Name my band, Yea Forums.
Also where are you logging out before early access?
Name my band, Yea Forums.
Also where are you logging out before early access?
Rising Stones, no load times.
Since when was Alex Jones a fireman
what happens when all NA servers are full?
What glamour are you gonna rock for shadowbringer? I can't seem to get the right set going to actually look like the right amount of edge. I'm not looking to copy posterboy's exact outfit though. Any thoughts?
>tfw no Highlander gf
Logging off in Tsuyu's cold dead anus
It has already begun. Just got this when trying to load. It's over.
>he isn't playing through the MSQ on DRK
Imagin, just IMAGINE denying yourself the incoming kino
ITT: Forgotten characters
Am I cute?
>tfw no lalafell gf
Maybe my house, unless I decided to World Visit off Balmung the day before, in which case probably Mor Dhona?
Tigerskin Coat of Fending dyed black.
Hit Escape, then try to sign in again, it'll let you in immediately if the queue is below 100 or so.
that's normal dumb dumb. click it again. nice name btw strongest potion@cactuar
no please go to /vg/ thanks
whats up with all the tsuyu fags popping up all of a sudden? have people finally taken the hime pill?
If it's this low you can just cancel and attempt to reconnect without having to wait.
He was literally in the latest dungeon
I'll be sticking to skallic gear glam on my ranged DPS and tank. Hope I can find some dyable HW 24man gear in ShB.
Me too user, me too.
I'll never forget his bizarrely dramatic JP voice.
Nearly at 50 moogle tomes. Should I just buy one of the bird mounts or should I soldier on to 60 for the Odin armor?
at the ishgard inn obviously like a true ishgardian
>that face
>that skin tone
I pre-ordered and entered my early access key but they haven't provided an actual key yet. Will I need to get that key before I'm able to play Friday or what? I don't know when they usually make them available. Bought on the square store.
Xe, Xim, Xirs
>meme freckles
nah, at least you aren't a face4 tranny though
ayy lmao
What rank to do I have to be before I can start doing hunts?
Literally everyone else is going to be doing the same thing.
Nigger every day I log on I have to wait on Sarg
I liked her since sb teased her pretty whote face
>mch af1 goggles/gloves
>black poncho
>whisperfine pants
>noctis boots
Skallic set is so fucking metal.
Combine it with the scion's traveller hood and god damn.
My character looks a bit off though and I don't know what it is. I'm going to have to play around with the color scheme.
Fuck you 4 face looks good.
>he posted this shit again
Why do SCHs keep screeching muh ogcds when shit like this heals as much as the current embrace? Do they seriously expect, and on current values, heal a full party with 50k hp with a 5k aoe heal?
I'd honestly be easier to find a hunt LS and kill fate odin a few times.
This, but as a GNB.
>actually waiting in queue
I don't get it.
Isle of Giants right next to tame Oondasta and then hopping over to Isle of Thunder to tame Horridon
>"playing" tranny fantasy 14
"The shift+click thread"
I've always liked the hime cut. Hell, pale skin and dark and long hair is enough to catch my eye.
>enough space between the eyes to park a limousine, same for the space between the nose and mouth
>slit mouth
>flat eyes
>a fucking neckbeard
Every face has something stupid going on but this is the one face where everything looks stupid.
Same voice as Viral from TTGL and Guy from GGG, so I automatically like him.
Who here /Elezen/?
Those queue messages are normally a visual glitch, just press cancel and try again and you get on instantly.
Please go to /vg/ where you belong. I am asking nicely. They like your kind there.
You are literally asking to get banned.
It's effectively 160ish potency after pet potency scaling, which is really paltry on an AoE heal. It would be fine pet abilities weren't all oGCDs now.
We already know it's been changed to some capacity though since the gauge consumption on it is different between the media tour build and the job trailer.
If it's under 100 or so just cancel and retry and you get in
The fact I have to ask if this is male or female speaks volumes.
I like the eyes and the angular face, that's my argument.
What set is this?
What is this faggot twink speak.
Honestly sounds like someone just pulled a bunch of fantasy sounding words and slammed them together
Anyone trans players here? What character do you play? Race/Sex/Job please; I’m curious.
Why the fuck did they remove ultimatum
soon fray soon
The optimal way to level up jobs is going to be rushing a dps through the story, then grinding a tank through dungeons before the gunbreaker horde catches up, then doing a healer with the gunbreakers,
It was only useful as a second provoke in 95% of situations.
only pretty in fanart, just like elezens and femroes
It speaks volumes about how fucking blind you are, yes.
Omega tanking set.
Honestly good question, presumably it's because tanks are going to shit out so much aggro that even if they die it won't take long to re-establish group enmity.
you went from based to cringe, you couldn't just stay quiet could you
>Benchmark actually has the WoL fighting in a cutscene, even as a potato
For fucks sake. We need some kind of generic attack action shared by all jobs so we can actually have the WoL do something.
Is the game massively laggy for anyone else tonight or is it just me?
> playing retail wow
why are you doing this to yourself, just go play a private vanilla server
Omicron Gambison of Fending
Scion Rogue's Armguards
Gordian Breeches of Fending
Sky Pirate Boots of Fending
It is my masterpiece. Perfect for the edgy GNB I aspire to be. Now I just need to find a matching Gunblade.
>Omega tanking set
Only the chestpiece
ARR play as a gladiator > HW play as dragoon > SW play as monk > SnB play as Dark Knight (for the MSQ)
When will healers get their expansion bros...
Why is everyone incapable of making a good looking Raen
Near a mining node I guess. I have to get a map, send my squadron out, and send my retainers out.
>playing a game with less current subs than FFXIV
It's okay though, I'll be playing wow as well until I unlock flying for BfA zones, then I'll probably be done with it until the next expansion's pre-patch.
The only good Raens are Chocolate Raens.
Oh yeah, I responded to to wrong post anyway like a retard. I see Sky Pirate Fending Boots as well Not sure about the pants.
Why don't you try?
Looks pretty neat
>faggot fantasy player calling anyone else a twink
kys tranny
No thanks it was boring garbage when I played it in 2005 as a 12 year old and its old boring garbage now as a 27 year old. Maybe I'll hop in and get bored of it for a few hours when classic is out.
They'd need to make a healer that isn't a nerd in a dress if they want it to be the poster job
I think it may be a male. I'm not sure.
what color scheme bros?
Might be cuter if hair was a couple of shades lighter.
>leveling monk
>final boss of the 60 quest is a tia cat beta male
Why does everything about monk suck so much?
armored gunbreaker here
i want to hatefuck yotsuyu
Please do not bully me I’m a sprout...
>main a healer
>WoL never 'fights'
>only ever heals
Should I spend my Genesis tomestones before everything gets converted to Poetics?
they never did put chairs in that place
Tanks wont have fast queues anymore will they
Because the dev team legitimately doesn't like you.
>the shitposting will only intensify as release approaches
Don't you WoWfaggots have a patch to fuck off to soon
Mine looks good and gets /tells but I'm not a /vg/ avatarfag.
Plz go zoomer
Unoriginal and cringe
Which Crystal server are you on
Fuck off. Go back to your dead fucking general with the other avatar faggots.
I wasn't even trying to bully.
I simply redirected you to vg since their thread is more inclined to talk about it.
Got my DRK ready to go full edge on the First
holy fuck warcraft butcherd orcs man why are they just a bunch of green humans
We said fuck off to /vg/
I thought the same thing about DRK but it didn't turn out like that because most sois are too scared of "tank anxiety". Now that tanking is piss easy it might change though.
But I play on aether
Probably the Rising Stones just so I can jump in ASAP. Tataru is probably going to have our first quest.
Anyone have any luck with FC/static recruitment on reddit? I don't know where you find this shit for XIV.
not if they become ass to play as compared to dps
Dear god that gear looks awful
No, play something else. Like a healer. Please.
Don't even know what you're talking about.
For like a month maybe. People will go back to DPS pretty quickly because they won’t like more responsibility.
Most trannies will be playing DNC
New tanks will always intimidate people who don't already play them
I dunno what color scheme to go with. I don't know why also it just looks weird when I take the hood off. (which I plan to during cutscenes)
Not only that but the ones you'll be getting are going to be trash
>TRex mount
Where is this from?
Thanks friend
>Im a retard who doesnt understand generations
Im a tail end millennial gape you very much.
Better than any Elder Scrolls elf ripoff garbage being shown off itt. kys tranny.
>Pulling and turning the boss back
I will never understand this so called tank anxiety
Eureka Anemos lockboxes
sorry i dont do slut glamour like you weirdo
>wanting a gimped healer be piloted by humans of xiv
Well it has a heal so be happy
Welp. Nevermind
Stop asking for this you stupid faggots. It would never ever work.
Oh hey cactuar bro I saw you in the markets earlier today
>FC name is SELLA
Truly based
That's not dissimilar to something I was trying out a few days ago, I ended up dying the hood white to match the back of the coat better.
I still don't understand why people say more responsibility. It's way easier to fuck up your rotation as a DPS and we'll have aggro for literally free.
Even less so now that yoshi cucked all the healers to 2 damage buttons fucks.
Must have killer stats
Damn, your color scheme looks way more metal. Maybe it's the pants and boots that's throwing it off. Any tips?
I think your Elezen is pretty hot, user. Spamming aside, would want your femlezen to destoy my pelvis
Bridgette from overwatch is a perfect example of a melee healer.
There was also fistweaving monk in wow for awhile before it was removed
Your damage rotation heals the weakest enemy in the group. You have some panic buttons just in case you can’t damage something. Maybe even you can place a beacon on a ally and they will always be healed by your damage spells. It’s so easy
This isn't overwatch you fucking retard. It would NEVER WORK HERE.
Well, people do yell at tanks who pull too little, pull too much, don't have good enough gear, etc.
people have freckles user
It's extremely easy to get, but you will need to put enough time in to at least obtain lockboxes from the bosses.
>yell at tanks that pull too much
Get the fuck out my group.
You won’t get yelled at if you mess up rotation once or twice.
You will get yelled at if you mess up and the healer dies because you weren’t fast enough to pull aggro off them
Nothing wrong with that.
Based glam, user. Godspeed
Just have Chloromancer from RIFT but melee instead of casting.
I pull a lot if my gear is good, I pull smaller if I don't. If the healer makes up the gear then I will pull hard still.
>tanks who pull too much
No such thing
Any healer based around dealing damage to heal has almost zero chance to ever be balanced and any sane dev team won't try it in an mmo setting. Either the heals/dps will be so low to compensate for it doing the other as well that it won't be wanted by any group or will be so over the top broken that it'll get axed. Being unable to target heal is also massively impractical for XIV's combat system.
Ah yes xiv and ow play exactly alike
Foreheads are cute, user. Fuck you
People who have freckles don't want them.
It's funny how, completely opposite to how it is in real life, some fuckers keep adding that BACK into otherwise desirable complexion. At least I haven't seen a wrinkles fetishist yet.
A man of taste. Himecut is the patrician's hairstyle, especially if it's long and dark.
This one
How is SE going to convince people to play on crystal
Melee healer with large AOE cone abilities who don't need to target. Like monk Rockbreaker but without target.
This set has one of the coolest helmets. Why would you forsake it? Those stars on your face look awful.
What shades are those?
>people find things attractive that those that have them don't
This literally happen all the time. Also, fuck you, freckles are adorable.
>down syndrome
>looks like an alien
>good face
at least you are using the right Greatsword
You just look like a dollar store toy figure, man. And that fucking sword decal on the armor is just the cherry on top. I hope that's some shitty low level armor
To be honest, that hat and that chest piece simply don't go together. The way the hood meets the collar makes it look like you have a HUGE neck.
Shaded spectacles
I use it sometimes but that's not really my main drg glam anymore nor do I even play drg. Queueing as dps when i want to play is too time consuming
>trashy tattoos
Horrid fucking idea.
If they didn't want them they'd just do one of the several treatments available to remove them, some of them are even cheap
>still ugly
I mean that’s literally disc priest in wow, and you are playing a wow clone.
A job like that in this game would be high skill because you have to time your big damage abilities with when your allies take large amounts of damage so your not wasting heals by overhealing. I think it would be fine as long they did less damage than other healers.
>people who have freckles don't want them
I like my freckles...
Hear hear. Praise the Fury, brother.
what chestplate is that, looks pretty based with the helm
> tfw only got diabolic chest and head pieces
are people still running HW raids?
It's really hard to top, because a properly pulled hime-cut requires beautiful hair and that's very attractive.
You can build a football field between those eyes
Didn't the /vg/ answers satisfy you, you fuck?
What can I say user?
>have different positional cone AOE
>they work like melee GCD
>can target heal for extra
>or AOE oGCD
Add some I don't know ghost and shit mechanic. Like that spooky job from Bravely Second
It's going to get really hot so I'm stocking up on water / electrolytes and high fibre cereal.
And people called my Au Ra ugly in this thread.
It's guiding forth retard
Yes, but with the Mog Tomestone event still going on it's going to take longer than usual. If you're trying to grind a glam I don't think you'll have enough time unless you're extremely lucky.
spicy ramen
Yeah they did, I just now looked back. It's surprising how well they answered.
I just anticipated everything on /vg/ to be fucking garbage and only posted there because I couldn't find the Yea Forums thread.
You're full of shit, Discipline Pries and Fistweaving monks were in WoW and were based around damage healing forever and has been perfectly fine from a balance perspective, the difference is that when WoW was actually good healers were allowed to have completely different playstyles and focuses from one another.
XIV will never ever have anything approaching the healing diversity of other games because of the way encounters are designed.
They could help the issue by bringing back perma death and making bosses do constant raid damage from even successfully passed mechanics. I also wish they'd remove or reduce in-combat health regeneration since it's fucking ridiculous how much you heal for over a fight thanks to it
Why would I EVER cast anything besides indomitability, excogitation and whispering Dawn when those are already more than enough to keep the tanks and raid alive?
Doesn't help that raid size is so small and restricted in this game. Other games have actually variable raid composition, where for some fights you might bring only 3 healers while others might need 5+
>Why is a job that cannot heal someone unless you physically chase them down and hit them with a cone AOE heal a bad idea?
Stop pretending you know what you are talking about. A melee healer WOULD NOT WORK HERE.
What are you guys planning to eat for early access? I'll be too busy leveling GNB to be fucked with cooking so I am just gonna order Chinese.
I logged out in the Ul'dah inn at the end of my free week. Gonna resub when ShB finally drops on Friday.
Running my Ivalician Holy Knight's Armor set, I have a soft spot for FFT and I'm happy I finally got her armor after like 30 runs in a row.
I ordered papa johns two weeks using the xiv code. Have it in the fridge ready
This fucking baby casual carebear linear hallway faggot game LITERALLY MAKES IT IMPOSSIBLE TO PULL TOO MUCH.
You can't take more than a few packs without running into an invisible wall or barricade that only disappears once the trash are dead because God forbid you not respect Yoshi P's braindead roulette content
I wish there was one of those here. Nearest Papa Nigger's is an hour away.
Bro no...
Maybe pop over to Churches and get a family meal and live off that for a few days
Right next to Tataru, she's 100% going to be giving the first MSQ quest.
raids no longer have class restrictions right? everyone gets to roll on everything without weekly cap
I'll have oatmeal, fruit, cheese and baked chicken.
Going grocery shopping Thursday, suggest some light, simple foods I can eat for EA time.
They are good at talking about off-topic stuff like that.
>Stop pretending you know what you are talking about.
Okay. Explain me something.
You always crying about lack of new healers. But there is no need for new healer. You have 3 healers. And you refuse to discuss interesting heal mechanics. What do you want?
>Why is a job that cannot heal someone unless you physically chase them down and hit them with a cone AOE heal a bad idea?
Try re reading my posts. But well don't bother if you're not creative.
What do you mean you don't want to endure piles of party finder ERP Listings and terrible events, along with awful economy with no raid servers? Please understand.
Dicks. Seems to be the basis of your regular diet already.
Weekly cap is gone but it's still Class Need others Greed.
But I was mainly talking about even seeing the piece you want drop, considering you'll be doing one run an hour at best with how long queues are going to be.
Pick up some frozen broccoli and maybe some pasta.
Oldfashioned oatmeal, milk, peanut butter, honey, and banana.
I'm on a diet so probably just water and air.
How do so many grown men not know basic nutrition?
Pizza only lasts 1 week in the fridge. Need to put it in the freezer if longer than that.
That's starvation, not a diet.
I stocked up on saltine crackers, string cheese and tons of bottled water
I don't think there enough people there for piles
We know, we just don't care.
Too late now, all healers in ShB have their job gauge fluff but share skills with the same functionality but different flavour and adjusted potency.
That legit looks good
>grown men
Most of Yea Forums is man children, not grown men
my dude I get papa john's all the time and that shit is fully decroted after 48 hours in the fridge, but you knew what you were doing with this post
We don't really have three healers to be honest we have one healer with the same toolkit minor variations, especially since the majority of healer abilities aren't even utilized 95% of the time
FFXIV just has shit encounter design when it comes to healing, the heavily telegraphed gameplay would be better if healers didn't even exist and everyone else just had their own sustain tools and tanks had more mitgation, it would also force shitters to actually perform since nobody would be able to bail them out
When the overwhelming majority of all damage is completely avoidable by doing the right Simon Says steps you very quickly reach a point where even Savage raiding needs basically no healing that's not ogcd shit
>looking at Yea Forums for validation about miqotes or aura
they will just call you a tranny while playing actual tranny races themselves.
See; Males, Roes, Highlanders, Midlanders, Elezen.
Both of you are dumb, it's obviously HOOOOOOOO HIDEY HOOOOOOOOO
Step aside.
Enjoy your food poisoning retard
>15s AF
>15% eno
>two polyglots for potential triple big dick xenos
>umbral soul for more ridiculous qol
Imagine for a second that you weren’t a blm
That you weren’t going into this expac with that blissful feeling of your job being vastly improved
I can tell y’all are one them zoomers with that smug little anime girl picture you uploaded there. Now I’m a working man, a real man. I don’t got no time to cook or prepare any fancy smancy meals. I work. I go to the drive thru. I go home. I game. I sleep. There ain’t no more time in the day I tell you. So FUCK you little boy.
looks straight nauseating
>You always crying about lack of new healers
I never once cried for new healers you fucking dipshit.
>mods out the ass
>still not cute
How DO you people do it?
> Weekly cap is gone but it's still Class Need others Greed.
nice, just wanted to know this, im not in a hurry and can queue while doing other stuff
Yeah I know, it's so annoying to see the same people who laugh at WoW's death throes defend the exact same decisions from their own game because it's ok when japan does it.
We don't need new healers.
>when you realize your dad set you up to mash potatos with Nanamo.
>face 4
Job will never be complete because lore prevents it from having Ultima
No mods here. This is vanilla.
>all these Jap potato posts for the countdown
I knew they liked potatoes but seems like it's more than I thought
Why are you so aggressive for no reason? I'm not even overwatch/wow user. Take a pills.
Is there decent long sleeve+vest top in the game that isn't locked to crafters/mch? I want to make a cowboy NIN
too bad no one wants blm for difficult content
Nothing wrong with Face 4. Face 3 is also good but I prefer Face 4's horns.
Faces 1 and 2 look like they have literal downs.
Do you actually need to be told to fuck off to /vg/?
We need the existing healers to be as fun and varied from one another as DPS are, unfortunately that's never going to happen and Shadowbringers is an explicit admission from the dev team that they are going in the opposite direction
Expect 2 new DPS in 6.0 and maybe blue mage being non limited
cute shoes
They tested out all Greed/Need a while back and it went horribly so the change was reverted by the next maintenance. Imagine finally seeing the tank chest drop and seven other fucks roll on it.
What heels are those?
>Face 3/4
My nigga. Face 2 can be okay too but 1 is literally the most barbie-doll face in the game.
Nah, there's that anemos top but that's about it for the look you want
Which Crystal server are you from, friend?
Its weird. WoW wasn't easy to roll new classes and professions but people did it for class stacking in hardcore prog. Ff14 on the other hand makes job changing so accommodating, yet are too scared to give a healer unique healing/mitigation tools no other healer has, in fear of one being preferable for a certain encounter.
Yes, but only if you truly and firmly believe it's going to change anything.
Who /MCH/ here?
They are 2nd most popular race on JP servers. 1st is Miqote hence why they made a catgirl TV commercial.
1 is a soulless doll
2 can look cute but it will always be SAD
Reporting in, weathered quick silver is my weapon of choice.
Faerie Tale Princess's Heels dyed dark purple.
The dress and skirt (granted you can't see it) are from the same set.
Me. Currently deciding what to glamour.
Can you fuckers please stop inviting me to dead FCs thanks
This character is on Aether. I do have a Crystal alt, though.
Which is a Lalafell if that's somehow important.
Removing the face paint, it's a pretty decent gothic lolita. 7/10
Alliance Coat of Aiming is a very nice looking type, dyes fantastically to boot.
>Lalafell ERP alt
Rice and red beans with spinach and Heinz 57 or something else tangy without too much molasses
$8 tops and makes enough for 4 days
Ah fuck, guess I'm waiting for a Mogstation sale then. Thanks.
i wont be happy till i look like him. gotta find a weapon like his
The face paint is for my SMN glamour which I don't actually have screenshots of.
I wish you could tie face paint and hair styles to glamour plates.
Isn't in WoW everyone use 3rd party addons for healing like healbot fro ezmode healing?
It really does. My dumb ass threw it out when I was cleaning out my inventory.
how does the lalafell look like?
that's gae bolg, the arr relic
pretty sure you can't get it in red tho
Pretty bland. But the Battlemage gear looks really cool.
if some of the healers in XIV were allowed to have unique tools like divine shield to ignore mechanics or using Disc and Mistweaver to help down DPS check bosses a significant portion of the playerbase would riot despite different jobs being ridiculously easy to level and even sharing all their gear
the job change system could have let them have an enormous amount of flexibility but instead everything is even more rigid than other wow clones. Doesn't help there's only 4 fights a tier
Lalas are for mating presses and full nelsons
So what's going to be Shadowbringers' Raubahn Extreme? You think they'll be able to handle the amount of people flooding the servers?
I'll probably stick to the tan/brown falconer's shirt then
Different WoW healers have qualitatively different kits from one another in a way that's completely different from FFXIV. Like, the healing equivalent of being as different as NIN and Black Mage are are even though they both "do damage"
I agree, the Battlemage gear was damn good looking set for being a midgame gear in ARR. Was so sad to part with it after I got to Stone Vigil.
Cute Lala though. I'm a fan of the blush stickers and the bobcut.
Nice looking water.
Apparently they've attempted to avoid anything like it. No significant solo instances for the first portion of the expac.
If they learned their lesson none.
But I assume a bug like Susano or more recently the FFXV event one will fuck people over.
Redpilled and based
Excuse the link, but this is what I'm rocking. Its my go-to crossclass glamour
world visit server crashes, peoples characters get stuck, emergency maintenance incoming.
Stop avatarfagging you fuck
I'm expecting the first dungeon to cause issues thanks to Trusts making it so there will be like, 2.5x-3x the number of instances going on then there would be.
This Mistweaver shit looks cool. can he really not work in XIV?
can you even use his haircut? i dont pay attention to the longer ones
At least put a fucking helmet to hide your hideous face.
generic/10 go back to /vg/
immediately shit.
Is there any other hidden sets like the Battlemage set in any of the other ARR dungeons?
Ones that just look exceptionally good whereas other gear at a similar level looks very shit, is what I mean.
Boring, but unoffensive
would forget/10
out of 10
We are here to discuss the game, not attention whore you
im so sorry
would mate with
>we /xivg/ now
Fuck off back to /vg/. Why do you fags keep coming here? We came here to get AWAY from you.
Here's the thing, user. No-one gives a fuck about what result you got after mashing the randomize button 50 times.
Your character is going to look identical to someone elses, and is probably going to be generic as fuck.
Glamour is where it's at.
Making outfits to compliment what slight customization your character has is more important than the limited creation options will ever give you.
>Sch and war damage tripled
>Fairy glamor added with school swimsuit and school uniform
Pointless tattoo overlapping with the racial marks and freckles and a scar for good measure 4/10
I like it c:
Character customization is a part of the game.
Don't let retarded insecure faggots tell you otherwise.
no heterochromia so its already better than most cats
Yes, and there is a place to get your epic donut steel woman rated/admired. It is called
Only retarded insecure faggots would ask other people's opinion on the character they play.
XIV fights have infinite raises which means when you fail mechanics at Savage you just fucking die. Once people stop being bad the vast majority of damage people are taking is either predictable tankbusters or unavoidable raidwide AOE at set intervals.
The existing healers can keep everyone alive simply using off-gcd heals, you can look at Savage and ultimate parses if you don't believe me and you'll still see less than 10% of GCD spells being heals
IF IF IF IF IF Shadowbringers completely upends the entire dynamic that has existed up until now and makes fights where instead of 90% of my casts being Broil I need to instead spend 90% of my casts healing overwhelming raid damage that can't be cheated with excog, indom, and fairy THEN there could be some more healer diversity.
But that's a really big if and from what we've seen so far that isn't the case. We'll know in four days
How heavy will be the expansion?
I only have 30gb left on my SSD
Tranny are you ok?
Most seem pretty bland compared to battlemage. There's the stripper set from Dzemael Darkhold that's somewhat striking in comparison to the other sets (for obvious reasons) but besides that, decent dungeon caster sets are from HW onwards.
And there's a general for that, soigobbler.
They fixed the ear.
What's with the stigma towards WoWfugees?
1-3 roe
4-6 femqote
7-9 viera
0 hrothgar
Why put that tattoo if you already have the racial face marks?
Stop feeding the avatarfags you stupid thirsty fucks. Tell them to go back to /vg/ and report them. Do you WANT this place to become /xivg/? No? Then fucking stop this pathetic shit.
t. retarded insecure faggots
Mtf here we dont "dilate"
a bunch of people came in and they're kinda rude and bad
just don't be rude and bad
t. retarded insecure faggot
t. ranny
You don't pay my internet access.
Actually we won't know for another both, Savage isn't in at release
How the actual fuck does anyone see anything with all that shit on the screen? Holy tunnelvision batman.
my condolence
>Tell them to go back to /vg/
Legit question, but are you fucking blind?
Go back to /xivg/, otherkin.
who /noglamours/ here?
>join an FC
>theyre all trannies
i thought it was memes
Post your Viera bro
Are you? We have multiple retards thirsting over that dumb c@ pic.
no u
>no watermark
oh no...
If only Savage requires actual healing but all the dungeons, trials and normal mode don't that's still not that great. Especially since only a tiny percent even do Savage in the first place
What are they talking about to have a 1000+ post thread?
Did something happened?
>virgin male character
Now that they are identical which is the superior fairy?
you DO have your Ninetails mount, don't you user?
OP is shitposters.
The OP got banned for shitposting and the result was a shitpost thread. Nothing new.
wowfugees are 90% of the playerbase but no one wants to admit it, sort of like when newfags pretend to be oldfags on here.
Just ignore them, if you get called wowfugee it's almost guaranteed the guy calling you that was a wow player himself or just a tranny
>long hair
Eos, obviously
I don't waste time grinding for mounts until the expansion after. I get the gear I need then stop.
>just took a fate boss and turned it into a mount
why would I bother when I'll just be using the collectors edition mount come Shad
I want to cum on Eos, but I want Selene to make fun of my dick
Banned on futaba or in FF14?
I'm good at the game so i never win rolls and eventually gave up
Yes but why dont you post the picture of your character in /vg/ instead
Same as here but their limit is 2000 posts or simple expiry if there's no activity.
Oh shit
Why would I want an ugly furfag mount?
Eos, because green.
If SE perma bans your account, can you get it unbanned? They say you can't, but I was permanently banned for cancelling an order on Amazon after getting my chocobo code even though this isn't against the ToS. What are my options
Why did FFXIV suddenly start having so much discussion on Yea Forums? I barely saw any threads until 2 months ago.
>"dude the gameplay is so slow"
>buys level skip
>now they're in your leveling dungeon runs still not using any ogcds, single pulling, burning all their mp healing, not aoeing, never using any cooldowns, and dying to mob telegraphs
>spend all this time making level 60-70 crafted tank gear for GNBs
>realize they are all gonna level in deep dungeon anyways because while there will be a lot of tanks/dps, there will be no healers for stormblood dungeon queues
>wasting hundreds of hours grinding when next xpac you'll be able to solo all the primals and get it in like 3 hours
Modern day WoW players are major part of the reason WoW is ruined, they come in expecting everything to be similar to their old game and complain when things aren't the same.
Just fixing your image bro, no need to thank me. Now I can enjoy it.
The only WoWfugees that people actually care about are the ones that use shit like jump potions to skip content and then hold everyone back when they don't know mechanics.
I want Urianger to cum inside me while I cum inside Y'shtola
expansion drops soon
Sup bro, we are about to queue for Ala Mhigo Hard. Could you craft us some Sloppy Bros?
febidime bepis
>next xpac you'll be able to solo all the primals
Yeah man because you can totally solo all the HW birds right now.
Killing yourself
There is no way you would get banned for that, stop being retarded.
>try and talk about the game about customizing characters
Why does Yea Forums hate individuality? The fun of this game is making your character customizing and sharing them. The combat is alright wow is better desu.
Perfect. Mighty Ninetails without cat disease
based yoshi making shitty healer fucks do their job
tired of getting wiped in roulettes because someone thought they rolled dps+
Celery sticks in grape juice.
Fuck off avatarfag
Stop posting this dumb bait you stupid faggot
why does nobody on here ever believe me
>It is lunch break of facilities for the disabled
fucking annihilated
>doma equivalent in the 1st got lighted
>won't need to deal with more than maybe 1 lizard npc
I'm glad it's over
literally obsessed whenever someone posts a picture of their character at all you sperg out
It doesn't matter if people avatarfag or not you scream and whine and mash the report button like the fucking faggot you are
no one is allowed to discuss any aspect of this video game except which jobs are and aren't in the cuckshed amirite?
fuck off
You can tho???????
That's an eb games employee, retard
Because the /vg/ thread is basically nothing but a massive circlejerk about who looks the cutest to the point where it's impossible to talk about the actual game.
You had the perfect bait and you just flushed it down the toilet
>and sharing them
This is avatarfagging. Go to /vg/, they appreciate this tranny behavior there.
Because of avatar fags on /vg/ that do nothing but erp
They haven't stopped for 2 threads now, posting their character all the time without striking a conversation and replying to themselves with more pictures of their character.
cope. I made a joke, and you typed out a paragraph-long sperg-out. Are you sure you haven't strayed far from /vg/ and your balmung circlejerk?
>n-no please don't avatarfag
go back to r*ddit, cuck
this is an IMAGE board, not a faggot nigger pussy board. Now crawl back down the hole you came out of
They went back and deleted the ear in the re-upload.
Seriously. Go to vg
Nobody around wants /vg/ fags to migrate here or breed a new kind of avatar faggots, constantly posting their fucking characters like we are supposed to give a fuck.
Stay banned trannyelf
who? fuck off
What was the size of SB and HW for example?
Half of those Au'Ra are cute. Try again, tranny, you will never EVER be cute. Keep seething over races that look cute unlike your ugly ass..
oh no where did her ear go
imagine not being a lizard, lmao enjoy being ugly
who else /supercasual/ here
I've never touched anything harder than endgame dungeon, skipped all the EX trials and the Omega and Ivalice raid starting quests sitting in my log.
New expansion releases this Friday, subscriber numers and preorders are by far the highest they've ever been and SE is advertising for it fucking everywhere - it's getting coverage on the same level as if it was a new numbered Final Fantasy game.
Only natural that people will make lots of threads about it.
you guys keep calling me names but i'm serious damn it, what do you think i'm trying to bait you into, do you think i'm retarded
>faggot nigger pussy
stupid newfag, kill yourself.
Bitch, he gets more screentime than most of the GC leaders.
The game itself is a WoW clone, it's just that the incompetent Diablo 3 team wasn't satisfied killing one franchise and is now ruining another so the knockoff clone is actually better than the dying original
XIV has dungeon and raid finder, the holy Trinity, is a tab target autoattack hotkey based mmo, has linear dungeons with a need before greed loot system,weekly lockouts, token hand-in gearing, transmog, it's basically just WoW circa Wrath/Cataclysm
Unfortunately Warlords of Draenor, Legion, and BFA were all fucking horrible and each dumbed down the game more than the last: the only people with any soul left at Blizzard were quarantined on the HOTS team which is why it's the only game still having things like Whitemane's high cut leotard and ZR and why they're doing their best to kill it
I just want Samwise to leave and start his own studio at this point
holy based
>Not having 3 friends to do a pre-made on new jobs
based WHM
Certainly less than 5-6gb
Stormblood was around 6 gb I think.
go back to /vg/
I'm going to save the 1st
What the wow part? It’s true. All three healing jobs are literally the same. All the dps are press 12345 and use your ocg damage buffs. Tanking has a little variety but it’s just using slightly different tools to hold aggro. At least in wow they tried to make each class unique and feel good.
>do you think i'm retarded
Yes, like everybody who ever saw the post you keep spamming like a fucking retard.
Gryphonskin breastguard and panties, claws of the beast and high house halfboots.
If you haven't unsynced a single ARR primal at 70 you aren't even a casual, just a lazy faggot
It is a wow clone, but what can ya do. We won't be getting any original mmos for at least another decade
best start deleting stuff user
Oh that's reassuring.
Thanks fellas.
>Raubahn gives his son one of his GLD swords since he can't use two anymore
>sword is so big Pipin turns into a DRK to wield it
cute. He's a good lad, when the day of the mashing comes I hope he's spared.
>Top Donation
>New follower!
Of course Yea Forums would start giving this furfag money "as a joke haha"
>Omega and Ivalice raid starting quests sitting in my log.
Don't you actually have to do one of those in order to get the gear to finish the MSQ?
>That one guy who's always AFK in the same spot doing some stupid dance
>Always in that same spot even after maintenance
What's their name Yea Forums?
well maybe i am a faggot then, but why do i have to live my life as a banned faggot, they didn't ban over the cumulus mount or the maid shit man
>preorders are by far the highest they've ever been
Oh god I hope they are ready for it.
it says 60gb for the recommended specs, although i don't remember if sb and hw actually took up that much space
Anyone have the sadcat picture?
your jokes get taken seriously by the retards that frequent this board so they think posting character = bad
posting their character a few times doesn't make them a fucking avatarfag, an avatarfag implies they use the same character in every post as a reaction in place of something nondescript
the actual avatarfags in xivg are hated because they always post a screenshot of their character (often one they just made) as a reaction to literally every post, not to mention the fact they openly seek and request ERP with other anons like the fucking degens they are
Why don't you call out the fucks replying to someone's character saying "I want this character to step on me" or "What server do u erp?" kind of shit
Lyse was MADE for holding hands with a cute girl because shes a canon lesbian
Somewhat. I never can put enough time to learn extreme with retards because I'd rather finish up my backlog. I'll just log in every tuesday, do my weekly's and then my Daily's every day than log off.
Freed up some 400GB of porn, so I'm good.
>finally get sent to the new world
>Lyse and Tataru just sitting by a campfire and have been waiting for you for weeks
>in the distance you can see Estinien and elf Zenos in his helicopter watching you
>What's their name Yea Forums?
[literally anyone at the limsa aetheryte]
You will never find it all again.
I don't see this, but Limsa is always full of DRKs spamming moves.
>400GB of porn
im 3 weeks no fap and my life has improved a lot.
gotta source on that
That's what the new data center expansion and split and was for.
Is it going to be enough? Probably not.
I just like posting my character in these threads sometime I'm not on 24/7 every day every week
If people are really bothered by the "Who here /Elezen/?" posts I can stop
>well maybe i am a faggot
The genre is in such a terrible spot, I'm just waiting for an actual Guild Wars successor
I'll play PSO2 when it comes to the west and maybe now that DMC5 is out we'll get a Dragon's Dogma 2 and DDO in the west or a DDO2
the fact that the WoL is a canon male and lyse has no interest in him at all. the WoL is a fucking stud. she HAS to be gay
>Implying Tataru will not get new cameo
Rude solder this time.
You only need 360 for Ghimlyt, neither of those are required for expert/70 roulette, though Byakko is for getting the Wukong dungeon
no, keep doing it to spite them
It'll be great when they realize Shadowbringers is behind like 300 hours of content. Not that I dislike this. Unless they find a way to make people not suck while skipping I prefer they don't make it easy to skip.
How so?
Once is fine
Not multiple times per thread, every thread, in a dumb meme format every time.
Yes. Fucking stop.
Mother fucker last thread you posted your character like seven God damn times. Go to /vg/ if you want to avatarfag
If I wanted to see your character, I'd go to /vg/. Very simple. This is Yea Forums where you discuss videogames, not original character models
It's cause she knows the elf twins have a big crush on WoL and doesn't want to discourage them.
>eikonic gunblade
>shire gunblade
>pirate ship gunblade
>underwater japan gunblade
>mongol gunblade
>sinking japan gunblade
>japan gunblade
>another japan gunblade
>gunblade of the crimson lotus
>ala mhigan gunblade
>lost allagan gunblade
I know of a really cool place where you can spam your fugly character without recourse.
Yea Forums has little tolerance of any attempts to associate an identity to a poster.
Plus, you'd get banned for avatarfagging.
>not suck while skipping
Literally what trusts are for
Characters creation is part of the video game.
>Some retard actually pays a sub just to idle in Limsa
I don't understand autism, its not like the majority of idlers even have decent gear to show off.
Allagan gunblades are going to be the dumbest thing
For one we still have no proof that you were ever banned so to us it just looks like some retarded fuck desperately seeking attention. Secondly what the fuck do you want us to do, you have a problem with amazon and squeenix, try contacting you absolute sperg.
Favorite location in Stormblood? Can't help but love the Azim Steppe. Shit just looks pretty and the music is chill.
>Realize in my impatience that I got rid of all my 60-69 tank gear
Time for Heaven on High for Gunbreaker!
>Yea Forums has little tolerance of any attempts to associate an identity to a poster.
I wish. Discord is part of Yea Forums and completely acceptable. Every Yea Forums shitposter has twitter and discord.
I'm gonna miss sole survivor
Broke: people who post pictures of their characters in XI/v/ threads are trannies
Woke: People complaining about the above are raidtrannies that are pissed someone's character looks better than them
the jades on primal
i used to hate them, now i'm just numb
nah shes gay as fuck user. probably fantasizes about going down on Alisaie
who cares, gear up as you do the dungeons again
You have to go back
could always craft them
Mods are based
Ruby sea I guess.
So which awful character were you? The character creator miqote or the edgy ninetails guy? Are your feelings this hurt, tranny?
I've got a place for you:
You do realize that Shire covers the first 4 levels by itself right
And leveling dungeons still give you guaranteed set pieces
Except raidtrannies have access to more items to glamour than casuals.
Maybe but the early boring dungeons ramp you up into harder mechanics as you level. I went from never playing anything but monk to being decent at astro because I followed the duty roulette all the way to 70. Could have bought my way to 70 but then I wouldn't know what the fuck I'm doing.
My only gripe is that I have to grind my way up to higher ilvl gear before I can even do the 70 roulette.
what was deleted?
>digging your grave deeper as a newfag
Holy fucking based janny
a ton of people posting their character, with little to no discussion potential, just to get attention. Essential /vg/ tier shit
>one mod is a friend to the thread and deletes the bad posts
>one mod is a foe to the thread and does weird shit like move it when it hits bump limit or just deletes it outright
i wonder if they fight each other
>WoL is a canon male
Wrong. They are canonically a female.
Avatarfags got btfo
just go back holy shit
Poetics are stupid easy to get
>lost allagan gunblade
canon WoL is a female miqo'te, as confirmed by yoshi
The difference in quality of moderation between daytime and nighttime Yea Forums is pretty noticeable
wow, this looks really awesome, is this a fan drawing? Kinda looks like it was an art submission from a school kid, but it looks pretty neat
>he doesn't know
holy shit, just end yourself.
I argued this in another thread, that because of their personality its clear that the WoL was written to be female but square enix forced yoshi p to have all the promotional material depict them as a man becuase otherwise the game wont sell because the japanese literally cant empathize with women
Finally hit 70 today but all my shit is ilvl285. What should I do to get a high enough ilvl to complete the story as quickly as possible?
For years there was some catboy in Leviathan's Limsa doing the Manderville naked with a top hat, didn't check if he's still there recently
Except the wol is a male hyur as seen in literally every trailer/intro cinematic
You didn't have to argue anything, Yoshida has already said they are a female miqote.
You guys better post more Ilberd edits in the next one
hoard poetics and wait for friday when you can buy scaevan shit cheap
You kidding? Lyse follows you around halfway across the world, you have long talks into the night with her, go swimming in the Ruby Sea with her, she asks you how she looks in her new outfit, the two of you sneak off in the middle of the night to have rough, sweaty "spar" on the statue.
Lyse wants to fuck you no matter the gender, she's just to stupid to realize how to do so.
Source it.
Must be like a biblical battle of good versus evil.
Buy shit on the market.
>didn't find the XIV thread until after bump limit
Fuck off niggers at least include it in the filenames
>love interests are haurchefant, zenos and estinien
>the wol is male
no way fag
>the WoL and Lyse are both beautiful people with severe autism and no idea how to initiate a relationship of any kind
So thisis the power of japanese writing...
Since when the fuck did they add clouds hairstyle and how is it gotten
I think I'm at cap on those
>my friend
>my enemy
lol, no.
that's only for the CGs, yoshi has said time and time again that that's not the canon WoL
it was an interview when he was asked if there was a canon gender and race for the WoL and he answered female miqo'te. keeper of the moon to be precise, I won't be able to find it before thread archives
If we do, the bad mod will find us
This is either really well done bait or a genuine question.
I'm pretty sure that's drawn by Amano, the artist for Angel's Egg, and more notably Final Fantasy I-VI
How much gil do you have?
Buy as much rakshasa shit you're comfortable spending on and clear all the i290 dungeons to get mendacity to spend on 360 shit
If you have enough free time do all your HW+SB daily+weekly hunts before the 4AM reset and get a piece of 330 gear or two as well
Is it sad that I've been playing since 1.0 beta and didn't realize you could buy anything of value from the market? Thought all the good gear was account locked.
You now realize that literally the entire point of Stormblood, the only thing that actually happened in the whole expac, was the WoL getting yet another elf boyfriend.
Are you okay?
>well done bait
actually it's called a "joke" by most normal people
I think you had to win one of their art contests.
fuck you