I don't usually complain about gun animations but jesus, how did this slip through?

I don't usually complain about gun animations but jesus, how did this slip through?

Attached: 1530174047149 (1).webm (1048x500, 1.72M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Because Bethesda gives zero fucks.

Attached: mag release and bolt insurgency.webm (732x574, 1.04M)

>lever action in fallout 3 works as you'd expect it to
>lever action in 4 does that
how do you fuck up that much

Attached: 1526422428662.jpg (470x500, 117K)

Imagine being outdone by a near two decade old game.

Attached: Voronin Loads Up.webm (480x360, 2.89M)

I've been thinking of buying that game.

Post that retarded gun from Borderlands with the misaligned chamber

think again

Killing Floor 1 and 2 have some of the juiciest reload animations I've ever seen
You can even see the scope vibrate when you fire in ZED time

you must be fun at parties

Parties are for lifeless husks with nothing better to do. There's nothing fun about them.

t. odd

literally this

I was just playing that not 5 minutes ago

You must be shit at making games, Todd

have sex

no one cares you mentally ill gun nut

go have sex and dilate you cringe, coping tranny incel

>people that are different than me are idiots
because sitting around playing video games and antagonizing strangers on the internet all day isn't for lifeless husks either, right?

todd don't come back until 76 is in a playable, stable state

absolute 2006 reddit tier post. kill yourself old man.

>Bethesda Fallouts

They didn't even gave a fuck about making it playable and just shipped it

then why are you bitching

Attached: OrneryHeavyBoto.webm (640x368, 521K)

Yes. Exactly. I'm glad you realized this.

>dat animation
>the lighting changing as you move the gun around
absolutely /k/ino operator-tier game

you forgot about seething

Attached: JadedFaithfulHoneybadger.webm (640x368, 236K)

The detail in KF2 is insane

Attached: 1454786050064.webm (1920x1080, 770K)

Attached: DelayedEarnestAltiplanochinchillamouse.webm (640x368, 393K)

>being so pedantic about things you care when videogames are full of inaccuracies

Attached: BrownClearcutGorilla.webm (600x338, 494K)

>they recorded the reload animations in higher fps so you can see this sort of shit in slow mo

Attached: 1461463842684.webm (1104x620, 1.58M)

Who are you quoting, todd?

Attached: FlatRipeBirdofparadise.webm (640x368, 420K)

Attached: 1454787362360.webm (1152x648, 1.66M)

Attached: FondLeftDormouse.webm (600x338, 1.27M)

We reloadin' now?

Attached: Walker Loads Up.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

Got nostalgia hard now. Fuck.

Out of interest, is there a reload animation where they keep the mag in hand and chuck the gun away, replacing it with a new one?

Attached: attention to detail mosin.webm (720x407, 2.37M)

Attached: SharpLankyBoubou.webm (600x450, 286K)

I don't understand the problem. Can someone please explain?

Attached: MacTavish Loads Up.webm (640x360, 2.96M)

i've non ironically played a game that had that not that long ago, but i can't remember which one damn it

gj triggering icels user

go to eye doctor

> that last bullet that goes off the left and comes in on the right

Attached: ha.jpg (800x680, 78K)

Kys third worlder

have incel, trannygger sex dilate

I remember someone at obsidian talking about when they fixed that problem in NV, it would fuck with quest flags and it would make the game unplayable because of how nigger rigged bethesdas work is.

i got you pham

Attached: 1474114351254.webm (854x480, 939K)

i miss ro2

Battlefield hardline was the best Battlefield game after 2142 and people didn't even give it a chance because of muh military tryhard edgy shit

>cuts out at the part where he turns around looking for the guy that handed the mag

If you think that's bad then you should see the pump-action shotgun animations for Fallout 4.

Attached: 30087795_2072892889661170_3531489047560060928_n.jpg (810x810, 68K)

I must be a brainlet when it comes to guns because every one of these threads has /k/fags seething at these clips while I watch it five times and can't tell what's wrong

God damn, knew there had to be a game that did it

Attached: Fallout 4 guns.gif (452x254, 2.99M)

Hotwire was fun. But you're lying to yourself. You had to fire RPG's behind cars in order to direct impact them for a kill, and many weapons were jokes that had no viability. The maps were decent, but nothing special.

what kind of gun do you reload by shoving a pipe in it

They even released 76 with this stupid animation. They've since fixed it.

I'm assuming he's firing rubber bullets since his face isn't getting scorched

Your mom

Rubber bullets have nothing to do with it considering the bullets go out the end of the barrel and he's getting hit by casings.

>attention to detail
>bolt doesn't even slam forward when it fires
Yeah nah.

Personally, I complain about gun animations a lot.

>when they fixed that problem in NV, it would fuck with quest flags and it would make the game unplayable
Even if this were a complete lie, I'll still believe it.

you didn't play the game very much i see.

Why are they obsessed with left handed guns in that game.

Attached: 1561208062583.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

Todd wants to show off his beautiful animations.

If a casing touches you right after being fired it's going to burn, brainlet.

Go back to recruiting another audience Todd.

Maryland has effectively banned all guns, so its no wonder why a Maryland based company has no idea how guns work.


Attached: 1546541686633.jpg (1024x802, 52K)

Put about 200 hours into it. Have no rebuttal I see.

too bad the game is turbo cancer

>play an FPS
>70% of your time is watching a reload animation

Attached: 1554116586004.jpg (786x576, 103K)

This kind.

Attached: Three's a Crowd and I've got Crowd Control.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

sure ya did buckaroo

What? Why?

>46 minutes of gun animations

Seeing empty cases fly across the screen look cool to some people. In general, all of the guns in Fallout 4 from the pipe pistols to assault rifles look pretty bad from the perspective from of a gun autist like me.

Attached: Screenshot_20190624-190125_Chrome.jpg (1080x362, 183K)

Attached: Davis Loads Up.webm (640x360, 2.89M)

>still no arguments
Hardline is bad and you should feel bad

Attached: 1461159639300.gif (196x300, 1.95M)

why does the entire weapon look lubricated with semen?

killing floor was barely good
kf2 is absolute cancer
>im going to kill the same enemies over and over again on different maps with different colors for my weapons
>oh a seasonal event, the same enemies just with different clothes
tripwire was a mistake

Because that's what gun cleaning oil is made out of.

how are you meant to hold it? I thought he was meant to use it lefthanded but it doesnt make sense

Man I love it when gun reload animations show off the bullet being chambered.

Attached: Codmwr_Dragunov_SVD_reloading_2.jpg (1920x1080, 326K)

That has nothing to do with rubber bullets. Post your guns

Attached: 20190614_221352.jpg (2560x1440, 979K)

Yes it does, skip to around the 4 minute mark and play it at .25 speed.
RS2 is sorta ok.

Attached: RS2 SKS.webm (1920x1080, 2.65M)

You sound like a fucking moron

he's making a joke, the AUG can switch where the casings eject.

little retard hardly has the hand strength to form a middle finger. get this shit out of here.

and you sound like a zoomer that doesnt know any better

you described kf1 too you know, only that had less enemies and worse graphics

please see


no arguments against blatant lies, you're just mad i said hardline was better than your beloved BF:V

that Supershotty reload hnnnng

I'm an IMFDB user, I nitpick videogame guns for free.

Attached: 1223640735486.jpg (331x319, 49K)

Attached: Miller Loads Up.webm (640x360, 2.89M)

isnt that the entire idea of the game? that its a horde shooter?

oh cool I didn't know some could do that. I gotta say playing H3VR made me wish I had a license but the amount of money I'd have to spend to get into that hobby is ridiculous when I can just use VR.

>bethesda releases unfinished, untested garbage

exactly, but at least the mod was nice because it was inside a game that had no pve elements in it
>killing floor 2

I'm out of KF webms
Post some if you have any, some of the rifle animations are pure sex

Attached: 1560820885281.webm (896x504, 2.85M)

Got something you want to get off your chest buddy?

>STILL no arguments

Attached: 1486708987391.jpg (258x211, 7K)

horde shooters are absolute trash unless they are objective based, like vermintide or left 4 dead
>b-but muh 10 waves
zoom zoom zoom

Attached: xiii-submarine.webm (720x404, 470K)

Let's just say, theoretically, I'm designing a bolt-action rifle for a game. What are the pitfalls to avoid when designing it? I mean, visually, and functionally.

user we're just posting animations nobody cares about your contrarianism
KF has some of the most detailed gun animations i've ever seen

I'm a non burger gun owner that got a gun license because of the vidya, I recommend at least going to a range and renting some if you can, shooting IRL is way more fun than videogames make it seem.
Especially manual action firearms like lever actions, pump actions, super fun.


Oh shit is that cool guy?

>horde shooters are trash unless they aren't like *popular games*
thanks user

No wonder all /k/ommandos are such closet fags

ironically the best way to get along with anyone quickly is having fun pointing out flaws in something else so you both feel smarter than the target, why no one ever stands up to bullies when it's not happening to them

You sound like a well adjusted individual.

I wonder how the new one will turn out.
Will they keep the cel shading or try a more realistic tone?

>Will they keep the cel shading
Keep cel shaded. or maybe an option for both

No one:

Absolutely no one:

Not a single soul:

You: YoU mUsT bE fUn At PaRtIeS

>bethesda gun design

Attached: Untitled.png (2950x900, 1.3M)

If you have a specific one in mind just look up a video of it on youtube and if you pay attention you'll be better off than 90% of video games. If you're drawing one from scratch, just make sure it looks like 99% of the other ones you'll find online.

This is a shit-tier normie meme.

Here's a handy little image I found on /ic/

Attached: long gun bits for artists.jpg (2048x1144, 459K)

>im going to kill the same enemies over and over again
user, half the fun is learning enemy attacks and behaviors and knowing how to act accordingly to certain situations.

Attached: file.png (800x1207, 2.23M)

just grab a cheapass bolt gat from wal mart if you live in the states or watch a ton of videos of people shooting them on youtube until you know how the real thing handles

Most of the people from the art department are probably young people straight out of college in Maryland. Not a demographic that's very familiar with guns.

>Just turn off your brain and enjoy, user. Jesus Christ you thinking types are so stupid.

Attached: apexis.gif (359x202, 2.07M)

The main thing is to simply avoid trying to reinvent the wheel. Most guns follow only one of a few overall styles, because they're the most functional and practical. Chances are if you make a design and it doesn't look or operate like a real world gun, there's probably a reason nobody makes guns like that IRL.

it's actually my favourite of the lot

Attached: GarandReloadMid.webm (640x360, 456K)

Are you playing as Mr. Crocker?

Here's a full list if anyone wants to make webms from it

Get lots of reference images.
Watch a lot of videos.
The best way to design plausible firearms is to actually handle them in real life.

Attached: Vetterli Rifle.webm (640x480, 2.78M)

black powder firearms are fucking sexy

It's crude, I know, but maybe I'm on to something...

Attached: howitmaywork_shotgun.png (1522x2209, 2.66M)

Its all in the details.

Attached: Squad_m9a1_reload.jpg (1920x1080, 444K)

and i have said anything negative about it
they are indeed gorgeous
it's a shame they're wasted on a shit game
would be true if the game had the depth you think it has
but in truth, it's really braindead
>shoot everything in the head
>don't shoot fleshpounds, spam nades instead
>leave scrakes to melee\sniperfags
>hoe meta is camping in a spot with 2 berserkers acting as human shields
f u n

where does the action fit? There's no room for it to be in the gun in any way that makes sense.

This game was cool but tough as hell. I could never get very far in it.

why is the man replying to everyone else claiming other people are seething

what's with those pointless three lines

Instagram nigger humor

You mean something like a bolt? Idk, according to the depiction it might not have one.

user you realize replying to more than one person isn't against the rules right

the left handed bolt/receivers piss me off the most. so fucking awkward that i mod all those guns out in lieu of right handed gun mods. janky ass shit. i say this as a lefty.

its definately seething

So that's the psychology behind all the twitter screencap threads. To feel "smarter" than the random person that posted an opinion on the internet.

Attached: great_argument.png (374x389, 27K)

>This game was cool but tough as hell. I could never get very far in it.
Specially stealth sections


If it didn't have a bolt it would need to be breech-loaded like an oldschool double barrel. But the combat shotty in FO3 is semi auto, so somehow that thing contains a bolt and form of gas operation

>CoD will never be kino again

Worst timeline.

Or just have no bolt and have the shell fly out the back of a tube like a pseudo recoilless rifle. I have no idea if that could work though.

I'm actually looking forward to MW 2019, despite the retarded name. Sounds like the devs are promising to go back to slower, less twitchy gameplay.

My nigga

Attached: squad.png (2560x1440, 3.71M)

This is so satisfying to watch and listen. Do I have autism?

that would mean a ton of gas is vented right next to the shooter's face and hand, still a bad idea

Gun animations are very integral to making an enjoyable feeling shooter game.

The aks sucks so much fucking dick.

No, guns are fucking cool despite the increasingly successful efforts to make them more and more taboo subjects.

you must be gay at parties

guess i'm the only fella who finna wanna

Attached: enfield.jpg (303x632, 35K)

only my parties user haha

Have sex.

Videogames are why young people are less likely to support "assault weapon" bans compared to their parents and grandparents.

It's Bethesda, I'm surprised it even looks that good in the first place

Attached: 1541130602053.jpg (621x960, 47K)

Are you fucking dumb enough to think the casings of rubber bullets are made of rubber too

What's it like being 12?

>some guy is selling a nice enfield on armslist w/ stripper clips and bayonet for $600
>gets picked up 30 minutes after I see it
fuck me

And these

Hell yeah feel the burn


what's it like being 9 and a discord tranny

Agree 100% gun ownership among the younger demographic has a lot to owe to video games, myself included considering I didn't grow up in a household with guns. It's ironic considering so many gun-owner boomers blame video games for mass shootings.


there's no better feeling in the world

Attached: bf3_magnum.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

Battlefield: Phantoms

because fallout 4 was garbage all around

yeah I found that out in the game hot dogs hand horseshoes and hand grenades (H3VR). They have all kinds of guns and there are a lot of mechanics to using them. You can for example reload a pistol with just the magazine and pulling on the sliding top or you can go manual and pull the sliding part while using the trigger on your gamepad to pull up the bolt clutch thing and load in bullet per bullet and then release that clutch. It's great. Revolvers, lever reloaded guns and grenade launchers are very fun to play with.

How do so many devs fuck up their gun designs?
Many of the devs that make FPS games are burgers too so getting their hands on some guns to get an idea of how they work shouldn't be that hard.

Attached: 1532526790800.jpg (450x400, 48K)

californians usually

Unless you're really into the historical aspects of milsurp I'd say it's not worth it in 2019. As boring as it sounds, you're better off with something made in this century.

Attached: 20180930_192019.jpg (1556x2853, 3.09M)

Attached: Sanderson Loads Up.webm (640x360, 2.93M)


>gif of guy shooting an AR15 and crying that I forgot to save

What game is this from?
Making me real upset Psy-Ops never became a big thing cause psychic powers mixed with guns has so much untapped potential.

All right I'm seeing a lot of good reload animations, can I see some bad ones in comparison?

It absolutely does not. Only if it rests on a spot for too long. But bouncing off you is fine. Some of my casings I can even hold right out of the chamber after being fired.

I find that a lot of videogame artists are actually pretty knowledgeable, but they're led by art directors who want designs with "visual impact" which usually translates to "make them big, bulky, and filled with greebles".

Attached: D1xW1pcWkAEblt2.jpg (1199x899, 200K)

not when its home made

Attached: throwing away a perfectly good magazine.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

user, this is neat.

What are the hallmarks of good, satisfying gunplay?

Attached: 1555221205747.webm (710x710, 1.88M)

RIP Battlefield

>That closed in HUD

Attached: 1543727196804.gif (202x360, 1.84M)

What are some games with sleek as fuck gun animations to please my autism?
Hard mode: no Killing Floor 2

big boom noises
good recoil
good animations
enemies react clearly to shots and their placement

Sadly, they've patched that animation.

Attached: brass_check.webm (850x480, 2.38M)

Good visual impacts on target (nice impact decals, blood squirts, a decent ragdoll or death animation)
Punchy audio
Smooth animations


Simply because most of the people who make them in video games have never handled any in real life. Despite guns being readily available in most parts of America, most Americans still dont own any. People who work for these game studios are young guys straight out of college and have never seen one in person. Also an overwhelming majority of people who play games won't notice/care about inaccuracies of guns in video games. Im a gun nerd, but I don't know shit about other technical subjects like cars or chemistry. So I can nitpick all I want about how GTAV gets their guns wrong while knowing nothing about all the shit they get wrong about cars.

wait that cat gun thing was from soilder front? I had it as a mod in l4d2 but I thought it was it's own thing. Huh.

Escape from Tarkov
Insurgency/Insurgency Sandstorm
Project Reality

Borderlands 3 doesn't even have that gun

Titanfall 2 has great ones, if you don't require realism.
Some were done by Hyper, who makes the meme reload animations

honestly that's not a great deal. you can get refurbished and refinished no4mk1* for under $500 at gun shows. You can get surplus charger clips and pouches for literally lunch break money.

Attached: lossfield.jpg (2048x1412, 403K)

I havent got it but someone post the 500 revolver reload
Pure fucking gunporn

Attached: 1481147915407.webm (850x480, 2.83M)

Attached: RDR2 Spencer carbine.webm (1280x720, 2.22M)

Attached: 1477443200386.webm (716x690, 1.19M)

Attached: RDR2 Krag bolt.webm (1280x720, 2.38M)

can't see shit in the minimap otherwise

KF2's animations suck because they're all sped-up and it makes it look like you have Parkinson's disease when you reload them since they're so shaky. Worst case in point: AA12, your hand keeps shaking for a good 1-2 seconds holding it on the air while NOTHING happens and it then you decide to put in the new magazine.

KF1 unironically has better animations. KF2 only looks good in Zed time.

>Bolts locked to the rear
>Bolt release isnt stuck in the upward position

Is there anything wrong with this one? I'm not seeing anything like the clipping in the Spencer carbine webm.

Attached: Rabbit Loads Up.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

Maybe with max reload speed perks but the normal reload anims are fucking amazing
KF1 is good too but I think KF2 is an all around improvement


>retarded jarheads and their retarded families bitching about muh Taliban meant that Warfighter's MP was a fucking disaster compared to this one
Still mad

No, the Krag animation is pretty clean.
I don't notice any clipping in the Spencer animation, can you point it out for me?

Attached: RDR2 SAA.webm (1280x720, 2.59M)

looks like that bottle on the bottom-right was mis-carried.

Attached: YouSeeIt.png (1095x747, 1.65M)

Man I hate that trend of super sped up, twitchy reloads in FPS games. Can't see the beautiful, high quality gun models because of it.

Hes american.

Why don't they just make bullpups with some sort of brass deflector, or some mechanism to eject casings on either left or right sides?


At the start of the animation when he starts to move the lever his index finger clips through it. Other than that it looks perfect.

god it's so bad

These are surprisingly good by COD standards

They do...

You mean like this?

Even without reload perks they're really goddamn shaky, and it just looks really dumb because of it. Like I said, it only looks good in Zed time because then it's actually slowed down and looks good (except when you're lvl 25 because fuck you lel). I guess my grip with KF2 is just that everything feels way too sped-up. is probably one of the worst cases to me, it's so goddamn shaky because it's so sped-up.

Exemplifies to me my gripe with KF2. Everything looks so shaky and twitchy. The M4 is a good example of this.

The MDR ejects casing out either side and ejects them forward, which is pretty neat. But to do it with just a brass deflector you would have to move the action of the gun further up the receiver which increases the overall length which defeats the entire purpose of using bullpups in the first place.

Attached: MDR.jpg (630x891, 482K)

You can't shoot things in the closet. Fag.

I dont see it but ok
I think you're just used to seeing robotic reloads like this That lever action webm is fast because the guy is shooting fast as he can to show off the different reloads, personally it looks much more realistic to me

>no one posted it

Hunt: Showdown has some pretty good gun porn if you like slow guns that make the big blammos. Also guns that don't load from the side or have a mag will lose anny ammo that you eject when reloading unless you have a specific perk to keep that extra shot

Attached: 27692199.png (500x516, 109K)

Then you've never seen a skilled shooter with a lever action. They don't wave the muzzle all over the place as they spastically jerk the lever, its all very controlled.

>Stalker COC has MP5
>When you shoot a whole mag you replace the magazine, then bring the charging handle back and release, meaning no hk slap
It's literally the one reload I don't like

Attached: 1560724845327.jpg (493x352, 60K)

Didnt mean the shooting animation I meant the reload animation
Like I said the shooting animation looks like that because hes just clicking as fast as possible before the recoil animation even finishes

Nigga, I know for sure you have never been to /k/

If only you knew.

Attached: 1449881056875.jpg (1024x679, 74K)

Is this supposed to be an in-game joke?

Yes, they're animations that are set to trigger once every few thousand reloads or something like that

>Fallout 4 has no weapon holster or hanging them on your back
this pissed me off more than the animation

Battledfield Hardline
Game was good, but it should have just been an expansion to 4, so it died. They had random reloads, 1 in 1000 or so


I like anime girls with guns

Attached: Uvao AK.jpg (978x1080, 161K)

Attached: shrek.png (895x657, 844K)


I can only recall Uncharted 4 and RDR2 having physically modelled rifle slings.

>higher fps
bitch, games are keyframes.

>what does f stand for in fps

My dream game is some kind of Driver-esque driving/third person shooter using the Gunsmith Cats franchise.
>super extensive real world gun mods and cars
>1:1 scale mid 90's Chicago as the game world

Attached: rally chase.webm (640x480, 2.58M)

not keyframes.
you can have 2 keyframes and run it at 1000fps and still get a smooth animation you fucking retard.

Lol,this guy doesn't know how to dance,so he just does reload animations.

Attached: REload Animations Dance.webm (720x480, 2.33M)

>silly user confuses refresh rate with framerate

Too bad the game is shit

Why the first one I
Have so much soul

KF2 is pretty much a straight upgrade from KF1 in every aspect aside from lootbox shenanigans
I get that its cool to be a nostalgiafag and all that but honestly

>Posts jiffy of program used to create animations with no frames just time to execute frametimes
>Hurr durr, FPS in muh animations

>Gunsmith Cats

Attached: 1528589747904.jpg (1033x679, 168K)

They fixed it in 76

Wouldn't say best but a lot better then people give it credit for

2d animator here
what the fuck are you on about? animations use fps how else do you animate if not with keyframes?

>2d animator
Opinion disregarded
> how else do you animate if not with keyframes?

You sound like a fucking retard

Attached: 1553109740692.jpg (379x568, 116K)

>BFH sequel never ever
I know people hate the game because it's just a glorified BF4 expansion pack, but dammit Hardline was the most fun I've ever had with a Battlefield game. Also the music selection was top notch.

Attached: Carl.jpg (360x240, 16K)

>no argument


They were also outdone by FO4 which they made themselves.

>takes place decades into the future
>majority of the weapons are just taken directly from the previous game, which was modern day

Attached: 1561428178999.png (500x500, 173K)

What he's trying to say is that in-engine, there's a difference between frametime and delta-time. Things can be done independent of the refresh rate.

wow almost the the real world!

why the fuck is this in Chicago?

At least they fixed it in FO4.

Attached: Fo4_combat_shotgun_standard.png (1169x567, 300K)

Most americans don't own guns? What state do you live in...

Ah interesting, I didn't know that. Thanks user

Because the Jap who made it is a huge Blues Brothers fan.

Attached: sonodainterview.jpg (1607x2360, 1.71M)

Here's your bolt-action sniper rifle bro

Attached: 843.png (600x315, 112K)

Lol, Yea Forumsirgin civvies can’t into guns

if it ain't broke don't fix it


Attached: CODIWDMR-1reload.jpg (1920x1080, 394K)

I tried to tell everyone this when it was out. It was so much better than I expected, but no one would listen.

I take no joy in knowing time has proven me right. I just wanted to play a good game with good friends.

Attached: 1539976873850.jpg (482x427, 58K)

I'm playing Fallout 4 right now for the first time. I just killed a Legendary and got some random horse shit gun that I already have 20 of already, got killed by a bunch of Super Mutants. Respawn, kill same Legendary, and this time get a "Plasma Harpoon Gun". I haven't even come across any harpoon ammo yet, and I've been playing close to 60 hours probably. I know this game gets shit on for taking all the role-playing out, but they really did a good job with the guns and the colors. My God, the color in this game is amazing, especially with the brown and green of last Gen still firmly entrenched in my psyche.

TL:DR I really, really like this Gen.

Attached: maxresdefault(4).jpg (1100x619, 191K)

Fuck this piece of shit, the only sniper capable of hitting hitmarkers in hardcore.

fuck i want to buy a gun so damn bad

>Gunsmith Cats
>Not catgirls
I'd just like a third person shooter with anime girls, and highly detailed guns and panties

Attached: catgirl kills.png (871x804, 544K)

FO4 has pretty great level design(especially around Boston) and decent gunplay, which is why it's a good base for modding so you can just play a really aimless sandbox shooter.

buy a gun they're great fun and useful in case niggers ever break into your house

i think the color saturation hits maximum impact when you get the quest that has you jumping down from the skyscraper in tiers. wish the game had more of those moments. jumping from rooftop to rooftop is always the best part of open world games.

They don't, gun ownership has been decreasing nationwide in recent years. States where gun ownership is > 50% have smaller populations than those that don't.

Attached: xtb025n1ot201.jpg (1200x970, 103K)

Just dew it

Gunsmith Cats is the best comic when it comes to firearms I've ever read. I highly recommend it.

Attached: GSC grendel.jpg (1448x1414, 1007K)

even if i want to buy a muzzleloader


I mean, COD standards are pretty fucking high. Stop getting memed on.

I mean sure, but DON'T MISS

i kek'd

Attached: reload bf.webm (1280x720, 2.45M)

Its okay they fixed it in 76...

Fuck off back to plebbit, fag.


Attached: 1560926421826.png (236x319, 117K)

Beautiful, too bad that game is cucked beyond all belief

For all the shit DICE gets, at least their weapon modellers and animators are still pretty good at their job. Of course, that doesn't apply to the rest of the studio.

>MW2 has a perfectly fine Model 1887
>MW3 says fuck that and makes it tacticool

Attached: Model_1887_3rd_person_MW3.png (1173x506, 127K)

Not even the worst weapon model in game.

Attached: how do skorpions work.jpg (1920x1080, 527K)

A little piece of humanity dies when a classic gets shit on with picatinny rails

I haven't hit that mission yet with the sky scraper. Sounds fun. But this game really does have one of the best open worlds I think I've ever played. I cannot remember playing another game where I was genuinely floored by the beauty of the landscape. I just randomly stumbled onto that part where you get put into a maze, down by Fallon's Department Store and the Hospital. How fucking cool is that? This game's open world is awesome. I never see people mention how cool it actually is.

The sa80 has a brass detector, it's on the charging handle

Attached: SA80.jpg (1200x960, 98K)

i wish hardline did better. It was a pretty unique approach, could have been a nice spin off. I only played the beta and had lots of fun. Is it worth getting on sale?

Attached: 1549368630694.jpg (707x641, 39K)

Don't play Black then.

Attached: Black-P90-2.jpg (568x426, 38K)

The rail system on the Scorpion would render the gun inoperable. Funnily enough, MW3 is the only CoD game to have official branding with real life gun companies like Remington and Colt.


P90 was always a polymer tacticool piece of shit. It's when they start welding it to classics like the garand or the mosin then it's time to start bashing in some heads

Its crazy how perfect dark started actual reload animations for guns. Rare was truly ahead of their time

It also can't be fired left handed if you intend to do that whole "aiming" thing

Attached: l85.jpg (2560x1440, 261K)

t. 30 minutes on KF1 and only played on beginner
You're really fucking dense if you genuinely think a completely different game is a "straight upgrade"

>completely different game

Attached: 1472911983729.jpg (1280x1280, 197K)

Did you even play KF1, retard?

Attached: 1560472301538.jpg (515x515, 50K)

>here's your burst pistol

Attached: Hailstorm_3D_model_concept_1_IW.jpg (1920x1080, 328K)

i am, todd

Tbf, nobody would bat an eye if the game was more cartoony.

Attached: panic_attack.png (1350x840, 376K)

Attached: 0fc.gif (350x263, 976K)

fuck outta here, nig

>facebook-tier meme

Attached: Disgusted Maid.png (1317x1080, 1.58M)

3 round/2 casing burst!

But the action makes sense. This one has a smaller grip and more room to slide back, so it's more believable.

Still dumb though.

very good kot

Attached: threecats3.png (510x409, 289K)

Yeah. You didn't play KF1. You're the typical KF2 Redditor that has a billion hours on KF2, and less than two in 1 and keep spouting the "kF2 iS a sTrAiGhT uPgRaDe" dumb shit despite both games being completely and utterly different. Only thing stupider is if you tell me that Payday 2 is a "straight upgrade" to The Heist, despite both being completely different games as well.

Oooh, that game was so much fun.
Didn't know a new one is coming out.

Sorry, i don't live in a Country where i need a gun to feel safe so i don't know anyhting about guns. What's exactly wrong with this?

MW2 had some of the best reloads

I'm not the original guy you were posting at, I just posted that reaction at you hoping you'd see it as appreciating both games for what they do on their own merits rather than continuing your rants about how the only people that like KF2 are people reddit retards. And I hate Payday 2.

Where are you from?


He has a full magazine, fires one round, then reloads 5 rounds.

Attached: 1548124220937.gif (480x480, 2.56M)

>expend one bullet from a full tube
>somehow, he's capable of reloading another full tube's worth of bullets

This shit doesnt make any fucking sense.

>t. user that hasn't actually gone to parties
Parties are literally just people getting drunk and watching youtube videos while complaining about daddy issues. I have no doubt that this board is full of pathetic, mentally ill people, but if you ever actually hang out around the people that are partying all night on weekdays in college, you would realize that those people are even more pathetic and mentally disabled.
I have more faith that the fattest incel on this board could get his life together than some of the crack addicted, 70 beers a week, 2.1 GPA trainwrecks that I've seen at these places

So? Same things happen in a lot of Quake games, does that make Quake less fun?

Then you bring shame to your ancestors for not liking weapons.

Attached: norvik.jpg (243x208, 12K)

How do I get 'into' guns?
And does anyone want to play KF1?

fallout 4 is soul-less, it is amazing people can play the dlc, even moded it is crap.
The mods are shit, skyrim is far superior even in dress-up mods.

The guns are the only thing fallout 4 has going for it, and the guns are the weakest part. Not only are the animations soul-less, but guns don't feel like gun it is soul-less experience where good feel like you just pointing a fucking laser, and hitscan things, recoil feels fake and non-challenging, grouping are a meme. the gunplay is ass.

I don't even own a gun and I could tell what was wrong with this video. Not to mention he loads in somewhat the wrong place

It looks fucking ugly to anybody, you don't have to be a /k/ expert to know that looks bad

Only Quake 4 has reloads, and they're all fake guns or sci-fi shit. Fallout 4's case is using a pastiche of a real level action rifle and then having Bethesda put no effort into coding for per-bullet reload exceptions or logic. Fans fixed it, and Bethesda released it broken again in FO76 before fixing it.. only for 76, no retroactive FO4 patch. It's incompetence.

Also after reloading 5 bullets, they eject a completely random extra shell when they already ejected one prior to the reload.

That's a loading gate, its correct.

Attached: Spent_load.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

You literally just buy a gun and ammo then go shoot it on a range or wherever you can. Just determine your budget and buy one dude. Though the level of difficulty in doing so will depend on how gun friendly your country is.

>how the only people that like KF2 are people reddit retards
Not at all, if you enjoy arcadey fps games, KF2 is right up that alley and I won't hold it against you, same how I personally hated Doom 4 as I didn't feel it was in the same spirit as the first two, but understand why some people would love it, not a bad game, just a bad Doom game, it's the same feeling I have with KF, not a bad game, just doesn't have the same spirit of the original and ends up being a flanderized version of it.

Saying that KF2 is a straight upgrade to KF1 when KF1 is a co-op survive horror while KF2 is an arcade shooter is really fucking dumb.

Play new vegas instead, I got 4 just after I completed new vegas and was disappointed from the drop on quality off the soul of a franchise

More games should have idle animations

>No one posts Tarkov

Attached: jjrd.png (543x637, 547K)

I'm pretty sure the game's a husk and no one's playing now, try it on origin access basic, ironically, they released it on there too.

Fuck off nikita, no one wants to play your scam of a game. faggot nigger.

Go back to twitter with your web-ebonics.

Fuck animations. How did Todd fuck up this bad?

Attached: rule of thirds.jpg (1920x1080, 500K)

>People complain about weapon animation in the game
Meanwhile, in GOTY edition of Fallout 4
>if you send your companion to Airport, he will stuck behind the doors which is impossible to open until the late game
>if you do 'something' wrong during a vertibird flight, your minigun will disappear and you'll get stuck in there forever
>infinite using pc animation
>tonnes of other bugs and glitches
I don't give a shit about shooting animation, Bethesda didn't even care enough to fix bugs properly in their game.

>all these people falling for this bait

>id helps create weapon designs for Besthesda
>Bethesda fucks them up, takes compromises, animates them lazily, and then fucking makes guns and their animation frames have every single attachment added on all at once to the models and just don't render anything not actively attached instead of using bone merge points or the like

Attached: 99-1553783059-711737647.jpg (1920x1080, 277K)

Looks like someones a little upset they are shit at games.

Attached: kekle.png (209x202, 122K)

What, Fallout 4?
My guess is pretty easily.

they released battlefield v on there too*

jesus im retarded

>everyone shits on RDR2's gunplay
>fucking love the sound design and heft, as well as having to manually charge most of the guns and reload 1 at a time
>liked the whole drawing from horse storage instead of being limited to just 2 guns or having everything on you at once
Surely I'm not the only one who thought RDR2 had good gunplay, right?

there actually is a mod that makes that xboxhueg Institute laser gun smaller.

>do research on gun handling and safety basics
>buy a gun, ideally a little .22 plinker
>buy some targets, eye and ear protection
>have fun at the range
This doesn't necessarily apply depending on your country or state, however.

I love it too, the sounds are so crisp (I'm a big fan of the "click CLACK" of the Krag being chambered), and the ragdolls and dismemberment does a great job at selling the impact of the guns.
Nothing beats loading your side by side shotgun with slug rounds and pulping peoples heads.

Attached: rdr2 headshot.webm (1280x720, 878K)

half of these aren't even roach.

thats a retarded amount of recoil

Which one of them? The Gatling gun?

Tim Harmsen from the Military Arms Channel on Youtube demonstrating the reason as to why bullpup rifles aren't considered left-handed friendly.

You literally described KF1 but without he microtransactions

>locking the charging handle up first is slower than changing mag/pulling charging handle normally
but I feel ya

that fuckin gt500 and shark nose bimmer tho

It's a fucking extension to the tube, you mong. On a pump-action, it works, on a semi-auto where that's the FUCKING MAG, it doesn't

This gun is so fucking retarded it hurts, Infinite Warfare is kinda like that, 70% of the guns kinda make sense and are somewhat believable, but then the designers went full retard on some of them and it shows. Like the Kriss Vector fed by two magazines one in front of the other, or the 45 cal space P90 that has a meat-tenderizer as muzzle, or the SATO lmg which is a just a box with random circuitry hanging off of it. At least the SDF had some pretty cool looking machine guns.

why is always the best stuff hidden behind dlcs that nobody ever buys or plays

The Vector is double barrelled in that game, with two bolts stacked on top of each other.

Attached: CODIW_SDF_LMG_B_01.jpg (1273x1600, 277K)


Don't forget the Type-2.

Attached: Type-2_3D_model_concept_1_IW.jpg (1920x1080, 412K)

I hope you are bullied irl

>the stock is stuck under the sights

I like this one tho, despite the akimbo retardness, mostly because it oozes that Perfect Dark aesthetic from the original N64 game.

Sorta like this

Attached: double barrell SMG.jpg (506x398, 21K)

killing space invaders with my tacticool staple gun

Well, it's less retarded now that you've described it. The SDF Volk (spes AK) tho is pure secks, as well as that 3-rd burst bullpup assault rifle of theirs.

>This gun is so fucking retarded it hurts
What's wrong with it?

I like the plastic space Garand, myself.

Attached: Cod_iw_dmr1_spectacle.jpg (1920x1080, 263K)

The sawed-off too. Holy fuck they fucked up the sawed-off and I'll never forgive them. The sawed-off is my gunfu.
You shoot one barrel and you gotta reload both, and it's completely invalidated by the combat shotgun, but it didn't have to be this way, just make it so the stockless Sawed-off counts as a pistol as it's form-factor suggests, how it's usually portrayed in media, so it can benefit uniquely from the Gunslinger tree.

Attached: 1520406179288.jpg (833x435, 49K)

She's still trying to conceal the cloth in that hand, tard.

TEchnically nothing, but it's a handcannon, you pick it up expecting it to fire some ungodly massive cartridge like 460 Magnum or 500 Magnum, but instead it's a 9mm pea shooter that basically wastes ammunition.

Can I still mod FO4 to be /k/ as fuck and fun?

fugg, I need to grind me some keys and lootboxes to get this one

Alright you glorious faggots, it's been a blast but I gotta go to bed. Cheers.

>that last expansion that added that ridiculous 700 nitro triple rifle MAMMOTH GUN
best gun in any FPS ever

>hammer fired despite having lined up cartridges
The hammer would detonate the rear-most one, which would cause a catastrophic overpressure due to there being 2 more bullets in front of it, creating a hand grenade in the palm of your hand

The gunplay people talk about refers more to how it controls. Autoaim is super strong which makes the shooting feel less exciting but aiming falls apart if you try to do it with autoaim off, and I did. Especially on a horse, the bouncing from the rocky roads work well for immersion but makes manual aiming a bitch.

Man you're fucking dumb

good old slapksi is less tactical and more time consuming
but looks cool


I mean it's true and this post triggered the fuck out of stupid niggers.

>amazing animations and graphics
>superb enemy ai that gets faster and more fluid with higher difficulties
>absolute shit audio sounds

>*blocks your path*

Attached: Scattergun_item_icon_TF2.png (512x384, 69K)


any modern bullpup is ambidextrous, he was making a joke

I came here just to call you a retard

i came here to agree with you

If you want you can replace all of the fugly vanilla weapons with mods

"Modders'll fix it"
Fucking Bethesda.
As annoying as the extra noises are at times and the Pip-Boy can't even properly render, having a chameleon peace made it far more bearable. Though I had no reason to use anything other than the musket for a lasergat, almost constant sneak damage is hilarious and broken and it's the only reason I keep playing this game

the worst part is that it's a fucking nightmare to "fix it". Skyrim is a pain in the ass that disagrees with modders on the slightest of things but it was at least modder-friendly enough to figure out how to work it. FO4 by comparison was intended for new weapons/gear and quests, buildable shit, and nothing else. and actually making custom animations from the ground-up for guns is a nightmare, because they not only require pirating outdated middleware tools, but also a crap ton of fuckery with how the weapon system works and a complete and utter lack of documentation in how any keyframing works

I think custom animations are more frequent now because the community's been documenting shit on their own terms, but the process of getting there took a good couple years to even reach a starting point just because of how badly Bethesda designed their game from the ground level

the black reaper guy in overwatch does it I guess

Attached: 500 mag.webm (1280x720, 2.4M)

He doesn't load a new gun onto the old magazine though, he throws the entire thing away and pulls out a fully loaded shotgun like Tediore guns in Borderlands.

How can you be an american and don't own any guns?

Attached: 04-pokemon-gun.w700.h700.jpg (700x700, 108K)

>kf2 STILL has silent team mate weapon sounds.
Its especially jarring when its a double barrel shotty.

Yeah its a shame, they have insanely talented animator(s) but the sound design is pretty poop. Doesnt matter that much though.

No amount of weapon mods can make fallout 4 fun
Just do the same with new vegas

amazing how this is still guaranteed replies

is there anything more SOUL than a classic wood and steel gun? Polymer just doesn't do it for me man.

Attached: milsurp rifle reload.webm (853x480, 2.78M)

why is he shooting those African tribesmen?

people had more integrity, cared a bit more back then, I like to think

Show me your panties !

From an old thread. Sounded like something you could do, but there wasn't any good reason for it.

Attached: Fallout 3 Shotgun.jpg (2950x3740, 1.38M)

What's the last one ?

no its a very serious 100% authentic reload animation

you fucking dumb fucker

Sturmgewehr.. Yep. Now that was a gun.

Attached: STG44.webm (720x404, 2.21M)


god, just kill yourself, holy fuck.

Fires one bullet, puts 5 in

I wish more games had lever actions. I would love to just shoot shit and explore with an 1894, 92, or 86. Call of juarez is probably the worst offender when it comes to reloads. They didn't even take 3 minutes to look at a youtube video.

How did the germs design such pure gunkino?

Attached: b966a50185dffa9bff89dbbc038cb792f20515481430b070c9f1f32f505a73b9.webm (640x480, 1.9M)

>that one update where the 9mm sounded like someone hitting a shitty $5 drum you'd get for your toddler
god that pissed me off so much

Attached: 3fb0616ecf000e1aff1f56c966858245ef1b54c4e483ba619efd558114a4ccb7.webm (640x480, 2.95M)

that's actually a pretty neat adaptation of metalstorm

What the fuck, even 3 had that. Like, there was a whole fucking button command to holster your weapon and it would show up on you. You'd do it so people would actually talk to you, if they didn't like having a gun in their face.

go back to insragram

By starting a war that made the country of Israel happen.

Attached: reloadanimation.webm (640x360, 2.1M)


Are there any games that accurately depict long recoil actions?

Attached: browning auto5.webm (800x450, 1.45M)

Thats sexy

>drum AND tube fed
>tilting bolt
Jesus Christ

Fallout 4 fucked up a lot of things Fallout 3 did right. For example, the ejection ports are on the right side of the gun in Fallout 3.

Sure is

Attached: Remington Model 8.webm (800x450, 372K)

Bethesda and looping reload animations don't really hang, they tried it in New Vegas with pretty disastrous results so in F4 and F76 they just made them static like that.

Attached: ClimbingHelios.webm (852x480, 2.78M)

Damn thanks for showing me how to get ez replies

what? The lever action in fallout 3 used the retarded bb gun reload animation. It was arguably worse.

Now if only the game wasn't about camping single rooms

Why would I go to pol? They love Israel, Trump and Nazis?

So, in line with 4 removing features and adding nothing, then? Man, if only they did the sensible thing and DIDN'T remove features, maybe people would be less critical of it.



Attached: aperture science.webm (800x450, 2.94M)

Attached: pubg revolver.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Damn, you're retarded.

You can get a muzzleloader shipped to your door in America I'm pretty sure.

I had a dream last night in which there was shooting.
I loaded my rifle with crayons.
It worked.
Name a game that can do that, faggots.

Any mods that let me choose which weapon types can be spawned? I want to replace that retarded assault rifle with that FO3 assault rifle mod

Because they focused more on fallout shelter.

are you stupid?

Attached: 1560204028956.jpg (498x443, 48K)

Attached: Fallout4.webm (800x450, 950K)

I doubt there's a mod that does that because that's just doing what the mod tools already do. Edit the level list yourself. It's a trivial task.

Not if it just bounces off of you for a second, no. If it gets caught in your collar or something it will.

Sweet, someone reposted muh webms. Have some more best recoil

Attached: FNLightTwelveSlow.webm (800x450, 2.32M)

Wasn't there a Battlefield 4 version?

Attached: FStopSlowA.webm (600x338, 2.03M)

Attached: R81dump2.webm (800x450, 2.18M)

What's the flaw of wood and steel guns?

They're often heavier than polymer furniture guns, and wood can get warped if you don't take care of it.

1700% mad
You guys are too easy.

Speaking of this dumb game, here's the "Toggle Action" in real life

Attached: WASShootingNA.webm (500x281, 2.68M)

>level list
Oh yeah, I forgot that these exist. I'd still rather slap a mod and forget about it, but thanks.

Compared to more modern materials they're heavier and the wood has a tendency to swell in high humidity affecting accuracy. They probably take longer to manufacture as well.

have you ever fired both barrels of a sxs at once? Shit can break your fingers if you don't know what you're doing.

How come a gun can handle multiple explosions from hammer detonation but three at once isn't okay?

What are you talking about?
It was a unique skin on their bog standard shitty approach.

How does this guy test this and know it's not going to blow up his hands?

Because the gun is designed to withstand a certain psi, and going beyond that will stress the materials beyond what the engineer accounted for.

>I have to do task to progress
Wow, how not in any game ever, KF certainly is cancer.

CoD 2 was better
fite me

Imagine being bad at a co-op game.

I'm annoyed at how all the webms itt are just magazine reloads, instead of lever action reloads.

Attached: fuckplebbit.jpg (1024x999, 198K)

> two clips in
That's a big mag

CoD started at 4. I don't care what the numbers mean. The series didn't exist before Modern Warfare came along.

I personally loved it, especially the single player campaign.

cod ghosts was not a bad game, in fact I think the story was my favorite of the new CoD generation. unfortunately I doubt we'll get a sequel

It's a Lee Enfield, the British rifle in WW2. They used a smaller bullet than everyone else, which let them use 10 round fixed magazines instead of the usual 5.

I will never understand iron sights with these dots. Do you aim at the dot or the top of the line?


To this day, this guy is still the best FPS weapon animator.

spencer doesn't have an ejector like that
immersion ruined shit game

>"kF2 iS a sTrAiGhT uPgRaDe"
You're this newfag aren't you

Has literally nothing to do with the material the bullet is made of. The shell is hot from the combustion.

looks correct to me

Attached: spencer.jpg (526x342, 20K)

Fucking mint.

Fucking Frommer, I swear
This old Magyar beauty never fails making my heart burn with desire

Fugg I totally forgot about that game.


very cool.

Attached: Untitled.png (583x696, 486K)

>No one posted anythign from Hunt Showdown
Wtf guys check this shit out

Attached: Hunt-Showdown1500.jpg (800x368, 51K)

Here, have two

Attached: DuelinStops2.webm (800x450, 1.33M)

Was it autism?

Based redditor

Not the same user but 3D animations can have as many frames between keyframes as you want. All modern games will have 'smooth' animations in slow motion lol

You mean Manyland?

>would be true if the game had the depth you think it has
>but in truth, it's really braindead
The strategy is almost exactly the same as KF1 you absolute tard

Nazi's created the nation of Israel. Cope more.

Confirmed for cell-shading

Fucking FAT hands.

Underrated game.

What a sight to behold
Thanks user, you're really connoisseur when it comes to long recoil

t-they help with recoil y-ya big gay idiot cum sniffer

>Nazi's created the nation of Israel
American education everybody.

>Hammer fired

Most of these game designers need a link to Ian's website.

Attached: 1560992631668.jpg (750x727, 67K)

Ejection system doesn't propel spent casings like that.
t. distant relation to Spencer

>Krag and Carcano bolts working smoothly and consistently

I love the gunfights in RDR2 but it's also hilarious how you can tell that the devs have never handled any gun in the game.

oh god fucking damn it

Thank you friend. May a Frommer Stop bless your safe sometime soon

Attached: stopslow.webm (800x450, 1.5M)

my qt korean gf

Attached: naked korean.jpg (1920x1080, 506K)

They did. If they hadn't started a war Israel would have never gotten a free country and reparation money. Prove me wrong homo.

Its really fucking fun but no one plays it anymore which makes me sad

Theres literally only ONE 16 player server left in the server browser if you look on battlelog and gets up to 10 people playing at once


Attached: 1547974506157.jpg (599x800, 59K)

Frommers look so fucking unpleasant to shoot. How's their accuracy? I'm guessing it has to be pretty low.

Cheers mate

Attached: 1560957846612.jpg (357x524, 33K)

>I live in a country where you have to have a permit for the knife I use to butter my fairy faggot bread


Is this actually true? They aren't allowed to carry knives? Shit even a child carries them.


I think so but I cant confirm, Im just being a dickhead

They're there mostly for low light conditions like dusk or dawn. There's times when the color of the metal will blend into the background of whatever you are aiming it at making it really hard to see if you have proper alignment. The bright red dot and the white box will help mitigate that.

It also helps for rapid fire scenarios, since it's easier to see how the dot sits in relation to the "cup" rather than waiting for your eyes to adjust to focusing on the straight edges of the metal itself.

Minor things, but they make a difference for hunting especially, and can also aid in combat.