The Dragon Quest Newcomers Guide™

Play on NES for the full archaic experience or GBC if you're fucking stupid and think this game's gonna be any good no matter what
SNES version has a wonky fan translation
Cryptic and stupid
Play on GBC to conserve sanity
SNES version has a broken fan translation
The first good one
Play on SNES or GBC, SNES has much better graphics but GBC has more content
Character driven
Play mobile version for party chat
Best story in the series and possibly all of video games
Play on DS, PS2, or mobile
Job system that's not nearly as good as FFV
Play on DS or mobile
Fucking long and grindy
Play on 3DS to conserve your sanity
Character driven, adventurous, and popular
Play on 3DS, if your 3DS is hacked use a patch for the orchestral soundtrack but it's still the best version without that, don't listen to the graphicsfags that say PS2
It's like III with MMO elements
Best combat in the series, post game is like 3x larger than the main game
Only on DS
Never ever
It's like VIII but different but it's like VIII
Play on Switch when that version comes out

The order is:
III, then V, then VIII
If you liked III the most, play IX
If you liked V the most, play IV
If you liked VIII the most, play XI
Then play the rest if you want

Attached: DQVIII_-_Slime.png (200x196, 29K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Literally just play whatever the fuck you want first.

>Trying to bait a niche and dead franchise.

>The order is:

>best combat in the series
literally just psyche up 4 times and then attack


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Is the mobile version of 3 ok


checking in

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It's the SNES version but with no enemy animations and no pachisi
It was literally made for shitty flip-phones
Just play the SNES version

if you insist on playing on mobile at least use an emulator so you don't have to pay

>10:don’t bother
>11: switch

These are the best versions

Reminder you can patch in party chat for 4 and a better monster catching system in 5. (DS Versions)

I and II are great, you're just a dumbass who can't use their brain and realize what the NPC's are talking about. I barely had to use a guide when I played through both of them on GBC.

It's like the nes version but with snes graphics, so no new stuff at all.

no party chat
no extra dungeon/party member
you can download an uncensored version with the orch. soundtrack as well

>party chat
>on DS
where? I heard it never got completed

Dragon Warrior 1 NES is so comfy on a portable emulator bros.

Just having the ability to quicksave anytime you want is a game changer.

>patch in party chat for 4
never ever

Any guide that tells people not to start with XI is shit. People don't like playing old games.

>Playing 3 without playing 1/2

I didn't know 3DS version of VII is shorter.

>patch in party chat for 4
prove it faggot

>playing 3 without 1
>playing 3 without 2

2 is bad and barely connects to either game.

I don't feel so bad about not finishing 2 then

Does 8 look better on New 3DS XL or PS2 emulators?

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Of course it looks better on PS2 but all the QoL shit and post-game really makes 3DS the definitive version hands down

the graphical difference is next to negligible

Why's the main character behind everybody else?


Do not touch the mobile version of 8 under any circumstances, on the android version there is a god awful, retarded 15 fps lock they havent patched out of the game

that's 8

Whats the post game?

Man i loved 9 and the gameplay design, but i wish they didnt completely gut the storyline

How is SNES II's fan translation broken?

It cuts about an hour of the prologue, but it's still an ungodly long game.

There is a town where if you sleep at an Inn a party member will get sick and you need to get a leaf to help get him better, but in the translation the text to heal him loops infinitely leaving you with one less party member permanently the rest of the game. This can be solved by just not sleeping at that inn or having his name be 4 or less letters long (not sure about that one but I have heard it a few times)
Also if anyone plays 3 on the SNES DO NOT talk to anyone on the second story of the town by the water with all the piers, it will delete your save

I'm going to play 4, 5, 8, and 11 in that order and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

Also, I'm playing the 4 and 5 on mobile. I've heard nothing but good things about the mobile ports of those games until today.

Reporting in, my brother.
VI was great don't let any explorelets convunce you otherwise.
It has the coolest most fantastical DQ world by far.

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Like how long?

1 hour before you get to your first encounter long

Jesus christ, I’ve heard it’s 100 hours long, is this true?

Don't know.
Dropped it 30 hours in and the actual plot didn't even kick in yet and it showed little to no signs that it would soon.

It's basically a bunch of small stories chained together with one big cause of it all, so yeah it's pretty long.

Happened to me earlier today.

i got to like 150 right before the final dungeon......i think that was the final dungeon.....but then I quit because i just got tired of it. And I say that as a lifelong DQ fan

Reporting in. Just got the Hero vocation for the MC.

30 Hours in to get the ability to change classes

I can still remember the landscape of that castle with no level cap on class experience from battles.


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