>loved Fallout 1
>hated Fallout 2
I can't be the only one
Loved Fallout 1
Other urls found in this thread:
2 is one of my favorite games. 1 is too easy after playing it so much.
didn't like either because they're isometric eyesores.
beginning of fallout 2 is so boring. by the time you actually get to the fun bits you would probably already have the water chip in 1 otherwise gud ass game
NV > 1 > 2 > 3 > 4
When does it get good?
I'm almost finished Vault City and having a bad time.
This but unironically
Same for me, the improvements weren't that big and the setting was terrible.
new reno
You aren't.
Wasteland 2 > Fallout
1 is the only one I have finished
Aspects of 2 are different from 1, so you can't be alone. I think I came across at least two different people with a similar opinion.
Some reasons as to why I think your view is valid or justifiable, even if I don't share it:
- Fallout 2 was actually made by some different people in contrast to 1. Its like how Arcanum is different from Fallout 2 even though it had some of the same crew. This differences lead to the two being different games
- Fallout 1 has the option of a diplomatic end - you can kill the Master by convincing him to an hero. In Fallout 2, however, you cant skip the final fight with Horrigan.
- there was actually more RP in Fallou 1 - there was an ask option, where you can type in a word to see how they would respond to that. Fallout 2 removed this. Its a shame, since a lot of RPs could benefit from diverse user input
- the design of the Enclave and their armour actually looks a bit more futuristic compared to the BoS power armour. Thats more of a personal opinion, but I feel that there had to be some design sensibilites
So, no, I definitely don't think you're the only one. Its a very nuanced thing though - it would be like someone preferring XCOM: Enemy Unknown and disliking XCOM 2.
>Hating Biggest Little city in the World
>Hating Gold Slouch
>Hating the short but amazing My Chrysalis Highwayman.
>new reno
fallout > underrail > atom rpg >>> wasteland 2
silent storm > fallout tactics > fallout 1 > fallout 2
You're not the only one, user. I hated Fallout 2. It just has dogshit terrible pace (the awful tutorial should be a clear sign of it already) and bad writing. The Enclave are complete black and white mustache twirling villains which is a clear sign of really bad writing. They try to ham up the Enclave as the EBIL NAZIS of the game too hard, and force you to destroy them, again, bad writing. A good villain is a morally grey one that treads on a path that abandons part of his humanity while believing he's doing the right thing, the Master is a perfect example of that, and FO1 letting you side with him (albeit for a bad ending) is genius. A RPG that FORCES you to confront the villain by complete annihilation of them is bad and has no openness to write your own character.
tl;dr: 1 > NV > 2 > 3 > 4
Fallout 2 is a meme game. seriously the whole game is just memes. That is the entire content of the game. Le so fahnny references and jokes. The setting makes no sense, it's just a big meme. It takes place almost a century after Fallout 1, 164 years after the war. And you start in a primitive ooga booga caveman tribe. Founded by the vault dweller who had never been a tribal for one second in their entire life.
You are then declared the chosen one and go through the temple from that one nickelodeon game show. Why? cuz memes lol!
Who are the companions?
A super mutant who's the sheriff, haha!
A boy genius, oh, but he says FUCK a lot and makes drugs and likes prostitutes lmao!!
A robot, we named it skynet get it! Because it's the meme from terminator lmaooo holy shit *rips bong*
DUDE. A cow. Just like... a cow. Lmaoooo
Even Fallout 3 is better than Fallout 2. And that's saying a lot.
t. Roshambo
don't be talking shit about marcus
All the reasons you mentioned are also why I generally prefer Arcanum over Fallout 1 and 2. I always felt Arcanum had a more vibrant world then Fallout (the '''apocalypse'''' was restricted to one corner of the continent), and there was more variety in what you could do in the game. Its a shame there is no remastered vesion of Arcanum, let alone a sequel. It almost feels like a perfect game, despite its many, many flaws.
too bad the combat sucks
t. Sulik
NV = 1 > 2 > Tactics >>> New California > 4 > 3 > 76
Well like I said, it has many, many flaws. Arcanum doesn't have VATs, so there's a reason why you can't do stuff like kicks. Also, most players do not know of targeted attacks unless they read the manual - when Fallout solved that with VATS.
However, I don't mind that combat in Arcanum was sacrificed so that there was more complexity. I'm having a lot of fun currently playing a character throwing molotov cocktails everywhere. Shit is bananas
Now that's a game I've always had on my backlog but never got around to play it. Ah well.
My recommendation if you're playing Arcanum for the first time - go easy before trying the harder stuff.
1. Try a charismatic warrior first. Easiest build and route
2. Then try magic. My recommendation: take gnome, and "only child" You get a massive willpower boost and should be able to know most spells by Level 15. You should be able to handle the games first difficult dungeon bu then
3. After that, try tech. There are many ways to go about tech, but I strongly recommend exploring therapeutics. Therapeutics allows you to get a temporary bonus in 38 stats, making for some nifty builds.
And most important of all 4. Have fun. You can dsregard my advice and try tech first. There's so many things to do in Arcanum that I don't think I can cover them all
That said
5. Beauty is useless. Don't waste points in beauty. It is the most useless stat, and even for roleplay it has very, very few applications.
I'll write that down. Thank you, user.
What I dont like at all in 2 is how fights are bigger and you always get mob by enemies trying to punch you
is a thief build a good idea?
Tactics was better than both honestly
Tactics is a good spinoff and only scrubs dont use real time only
Thieving is a complex thing in Arcanum. Its not like Mage or Warrior, which are both direct approaches.
The benefits of thievery is obviously, an endless supply of cash, but that also needs picklock, which is a tech discipline (though my understanding is that mages can learn picklocking and will not suffer from the negative effects unlike making guns or trying to make tech items) Another thing is that an endless supply of cash is pointless unless you want to (a) buy a certain house and a certain boat (b) buy Arcane armour and weapons for yourself and your party from gypsies.
Another benefit of thievery, namely pickpocket, is that you can nick certain items from characters to avoid either paying them or combat. And there is a thieves guild that has certain quests related to thieving and picklocking.
There's also the invisibility spell, as well as prowl. Prowl allows you to sneak effortlessly and steal from most merchants, but you'll be limited to walking and crawling - you can't run in prowl until you master it, and thats late in the game. Invisibility can be learnt quick and is an alternative for mages, but some keen eyed shopkeepers can detect your invisibility. The best, I found, was a learning both invisibility and prowl, but that is a lotta points
tl;dr thief is more "fun" then a good idea. Its not a bad idea, but if you want fast results, its better to be a combination of warrior, mage or techie. That said, if you enjoy stealth, making loadsemone, then yes, thief is a good idea. I do recommend planning out your build if you want to make thief though.
>loved Fallout 1 for the story
>loved Fallout 2 for the freedom
>no strong feelings to 3 and NV
>Enjoyed 4's atmosphere and loot but hated story, building/town shit and overuse of assets
the master is not "morally grey" you mouthbreather
thanks, very informative
>When you're a retarded zoomer trying to fit in and haven't played the originals
I've been playing the shit out of Arcanum lately. I used to play it a lot back in the early 2000s, and recently I picked the game up again. It is amazing the amount of things that can be done in the game, so much so that I have an easier time listing what you 'can't' be in the game:
1. You can't be a vampire
2. You can't be a succubus (debateable. You can be the Diablo 1 succubus if you just lobe energy balls naked, but you won't have wings)
3. You can be a slut, but you can't be a turboslut. Also, the only men you can bang as a woman in the game are two fat gnomes
4. You can't be a supa kung fu KICK master (you CAN, however, be a super PUNCH boxing master)
5. You can't bang a certain racist, choosey elf bitch as anything other then a White Male Human, Elf or Half-Elf.
Other then that, you can be almost anything else in this game. Dr. Jekyll. A golem. A guy turned into a manlet. Shrek. A dwarf general. A stupid ass elf who want to be a barbarian. Almost everything.
I installed it a while ago and when I died on the first level because I ran out of action points I uninstalled it, fuck that
Fallout tactics > fallout new vegas > fallout 2 > fallout 1 > fallout 3 > everything else
mouthbreather regurgitating the morally grey meme. fuck off zoomer.
anyone get into that underrail dlc testing? underrail.com
>too bad the combat sucks
not any more different than the other isometric crpgs desu
Except I have?
>anyone get into that underrail dlc testing?
I didn't like the game enough, honestly atom rpg was a far better game and I think that just got some new dlc
and yet arcanum is the only one I couldn't get used to
Sounds like a (you) problem to me.
play atom
Man, that battle at the scrapyard was awesome and tedious at the same time.
>playing rpg codex approved games
You're not the only one. Fallout 2 was very silly and went over the top in it's fucking pop culture references.
You're not. I actually prefer 3 to it. 1 still is my favourite one.
i just beat those looter sobs outside the first dungeon (bunker 1-whatever it is) that fight was hard as fuck i had to pull out every trick in the book but the loot was worth it.
1 had a better story and atmosphere. The master is a better villain than the enclave.
zoom zoom zoooom!
No, you're definitely not the only retarded person in the world.
you lost me at the last sentence.
nice try shill
atrocious presentation.
im good.
Fallout 2 is the proof that bigger =/= better
yeah the hi/v/emind agrees with you, it is not an unpopular opinion on here.
Only zoomers care about combat
I wouldn't care if I could avoid it
yeah they even made a dr who reference, oh wait...
Good for you. Just ignore the difference between standard dialogue and a special (luck based!) random encounter.
Well played, retard.
More like Fallout 2 > 1 > Tactics > playing with a piece of dog shit > 3 = 4 = NV
I didn't hate it I just thought it felt empty. Maybe it was because I was a slaver/childkiller.
>He doesn't like russian jank
fuck off?!?!