSn5lyL._AC_SL1500_.jpg (926x1500, 157K)

Attached: 1542404713248.png (198x42, 20K)

Attached: ouo_rebecca_chambers_ouo_by_d1gg3r101-d5bpb90.jpg (611x1306, 143K)

Attached: becca_shy3.jpg (600x960, 57K)

>Creator hates her, only added her because the higher up forced him
>When she got her own game, it was the worst mainline game in the series
>When they brought her back for CGI movie, it was the worst RE movie.
>Looks like a small boy
Imagine having taste this shitty.

Attached: becca_runtowards.webm (1920x1080, 246K)

I can download Chinese RE2 mods from bbs.3DMgame forums now if anyone has any requests


>worst RE movie

Attached: becca_lab_yousure.gif (320x389, 1.85M)

Fuck yeah. Shit talk the live action movies all you want, but at least those movies take place in their own canon. Meanwhile in Vendetta, we have Leon killing innocent people at ever turn, the BSAA using rail guns AND MISSING taking out like 3 building, and zombism being cured despite people have been eating each other for the last 12 hours. AND ITS ALL CANON TO THE GAMES.

Just buy it on PS4 / PC / Xbox One
can you get this?

Attached: cop outfit.png (1334x748, 993K)

Can you get a hairy naked clair mod and upload some screenshots somewhere?

Will we ever see her again?

Attached: tumblr_ojldbpVQZF1skp6koo2_r1_500.gif (500x405, 1.62M)

Kill yourself

Claire is the woman I love.

Attached: 1552767612451.jpg (538x672, 38K)

>Billy Coen
>Sheva Alomar
>Bruce McGivern
>Fong Ling

Somehow I doubt it

Attached: 1478744720767.png (1024x730, 808K)

Maybe in Rev3

No it's not there

What hairy mod? You dont want the mod you just want pics? no

Old REfags, how do you feel about the characters in 7? Base or crinse?

Becky is my #1 favorite RE girl, I just dont like how they aged her.

Claire is a close second. ‘98 Claire, not the goblina

what do people see in this pitslut again?

The railgun part always makes me laugh. Why the terrorists insist in using shitty viruses and monster when they could easily destroy a city with laser guns?

The only character I strongly disliked was Lucas because how they tried to link him directly to the plot and The Connections. Still, I hope RE 7 is a stand alone game.

Attached: 1549887768973.jpg (685x608, 66K)

She's barely aged, considering how she's nearly 40 in Vendetta and looks mid 20s at most.

Attached: 526901.jpg (640x360, 15K)

>I just dont like how they aged her.
Why's that? She's still super ultra cute

Didn't they try that in Revelations 1? Probably harder to sneak WMDs around international monitors.

>What hairy mod?
There's a hairy nude clair mod for REmake 2, but it requires the DLC to load I guess

It's not on the nexus anymore..
"Nude Claire (Very Hairy) at Resident Evil 2 (2019)"

oh you can get that here

that website is Russian and they don't give a fuck so there are bunch of rare ones, also some Patreon-only paid mods and mods that got taken off Nexus etc

Attached: preview.jpg (1278x593, 158K)

meant for of course

ye but I don't have the DLC to use it, I thought it was supposed to get her hairy pits too? Thanks for the pic though in any event.


Acquire taste, natural women are best women, except legs.

Asians btfo

Attached: Asian womanlettes btfo.jpg (946x1146, 271K)

Claire is #1 in my heart

Attached: 53726634.jpg (1080x1019, 64K)

Did she stand on a fucking street taking pictures

Attached: 52472003.jpg (720x720, 31K)

That's kind of what models do

Attached: Asian girllettes btfo.jpg (1080x1350, 351K)

Attached: becca_wife_talkside.webm (1280x720, 685K)

Attached: IMG_20190619_194653.jpg (514x754, 69K)

you dont actually need the DLC, you can just fake it by creating blank PAK files in the right DLC folders in your game directory

neat, but I'm not sure it's worth it now since I uninstalled and have a relatively small data cap

Attached: Leon.jpg (1920x1080, 113K)

Attached: Ada long hair.jpg (1920x1080, 278K)

Attached: becca_thumbsup_02b.jpg (875x823, 191K)


I'd still be attracted to 3d women if they looked like this.