What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Just started playing it yesterday for the first time in over a year. Brain-dead mechanics but fun, desu

no item system is a pretty big one

people quit after my probe was unleashed upon them

Nothing, I still find a match in 20 seconds

You mean what went right? Pretty much everything. No item management, insane min-maxing, gold management, last hit mechanics, no team mates leveling far beyond you.

its 100% team effort wich is really bad when the main game is playing with random people

and way arrived way too late, its the best moba, but thats not saying much

I fucking hate Blizzard's character designs. They all look like something some obese highschool fedoralord would sketch in class. Absolutely soulless.

nuBlizzard making a braindead ezmode moba for people like

Blizzard is what's wrong. They focused so much on money at the cost of everything else, and since this wasn't a big money maker it didn't get any focus. The game is great but if the publishers cared about it like the devs do it would be far better.

This is satire, right?

You and your team are supposed to work together. Not fight over gold and last hits.

Way too reliant on team mechanics to do anything flashy/ cool and carry. The reason LoL is much more popular is because your individual skill matters more, although to a lesser extent now than in the past. The problem with HotS is that to do anything flashy, outside of 5 specific heroes like Zeratul and Alarak, you have to have team follow-up which rarely happens unless the stars align. In LoL you can do flashy shit with most champions thanks to flash and even supports intended to not be carries like Sona can carry a game thanks to itemization. This aspect is completely devoid in HotS leading to rigid stale gameplay that more often than not just makes you feel meh when you do win and shitty when you lose.

Esports, it had the casual moba aspect going for it but then they started to pander to its "competitive scene" which only alienated the playerbase and lead to a series of really really bad overhauls to mechanics and maps

All new maps are 2 lane teamfight focused maps, and every support has pretty much been reworked into a healer, so much so that healer replace support as a role and specialists are now considered supports

And good luck playing an assassin, the forced teamfight meta they made to make it more 'interesting to watch' for esports makes it impossible because every assassin was designed to require 2 full rotations to kill non-tanks, meanwhile non-assassin damage dealers delete you, tanks delete you, pretty much everyone deletes you if you try to gank, also the stealth nerf makes heroes like Valeera unplayable because her entire combo can be countered by any spammable skill shot or the 500 billion teamfight AOE spamfests that randomly knock you out of stealth, which post stealth nerf still exists as a mechanic, when after the nerf they should have made valeera's stealth not break when taking damage, only revealed.

>Not fight over gold and last hits.
boy I can tell you actually never got any far in either dota or league

>its the best moba

what a terrible design, destroyed and made dota less popular than LoL just for that

I fucking hate abilities like Cassia's spear that I have to put effort into spamming and aiming every 3 seconds just to do a miniscule amount of damage that eventually adds up to a barely tangeable amount. It's shit like that that makes me despise playing HotS. The game just doesn't feel good to play.

No, what made league popular is its marketing, f2p, and weeb pandering artstyle despite the game models looking like utter trash

I hope this guy is serious and not trolling because that is the funniest shit I've ever read.

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No one who cared about game mechanics left dota for league over turnrate, league has always been free money for pro players, most league pros are just the ones who couldn't make it in dota back in the day or wanted ez riot money

Blowing it's load too early

Blizzard fuckin shifted the whole dev team to Overwatch then they all quit

esports. Its been Blizzard's MO. Push esports and run a game into the ground instead of balancing for fun and depth first, letting the scene build itself naturally. They did it to SC2 and the game has really only recently come back into its own. GSL was nigh unwatchable during heart of the swarm Heroes is fun but the thing that really made it stand out, the weird champs like Lost Vikings/Cho'gall/Abathur kind of stopped being a thing and everything added was super straight forward. They also fucked up supports a few times over. I'm still not over when they fucked over Tyrande shortly after 2.0.

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People are married to their moba choices.
So any new game will flop since people have 500 hours in Lol/Dota already and wont ever switch.

They tried to cash into the ASSFAGGOTS craze way too late.

Should have had those guys make Warcraft 4 or something.

This, they forced the teamfight meta and reworked all supports into healers.

There is nothing worse then fucking healers in MOBAs, and the healers in HOTS are retardedly good at healing compared to their DOTA and League Counter Parts where a good heal in either of those games has at least 10 seconds CD and a high mana cost, but because HOTS has no items they cant balance it around itemization

Enjoy having ten million dashes on every character and only having two true melee carries, neither of which are competitively viable
Turn rates keep melee viable without bloating the game with mobility

I fucking hate teamfight metas, its why I can't stand dota right now either, I am a ganker, I go around the map, and I gank people, I shut down carries, and I give my team room to farm and push.

But holy shit this esports trend of reworking all mechanics around flashy teamfights has almost removed the entire early-mid game where ganking mattered in DOTA, and with all the free gold they've added to the game with 7.x its impossible to shut down carries, and instead of fixing the meta they're just flat out remaking all the heroes its fucking sad to see heroes who are 10+ years old with solid kits being overhauled for teamfight and scaling memes

I was playing AI Matches daily for a while but eventually I got kind of bored and realized I had more than enough money to buy anything that gets released for the next few years, and given how much things have slowed down that will probably last for the rest of the game's lifespan.

Too shallow

I had fun with it but the people who play ASSFAGGOTS are all retarded E-Sports wannabes and this game doesn't appeal to those kind of people

>cater to casuals so much that you remove any sort of communication in-game, claim this is to stop toxicity
>not optimize the engine at all, because fuck it
>fill it with microtransactions
>fill it even more with 2.0
>hire an autism supreme to balance your game (Arthas is fine, I swear)
>every new hero/champ, what ever is completely broken on the release
>make it so your individual actions mean jack shit
>make it so everyone has either flash/blink or a "fuck you I"m undead" button
>add Overwatch heroes that can attack while moving, boy it is sure fun
>matches are sub 15 min
>look at all that and still push ESPORT
I am honestly surprised that these retards didn't push Diablo 3 esport, either they've tried and I didn't see it or they just could not figure out how to do it.
Can't wait for Diablo 4.

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Obvious dotard is obvious

The thing is, until late in development D3 was being developed to replace WOW as their arena esport, I remember all the blizzcons up to the release would showcase PVP arenas with 2v2s and 3v3s.

Its also why they reworked the game around the rune system, when early on they had a tradtional skill system, and used a charm grid and charms for skill enhancements.

D3 is what happens when you design your game around esports and never implement esports, meanwhile its competitor, POE, actually has a competitive scene around ladder racing, where most D3 players got it for free because they were subbed to WOW

>no argument

it isn't league of legends: blizzard addition

too objective based

It is though

Blizzards MO has always been
>Look at this up and coming popular genre
>Lets make our own version of it
>And make it ezmode

Its funny that blizzard has always been the casual company, but koreans and arena fags made them think they were some kind of competitive gaming company

>Every new champ is completely broken on release
A glance at the hero timeline and patch notes will tell you this is bullshit. You don't need to lie to convince anyone the game is shit.

They dumbed it down from LoL though you fucking idiot, that's his point.

And thats my point, thats blizzards MO

>Diablo 3 will feature a PvP
Holy fuck I forgot about that completely, did that do anything with that? I have not played it since the release.

So yes, it is blizzards version of League of Legends, a dumbed down version of a popular new genre

The only original game that ever came out of blizzard came from their sister company, not by blizzard irvine

You said it's LoL then said it isn't
Stop being a retard

Missing the point and context
Learn to read

They added in a dueling system, but because the game was reworked into an infinite scaling loot grinder to pander to a RMT economy late into development its not balanced at all.