How do I make my city look nice?

How do I make my city look nice?

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Don't model it after Los Angeles

get creative

the buildings get too big too quickly in this game

Center plaza or church, natural round and wavy roads going away from said center. Elevation differences, lots of green.

How do I also make money? I have to always play with unlimited money because I can never make an actual profit when I play normally.

you have to be retarded to not make money in this game

I really can't. No matter what I do I lose money.

Roundabouts and interchanges.

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I hate how schools, police, fire stations, and hospitals have such short ranges
Either I have to make the street layout shit, or I have to put many of the buildings, and it looks like shit too

Don't worry so much about aesthetic. Make a layout that is efficient and suits the needs of the people.

I too struggled with this. Try making tessellated patterns with your roads. Triangles or hexagons, or a mix of different shapes. Aim for a side length of 30-45 units. Fill the shapes with low-traffic roads so you don't waste space. Not only does this look nice, but it also frees up any anxiety or whatever you may have about expanding your city and/or adding more roads and zones. All you have to do is add another shape and fill it in with whatever zone or service building you need.
You can even start getting creative with the filler roads. Maybe make one shape into a nice big park. Or an open air mall with commercial buildings and a small parking lot.

stop building high density like the whole city is downtown

You are probably building too fast/ much. Just because you can build something doesn't mean you have to. Just build what the people are asking for and the population will grow. The more it grows the more tax money you will be getting and it won't even be an issue.

How do I into traffic? The main highway always get clogged eventually.

Are the people my slaves? Or am I theirs?

buildings shouldn't appear if there's no demand for it

sim city did it better

I hate this game. They only give you 2 police stations or some shit.

I don't want all my police stations looking exactly alike. And if I download from the workshop, the game freezes like a motherfucker

build industries

Spread out your industry and offices. If you concentrate your industry and offices in an area, everyone needs to go that way, thus clogging up traffic

Will they ever add mixed-use zoning, lane-by-lane customizable roads, and in-depth park and public space creation

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dont paint zones into areas you dont want buildings to be then??

pol keks on the v board

dont let them in


Well you'll never get a tycoon level of parks and stuff, I personally find the stuff you get with the park dlc enough to pretty up your parks. And I feel like they've done enough in the streets and traffic department, but you are right that's always been an issue since the release.

dont build grids
build on maps with little to no space (like the Crna Gora map on the workshop).
build curved roads around natural features and the landscape rather than flattening everything.
watch guides online by guys like Sam Bur and learn how to make your cities look more realistic.
look at real life maps and emulate the style.
make a 1:1 copy of your own town and see how it looks in-game.
also towns, villages and cities generally form near water, so make multiple small towns along a river or coast-line and connect them with the highway and rail systems.

Have you seen LA? It's layout is horrendous

game is bullshit it doesnt even let you warp into the world with your citizens to smoke weed with them like a stoner version of tron. 0/10

>2 people live in the town
>build a single road
>10 story buildings spring up alongside it

It can't be as bad as Worcester MA

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It's one of the greatest cities in the world. How many cities have you designed, faggot?

>muh pol
Could just be a person who lives in or near LA, you pancakefag

>How many cities have you designed, faggot?

play on a map with a lot of natural features that forces you to build around and make non-grid cities

>It's one of the greatest cities in the world
#1 spot is Tokyo, my dude.
LA might make top 10 if they ever decide to invest in public transport and fix their crime issue.

In your imagination, right? What a fucking loser.

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Tokyo is shit.

what crack are you on worcester has like 100,000 population LA has like half the population of the united states living in that county. seriously what crack are you on, even after the fucking retarded minor league stadium is build kelly square wont be as bad as the LA freeway.

How many imaginary cities have YOU designed?
Do you have any experience with it whatsoever?
You aren't even to the first peak of the Dunning Kruger curve, you designlet.

wtf is that a completely uncontrolled intersection?

>lauding LA for its design
I've been to LA. It's a shit heap designed by uneducated hicks that kept building without any semblance of flow or planning.

kelly square looks worse than it really is when you get into it, as long as you aren't a total pussy or a complete retard.

You need more uneven terrain that you can't modify so you have to make creative solutions to work with it.

What does pol have to do with this? LA is awful, New York City is much better even though it's a leftist hell.

Thanks user

obsessed retard

Yeah it's a fucking free for all
It's getting redone though

Anyways if you want to talk about shit city layout, look no further than Boston

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Try living in SoCal. There's nice stuff south of LA, and there's nice stuff north of it, but LA is a black fucking hole.

Those East cities were made for walking and horses/carriages.

Cities in the West were made for driving. Midwest who the fuck knows.

>Those East cities were made for walking and horses/carriages.
Yeah that's the problem

Cities always look like shit. That's why they're cities.

I read an article about how they're redesigning this because it was so poorly done the first time around. Pretty interesting and also terrifying. Especially when the best advice is "once you start in the intersection, just keep going and don't stop."

Any Jerseyfags remember the stupid Asbury circle?
A billion different ways you could have made it, and you settled on this stupid dance of lane changes.

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You could volunteer and donate
I think the simplest thing a fella could do is just pick up any trash he sees. That would make your city look like the BEST city.

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make it look like it grew organically
draw 3-4 random straight lines from one end of your "square" to the other. These are your avenues now, don't try to fix them.
Purposely build into obstacles in the landscape, like hills and mountains and shit. Don't try to fix the landscape, just build with it

It's literally the best city on the planet.

LA is almost as bad as New York City outside of Manhattan.

New Jersey is one of the most retarded places I've ever been to. I swear every other exit sign has a fucking tree blocking it and the neighborhood layouts make little sense. Dead end streets that lead into other houses' backyards and stupid shit like that.

Brainlets will ignore this point

Midwest cities have alright roads, but i've never seen more anal drivers in all my life. You might as well not have speed limits or stop signs because everyone's going 10+ over or blowing stop signs.
t. someone who's lived in Milwaukee for most of his life

Seethe harder and die of aids, califag

No, it's an overcrowded mess. The Japanese are literally suffering from Mouse Utopia syndrome. Too many people = population collapse.

I live in NJ. This place fucking sucks. The roads are shit, there's cops fucking EVERYWHERE just waiting to pull someone over and everyone drives like a fucking moron. I can't wait til I'm done with school, then I'm getting the fuck outta here and headed to Texas.

Are there car accidents every single fucking day like in New Jersey?

the finest engineers and city planners

looks fine

Kick out the non-white people.

>it's an overcrowded mess

It's overcrowded, but far from a mess. It is ridiculously well planned and extremely well organised, AND clean as FUCK. I visit every year, fucking gorgeous city.

>Too many people = population collapse

That isn't why the population is declining. If the space were really that big of a problem the motherfuckers would just start making their own islands like the Chinese are.

If you come to the Midwest and go less than 5 over you'll get your ass kicked
No, people are aware enough and there's a lot fewer cars

Get some mods.

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You don't see many accident but you'll see a lot of cussing and honking from people getting cut off, going the speed limit, or going at the last second of the yellow and basically running the light.
>on my driving test I got called a fucking retard by two people and honked at for going the speed limit in a 25 and my tester told me to speed up and pull into a construction zone just so i'd stop impeding the flow of traffic.
At least he understood and just had me stop at that point and didn't mark off I was speeding.

Running yellow lights is an American tradition

This guy's videos helped me to make much more aesthetic and seemingly organic cities when I was playing a year or so ago.

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Chicago-fag here. I have family in Millburn, it's nice

I hesitate to complain about it because if you're local and memorized the patterns it's a little bit awkward, but nevertheless works out in the end as everyone slows down to make it happen. But for anyone who doesn't have the sequence burned into the memory, there's just about a 0% chance based on sign placement and lane length to navigate it properly and that's just dumb. To be fair, I guess that everyone having GPS makes it less of a problem now. All this doesn't get shown on the satellite I guess

Everything you say isn't wrong, but I also just wanna say that there are a lot of people like you I've known who have an ideal vision of Texas that ultimately doesn't work out. The happy people either stay or if they really want to leave go to North Carolina or California (if they can afford that).

I've been to Texas, I want to live there because I like it.

Fair enough if you already have a grasp of Texas life. I just wanted to throw it out there because there are a lot of Jersey kids who want to strike out to some place more exciting and "more representative of their politics" and end up coming back because it just wasn't for them.

I used to live in Vermont as well and loved that place too. I'm only here because I have family here and they're letting me stay rent free until I finish school. I would rather be ANYWHERE ELSE than here.

it's a meaningless solution when the actually interesting thing is more complex RCI simulation. RCI in skylines only determines whether or not buildings upgrade, not what industries appear, which income group is attracted to it, whether or not a zone is developed at all or subsequently abandoned, etc.

Take the grid pill

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Remember to use the word "fused."

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>planning incentive

But I've already taken the circle pill!

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That is just a circular grid.

reminder that cars ruined everything and the only comfy cites exist in Europe or Asia where you can actually walk around
>be american
>walk to car
>drive to parking lot.
>repeat until heart attack at 56.
Car culture has made Americans so fucking fat and lazy that all malls are going out of business because the idea of walking for more than 50 feet has become unappealing to our fat drive thru minds. I drove through 5 states a few months ago and i was getting depressed at how shitty designed this country is. This country is a fat lard gargling, trex arm having, salad dodging, cheese drinking, calorie thieving, hungry hungry hippo, pretending to have a thyroid problem shithole. FUCK CARS, FUCK AMERICA, AND FUCK FAT PEOPLE

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>downloaded a custom map of someplace in Ontario
>only water source is the narrow river
>as the city grows it produces more and more sewage
>eventually there is so much poo being dumped in the river that it changes direction and floods a few low lying districts
>i build a dam to force it downstream, but it is breached so I have to build a larger one
>end result was this mess

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Probably still not as bad as Lake Ontario

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>travel to Germany for work
>small town, less than 13k population
>hotel was comfy as fuck, ate like a king every breakfast
>advertisements/billboards/visually loud storefronts are practically nonexistent
>was able to walk anywhere I needed to for that week
I want to go back in time and personally strangle whoever decided America needed to be built around the automobile. Even larger European cities like Amsterdam are less atrocious and can be navigated entirely on foot if desired.

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Add some diversity to it.

heres my current city, just started playing recently

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How exactly are you supposed to manage sewage and keep it from mudding up the intake? If you don't have a river or general flow, your city is fucked once it gets too big.

Whenever Skylines gets a sequel, they really need to focus on providing tools so that coastlines don't always look like utter shit without the most autismo application of a thousand custom assets.

Current city after a long break. Pop is ~73k.

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>If you come to the Midwest and go less than 5 over you'll get your ass kicked
Can confirm, CA driver here, took a trip to CO. Just flew down the highway. Got pulled over for going 87 in a 80 and got out of getting a ticket cause some dumbass drove by us without getting over and the cop went after him.

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Your options are doing a non-grid pattern or doing random roads. Doing random actually doesnt look that bad, just be creative with your road placement, do a non-straight main commercial line with random smaller roads coming off it with a few more commercial areas, then diffuse it out into residential around that. You'll get a good looking city without having to rely on grids.

Because all these city games use roads as focal points it fucks up designing them entirely though. I wish for fucking once we had a city game that worked around people and not cars, you cant even make a city with a car-less area in it even though there are plenty of cities that operate like that like Copenhagen. Most people use bikes to just get around, and the inner city is literally a no car zone except for small vans transporting goods.

Dawn of man is nice because its like that, you dont build around roads and have more freedom in placement unlike for example Banished which has the same problem of grids.

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Take advantage of the terrain to create an entirely new river of shit.

looks like one of those stellaris machine worlds

That game was super boring.
I hope Ancient Cities is better.

Find lacy underwear pattern online and try to replicate it in city form.

AC looks much better for sure. Lots more depth in mechanics so far.

How's anno 1800?

this supposed to be london?

Meh, its Anno.

Ive always found their games somewhat lacking generally. Neither great with depth, or great for pretty cities.

Make it more soviet

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God this looks so fucking shitty
I love it

I'm keeping an eye on foundation cause it looks like a cities skylines clone in terms of non-grids and you can assemble churches/castles from bits which is my fetish

early access though

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Short commute, free healthcare, all the food and booze you need, what's not to love?

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i can almost imagine how this looked as a dirt path trail with a saloon out front

just looking at the screencap depresses me


This thread makes me want to play this again

But fuck I'm so fucking lazy

I bought it, it was a complete fucking buggy disaster when I played it.

The basic premise is good, in that you can make any of the major buildings yourself using preset pieces, basically like you could in Spore.

But the core gameplay was 100% garbage, its not early access its more like a tech demo.

This is why i love fort worth, its dense but doesn't feel like a shitty mega city. You can bike to literally anywhere and not fucking die.

Fuck the rest of this country.

how long ago was that? were the bugs fixable or is it totally fucked?

One of the buildings could not be deleted without crashing the game.

It got patched a week later.

The new update added new buildings. Which when deleted crashed the game.

Thats what we're talking about. It was about 6 months ago. I would leave the game alone for a solid year before checking up on it again. Considering the game is fucking FORTY dollars for a indie title you would want something that works.

You just need to tune in to some good radio.

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oh well, i wasn't planning on buying it during early access anyway

>mfw 3.6 rontgen

Actually I might torrent this game, would be interesting to build a city matching soviet regime.
Thinking of that, a fascist germany regime version would be great too where you can build autobahns and holiday camps

Use as few intersections as possible, lay out roads using only curves, untill your town looks like a gigantic gordian knot.
No intersections means less clog.

Are there any mods that have a desert environment? I "grew up" as the desert rat in the middle of fucking nowhere and wanted to try and recreate the town

I'm a small town fag, this isn't real is it?

This just looks like a reskinned tropico.

Nuke it

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You got a close up of that central interchange?

Build it around that river. You can use the bends the form your city around it will look so much more natural than straight roads like this.
Also you shouldn't have your residential/civic buildings built on your highway, the highway goes outside the city.


Follow the spanish colonial layout, a 9x9 blocks and central square with schools and hospital

What's the population number?

You have shit imagination, just stick with JRPGs user.

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I don't even get it. Don't even big cities have maybe a few police stations, max?

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I sometimes build underground highways to link high volume areas on either side of my city. It's expensive, and working around geography/subways can be a bitch, but uninterrupted highway speed tunnels from A to B can get traffic moving fast without interruption.

Direct off-map highway connections for industrial zones are also good and less expensive, you don't want any intersections in the way for trucks shipping things in and out.

Brutalist Soviet architecture in small towns is always really interesting to me since it's undoubtedly ugly but its ugliness always enhances the surrounding nature.

Diverging Diamond
Advantages of this type of interchange
Safety – Reduces the number of ways vehicles can collide by almost half (14 compared to 26 for a conventional diamond interchange).
Greater capacity and efficiency – Accommodates more traffic than conventional designs. Drivers make free-flow right and left turns on to the major freeway.

Attached: diverging_diamond.gif (800x413, 36K)

Look up traffic management. You want to learn how to build roads before anything else. Seriously this is a traffic management game more than anything.

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this would be good if the traffic lights were short but on sensors. I can imagine rush hour being a bitch with those lights

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It reduces congestion while improving safety though.

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Why is AOE2 so good looking?
Why has there not been a city builder with its art style?

i've lived all over the country and new jersey drivers are literally the worst pieces of shit i've ever seen.

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