I have beaten this game on Nightmare, on an N64. Ask me anything

I have beaten this game on Nightmare, on an N64. Ask me anything.

Attached: Quake1cover.jpg (220x255, 17K)

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how do your hands feel using a n64 controller for a fps

N64 controller is actually quite comfortable.

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=6F8gEtqhmG4

well if you say so

I also did not know quake was on n64

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why would you play an fps on a console, let alone that particular one

not that bad, the key is to map movement to the dpad and aim to the stick. basically the same as dual analog.
i love all of the id Software shooters on N64, and this one is my favorite. has some special touches that the PC version doesn't. i don't mind using a controller to play FPS because i gitted gud.

What special touches does it have?

New colored lighting effects, different skyboxes, different sound track, different sound effects for some things, rumble support, etc. There are a few less levels than the PC version and the multiplayer mode is forgettable but overall it's probably my favorite version of the game. The OST in particular is really cool, and the colored lighting completely changes the mood. It's nearly the exact same aside from some aesthetic differences, and the challenge incurred by using a controller makes it feel like a real accomplishment to complete.

love this track and the track that plays when you acquire a rune. so much more badass than the vanilla game. also the track for 'termination central' is cool as fuck.

You invalidated any flex by playing a shooter on a console.

you invalidated any flex by being too shit to play a shooter on console

Did Quake go to shit when they dropped the Cthulu mythos?

Million dollar smiles

Attached: 1503266006454.png (843x516, 343K)

it was shit from the minute quake 2 dropped, yeah. to be fair, you can't really build upon or replicate a game like the original quake, it was simply perfect as it was. going down the 'aliens and space marines' route was a huge mistake, but if they had stuck with the lovecraftian theme, it would have become derivative eventually. instead, we got one really, really awesome game unlike anything else. that's good enough for me.

Is it really that colorful?

Attached: quakedifferences.jpg (472x300, 46K)

>joe rogan and two blonde jews

Attached: quakedifferences2.jpg (472x300, 42K)

I've always hated this image, it doesn't look piss-yellow like that in real life. but yeah, it's a lot more overtly colorful than the original game. the original has more subtle, subdued colors that I personally find more attractive overall, but the added ambiance of the N64 version definitely gives a different vibe that's really cool. some levels look entirely different because of how drastically different the color palettes are.

Me too user
Quake 64 is pretty cool
I like midway/id creepy atmosphere their ports and games had
Even though the PC OST is missing, the one they made was still pretty good.
I love the end of level and rune collection tracks.

my nigger. yeah, i'm really fond of all the midway id ports, quake 2 is great also. the colors, music and atmosphere lend them a somber and mysterious vibe that the PC originals don't have; even hexen feels a lot more ominous and dark than it originally did. shame more people don't realize how good these versions were, and how god-tier the N64 was for shooters in general. also, doom 64 is best doom IMO.