

Attached: 1494985577014.png (2208x1242, 1.9M)

Attached: instructions were not clear.png (1030x1308, 985K)

>be south American (aka: non native English speaker)
>feel sad for his story
> "Glass Him? Sure I will order him a drink"
>mfw I clicked that option
What the fuck were the devs thinking holy shit. I was crying my eyes out at the laughter as I could not believe what was happening on screen.

this was obvious

Attached: (Glass Him).webm (1920x1080, 807K)

I always assumed glassing someone was American slang. Was I wrong?
Why would you assume glassing someone means getting someone a glass
It doesn't make sense

Because I know basic English you mongrl.
"water the plant" means giving water to the plant
By using the same grammar, glassing him would mean give him a glass.

In no way does glass suddenly transform into the verbs "hit", "bash", or "shove" when you randomly add a subject after it.

glassing in American means bombing the shit out of someone

glassing in European culture means OP's pic

I'm a leaf and I've literally never heard of glassing referring to anything besides the latter.

"Beer me" means toss me a beer.
Glass him felt like the same context, being in a bar and all. Not smash him in the face with an actual drink glass like a psychopath.

i'd like to make up with this guy and offer him a glass of liquor to smooth things over, so i'll pick [GLASS HIM]

So you're basically just ignorant ESLs? Well, that's not really something they could account for, is it?

This was literally me kek

Not as cryptic as Witcher 3 prompts

Attached: [smash glass].webm (674x380, 2.9M)

Anyone who played Halo should've known "Glassing" someone is not a good thing.

That one option that ruined your entire nice guy arc...

>anyone with shit taste would know what it means

You mean the incel arc... acts like a nice guy but then becomes spontaneously aggressive and erratic in behavior after countless days of suppressing their true beliefs and emotions in public.

Attached: 1551491070675.jpg (900x675, 42K)

>user proceeds to make a further ass of himself, more news at 8:00

I am an ESL third worlder and even I knew what it meant

I remembered someone using the term "glassing" to mean bombing a place until the sand turned into glass, so I just assumed that it meant "fucking destroy him".