This is your paladin for tonight, bro!

This is your paladin for tonight, bro!

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Other urls found in this thread:


these are your cups for tonight.

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This is your assassin

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>cunny cuties in high heels



Heres your father for tonight

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prime femdom bait

Attached: 1532822959274.png (1736x2456, 3.61M)

Ilya is so cute I just want to cuddle and protect her. And then have wild, frantic sex with her at night.

ahhh.... assasin keeps spooking me.... I just want more gold casters....

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She's cute

What a cute grill

sounds nice.

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More like my black rider if you know what I mean

I think that's illegal.

what the heck do you mean

that a cute astolfo


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He keeps asking me for weird things, should I be worried?

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I want to raw Astolfo
>but that's gay
I don't care, I wanna nut in him

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I'm black and I'm going to fuck him

great idea

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I prefer the other paladin in GO.

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Thanks, but I already have a paladin

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So cute and funny!

How many dicks have those cunnies taken?

I like the Prisma Illya lolis too but they don't have to be posted every single Fate thread.

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neck yourself tranny

Astolfo gets spammed every thread despite only being in anime and the gacha, so I don't see the problem.

I wish i could hang out with Astolfo not really any gay shit just hang out and be bros ya know?

>lolis and traps are on the same level
Sounds about right.

just mine

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That paladin is such a fucking faggot holy shit (this is bad)

I'm actually just gay but go off

can I watch?

That's not how it works.

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Can trannies stop lewding Astolfo hes a major bro who happens to like to dress in suggestive clothing that only happens because he wanted to help his bro out

>Thinking that normalfag migrants know the difference

I just want to help his bro out too, bro.

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Where's the video games?

'bros' is code for faggot nowadays
have heterosexual sex

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There's no chance that this is a Paladin.

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post her feet please

>I don't care
Thanks for elaborating completely unprovoked then you insecure tard

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It's amazing how the word tranny has lost all meaning in so little time. Anyone who wants to fuck Astolfo isn't a tranny. Trannies don't do any fucking, they want to be fucked, hence why they want to become female.
People who want to fuck him are gay, homos, faggots. Things like that. Not trannies.

I'd rather have a musketeer.

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Aprocypha is a LN and anime, not a game.

He's in a game though:

Gachashit isn't video games, it's a phone app

He's in a musou game too.

video game
a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a monitor or other display.

So what? Goku is in video games, but you don't see anons starting a thread just to talk about Goku on Yea Forums
There is zero video game discussion in this thread, it's just people talking about astolfo

Invisible high heels on the beach!

I mean there were dozens of Fighter Z threads a while back so people were talking about Goku. But you're still right. This is just a thread to talk about Astolfo.

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fucking BASED

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>there were dozens of Fighter Z threads
Yeah, exactly. They were about Fighter Z. It wasn't just faggots posting
>I want to cuddle with Goku!!!
with zero actual discussion, like these shitstolfo threads are.
I have never seen a thread with an astolfo OP that has any actual vidya discussion.


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i wanted a single copy of her but got penth and schere instead.

desire sensor is always real, even if you still get rare stuff

Jack the ripper

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>anime isn't videogames!
He's in a popular phone game.
>g-gacha isn't vidya!
He's in a musou game
>s-so are other anime characters!

I swear, people like you must suffer to no end being that defensive for so little. It's not even a e-celeb thread, move on to whatever you do consider vidya.

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He is in the latest game, Extella Link as well

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He's in a musou?

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fate/extella link


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Neither is about video games, what a surprise.