WHEN does it get good?
WHEN does it get good?
it gets good when you figure out the mechanics, then it gets bad again
It doesn’t.
It doesn’t.
I dont know,I have beat one boss but the UI is killing me.
I don't know if it's better to play with a mouse or a controller.
when you do
when your hamlet is completely built and you have enough money for upgrades
Just a heads up. This game was crafted through unholy means and has a mind of its own. And it will seek to fuck you over when you least warrant it.
>I don't know if it's better to play with a mouse or a controller.
Have you considered the fact that you may be unintelligent?
When you get good
Game becomes boring after you basically complete the game and did all the gimmicky shit/favorite party comps
If you're not a masochist, it doesn't. It just gets harder and harder.
It's a chore and moving in the town menus are convoluted. Also the stress mechanic gets annoying real fast.
It's a good game. I had some good times, but it just becomes tedious after a while, especially when you inevitably get fucked particularly badly by rng and now have to grind to get back to where you were.
>dungeon crawler with no character customization
literally what is the point?
>'If it doesnt have huge bouncing anime titties it doesnt interest me'
wow cool projection
but did you know that wRPGs were doing character customization before the gooks even ever dreamed of it?
go figure!
What said, except it doesn't "get bad again". Darkest Dungeon is good once you figure out what the fuck you need to do in a fight, what you need to target and a balanced party composition. ALWAYS target the back 3-4 row enemies that cause stress first, abuse leaving 1-2 row enemies to heal stress before they call reinforcements, have a stress healer on your team to begin with, DON'T USE THE OCCULTIST, HE'S GARBAGE. He might look cool and all with the 30+ heal crits, but he's terrible, the point of healing in DD is getting you out of death's door, first and foremost, if the Occultist had the minimum healing be 1, he'd be good, but he doesn't, making him a really RNG reliant character, which is awful for this game, always prioritize consistence over performance, it's always better to have a Vestal that realiably takes your character out of Death's Door than a Occultist to crit heal you for 0 twice or thrice in a row while you're on Death's Door.
never, play Slay The Spire instead.
Same atmosphere, but way better.
das rite
Around the 12 seconds mark.
Got to the darkest dungeon, but cba to watch my team die to RNG, so I stopped playing. Same shit in every dungeon anyway. Hopefully the second game finds a way to keep it fresh.
Post favourite team comp.
Mine is:
Vestal, Jester, Crusader, Lepper.
When you start doing pitch black ironman runs.
I played it for 20 hours before realizing it sucks
>spend a lot of time managing your trinkets and shit
>checking each buff/debuff your 3 lepers have to see which one is best for the mission
>mission is a cakewalk
Or if you just go in half-assed you wipe
There is no such thing in DD
I really hate the concept of "stress healing" dragging out a fight. Whole game would be vastly improved if instead your team stress healed naturally when you finish a fight fast, or in other non-RNG ways. Would also speed up runs, making the game drag less overall. Balance it by boosting the lethality of the enemies. Completely ruins muh immersion to have a team somehow calm down because a dog howls and some people pray instead of killing the unholy abomination right in front of them.
Waifu faggots who need a bullet in there brain
There is, it's not backing up your saves which so many people do even if they don't admit it.
Played for 178 hours. It gets good when you read about strategy. Look into the "first-timer" infographics that tell you a bit how trinkets, supplies, stress, and the like function. If you don't enjoy it, you have bad taste because the art, atmosphere, story, and gameplay are all excellent.
GraveRobber, Vestal, Shieldbreaker and Abom
Vestal, Hound/Jester, Man at Arms, and Hellion. Raped so many bosses with that combo. Houndmaster and Man at Arms are the goat classes
About that...
are you homosexual or something?
It doesn't. It's an exercise in how autistic people can be led to play games for two hundred hours for no real reason, even though there's no extra content to unlock, nothing new to see, and nothing interesting to do after the first 20 expeditions.
>'If you dont like ridiculous big mammaries and inmercion breaking/artiscally unfitting anime on DD you're homosexual'
When you realize that life is fleeting and those coming off of the caravan are merely tools to be used to reestablish your family's name at whatever cost.
Also final boss is pretty hype
Arbalest, Houndmaster, Occultist, Bounty Hunter
All the marks, all the time. Arbalest offheal and Houndmaster self-heal reduce the RNG reliance that occultist forces you to take, Bounty Hunter has a ton of utility and damage and his shuffle's great, Houndmaster and Arbalest both have stress heals.