SGDQ 2019

Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Marathon

just one more hour edition

Now: Borderlands 2 (3 hours btw)
Next: Metroid Prime
Later: Metroid Prime 2: Girl Boobs

Full Schedule:

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm up next!

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SS: Rygar / Titanfall 2
S: Streets of Rage // Alien Soldier
A: The Hobbit // Tony Hawk // Marble Madness // Ranger-X // Half Minute Hero // Bloodstained: CotM
B: Devil May Cry // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3 // Zombies Ate My Neighbors // Metroid // Castlevania: SotN
C: Sonic Generations // DKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Doom // Bwaster Master // Solomon's Key // Jackal // Contra 3 // Ninja Spirit // Castlevania // Perfect Dark
D: Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland // Outland // Contra // Super Time Force Ultra // Timespinner // Castlevania: PoR // Prey
F: Super Mario Bros 2 // Ducktales 2

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just put this one in FFF tier and get it over with
i dont think its gonna get better in the last 45 minutes

Please stop being so mean to my people

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What are you stupid faggots doing for 4th of July?

>speedrunning looter shooters
>memelands of all things
>3 faggots speaking over each other
>3 fucking hours plus tip

Who the FUCK thought this was a good idea?

please just crash


fuck anime and fuck trannies

>Punchy is bisexual
>Browses this place
>is an angry faggot
I love him

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this run is shit

who approved this garbage


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reminder that punchy is a little bitch who got shown up by BASED chicken nugget eater during ESA and then literally showed up in the Yea Forums thread to cry about it for hours afterwards

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Randy Pritchard.

epic games

what game should i run for next gdq? i have a fuckton of free time and need something to do
YGO forbidden memories is my go to for submission unless you have a hard rng oriented game to run in its place

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this is the kind of boring shit that belongs on personal streams, not on a 100k+ broadcast

jerking each off and not interacting with the audience runs are the fucking worst

>tried to touch his entire body
Sexual harassment

At least I know why they call it BOREderlands now.

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Shadow Complex

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Did they abuse a bug to make the bottom person no class/char or something?

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going to work so i can save my vacation day for sometime when shit aint crowded

Which was amusing. At the end of the day as long as you're entertaining not much else matters.

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Glass ass or messed up dilation?

Good luck!

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Are lolis anti tranny?

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sneks arent people

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but what is it?

is this that crazy nigger that killed himself?

I don't know what's happening but continue.


>butt-blast of such magnitude he changed his online handle

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whats the best Borderlands game?

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Run Dengenki Bunko Fighting Climax Arcade Mode on the hardest setting.

Agdq is shit anyway.

dont put ice in boiling water user!

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quality voicework

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I need the proof

He's clearly one of those niggers who can dish out the insults but can't take them. A true faggot.

thats a trick question because all of them are equally terrible and only braindead autists like them
>le 4 billion guns
>le shiny colors!
>its fun with friends!

Etika is dead confirmed

it was a pretty terrible name, punchy is better than succint_and_punchy. he was just asking for trouble going to ESA with a name like that when most of the announcers are swedes that barely speak english

user i already run YGO forbidden memories. i know what to do

What happened with a starcraft 2 run that was so heinous?

This is the most based thread in Yea Forums

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How much longer is bored er lands ?

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>Its only been two days
>Already sick of this shit event

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Pros: No setup blocks during primetime hours like AGDQ 2019

Cons: boring ass 3 hour runs still exist

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god damn, for what reason?


This happens every night around this time! Keep watching! Borderlands 3 is coming out soon!!!

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>his twitter is full of furries
>admited his bisexuality weeks ago
>browses this place
he is based

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2d brown girls are best

reminder that he's talked about suicide a lot in the past and it's always been a ploy for attention. until we have confirmed body, i wouldn't buy it

anyone have the thread? I need got any proof about this

donate some nuggets to punchy

Then apply, you goddamned baboon pretty please.

not one of those things is based, especially >browses this place

Goddamn, this is still going on? I turned it off after 10 minutes and thought enough time had passed.

Setup blocks are where I get most of my material.

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Forgive me if this is an unpopular opinion, but: these 3 guys suck so hard holy shit kill me heyooooo.

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>there's a reason Suzi got the trap artists to do all her video artwork

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this term drives me up the fucking wall
based? like turkey baste?
or do you mean like Movie: based on the game?
what the fuck does based mean and why the fuck does everyone say it

Three hour runs of loved RPGs at graveyard makes at least a bit of sense in that they are usually chill and meant to be background viewing for people up that late. But 3 hours of fucking Bordermemes? In PRIMETIME!? What the actual fuck?

Rate my psychosis that should be coming up shortlty. Awake 36 hrs, 90mg addy 24 hrs ago, 1g ketamine the last 5 hrs. Thinking I should Uber to WalMart in a bit.

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based retard

it was like ESA 2016 or 2017. even if you can't find the thread, the run is worth watching solely for his butthurt, that was an extremely kino ESA

When do they show a good game?



It means

Chuck's Suck and Fuck

Etika killed himself to avoid this piece of shit boringland 2 stream.

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yes post more

uber? just fucking walk bro

#metoo 'd

end this shit, i want to see miles fucking sperg out during xir prime 2 run

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why not just sleep?

Doing drugs doesn't make you cool or impressive

i would but i cant leave the county (no r) til december so until then i cant

This is so boring holy shit.

oh look! they added a tag for the trans community!

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Imagine being such a fucking zoomer that Borderlands 2 is your favorite game of all time.

It means you need to look for 4 more years before posting again.

these guys have the shittiest bantz



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I watched the run but never saw the thread
Hope someone has it


>Someone's favorite game of all time is borderlands 2

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When are they changing the name to LBGDQ+?

>implying randy didnt donate that

If you think you could do better than the runners right now then why don't you try running a game at GDQ, huh?

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Time to make a twitch for autists

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Thanks for keeping track of the best runs to watch later for those of us wage slaving, you wonderful flat chested little slut.

Can you assfaggots shut up about trannies already, every single one of you sound like a closet trans in denial.

it roughly means being who you are without much care for what other may think of you. The word got coined by some nigger rapper.

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Even if I ran this game I wouldn't submit a run to GDQ.

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>Doesn't know Based God

>checked schedule again
FOR FUCKS SAKE i thought RE2 and SH3 were today
fuck this, im out familia i got up at like 7am today

it's QUILTBAG now


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>newfag the post
Four days into summer and I'm already sick of it.

When's Winter Games Done Quick?

not enough autism

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Still better than having ocarina of time as your favorite game.


hell no, it was boring as sin

sweety, i think it's time for you to stretch your gash

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Because it's all social politics at this point.

Dilate trannie.

It's archived, you just have to dig. He only said a few things then bolted but the real gold was him crying on twitter right after the run.

I ran a game at AGDQ 2015 for their Awful block.

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>real life jinx

It's original RE2 or REMAKE2?

As soon as you shut the fuck up about it first, kiwifarms spamming faggot. You think you're clever but you're transparent. You always post bullshit like this completely unprovoked just to try and steer the conversation towards this shit. Fuck off and go fuck yourself too.

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the end of this fucking run



I did run a game at agdq. And you know what?
It was at ass o' clock in the morning. I played pretty well and gave very forgettable commentary. The Yea Forums thread up at the time was mostly shitposting about trannies, one or two people said my run was boring. Two people said I was cute and I think about that a lot still because no one has ever complimented me before like that

>The worst AGDQ
>Actually speedruns

hi duke

not worth the time

Probably some incest doujin.

......Because when I get excited I let faggot&fuck slip non-stop.

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So when the fuck is Mario 64?

oh fuck i miss playing guitar hero and eating pizza with my bros
where did the time go

Is it named after the ballsack thats folded and sewn up like a quilt to make a pussy?

not duke, this was 2018

lol what a gay

How many orgies did you attend?

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nobody think you're cute, punchy

Sleep tight Umaru.

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Alright anons I'm back from working out
Tell me the Borderlands run is overplease god say its over

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Mike won't let me run Neppu on their stream.

>LARPING as a speedrunner
>actually thinking this is cool

Move over, [definition of pathetic].

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What does the conference hall smell like?

You should have made a powerpoint presentation with jokes and designated shilling segments.

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you think about this too much go take a walk around your block and get some fresh air

not punchy either. You don't know who I am
0, I drove down the day before, did my run and went home.

sleep tight you little shit

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Lol I had a run as well and most people complimented me and even put my run in S tier. You're just a stupid faggot.

just go back to working out, user.
it's still going

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i dont know, but i get a feeling its RE2make

I used to speedrun ask me anything except who I was because I'm not the same gender as I was back then

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wake up nigger


does duke bongwater still run? i will always respect him having the balls to stand up at games done quick and reveal they used the /srg/ marathon funds to snipe cosmo's windwaker file name to be "cosmo es un reptile" right in front of cosmo. truly took balls

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>sound like
Nice dodge

it's nice to get complements, men get them so rarely they tend to stand out

Can't wake him up if I never touch the ground.

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It's going to be at least half an hour more or so, they got the glitch incentive too (unsurprisingly).

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How was the surgery?

>Two people said my run was boring


When is the Bloodstained speedrun?

why even go if you're not going to participate?

what game?

I'm pretty sure it's over.

who here high as fuck?

Shadow Complex

Never getting one unless it's my face

I don’t actually hate women or niggers I just pretend I do but I do hate trannies

is borderlands 2 any good? will 3 be good?

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>v didn't laugh at me
definitely not punchy


Fucking this.

about seven hours ago

Dude weedlmao


go to sleep cosmo


Quit LARPing, fags

It was in maryland, I live pretty close so I figured why not submit my stupid shit on the off chance they let me do it in front of a bunch of people.


this is just a badly hidden three hour long borderlands 3 advert isnt it?

i mean the fucking devs are there and all

>I don’t actually hate women or niggers
Everyone hates niggers you stupid nigger.

why yes i do have boobs

>is borderlands 2 any good?
I don't know user, you tell me. We've certainly seen enough of the game for you to have extrapolated some sort of opinion.

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im talking about the gender changing one

Big same.

!!! Anons at GDQ !!!
Go to a dilation station and take a picture

don't worry I got this

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>throwaway weapon text helped them cope
yikes and cringe pilled

>this fucking donation
no no no no no no no

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A man blushing because other greasy men told him he was cute can only be a la-la prancing homo man, user.

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>all of these deleted posts

be on your best behavior, boys. this thread is being monitored

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>that donation
holy fucking christ that's like a shitpost someone would make

i get it, you're cool i hope you're doing well in life

That's exactly what it is. Gearbox needs to do whatever it can to wash the taste of Randy's public embarrassments out, on top of the bad will they've fostered with the Epic games store shit.

>my gramma died :( but then I play borderlands and everything gud :)

they don't real dummy

reminder that i have boobs

""Ladies"" first.

That's what I meant. I still have the feminine penis.


Hey guys Punchy here
Fuck you

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Loli posting stopped and my temporary partial brown sniff got taken by tranny janny.

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greetings from germany

Not as good as some of the content you can find on a USB lost at a Medival Times Dinner Theater.

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by who?

it was a comment on an anonymous message board, quit projecting

Well, this run actually let me get in a couple hours of sleep, so I suppose it served some kind of purpose.


i am a girl with boobs

>A weapon description helped you cope with a relative dying

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hi strizer

literally who

Hey Punchy. Good luck on your fucking run. You deserve it.

No one cares.


Why do Germans love GDQ? Is it the efficiency of speedrunning?

hi susan i hope your run is good

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Where are the cute and funnies?

boobed girl here

for me, its playing slow.

Is this gonna be in the next VaatiVidya video?

Not him but I do

Metroid Prime 2 confirmed trans game

t. never had a relative die or had to deal with grief in my entire short existence

Jynx is based off this type of look if I remember correctly. It was a trend or something called Ganguro.

scat fetish mix with trannies...

i dont watch this shit i just keep it on in the background

Fuck you too, Susan.

Hi, boob.

>Think I occupied myself playing fightan games with friends and made it back just in time for the Metroid Prime Run
>STILL 30 minutes of Borderlands left

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Omg I’m a girl

anyone have the comic about the speedrunner asking a girl out or something like that


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>having earthly tethers

To be fair, the quote is a proverb. A hebrew proverb, but still

You should just accept it. It's gonna make the transition easier for you later.

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They like seeing degenerates rounded up in a confined space.

Hey I'm girlin' here

Please someone donate and call him Susan on his run. I want to buck I'm fucking banned from the channel

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>coming back for a shitty tranny run

we've got a live one

Tits or ass?

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Yup I have boobs

wheres the SSS to F tier ratings guy i want to know what i missed while i was trapped in wageslave hell

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how do we stop trannies bros?

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Maybe he dealt with grief in a more real and honest fashion lol

This, I took a fucking 4 hour nap and I still didn't skip borderlands.

Coming down with a sickness.


He's dropping fucking loads

the queen graces us with her presence in just 2 hours, yes yes YES

o b s e s s e d

Almost perfection.

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Ass all day
Nothing against tits, they're nice and soft
But I am an ass man

I can't get enough hometown.

>suck their dicks off.

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Violence and violence accessories

What have been the best runs so far?

Do people actually like Borderlands?

Who's on the discord with them?

Prime 1 has no Tranny. I'm going straight to bed after that, I ain't watching Prime 2.

tomboy titties

answer the question captain

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they are going to be toss soon their usefulness is almost done just like the niggers were thrown to the side for this mental disease

yes i do have boobs

it's a fun game to play with friends who don't play games too often

It's like Skyrim with guns

Blessed post


I only ever hear people exclaim that a new game is coming out. It seems to the normie "look guys I'm a gamer lol :)" game of choice

God would have wanted this to happen

unrelated but most guys will go their entire life without receiving a compliment, not even from their gf or wife

if you can, compliment a guy, it will probably make their entire week

claris will definitely be doing couch commentary for prime 1, pretty sure they were WR holder for a long time

but consider this

>went to play TFT
>come back
>Borderlands 2 is almost over
>looking at the tiny screen makes me feel like i'm watching on mobile
So was it as bad as it looks?

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It's where you eat a whole banana without chewing

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what was even the point of having devs on call

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>it's a fun game to play with friends who don't play games too often
so is fun to play with Yea Forums? Thats why we love it?

that's RawDerps

they have nothing else to do LOL

it was somehow even worse than it sounds

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post about them constantly on the Yea Forums video game board

>all of these deleted messages

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Yea Forums hates bl2


please dont make me choose tits

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Can't only ruin the viewers' days, gotta fuck over the devs, too.

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Talk about video games, not trannies. It's that fucking simple. You don't even have to like trannies, just shut the FUCK up about them no one cares

I'm a girl.



god those dumb shouts are annoying

no more

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>I'm going to need the audi-

hey looks like we'll be getting a pre-sequel speedrun next year
aren't you excited

Is the audience a fucking hive mind?

you must be new
this place spammed the bl3 trailer

It's what happens to your pupils when you see someone you wuv

So did he just randomly touch a stranger or they knew each other?

tits or gtfo

Shut up audience!
Shut up!!

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I usually hate spongy shooters but the gunplay is generally good enough to be satisfying, didn't care much for the story past 1 though so I don't give a shit about 3


It's literally the 3rd post.

>bl2 = bl3
>Yea Forumstards never post about things they hate

Yea Forums shits themselves hating everything popular even though they actually enjoy it

No idea. It can be interpreted a lot of different ways.

Imagine wasting your life speedrunning borderlands 2.

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no, gearbox employees did
just like ubisoft spammed every far cry and assassin's creed trailer
and gearbox spammed bl2
it's a combination of the devs and a few autists that think they're funny by spamming it

sorry sweetie, there's still the glitch exhibition after this make it fucking end already

Can't you just do a paypal donation and issue a refund immediately saying some bullshit like your kid did it?

dEAR god is this fucking run almost over yet?

are you new? you sound like a newfag. Please don't reply to me

it's almost over, boys, please tell me prime 1 is going to be comfy, i fucking love that game

Why was this shit 3 hours?

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Thanks vulture poster. Happy to know I didn't miss out on anything. Guessing it wasn't even so bad it's good bad?

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doesn't that also happen when you're scared shitless

oh shit thanks mate
its been a long day

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what a ugly trannie

Remember, there is a glitch exhibition right after this.

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this has been established already

>tfw no chubby jew feminist gamer GF to snuggle with at night

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Nobody tell him


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tranny runner, it's shit

keep pulling the newfag card friend

It is so fucking easy to fake LAN. I thought speedrunners were smart

I hope you guys spent your time wisely like doing your math homework or getting laid instead of watching this 3 hour lets play

Arya had better scenes at AGDQ than she did in the actual Season 8.


boobed girl here
my run is soon!

Randy wants to get his money's worth

Incredibly based and sneedpilled.

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gearbox paid for this run to be in as advertisement for borderlands 3

third one is not the same person tho

My guess is padding. Look at the schedule. How many good runs do you see?

I told you to don't reply to me, bitch.

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Its kind of surprising how claris ended up being even crazier than proto

the dude is a fucking mental case

She looks like a gypsy.

you literally cannot stop me

Still can't believe she nothing personell'd the night king.

The one on the right isn't that tranny, he's normal. That doubtfire freak is another entirely different existence.

On another note, borderlands is shit, jesus

When's the next run that's not just a guy poorly cosplaying as a girl?

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playing the same game ad nauseum does't make you intelligent

>She looks like a gypsy.
Where I'm from, we kill them.

>please tell me prime 1 is going to be comfy


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Is Keen excited for his new game?

bullshit, a lot of people on here are stupid consumers as well. they will have a shit sandwich fed down their throats, get excited and optimistic over some 5 second clip that looks cool in the sequel, find out the new one sucks dick too, then praise the last entry to be contrarian.

This isn't an event for speedrunning, it's a spectacle where we get to observe some of the most awkward human interactions on earth

Subliminal shilling. A Borderlands run that had three players and was three hours long... definitely not a coincidence.


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stop lying

finally the moment Yea Forums was waiting for

>it's not over
fucking faggots

siege mains represent
monky bizness alt


I saw split screens and got excited thinking it was a race. This run is abysmal.

Mm tomato soup

oh no

monky bizness looks like he fucks

>and TIME
>fuck yes finally
>oh jk, we still have five minutes

fuck this

>they stopped the real timer

How are they moving so fast?
I only played the first borderlands and that was because my friend begged.

post yfw the run ends

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Claris is running Prime 2, not Prime.

its over bros

Do you kill them?

Pedos, trannies, gays are very similar as in they have lost control over their inner beast, and each degeneracy only increases the odd that you fall for other degeneracies.

>glitch exhibition starts

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Guys it's over! it's ended!!

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its finally over

Attached: DnTBQXqU4AEhvRo.jpg (850x1200, 116K)

Isn't Prime 2 the tranny run? Are you telling me that both games are the tranny runs?

glitch exhibition :^)

i cant believe we're finally fr-
>glitch exhibition

Attached: wkKHZfW.jpg (1280x720, 331K)

>glitch exhibition

Don't forget glitch exhibition ;)

>glitch exhibition
fucking why

can we not say midget anymore?

>glitch exhibition

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I choose the secret fighter

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>still have a glitch exhibition

Attached: im_gonna_do_it.jpg (567x437, 142K)

>glitch exhibition

Attached: justice.jpg (253x321, 27K)

>there's more

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man, jew hair looks so gross

I stay up until 4am for this

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Some characters have move speed skills and they abuse item dropping and duping to stack it over and over


>three hours long
uh its two hours and forty eight minutes long

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I just got here, so I look forward to actually watching a run

Attached: yay.jpg (185x174, 12K)

The run ended and my PS4 crashed. Its a sign.

Attached: slamham.jpg (649x468, 147K)

you're not wrong, but that's not who's spamming these threads
if you really want to delve down the rabbit hole, you can look at the archive and just check every OP that uses the official trailer link
they almost always use the same image for the OP and the post itself with the link are extremely similar
Yea Forums has several dedicated autists - think barneyfag - that literally just spam threads across multiple IPs
Yea Forums posters are retarded enough to reply to them - probably because they don't browse as often as they should

>yay it's fini-GLITCH EXHIBITION


Attached: Dyatlov going nuclear.jpg (1920x1080, 977K)

post yfw they do an encore

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>50 minute glitch exhibition

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the ride never ends

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how are they so off schedule? did something run over time?

women need to know their place. absolutely based

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Kill yourself luvcheez


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fuck you glitch exhibitions are fun

Ok, for the sheer fact alone that we all thought it was finally over then they pull out this dumb glitch exhibition I think this run deserves to be ranked F- tier.

>Guy's name is JustinDM

Like ftm?

This people are fucking retardeds holy shit. NOBODY CARES ABOUT BORDERLANDS GLITCHES!

Set up crew can't operate discord correctly.

>Glitch exhibition

Gods why did they think that three screens would be a good thing to do for this run?

Attached: 1543462090481.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

I just got here, didn't watch any of borderlands
Was it bad or was it shit?




What? The next game isn't scheduled for another half hour nigga.

Please... k..ll... m-meeeeee..... ...

Attached: ken_distraught.jpg (689x417, 30K)

Hey you guys on a completely unrelated note, it might be good to know that the newest game in this series, Borderlands 3, launches September 13, 2019!

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god fucking awful
and it's still going

Seeing you all here reacting to this still going is more entertaining than this.

-7 / 10

Very shit

G tier

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my schedule says they're basically exactly on time, but there were several long set ups earlier due to getting skype set up. borderlands and perfect dark each had like 30 minutes of set up at least

F, way too long, can't see shit because the screens are so tiny

>The game thinks wrong guys XD

Not at GDQ, people their think everyone is sensitive, which becomes a circle jerk of everyone thinking everyone else is sensitive, and so people watch what they say for fear of being banned.

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can't wait for the 45 minute setup time next, hyop!

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yes don't fight back goyim just accept them and shut up

Put it on the lowest tier possible


1/10, the only reason I'm giving it a point is because it gave me time to get a couple hours of sleep in.

literal Z tier

>it's finally over
>*hour long glitch exhibition*

Attached: 02464172.png (569x571, 46K)

at least 2 hours too long/10

less viewers than fortnite lmao

gdq confirmed for kill

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it's small person, biggot

on steam?

im at the dilation station and someone's gash sealed shut during the borderlands 2 run. gdq staff says they will try to pick runs no longer than 2 hours in the future so people have time between runs to stretch.

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That's why we are here.

10/10 had a great time.

Omega tier

2/10 they get one point for punchy

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Borderlands is about to end, sitting here with my switch working on beating Celeste, who else is getting /comfy/ for those Metroid runs?

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Shill segments never deserve more than 5/10, but this one was excruciatingly long so it gets a 2/10.

>come back from a 30 minute fap session
>Borderlands still isn't fucking over

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true facts, I just had to refresh my schedule tab

So bad it literally deserves its own tier

t. randy

fuck borderlands and fuck randy and fuck this pathetic excuse for a "speedrun"

Holy shit a Fuckin Glitch this is nuts epic BRO did u see that?!


i doubt a worse run will exist this marathon

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lets just speedrun fortnite

this run is very hype i am glad it's still going

Attached: agdq hype.jpg (575x1024, 60K)

Black menace for smash

>glitch the game in every possible way
>overleveled as fuck

i got u senpai


will Metroid Prime 2 have actual girl boobs or actual (male) girl boobs

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Probably the worst run of the marathon and was essentially and ad for BL3.

I went to sleep and woke up when it ended/10

Hope that attention starved faggot got murdered while he tried his stupid publicity stunt of going "missing".

Marie Rose is based.

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comfy is just another word for boring

>girls can be awkward fucks too

ZZZ tier. Both because it's the fucking worst and it puts me to sleep.

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thats fair. i think its a lot more autistposting than devposting though. i dont think anyone i actually being paid to shill this shit as much as people here think, a lot of retards will just do it 4free

it's a shit game, so it gets shit viewer numbers

Have sex

1/10 FFF-
absolutely fucking disgusting


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fuck it's like they never went to public school

how long is this "exhibition" gonna be?

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I love you
suck my dick please

>This awkward laugh he keeps doing
Fuck this


soviet film style ocular oppression / 10

If you have to ask, you already know.

Attached: where.png (644x644, 936K)

55 minutes ;--D

about 50

i'm more offended by bigot than midget

anywhere to find timestamps for each run?

"we'll give it another try while we set it up here....this might take a few tries"

Christ end this.

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How much fucking longer are they going to be playing maymaylands?

but it's not on the schedule

(male). The runner's not only a tranny, but also an autistic spaz.

I hate gamers.

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>probably because they don't browse as often as they should
Can you blame them though considering what most threads are like?

the dilation station is packed right now

6/10, wasn't that bad, minimal cringe for a gdq run that goes for 3 hours, i've seen WAY worse runs that went for an even shorter time.