>e-celeb watching faggots are degenerate
color me surprised.
kill frodo
was the only bee pic i could find haha
still hot
>another Lyle episode
>Quistis will never mock your intelligence before swallowing you whole
>Lyle is back
God fucking dammit I thought he learned his lesson that no one fucking likes him. He immediately proved how much of a retarded faggot he was when he said DMC4 sold like shit, wasn't good and that DmC plays just like the others. Then again he does work for Destructiod so what should I expect? Plus Tomar was only good with Chris and Zach harassing him. Now we are living in the worst lineup
>then fart loudly afterwards
>Mick is so bad I actually didn't mind seeing lyle for once
God Damn
I don't care how whiny he could sometimes be, I miss DD.
>she will never reluctantly swallow you for a quest
>she will never waddle around Luxerion, embarrassed, as you finish digesting
>her name will never have to be changed to 'Thunder' after all the vore quests
>eceleb cancer
>ywn see the perfect lineup of Chris, Zach and Ding Dong outside of that time they played some boring battle royale game
feels bad
>wouldn't it be funny if the thumbnail was me eating you guys
>haha like vore but I don't actually like vore lol its just a joke haha
why do you faggots like these guys again?
Dingdong is awful though.
At least he's not Cory who actually fucked an underage tranny and puts things up his ass.
the fact that his front teeth are flat but his backteeth and three dimensional is really bugging me
Fake and Gay
not fucking video games
I like big wet mouths
is that so wrong?
I'm glad they fucked off from California.
Him being whiny was the best part. Him and Chris bounced off each other really well and it's why without Chris Dingdong's streams can be really grating and OneyPlays episodes without a straight man get so obnoxious.
Tuba vore?
He's a unfunny whiny gay person that does not know when to shut up. He's the type of fag who complains and sees the worst in everything. The only people that are fans of his are ex-game grumps fans and mentally unstable gay furries.
>start with mouth exploration part
>reminds me that my wisdoms are still coming in hot & I don’t have the money to get them yanked at the moment
I’m going to get a bad oral disease no matter how hard I brush and floss, aren’t I?
Oney was doing fine before those two showed up. Dingdong post 2016 was awful.
Yeah I didn't know until yesterday that Corey's "girlfriend" all these years is a tranny and that he then had a 3 way with pic related while visiting Chris last month. Apparently Corey is attracted to feminine dicks
This shitty e-celeb thread is gonna be 404'd anyway so I'm just gonna ask. Is it me or is Supermega's content been getting way more terrible as of late?
Did they say where they moved to? I mean I think Chris said in one episode like Vancouver but he could've just been making shit up. Chances are though they moved somewhere that is only slightly less expensive than L.A. so that they can keep complaining about never having money due to being terrible at saving it
Eeeeeh his solo stuff never appealed to me. I subbed for the early With Friends series like Rugrats and RE2.
at least keep it about video games and post clips of games where characters get eaten or something.
I think his girlfriend Lexi is female but Waffle who goes by Amy now might have been dicked by Cory. Friendly reminder Waffle is 19 but has known Cory for a long time which for some reason he claims is not true.
just get them removed user. My insurance doesn't cover dental but I needed mine out before my teeth were fucked. I still owe like $2k but they're understanding and let me pay small bits at a time.
That E3 video was great
It was always shit.
Are you sure Lexi is a girl? I've only seen one actual photo of her and in all the recent art Corey has drawn of her and waffle together they both have bulges. Then someone asked on his curiouscat page if she was also trans like waffle and he seemed to dance around it
I saw Joel do that like 3 years before Oney did it.
That whole episode was a retreading of that stream.
The Vancouver thing was made up. Supermega did the same thing and said he left to Russia. They left out of state but they never mentioned where.
They probably went back to Chicago since that's where DD was from.
Vancouver is literally Leaf LA with more asians. Hell I think the housing market is even more fucked.
I always thought she had a deep voice and she is kinda tall for a female but I never assumed as much as Tomar also has a tall female with a deep voice for a wife. I just assumed they were just masculine. I guess Newgrounds always had a tranny problem.
i only watch episodes with zach
I can't go anywhere
It was never good. Their creative friend was the one that killed himself and somehow, despite being friends with all these big youtubers they keep shuffling around as editors make unfunny shit.
i'm about 90% sure corey is a closet tranny
That's gonna be a small list then. Listen to Sleeycabin or the Very Positive Stream if you want more Zack.
>i'm about 90% sure corey is a closet tranny
I thought that was Egoraptor.
no that one's a 100% certainty
whens sleepycabin coming back?