Battlestations Thread

An afternoon delight battlestation thread.

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your shelf looks like its going to snap

I didn't realize how heavy those books are, I should flip that shelf.

>liquid cooling broke and destroyed all my PC parts
AHHHHHH. Now Im back to square one

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How much money was lost?

show pics

Damn that's rough. I'm sorry.

no bully

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this is why i will never do liquid cooling

is that a bob's burgers pipe?

Clean your shit you filthy sub-human

Yeah lol.

>based carpet mouse pad
my man


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wait a minute, that rig..

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>he bought a bowflex
lol. Is it any good?

Was that the retarded Californian saying he was broke while making 75K a year?

not him, I just post the picture before the actual owner (retard) because it's always a fishing attempt to get (you)'s with a caption like 'It isn't much since im so (((poor))), please reply :('


>Not an xbox in sight

I see you're a man of culture as well.

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>liquid cooling
lol faggot

The trans flag is ordered and is arriving tomorrow.
I only play good (retro) games.

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>he fell for the IO meme
Based retard

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Haven't been playing vidya much at all lately or on Yea Forums. Been hanging out at the gym and with /fit/.

Hello friends.

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>battlestation too bland to be worth posting

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With this decorative and tasteful rug on can make any desk sophisticated. Draw attention away from you dragon dildo collection by simply adding the right decor.

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Post it anyway user!

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>live in the wasteland as well
>low income in my area is just over 100k
I hate this place.


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>tfw /tg/ user and my desk is full of my plastic soldiers

how fat are you tubby. I see a knife with cake on it.

>he fell for the PC meme

wtf is a trans flag?

He's a guy who pretends he's a girl, a trans flag, is the thing they call the noose that makes the transition complete.

you two fagstation users should get a room

Can someone red pill me on these insanely large mousepads.

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>An afternoon delight battlestation thread.
What timezone are you in such that it's "afternoon" right now?

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Nothing to really repill about. It looks nice, you don't need to worry about where you set your mouse down.

>Rick and Morty
gonna be a yikes from me

I really like yours man. Love the desk. I have a giant fucking office desk that I got ~7 years ago that's done me well, but it's fucking massive and I wish I had something like yours. Love the bookshelves too. Though 'm good with my current monitors, I wish I had matching ones like yours so that they'd be flush. I've also been /fit/ too. It's been fantastic. Vidya's taken a slight back seat, and shit, I even bought an Xbox One.

post it

I like your TV on the right. 4K? What model bro? Size?

Clean, very clean, simple, efficient, bright. I like it.

Too zoomed in I guess.

Clean up. Nice keyboards though.

Would I be a poser if I don't read manga but want a collection of it? I love the way the spines look when they're on display.

>pants with belt still in them on drawers
based, I do the same. Have that same chair. Staples? Also, 3 monitors but none of them touching each other is so weird. I have 3 monitors of differing sizes but I have them right next to eachother.

Cool ultrawide.

Nice CRT.

Hi /vp/.
>Lime Green GBC
I like some of those posters, too. I'm a big fan of promo posters.



3/10 shit opinions

Apply yourself.

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You gonna get any of the apocolypse stuff? Eyeballing me a new Baneblade.

OP here, well now its the evening. It's 10:00pm right now. West coast, USA

>inb4 replied by card captor sakura avatarfag
you ruined that show for me, kys

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It's actually really refreshing to see such nice opinions instead of someone just flaming every setup they see.

On your bed I noticed you don't have any pillows. Do you actually sleep on those stuffed animals at night?

the irony
there's literally 2 pillows you mong, stop trying to start a samefag conversation with yourself.

PSVR master race

Believe it or not, girls like it too.

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based slime plushies

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about $1300

>all that dust on your wiiu

dont worry im sure everyone elses looks the same

they sure are
the small one is the 25th anniversary one without the bow tie (my parents's cat ate it)
the big one is actually a tissue holder thingy

I got one so I can freely move shit around on my desk and not worry about moving my mousepad along with my mouse. For example, I don't have to move my mousepad back if I decide I want to lean back and get comfy.


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hello hi

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Just finished a solid week of rearranging, changing furniture, cleaning, organizing, etc. New desk, recent TV, new shelf thing under the TV, cleared out half the shit on my bookshelves, got rid of an insane amount of crap, and so on.

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