What do you think of Judgment so far?

What do you think of Judgment so far?

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>paying full price for a game that can’t even run full 30fps
Why don’t you cucks just wait for 3 months and play it on PC at 60 fps? I know Sony has no games, but wow.

Surprisingly good, but of course I wish it stood on its own more. Even just a new city would've gone a long way

It runs fine. Stop expecting everybody to play on PC

More like...
MISjudgement like what i did when I bought this! hahaha!

I always ignore the gambling mini games in Yakuza, but this time I want to give them a shot, especially since that’s half of the list. Are there any special tips? I’m not just talking about Mahjong either (although would be helpful), I literally know nothing about cars games in real life either.

mine is arriving tomorrow. I'll let you know then.

you filthy ass secondaries are like the niggers of the yakuza fanbase.

Wait, is Judgment finally out? The fucking Gamestop I went to didnt seem to have it stocked.

They refused the same map that Yakuza has?

Pretty good. I'm at the start of chapter 6 and it has been pretty enjoyable so far.

I don't like this dude's face tbqh.
I kinda prefer the good ol' Kiryu a lot more.

Any chances of them modding cokehead's face back in?

Every single yakuza game ever re-uses the same map for kamurocho.
You become very, very, very familiar with the city.


I am 6 hours in and it is very slow.
It is also way less lewd than Yakuza now because there are some A and B List Japanese actors in the game now therefore Sega was told to tone it down.

Yakuza have JAVs and gravure videos in it. Judgment has none.

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yagami is a way better character than kazama "there is literally no problem i can't solve because i am god and also boring as fuck" kiryu

Kiryu's retired until he turns out to be the secret post-game boss in y7

It's fun, but has anyone notice that some of the arcade games just crash whenever you try to play them?

I wanna play it but fuck the main character looks bland compared to Kiryu

I just hate his outfit and hair. He’s 35 years old, way too fucking old to be looking like that.

Wei Shen is looking kind of rough here.

Make sure the game is fully installed. The devs mentioned on their twitter that it was a specific problem. You may even need to reinstall.

I honestly find Yagami to a breath of fresh air after all the years of being stuck with the same cast. I'm more excited for Ichiban's game now.
It's toned down, but it still has stuff like a 35 year old dating a 19 year old.

It reminded me how much I want to breed Grace

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You mean Shin Yakuza?

>Can’t date Saori
What’s even the fucking point?

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Comes out tomorrow. It looks awesome; like AA meets Yakuza almost.

Can't wait.

35 year olds can still be stylish. We're not old men

>AA meets Yakuza almost.
I know it's a murder mystery, but are there any actual courtroom proceedings in the game?

I don't think so, actually. Those would make the game 10/10 I'm sure, but maybe it's more like AAI then? I just like the murder mystery aspect of it, I'm sorry

Not really. There’s a few parts that take place in court, but they’re basically just cutscenes. There was one where you had to present a single piece of evidence, and that was it.

Granted, I’m only on Ch. 6, but if you’re going into this expecting an actual mystery/detective game where that’s the gameplay focus, you’re going to be disappointed.


This. Game's boring me to fucking tears, and I can't believe I'm living in a world where people are happy to be playing a Yakuza game with all the over-the-top insanity removed in favor of more crime drama written by Nagoshi.

You just know that user's barely a teenager when he thinks 35 is old lol

I wish I could jump off more roofs.

>Kamufuckingrocho again
Are the side stories voiced at least?

I didn’t say 35 is old. I said 35 is too old to be dressing like a boyband faggot with wallet chains and shit.

just watch poker or blackjack tournaments, you catch on quickly

it came out a few days ago, user

I really want to know how it compares to the other Yakuza games (especially 0, 5, and 6). Is it more or less mechanically interesting?

Japanese fashion is different, they're way more expressive when they get into it.

what is it that bad generic outfit that gay performing arts high school theater students wear expresses exactly user?

It's actually Kyo Kusanagi's outfit

Amazon fucked up my delivery so I have to wait until Thursday.

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Started with Yakuza 0, currently playing Kiwami 1. Is Kiwami 2 better? I know its a remake but Kiwami just feels so similar to 0 except worse in every way.



She's fucking cute. I can't wait for the fanart.

the only thing deserve your attention is the japanese card game and arcade game are fun too but i guess you have played puyo in other yakuza

>skinny jeans

I forgot how to play Koi Koi but there are a few cards in there that you always want to have and there's an option to show which cards complete your combos.

Its better but still much worse than Zero. Yakuza shills won't tell you but Y0 is by far the best game in the series.

also no karaoke, the main selling point of the game

Seething Xtranny. Never ever.