What are you hoping for?

What are you hoping for?

Attached: Age-of-Empires-II-Definitive-Edition-1.jpg (788x443, 45K)

I am a complete casusal but the overhauled AI using pro strats now sounds fun.

I hope they don't fuck it up. AoE2 is already perfection. They shouldn't toy with it much.

Age of empires 4

to see hd niggers to kill themselves

>selecting units that are far apart and giving them a command leads to them trying to meet in the middle to create a formation instead of walking directly to where you ordered them
i know they said they wouldn't mess with the gameplay but pathing issues like this are really fucking annoying and i hope its changed in DE

Pretty hype actually, the new civs look sweet

Attached: aoe2deleaks.png (1087x695, 188K)


>definitive edition
it wont happen
wtf bulgarians and tarts sound op af

there is no fucking way the Cumans keep those bonuses on release

Lithuanians sound really OP. I saw in a screenshot though that one of the stables had a fourth cavalry unit that wasn't an elephant. I'm surprised that it doesn't mention that.

To finally unify the playerbase under a single plataform + good online functionality

What will be definitive about it?

its a remake with all expansions and new civs, new AI, new MP system, re-recorded soundtrack directed by the original composer, improved villager AI

>re-recorded soundtrack directed by the original composer
I'm so fucking hyped for this

Give me AoM instead of this shit

Better Teutons

will this be the final time I buy aoe2?

Fun single player content
Active pause for single player
No microtransactions
Proper steam release

>Hello, Spirit of the Law here and today...

Spirit of the Law is unironically comfy and a wholesome guy who does not deserve to be bullied

>finally fix buggy online
>don't add SJW shit
That's it

I 100% agree. I wish there were more channels like his

You boys are in luck. Looks like we'll be getting exactly what you want and more.

Which is the best LotR mod?


what the fuck is this power creep?

Attached: 47458706_2023329664428671_7683948594239373312_n.jpg (810x743, 30K)

Less handholding.

>Less handholding.
Care to elaborate?

>Town Centers made in Feudal Age
Lmfao most broken bonus ever, Literally if they have 0 other bonuses they'd be the best civ in the game still. The game hinges itself on TCs being made in Castle Age

Villagers have some independent.

>Villagers have some independent.
Care rephrase that?

For it to be on ps4, is it?

Build a storage building nears the builder should chop wood after it built.

First, why
Second, how

Cumans sound like bullshit. Tatars UU sounds broken unless it's weak as hell. Same with Bulgarians UU. It sounds like it would be OP but I have a feeling the dismounted united will be piss weak.

I'm hoping for Age of Mythology DE. That's it.

But... it doesnt already do that?
user, are you okay?

Because I don't own a pc. Any way it can be, weren't there rts games on ps2?

It doesn't in the O.G.

Battle royal and autochess map

Maybe you're refering to AoE1? Because even in the original game villagers already did that in AoE2.

>SJW shit
Curious how a game like this could add SJW shit. Seems impossible

If it has an attack-move button and doesn't do that horrific split-second stutter when you execute a move command I'll probably buy it.

>SJW shit
Literally how