I'm gonna have a kid soon. Do I kick his ass at vidya until he gets good or let him win so he doesnt get discouraged from a young age?
I'm gonna have a kid soon...
Little bit of both, but let him win while he's still young obviously you dumb idiot.
don't let him play vidya
>ever letting your kid win
Dont let your kid play video games. Give him a chance to not be a fucking loser like you at least.
let him win and fondle his ass
I dont understand, how do you have kids by fapping to trannies?
>not brutally beating your son after they lose a game and then proceeding to lock them in a small cage with a water feeder and pile of wheat germ in a bowl
He had a kid. That automatically puts him above 90% of the people on this board.
You're right
Get him into train or flight sims so he can be a cool pilot or train conductor.
make it clear you are holding back and letting him win, but still let him win. when he is old enough to ask u to not hold back, make him regret being born
let him stick to single player games for a bit
banjo, ratchet and clank, classic sonic, spyro, zelda, kirby, that kinda stuff
ANY game with big worlds to explore and fuck around in, not unlike playing with toys
introduce him to multiplayer with co-op and smash, but let him get used to the controls first
I like this
Probably the actual correct answer
i don't wanna say minecraft as well cause that'd probably be a bit overwhelming, since everything is mutable in a way, and there aren't really any major, permanent landmarks with which to get one's bearings
but if you know a good seed for a solid start or a pre-created map like the ones in the mario mashup pack then that'd be phenomenal
the spongebob collectathon games are also great to work with, especially since there's little consequence cause there's no lives system
any other game that offers high adventure with little major risk - say, only going back to a previous point when failing to try again as opposed to more severe, long-term punishments for mistakes - would be wonderful
The key is to start holding back again after beating him, but only just enough so that he has to work for his wins and get better, coincidentally that's also how you should be introducing bitches to games you want them to be interested in, even if its a co-op game so that they're forced to get good even if you're safety netting them.
> implying having a jam covered shit making parasite makes you ~~~~better~~~~
The obvious retort is to state that having a jam covered shit making parasite is better than being a jam covered shit making parasite.
I’d agree! NEETs should all be killed. I’m happy that I am a gainfully employed home owning child free contributing member to society. I’m glad breeders like OP sacrifice their life by raising disgusting little animals into eventual (hopefully useful) adults so that I don’t have to. Thanks OP!
Play coop games with him
Interesting idea to have a particular seeded world. I imagine he'll grow up to be nostalgic for that particular seeded world, much in the way I'm nostalgic for m64's world.
Doesnt make you better but instantly gives you a purpose in life, if you never find worthwhile goals yourself. I know it's kind of fucked up, but that's how life purpose has worked forever, so it kind of kicks in no matter what is kind of what I've learned.
Coop games are trash.
Imagine having to create a thankless little parasitic spawn to have a purpose in life
Jesus that’s just so pathetic
This. I’m keeping my GameCube solely so my kid can play it and experience the same masterpieces I did.
work together on a game
let him win for a time, and then when he starts trash talking open the floodgates. humility through beatdowns.
>Who is Jean Piaget for 500, Yea Forums
You let him win roughly 40% of the time or you'll either turn him into an antisocial fuck up or an asocial reject.
Let him play singleplayer until he is old enough to not be a fucking twat, you twat.
You don't need to worry about this for the first ~5 years of the kid's life. You should never let a kid win all of the time and never let them lose all of the time. The sweet spot is letting them win 30%~ of the time if you want them to maintain interest in the competition. Alternatively, do not compete and instead play co-op or alternate. Older games are great for same-screen co-op and more simple anyways.
Games like Mario and Katamari are my gateway games. Simple but engaging.
Wife's boyfriend, duh.
Kick his ass, but you don't have to go HAM on him. I never let my three boys win and it didn't have a harmful effect on them.
I have a 20 year old who wins some times but usually is slightly worse at Vidya than me. A 11 year old who I don't think will ever bee good at games. And my 15 year old who kicks my ass in most fighting games and matches me for skill in most anyother game. Hell he may even be better than me soon in all games.
So if you kick his ass he'll get better, just teach him to be a good sport and you'll do fine
Kids younger than 5 can definitely play video games. You're almost right about everything other than that and the idea that its acceptable not to compete with your child. Every parent should engage their child in friendly competition at as early an age as possible to ensure that the fundamental pathways that higher orders of thinking are built on are inherently geared toward winning the largest number of games possible *over time.*
The point of competing with your child in a friendly manner and letting him net losses by a margin of 10-20% is to teach him at an unconscious level, before he turns ~9 and loses the ability to alter his fundamental unconscious emotional reacitons bar major trauma, that it's better to win the series of all possible games than it is to win a single game, and that you do that by making sure everyone in the game has fun and an opportunity to excel, since that's what makes people like you.
Just let him play boomer games like my dad did when I was growing up. He'll learn to get good