Tfw you feel something run over your foot as you sit at your pc

>tfw you feel something run over your foot as you sit at your pc
Fuck the summer

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>timid humid stupids
Heh, dry-heat chads never have this problem.

>wolf spider
Basically harmless, who the fuck cares? Also OP you're a pussy

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Is that a dog spider?

they literally are harmless, more scared of you than you are of it
and if anything help clean the place up of actual pests

House Centipedes are feed on other bugs like cockroaches and bedbugs. They just want to keep pests from taking up residence in your console or computer. They're pretty much the most bro bug you can have in your house.

surely he can tell thats a dog

They bite
Look at the fangs on the front of it


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centipedes are bros, though

>getting headlight on car fixed
>decide to take comfy nature stroll a bit back behind the shop
>spend the next 7 hours finding 8+ ticks on me
fuck summer

silksong looks great and terrifying at the same time

>going outside

yeah maybe if you grab it and shake it around a bit maybe it will eventually bite you

cute baby centipedes
sekiro looks great

good thing I have diabeties
not only I will die early in my life but also I never had ticks cause they don't like my blood

they ALWAYS go for my sack

House centipedes are bros.

Of course it's staged. Otherwise someone would have pulled out a gun and shot the dog.

t. centipede

Is that a fucking alien incubator


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People have been in crashes because one popped out from behind the rearview mirror or whatever while they where driving.

I got stung on the nuts by a wasp once in high school.

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these bugs are based

they're predators and eat other ones for you

Meant to reply to

>t. centipede

It is VERY well known that centipedes hate each-other and are often found living lives of isolation, simplicity and ease.

they eat cockroachs I love em

>leggy boi shows up
>all spiders put on blast
>no spiders
>no mosquites
>no ants
>just one leggy boi

imagine not understanding nature. in the household insect tier list, the leggy boi is top tier, but you're the apex. he knows you can end him, but the agreement is he ends everything else for his shot at a full life span.

>tfw I live in the swamp and my housemates leave their window open with NO SCREEN
>tfw they let their dog outside by opening the door and LEAVING IT OPEN UNTIL HE COMES BACK

My house has mosquitoes, fruit flies or gnats, moths, spiders, ants, silverfish and mice. I stuff towels under my bedroom door to try and stop anything from coming in, but nothing helps. There are so many fucking bugs and I have so many fucking bites on my body that I'm going insane. I have bug bites on my EAR LOBE. I'm going out of my fucking mind. I can't leave my laptop running at night because the light from the screen draws insects.

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What a good mother :3

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I haven't seen one of these in years. The cockroaches are probably killing them where I live.

>no spiders
lost an long time spider friend to one of those
even though i hate most spiders, but i can't bring myself to hate these lovable jumpers

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They can bite, fuck these things. Id rather just have spiders they stick to their places and don't loiter on the wall next to my pc.

get better housemates or move out
also these are your friend

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Tell your housemates to install screens, and a doggy door.

They may know its a dog and are still freaked by a random dog bolting straight at them

I found a tiny spider chilling on my keyboard the other day. I tried to lure it onto my hand but it kept scurrying away, eventually it crawled under my space bar and I couldn't type until it came out. When it did it ran off my desk, haven't seen it since. Hope it's ok and killing silverfish.

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no lmao
who is afraid of dogs?

>they can bite

so can spiders. the difference is, spiders will bite for no reason. you have to try and get a centipede to bite you.

Stop being a faggot, they're nowhere near as bad as hornets and wasps.


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Why would a spider kill fish, idiot?

>bro spider going to clean the nasty insects out of your car

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Sane people, if its dark, late at night, and you see no owner you probably shouldn't just let a random dog run up to you full sprint. Unless you're one of those people who thinks "I can take on a rabid dog and win"

That looks like literal hellspawn.

I had my dildo inside my ass and one of these things literally ran up it and crawled across my asshole then went down my leg. Agreed fuck Summer.

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>those fucking pincers

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I know you're pretending to be retarded but some do catch actual fish

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these small jumping spiders are super chill and will actually play with you