CTR thread.
CTR thread
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what is this? TNT fueled?
Literally when?
c*nny team racing
I think the new Electron Avenue is the greatest track in the history of kart racers
That fucking swamp level.
I came so close to completing that game but that fucking swamp level is impossible. I literally broke a controller because of that level.
Good amount of Wumpa Coins in online when? These low ass amounts are making me lose interest.
Can someone who owns Beach Coco do the Electron Avenue investigation? I can't afford it right now
It's probably just spats again but inquiring minds want to know.
>Is there more?
Oh man, you are in for an unforgettable experience.
electron avenue is over rated garbage that wears out its welcome
How do you know she's even wearing anything underneath?
Is there a better feel than finishing so fast that no one else can?
Who would be in the extended roster?
If any anons here are having trouble with maintaining USF, use Tiny Temple as a practice area. The USF starts at the very end of the track and it has corners that you can practice high speed drifting on.
I know I learned by using it.
>regular monster
fake and gay news
t. speedlet
I bet your favorite track is Coco Park
facing someone on par with you and wins
Some stages were absurdly frustrating, yes. This is the only Crash game that I played where I didn't bother with completion. Fuck those relics, they have insane requirements to get in this game.
all of the new levels are garbage.
>crash team loadingtimes
>crash savecorruption racing
>30fps team racing
achually it's N Gin labs. take it as you want.
Coco Park is a speed track you plum
Spyro, Pinstripe, probably Mario on the switch
I was impressed by the tracks in general, havent played CTR since I was like 8 and never played CNK, unlike most racing games there really aren't any tracks I hate
>Name as thread topic
>Doesn't take it off
I swear to god thanks to the low payout now since Launch they are gonna add microtransactions
Tawna, Pinstripe, Crunch, N Trance
hopefully never
lads, what are the chances of this being able to be ran at 60fps on pc?
Boys I need help. I'm a 30 year old zoomed so i never played this game, and I've been trying to get the fence-jump shortcut in on the blizzard track for two hours. Is there any consistent way to do this?
i heard the bonus was for the weekend, but i don't buy it myself.
I really don't see why it wouldn't. N.Sane Trilogy made the transition just fine.
This game is hard bros.
>tfw mostly play single player
>the rewards are 17-95
>play online once
>get second
>get 600 coins
what the fuck?
They're mobilizing for monetization in preparation of the Grand Prix next week.
Even if that's the case it's still super shitty since it means also with the cap before rewards get limited you can get like 12000 at most on the weekend.
Like clockwork
Then I guess it's our job to bitch at them if it does happen till they come up with a better idea.
Certainly it should have a smaller roster than CTR. Perhaps extending from 8 to 16 characters would be enough.
The last thread ended. WTF do you expect?
Characters from 96-00 only
Sometimes when I finish a race I notice that someone that should have finished the race as well, whether before or after me, isn't tracked and the game acts as if they still had laps left.
What's this about?
So out of all the characters in the roster, which ones should stay for future crash games and who should be cut entirely?
I knew the remake was too good to be true, as soon as the "free" grand prix DLC comes out get ready to buy 5000 wumpa coins for $19.99
Honestly if so 100% dropping this game, love Crash, love the story mode but not supporting this shit
>beach coco just randomly shows up today
oh lucky me
Hyper Speedway may be booty but the music is good stuff
Memery aside there's merit to the vaporwave aesthetic, it's good stuff.
Do I have to do all the crystal challenges through adventure mode or can I still get fake crash if I just do it through the local arcade menu?
Jesus christ
you to beg for forgiveness
Name one thing wrong with the track. Just one.
Still no Spyro? wtf? I thought he would be in the initial game
will you at least come back if the community forces them to stop? It's not like it's not possible
I wish the NSane Crash model had that manic feel the later models had, rather than sticking to the Willy Wombat design.
More like chronic traumatic rectalpathy am I right?
You need to do the crystal challenges and the following gem cup to unlock him.
Yeah of course, just fuck off adding micro transactions to a PLAYSTATION 1 GAME
September in Grand Prix 3.
lol based user
Never played this game before, What do all the N's stand for?
Through adventure mode
You've already bought the game, though. Might as well play it.
you pretty much need to keep sacred fire from the boost pad earlier in the level, otherwise the snow will eat your speed
Why didn't he compete?
twinsanity crash was/is still the best crash design, i can't quite get used to this one
really? I'm only halfway through Classic mode
By not playing online tho, you kill off the playerbase and thus any chance of them making money from the shop
All of the PS1 content is available without touching the store, though.
I noticed it and soon as I posted it. Thanks for correcting me, user.
I blame the people who nolifed it and unlocked everything day one.
Doesn't matter what content is or isn't there, you are taking a PS1 game and adding mobile game shit.
Reminder that Coco is meant for Stew.
Think we'll be able to see Beach Coco's bikini bottoms, or will they just be swim shorts?
Holy shit Deep Sea Driving is constant blue flame boosts is Nitro Kart actually a good game?
I regret nothing.
typos etc
Goodnight all
But only if he does it on the weekends.
Would I like this if I liked Mario Kart? I only played the PS1 version briefly and barely remember anything about it, but a decent kart racer with items kinda has me intrigued and I was surprised to find it to be $30 cheaper than the typical triple A release.
Is it worth it? how's the online? is it worth $50 leaf bucks?
>is Nitro Kart actually a good game?
No. The tracks might be decent but the mechanics were a shadow of CTR.
What's the point of acceleration characters? Balanced characters have more speed and handling and you don't need acceleration if you never fuck up.
they took a bad game and reworked the tracks so hard they're barely even recognizable
You either go all out or go home, the skills gaps are visible in online
I like the Speed characters.
bandicoot power!
Snaking is easier than with balance
easier than MK? I can usually place between 2nd and 5th in MK8 on average. How is this different from Mario Kart?
Mario Kart is baby stuff, user.
Here your driving skill actually matters.
>Learned how to use u-turn to preserve USF and could do it every time
>Suddenly lose the ability and fail over and over and over again
Fuck this
i keep reading it as hrt because crash is gay as fuck. he's the perfect example of failed character being force fed to the unthinking masses because some faceless corporation wants to keep using its same old IPs instead of creating new ones.
Post yfw you reach THAT speed
>easier than MK?
Much harder.
>I can usually place between 2nd and 5th in MK8 on average.
>2nd to 5th
You're going to get fucked so hard, holy hell.
I can't concentrate
I am going to assume that grandprix is going to have some progress bar on unlocking the event characters/karts/ect. and then after the grandprix they are just added into the shop rotation.
What is snaking?
Take a break, let your brain and your fingers rest.
Absolutely fucked AI. As soon as you pass them they get a fucking massive speed boost.
I'm just gonna keep playing mario kart and refund this shit. It's fucking awful.
At least mario kart runs at 60fps
If you ain't doing tech the game literally doesn't teach, you'll never make top 3 online. Probably won't even finish a race.
>he doesn't know
Same. In fact, the more advanced techniques I learn the worse I get.
Thing is though, they might get a "flat" speed boost, but they can't maintain the actual boost.
>failed character
>selling games like hot cakes now
Sure thing kiddo.
aleks I know you’re here somewhere
It's not that hard to pick up, though. Just watch a couple of videos and you're golden.
Plus, there's plenty of lobbies full of casuals that treat it like Mario Kart.
>Game isn't registering my coins anymore
guess that's a sign to stop for the night
Drifting on a straight section as I understand it
How do you get good then? what other mechanics outside of drifting and using items effectively could a racing game require?
I really want Spyro, Gex, and Sir Dan in this game
This is what I am afraid of at my local anime club's tournament. Now you might say "There are probably turbo autists there that can match you", but no, they are pretty casual when it comes to the video game side of things. They can out smart me in table top games and can probably out-knowledge me in anime, but most are terrible at video games.
I'm afraid I'll scare them off if there is any track with USF.
You getn Spyro
Never played CTR before but I want to mention the design philosophy between the CTR tracks and Nitro tracks to be pretty interesting.
CTR had a lot of maps with hair pin turns that go back to back and a lot of the challenge came from maintaining your speed in tracks that try to gimp you. Meanwhile all the Nitro tracks are pretty easy and have a focus on making sure the player is constantly going fast with maps with nice long and wide turns, huge ramps and a generous amount of speed pads.
Any guidelines or tips about what I should be doing as a new player? I beat Ripper Roo, but feel like I'm missing out on some techniques (took me a bit to understand the boost mechanic, coming from playing SOME Mario Kart). What the hell is Sacred Fire or USF?
You support that shit if you buy wumpa coins with real money you falseflagger dumbo.
>online race is entirely Cocos
that's Coco-nuts!
friendly reminder that roo's tubes is the perfect practice track for turbo chaining (or whatever you want to call it)
its not fair man
I find that clock level to be hard as fuck. I mentioned it in the last thread and someone told me to git gud
Defending yourself from said items, boost chaining, staying under control with blue fire, shortcuts and various turning exploits.
It is but user..you must indeed git gud
You meant Coco Park right?
That could stem from the core gameplay of each game. CTR is nice and tight, so you can make turns like that. Meanwhile CNK didn't have a reserve system but you were able to chain multiple boosts together to go extremely fast (Fake Crash was unlocked by doing 50 consecutive boosts for example). Plus there was the anti-grav which NEEDED speed work somewhat.
Am I going crazy or does every single track play the exact same song? Is this for real..?
Not him, but I agree, Roo's Tubes is prime turbo practice material.
I never run into Cocos on Switch. Usually just Dingodiles.
Does ripper roo still have that crazy as fuck laugh?
Sacred Fire is when you boost off a boost pad. It's the big fire from your exhaust. USF is ultra sacred fire, which you get from super turbo pads (The ones that usually lead to a jump). You get a massive blue flame. The best thing to do when you get both is to keep your reserves up by boosting as much as you can. Don't worry if you need to stop boosting, if you have enough reserves you can go back to boosting without losing either.
I'm still trying to figure out why N. Gin attacked crash when Cortex only wanted Crash to turn over the crystals to him.
Okay, so the game's boosting mechanic functions on a reserves system, whereas the later you boost the more you build up those reserves.
Every burst of speed, be it from your drifts or from turbo pads, feeds from those reserves. Thus you want to pick up the boost from one of those pads and maintain it for as long as possible through continually building your reserves.
There's also the technique known as air braking or U-turning to help you navigate tight corners at high speeds. You want, while in midair, to let go of the accelerator, hit the brake and the direction you want to turn in, this way you'll do a sharp turn without losing speed. However, if you hit the ground while you're still braking you'll lose your boost (you also lose it if you so much as touch a wall, so beware), so it's imperative to let go afterwards.
It's also important to hop on tight corners you're drifting in if you see you won't be able to make it with your current one, as that changes the angle at which you drift.
That should be your bread and butter.
On top of that you need circuit knowledge.
It's really not much to take in
most of my matches have been nothing but Crash, Coco, and N Gin.
I mostly use Tiny.
(I always lose)
IIRC plenty of pads were added for this version of the tracks.
Out of Time is legitimately a very easy track, what are you struggling with?
Nothing compares to this
If I remember they're like two clock tracks.
Either way while I still wouldn't consider myself particularly good I found the CTR tracks to be way harder then most anything in the Nitro tracks with one exception.
The not underwater but sorta is track was the one I actually had some trouble with.
So you need to basically manage your boost gauge and just learn to hit the gas when you are about to land from a jump? lol.
Does anyone even play it on Xbox?
Why Russian retailers only selling PS4 and Switch versions?
I really struggled with it in the original. I have not played it yet in this version, I've only played classic mode and some online. Is it easier in this version? I remember not playing CNK anymore after that level.
In my opinion Sewer Speedway and N. Gin Labs are excellent for training this too.
It's not so much about the actual boosting itself, rather, it is about doing all of this at high speeds. You'll be shocked how quick you go if you do it right.
How long does it take to unlock the characters you need with the games currency? it's not like star wars battlefront 2 levels of grinding is it?
Jump, Brake and Turn.
I'm sure they're better ways to turn while maintaining speed but as a newbie this is easily the best strategy I've learned and made the Adventure mode and tracks in general so much more manageable.
fair for last place
>It is
It's easy as piss. How hard do you suck?
>Sewer Speedway
hell no
swamp level was 1000 times harder than this. Come on, bro.
Pretty hard, I didn't play it as a kid and I just started yesterday
>last place
Are you blind?
Nefarious Tropy
Neo Cortex
Nitros Oxide
Nobody knows what the N in N. Gin or N. Trance stand for.
I haven't played CNK since release so I can't remember for the life of me how the track was there outside of the clock's antigrav section, but at least in Nitro Fueled it's a very manageable circuit. You'll be fine.
>was excited for this
>find out it is full of micro transactions and grindy unlocks
gonna be a pass from me
Now we're cooking.
>He got first place? Give him only 20 coins.
Just don't go too high up the walls and there's zero issue. I can do laps without losing my boost no problem.
Whom should I choose for Oxide Ghost on Crash Cove?
>Tawna on a pogostick
If they ever make a new game I wonder what would be the next N gimmick.
Grindy unlocks yes, Microtransactions no.
The AI on N. Gin labs is bullshit
at least classic mode is still the same.
It's better than the new Sewer Speedway, and on par with top tier levels such as Hot Air Skyway and Polar Pass. Prove me wrong.
>Going for Platinum Relics
This is genuine torture.
These fucking stupid crates and their tiny as fuck hitboxes.
i still hate that fucking shortcut
AI is fine, just go faster.
No they kinda nerfed his laugh. I'm actually quite upset with it. He rarely laughs and it's never as crazy as before.
There's zero microtransactions but the way it's set up almost makes it seem like it was going to.
That said unlocks are pretty obnoxious.
Oh, absolutely, the shortcut sucks absolute ass in this version, but for practicing maintaining your boost it's a very easy track.
>He's going to bed?
>Reset the prize to 600.
I wish, it was my favorite sound from the older games.
The new laugh is less erratic, wild and has a hissy pitch to it. Passable, but definitely not memorable.
Only a few anons sprinkled here and there said they were xbros. Switch and PS4 pretty much run the show on the console side of things.
>relic pogo challenges
>finish race in 1st and get 28 coins
>finish race in 8th and get 160 coins
So.... Classic music or Remastered?
>still bothering with physical media
Get with the times, gramps.
the fucking platinum relics good lord
I spent 45 minutes on sewer speedway and I dont think I can take the stress of doing the rest of them
>TFW Learning to hold onto it for half a lap
My favourite commercial along with MGS and Boycott Spyro
Know your place.
I don't care, I refuse to give kikes a single cent. Might just download and emulate the original.
Fuck anyone supporting these people with your money.
>get all relics on hard and then somehow beat Oxide on my first try
>reward: 20 coins
You guys know that the infinite mask cheat doesn't make the game not unlock things, right?
Try it for yourself.
Your Mario Kart skills (if you can call it skill) won't help you here plumber boy.
I love actually owning games and not being afraid if it disappears from store or if company decided that I have violated their policy and banned my account.
based retard
>tfw learning to hold it for entire laps
before failing a turn and losing everything
>Had a really shitty day
>feeling sad as fuck
>decide to play ctr get my online bonus and chill out then go to bed
>get into a lobby
>2 N. Tropy's with digital skin on ufo's
>finally decent racers
>proceed to team fag and blow me the fuck up
>Clocks and warp missiles out the ass
>leave lobby
>they both end up following me to the next one
Are all N.Tropy mains massive faggots?
yet you give the kikes 80 bucks a month for your internet
Until yesterday 2-4 races.
Now 15-30 races
>not getting first consistently in MK
This game will eat you up and shit you back out
mate the first thing they did when they bought the game was go straight the fuck into time trials
you already know the answer
They just want a buddy, user. A buttbuddy.
I'd say Tawna, Spyro, Nina, Roo, N. Trance ...
Basically, everyone minus the CNK aliens, mounts, and the Bash bosses
That's how it worked in the original, I don't see why it wouldn't here.
The double pipe at the end used to always fuck me when I was new.
>Until yesterday 2-4 races.
Don't act like it was constant before. You got the extra coins for a few races at best and then it was 80 coins a race if you're lucky.
Do I need PSplus to play online?
Am I the only one who wants Gex in this?
I want a new platformer next, but a bash remake would be a kino side thing
No. It's not working here. Game even showing you message
This. From my experience, the time trial fags are easy to deal with because they only care about speed records and thus are terrible with defending their positions in a race. You can knock them off course once and they crumble.
anyone else's missiles completely miss but end up being hit by loads? Also why do i keep spinning out randomly by potions when there is none in front of me
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is better in every way.
Maybe you were sniped with one from behind?
Anyone unable to buy shit from the pitstop? I'm trying to buy electron aqua and it asks if I want to and then after I confirm it just shakes the icon.
Casual shitter detected
netcode's fucked that's why
it's less fucked than it was on day one but it's still fucked
>doesn't have an adventure mode
Holy FUCK anons, I'm one time trial away from unlocking N. Tropy but fuck me DEAD, I can't even unlock his time in Oxide Station. Is there and easy way to cheese this track or something because I surely must be doing something wrong.
just a theory, but i think every time you threw a beaker to your back, the game registers it as you are still at the same place as the beaker making you stunning yourself
>beat oxide on medium with a 13 second lead
>got platinum relic and ctr on crash cove
>can't even beat crash cove on hard
I just came close but got fucked by a missile at the last curve. I've never seen a game's difficulty be so broken.
Ps4 here, Can't get in a lobby. Either it never finds anyone or the only person it finds leaves before it starts. Anyone else having this issue?
USF managing
That's not even a bouncy crate, what the hell
You need to get good at USF. That's basically it.
I had this issue, i restarted my PS4 and then it fixed
Keep at it user. Keep at it.
Crash cove is the only challenging track on hard, the rest is a breeze, trust me
Protip: Crash cove is actually the hardest race in Hard mode, beside Oxide himself. So once you get that one beat you're golden.
In all honesty the game just gets better with Eurobeat in the background.
>literal first time playing any CTR after having played countless other kart racers
>learn how reserves and drifting works within maybe an hour
>medium suddenly becomes way too easy
>hard still kicks my ass
will medium get much harder or should i bite the bullet and try to push through on hard? i'm still kinda bad at airbraking but that's kinda my only worry, relic time trials aside
also, what determines how many coins you get after a race? i've had it vary between 20 and 80 just in adventure mode, is it based on how far ahead of everyone you are or some other factor?
Someone probably threw a potion at you
He probably thought he could just take the Crystals by force, he did have a giant mech with him.
N. Gin's also not entirely 'there' because of the injury as well.
The response I feared, but expected. Thanks anons
I hit the shortcut perfectly each time, I'm constantly boosting, I've got 10 wumpa fruit. Only to get FUCKED by RNG just as I'm about to win.
yeah, that's the problem with straight tracks, you can't cut corners for shit
It's a bouncy butt
Coins are determined by which tier the track belongs to, with your position earning you a percentage that goes as low as 75%.
What is USF?
>will medium get much harder or should i bite the bullet and try to push through on hard?
there's a bit of a difficulty jump at world 4 but it doesn't get much harder. might still be worthwhile to play it through to practice mechanics and learn the tracks
you will only need to keep your USF until the U turn past the 3 booster pad after you go down that's the bare minimum
The blue flames.
An abbreviation for a really fucking stupid and cringey term
Ultra Seed and Feed
fastest boost provided by some booster pad
>No Funky Kong
MKWii is still king.
>N. Brio made the Evolvo Ray
>N. Gin engineers the machines
>Uka Uka does the planning
>The anthros do all the leg work
So why is Cortex considered the big bad again?
and what are the tiers? what world they're from? track length?
fair enough, couldn't hurt to get used to box placements in relic trials either and plan a route from there for when i jump to hard
do people bother with battle mode or is that completely dead? and what's this about n.tropy deleting saves?
i'm kinda paranoid and backing up my data every session now but i don't know if i'm being too antsy about it
>No DK jr
>No Queen Bee, Wiggler
everybody is not here
Sacred fire.
Fancy term for when the flames in your boost turn blue which signifies you're going at top speed.
I'm still learning to air-brake, u-turn and practicing keeping USF from the proper boost pads. Beat Hard mode earlier today.
There's plenty of bullshit RNG to fight through, but you really do need to maintain boost chains and USF to win, especially against Oxide. It forces you to git gud to keep your 1st place.
I'll be playing on Classic for CTR Coins, Crystals, Gems and so forth. Fuck CTR Coin races on Hard.
track length
I didn't elaborate because no one seems to be sure of how things work yet. You'd think it would be track length but it seems pretty random.
There's a save file corruption bug on PS4.
It happens most commonly in time trials.
>Don't have to grind a bunch of races to play as the character I want
If they upped the regular online payouts to about 3x the base rate, it'd still be fine and grindy enough to get people to play online.
Then explain why does Electron Avenue give more coins than Oxide Station.
He's the only one N. sane enough to pull it all together.
So besides the characters already announced via Grand Prix, these are all the leaked characters we know are coming.
Is the Electron Aqua paint broken or something? I'm trying to buy it and it wont confirm.
So much filler.
i'm pretty sure Avenue is longer than the Station bro
Electron Avenue is technically longer than Oxide Station if you don't properly utilize USF.
Did he get datamined or something?
aw fuck, just my luck
you say most commonly, but what else has been confirmed to cause it?
Electron is longer, it's just there so much fucking boost pads that it makes the whole thing go like a breeze.
You just know.
>you just know
>no Spyro
fake and gay
I think what happens is that, if your game crashes while the save crate is in the lower left corner, it will cause save corruption. Best way to avoid it is to wait until that save crate is no longer on screen, then do whatever you want to do.
>besides the characters already announced via Grand Prix
>besides the characters already announced
You blind?
Oh, I knoe
It's interesting to compare the ethics and dedication to work of Brio and Cortex. The former made the Evolvo Ray, which makes animals larger and gives them human intelligence, and his invention was thorougly adjusted and tested, and it works perfectly, but that's all what it does, the evolved animals are still "normal people". Brio is a quiet, "just do the job" type, he doesn't even mind Cortex using his invention.
The latter scientist made the Cortex Vortex, something that in theory, SHOULD give superpowers to creatures subjected to it, but Cortex, on his immense ego and arrogance, wanted to use it as fast as possible, not bothering with "stupid concerns" such as tests (despite Brio's repeated warnings), with disastrous results, on which he never seems to take a clue.
What's USF
You cant post something like that and not give sauce
Autism speak for Blue Fire
No memes, I don't play this game but read the occasional thread
leaked through a voice credit
the fire isn't blue in this kart racer it's just a very intense red flame.
But I can
>pipe wall steals your reserves
>giant axe slaps your ass so hard you fly up the bugged wall and end up backwards on the track
ah... I can see this is a BEENOX track section...
sorry, didn't know.
>He doesn't know
why did I laugh so hard at this webm?
We sure it isn't the voice of anyone else?
I could imagine Activision using some of the voice actors they already did work with to voice some of the CNK cast that needed new voices.
lad, just stick with Pura
>cruising along with USF
>giant axe out of nowhere slaps your ass and steals your reserves
no one is ever safe from BEENOX
you're doing this on purpose now
nah this guy is MUH WORLD RECORD SPEEDRUNNER too slololo
Nevermind, just checked the cast myself.
Ripto confirmed bby, say goodbye to Komodo Bros.
Based Dingotard back again with his BEENOXposting.
Are you going to post something legitimate next time, Dingotard? I think the only legit thing you've posted so far is the dumb ramp glitch and someone already beat you to it.
now this is shitposting CNK "best" speedrunner, man how did you even win back then?
>hop online fully expecting to get the circumference of my anus expanded considerably by all the veterans
>actually manage to get first a few times
Was Pasadena and Von Clutch confirmed?
>playing as Dingodick
Tiny is the way to go, breh
is the Coco sticker the only thing the whole playerbase is going to use? holy fuck i'm tired of this
during an interview they confirmed TTR tracks so these characters should come with.
>see tropy in lobby
>see 7/8 cocos
God DAMN that was a long credits sequence
>literally one (1) waifu until the trophy girls
What the fuck were they thinking?
that's not very nice, user
Only gay hyper muscle fetishist's like Tiny.
Just look at that face.
Just got through adventure mode and all of my relics were sapphire, save for a surprise platinum I got on slide colosseum. I'm about to start on the Tropy time trials, how fucked am I?
Two Tropy time trials left, dragon mines and oxide station. Dragon Mines I've unlocked oxide's ghost, Oxide station I have not. Any tips for either?
did you just beat oxide when i did? fuck i just got to the end of the credits, choosing to listen to the tune while browsing the net.
>during an interview they confirmed TTR tracks
Really? But they're basically shooting galleries, would make for awfully boring stages.
you ain't ready boi
Seems weird though that Ripto's actor is in the credits when Maurice LaMarche isn't since we know we're getting Brio.
Your saves will be
yeah, the value is depreciating
they're gonna add the weapons from ttr but that's it no locking racers or other gimmicks. we'll see how it goes.
smug bandicoot girls?
Just beat him the second time and came in here to talk about the game
we never got to experience the tracks properly since we've spent 80% of our time clashing with the others
>pre-release days
>everyone praises beenox
>game comes out
>fuck, beenox was never good
leave it to Yea Forums to be indecisive.
You would prefer everyone actually play as Coco?
a list of BEENOX's past crimes...
- theft of reserves (22 counts)
Tropy trials are okay if you use Tiny or Dingodile on the straight courses. It's the Oxide trials that are aids
god damn same here too. feels good to earn that hovercraft.
- assault on turbo pad with deadly intent (6 counts)
why no trophy girls after you win a race? I'm not a furry, but come on.
Because they’re racers themselves now.
FUCK seals I swear to CHRIST if I lose my blue fire one more FUCKING time to these FUCKING seals I will personally go to the frozen hell where these unholy abominations live and BURN IT TO THE GROUND
- shortcut fraud (3 counts)
what is your obsession with beenox? honest question
N. Cel
>triggered by papers
- failure to indicate ceiling
except there are no microtransactions
Does anyone use the alternate controls? I've been trying to decide which ones I like better. I like that I can alternate the drift buttons with the standard controls to switch it up for fun, but I like the feeling of R2 as the accelerator and it's also to have X and L1 do the same thing.
>favorite character is dingodile
>but I'm a better player as roo
Hot Air Skyway is my own personal hell. I chose this track to practice steering tech and I refuse to do anything else until I'm master class,I will never want to see this fucking track ever again when I'm done
has anyone bought beach coco? what comes after it?
N. Vitro
He's autistic and it's his new hyperfixation
>easier than MK?
>2x "good" boosts
Only perfect boosts give reserves and even then it only builds worth a shit when you can get greedy and take perfect x3, you had no reserves.
I used a handling character for Dragon Mines, mainly for the corkscrew. Also cut across the gravel on the left before the finish line, Tropy doesn't seem to use that shortcut.
Oxide Station is easily the hardest Tropy ghost. It took me a ridiculous amount of effort just to unlock. Try to retain the USF as much as possible after the big space jump. Good luck with that one.
>they're gonna add the weapons from ttr
I'm not too big a fan of that, in all honesty. I hope you can toggle them off or that they're to spice up the TTR stages only.
helmet crunch came after her for me
it's the hardest kart racer in the last 20 years.
I will continue to play n. tropy on a hovercraft in all online races and you will deal with it
I'm not gonna pretend the remake doesn't have issues, cause it does, but goddamn if he cares this much about it, stop wasting time sperging about it on an imageboard and actually report these things to the devs.
It's like you're purposefully allergic to perfect boosts
yeah i think it's for those stages but i dunno.
Okay, this is epic.
Is there something harder before that?
How the FUCK do I U-turn
>not playing Tropy in light blue retro kart
pleb detected
Sir Dan would be cool if down the road the do a grand prix for each console with a console exclusive character
PS - Sir Dan
XB - Banjo
NS - Mario
be yourself
Cowboy fake crash for me
Rookie mistake bro, you'll get it eventually.
let's see what they have
>Chickens: toned down bowling bomb
>Monkeys: toned down TNT
>Fireball: toned down blueball
>Missile Spam: more cancerous than 3 missiles
>Booster : self explanatory
Why CNK characters design is bland and unoriginal compare to CTR on original trilogy?
Have they fixed the online on switch yet? Tried playing a couple of days ago but it was unplayable. Got hit by bombs appearing out lf nowhere and people teleporting and shit.
Top CTR speedrunner in the world, baby.
Are big and small norm the same guy, or are they twins or some shit
BEENOX needs to be in all caps. Then it will be perfect.
Why are you so shit at English?
Does CTTR have so little weapons? Just those 4 plus booster?
that was fixed day two
Who could even like Shittydile now?
The original CTR
These characters are exactly the same of what would think for each console exclusive.
\We still need Gex though
They fixed the online very quickly user.
Same exact thing is happening to me. It's the only thing I've wanted since release day, and it's driving me up a wall.
And then gutted payouts
Microtransactions are merely a matter of time.
the rest are clashing weapons
>Piano, Cow, Subs: AoE attack
>Shark: Missile
>Dog: Locked on irremovable TNT
and that's it, just played it few weeks ago
They're one entity that can split into two.
and you may think to yourself
>expose BEENOX crimes with proof
>speedlet shitters can't refute it
Unless you are within the top CTR speedrunners your WRONG opinion doesn't matter.
Because you fucker still not using EGS.
How come Pinstripe doesn't get cool fanart?
Perfection. Good work. Dingotard will surely beat BEENOX next time.
make that 7 counts
*blocks your path*
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is better in every way.
better at being a pile of shit
Because VV was shit at making up new characters
lol keep on sucking, dingo.
It's literally the same character designer you autistic ESL
Cortex made the Cortex Vortex
That map is like 2:30 long at best.
They're literally designed by the same guy who designed the ND characters.
Ok, which kart?
Post your:
03:32 I think.
It's a giant pain but it's doable if you keep at it.
By the time this game disappears from online stores the game server will have died and you won't be able to unlock half of the content in the game anyway.
Whichever one gives you the best view. Probably the default one I'd say?
>Grizzly polar
>Olive green
>Hyper airway whatever it is called the Bioshock infinite one
>N Tropy fourth skin
>Base doom buggy with oxide wheel
>Polar Pass
The game is so good. I'm glad it exists.
>Oxide is kicking my ass
>manage to slip ahead of him before the big jump
>put a Nitro Box in the middle of the ramp
>mfw I see him sent back to the outer space turn
>mfw I managed to do it again on Lap 2
You know what is cool, you can faintly see Tiny's back stripes in this game on the character select screen.
based on class
Roo, Joe, Oxide, Penta
Purple and gold
probably Blizzard Bluff
Holy fuck
Even more surprising not really is the 0.1% for oxide ghosts beaten. I'm part of that 0.1%.
>Deadinator with no decals, Aqua, Six pipes wheels. Sometimes a white 2 sticker.
>Electron Avenue.
>manage to scrape up enough coins to unlock another character
>only thing available is the fuckugly shark
pic related
figured out the air break shit for tight turns and realized combining it with SF or USF is insane, especially with speed characters
that's literally how every bosses work, they can't attack you if you got by them, except CNK bosses
Looks like she wears swim shorts underneath. I'm on switch in handheld and it's hard to tell
Crash / Fake Crash / Komodo Joe
atm its Team Cortex, but it will be Cricky once I unlock it
Blue Gray
N. Gin Labs
>Velo and his fucking missiles
Coco Park
Oxide station time trial was easier than the dragon mines one. I cannot beat this god awful level ffs does anyone have any tips
>Team Bandicoot because nothing good has hit the Pit Stop yet
>Black because it won't let me buy electron aqua
>N. Gin Labs
I'm talking in general and not just about CTR.
I still remember Scott Pilgrim and other games with with license problems (Too Human and King Kong comes to mind)
>Feels great after beating Geary and his bowling ball
>hmm? i'll take care of Velo as well, no probs
>Regrets everything
I managed to win in the end but holy fuck it costed everything
I second this, but for both tracks
>young me trying to beat velo
>spend hours just trying to beat him
>eventually manage to get in front
>his little helper overtakes me at the 8 portion and beats me
>still counts because i was in front of velo
You just have to git gud on Dragon Mines. It was the hardest one for me too. Make sure not to waste too much time on the spiral, and you HAVE to abuse the shit out of the final boost pad before you lap. Keep it up as long as possible to get somewhat of a lead.
I do really like this skin. reminds me of the punk Gnorcs from Terrace Village in Spyro
>actually now that you mention it, Zem and Velo both remind me of Gnorcs
I just beat oxide n trophy ghost, you just gotta nail the USF part and it's a walk in the park there. Learn how to take those high speed USF corners
>nothing good has hit the Pit Stop yet
>Doom Buggy, Imperium, Crikey, Six Pipes
There's plenty of good shit, m9. Don't hoard those coins.
Who is the hardest opponent you've had to face?
I narrowly beat two N.Tropys and one Digital N.Tropy and BARELY lost to someone using the Hot Rod Oxide skin and platinum relic UFO at the last turn in Barin Ruins because he shielded my missile.
What class did you use?
what is this air break?
Explaining the same shit over and over is tiring. Read the thread.
I was going to use a balanced character but I find their handling to be really awkward for some reason, so I went acceleration. The handling on that felt perfect for the lines you have to take on that map.
Be in the air, release acceleration, hand brake and down+right or down+left. Gives you a sharp turn in the air and you can hold accelerate as you land to not lose your boost.
I'm just waiting for the Deadinator.
if you're in the air, you can hit break + backwards + left/right for unnaturally tight turns, the type of shit that makes you go full speed on u-turns
have you considered pol, maybe you don't have the intelligence to play video games
>Shiba Crash
>Deep Sea Driving
i wish Yellow Horde was in, i played the shit out of CTTR with that and Agent Crash skin
Big Norm/Tropy
Team Cortex
Team Cortex
Jungle Boogie
takes skill to win, you have to be really good a drifting to get your boosts
if you feel Mario cart is too easy and has too much bullshit you'll love this game
Tfw you get 1st place twice on tracks you dont even remember
>made the fucking ice jump shortcut shit
>get AKU'D anyway
doesn't understand fun, go back
Where are the 5th ctr tokens for each color?
I never can control it
I got the Deadinator as my second kart, appearing after buying the Imperium. You can always buy a couple to see if you get lucky with the restock.
fuck online. literally 5 fucking clocks in a row
Just beat it, thanks for the tips user.
bitches out on something that takes skill, enjoy kiddie cart
>Finally get Platinum on Sewer Speedway
>Now I just can't fucking do Coco Park for the life of me
>Keep fucking up by a literal second
What's the current average switch online match look like? Am I gonna be BTFO by god-tier players every time?
I haven't paid for their service yet
I'm not even lucky with being able to buy the thing I want that is very clearly in stock right now.
how do you unlock the Oxide ghosts?
Beat the Tropy ghost.
by beating the n tropy ghosts?
destroy N.Tropy
Is there any benefit to 100%ing the story mode? I already unlocked Oxide.
U can do it user.
What is it? Beach Coco?
What kart is in stock right now, BTW?
I want to get better at the game, can anyone critique my gameplay, tell me what I need to improve on? please and thank you
I play on Xbox. Switch too soon
seems like i gotta do it, beat Chad.
They made the hitbox on the boxes way too small in this game. It even punishes you for going fast now as it's insanely easy to jump over boxes.
skins and shit
bragging rights, maybe something else
The electron aqua paintjob. It won't let me purchase it.
Current kart is the doom buggy.
Depends how good you are.
I never played the original CTR, but I've always been pretty good at Mario Kart.
Got rekt a few times online, learned the mechanics better and got better at snaking, now I can pretty consistently place in the top 3.
Lobbies can really range from some god-tier USF drifters to absolute MK8 drive-in-a-straight-line shitters, but if you git gud you should have some fun.
>DNF everyone on my first try at Electron Avenue
I was on some king shit when I got 1st on maps I've never played
do you know why BEENOX always steals my reserves?
Oh, yeah. I heard people were having trouble with it. That sucks, I still haven't grabbed any Electron paint because of how much of a grind it is when I want karts and skins too.
I'm so bad at video games holy shit I should be a fucking journalist
Which system should I get this game for? I got some leftover birthday money and readied my dick with the original CTR and CNK.
Pic related
I like Android Alley and Roo's Tubes
because BEENOX is afraid of what will happen if they don't...
N. Gin
Alternate between N. Gin labs and Oxide Station.
for the same reason that I am masturbating to you right now
you'd be a bad journalist, judging by you being here, you actually have taste in video games.
I'm usually able to beat the medium difficulty AI by some distance, but I still don't have the best "drift-sense" for every track
You know damn well youtube.com
PS4 or Switch, doesn't really matter which. Online is cheaper on Switch, though.
definitely ps4
why is neo cortex Caucasian? isn't he some simpson mutant?
Just practice some tracks then.
I wake up every morning at 6 A.M. and practice my worse maps for a few hours and it's helped me get to top 3's in most online matches in just a few days.
I've been meaning to ask....what is with the that chicken anyways.
buy him and the next thing should be Zam.
>isn't he some simpson mutant?
only from Wrath of Cortex onwards. 1,2,3, CTR and Bash he had a normal (ish) skin tone
mfw I play electron avenue and pretend I'm an elite player since I can carry USF from boost to boost
deadinator was behind crikey on day 1 and i nabbed it, feels good
>what is with the that chicken anyways.
idk, but it appears in Komodo Joe's intro cutscene
Ps4 CTR:NF in a nutshell atm lol
boomermobile I love it
All characters unlocked and extra 3k in the bank.
Thanks fuck I did online before nerf.
>Hot Rod Oxide
>Relic Gold
>Clockwork Wumpa
Well, here's my question, do time trials only cause this?
Just got kicked offline. It said there's a new patch available. Anyone else get that?
I like playing as them because they're weird as fuck, but they are too quiet for me. Yes I know they are mimes.
Probably some mis-aligned code somewhere
Gentleman Ripper Roo
N. Gin Labs
there's a glitch that resets save data?
adventure and online did this too, save at everything fucking step you take
Its the blue fire you get from some booster pads
Do playing offline cups get you more coins than just single races?
On PS4, your game can crash when loading, and if it does this while autosaving, it corrupts your save.
Bone is best version. Native 4K and no save corruption.
Best version, least players.
big norm is really loud and obnoxious though
That's what you get.
>playing online
I mean sure if you care about that otherwise it's great.
I read that it can happen if you force the game into loading screen while the game is still saving.
It's more likely to happen after doing a bunch of time trials since they bloat your save file for some reason.
>everybody on Yea Forums is the same person who should always have the same opinions
Quit being a retard.
downs bandicoot
Player ghosts probably to blame there
N. Tropy
Team Bandicoot
Tiny Arena
Honestly with how much falseflagging goes on with this board, what do we even know anymore?
yeah, she's not very cute is she