Your favourite puzzle/logic games

Your favourite puzzle/logic games

Attached: babaisyou.jpg (1280x720, 68K)

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buyo buyo

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The Witness is bretty gud

Baba Is You, The Witness, and The Talos Principle are definitely the top 3 in that category for me.

tetris and puyo puyo are action games, they have zero real puzzle elements

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I really wish I could play this again without any memories of it

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Life Goes on: Done to Death.

literally impossible

Redpill me on baba

Stephen's Sausage Roll. I will clear it one day without spoilers. Even if it kills me.

Papers Please

Here you go user

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u sure bout that sweaty?

Not OP, but I have played a bit of Baba myself
It will make you feel stupid, but the music is pretty chill and the puzzles get increasingly difficult.

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first third was fun as fuck. second third was frustrating. final third/true ending was bullshit and annoying to do even with a guide

I still need to go back and beat it, it got discouraging to spend an hour solving a puzzle to get stumped on the next one. when you have the momentum of a few puzzles though, damn it's exhilarating.

>using a guide for a puzzle game
just stop playing at that point

Antichamber was a pretty good logic game.

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great OST, used to listen to it all the time

Same here, only a third of the way through. It's a fun way to wake up and jog my brain a bit.

Baba sucks

Inconsistent game where they dont let you combine things that were previously combinable just so you use their predetermined method to solve shit

Why am I suddenly panicking when looking at this cube?

>Inconsistent game where they dont let you combine things that were previously combinable
Like what?

Talos Principle

You posted the best recent puzzle game.

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That is the literal point of the game
It changes each level, otherwise it would be easy as shit.

Why are there no good puzzle games on mobile? No picross, please.

The Room1 & 2. 3 and 4 are okay, but worse.

Nah, they were shit. I played them.

Your taste is appalling.

There just were no a-ha moments for me in those games. The puzzles were dead simple and it was always about inserting a piece A into a place B that unlocks a piece C and so forward. Or finding some stupid hidden switch.

The point for puzzle games is to have consistent rules

the garfield haunted house game

What? When does it do that?

>The point for puzzle games is to have consistent rules
The rules in Baba are extremely consistent. In fact, they're always written on the screen.

baba is shit, fuck that game

Been working through my backlog, and been having a blast with Deception 4. You can unga bunga most enemies death with lethal traps like explosions or guillotines, but there's a true artistry to devising a sequence of traps that utilizes the enemy weaknesses, strips them of their armor, are incredibly demeaning for the victim, and utilizes the area traps as well for a finale.

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Every rule in Baba is You is consistent, wtf are you going on about? Name one inconsistent rule in that game.

Except the cancel out certain solutions that were available in previous levels

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Uh oh, I think someone couldn't figure out the puzzles and gave up.

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Each puzzle is its own thing. A solution that worked once doesnt have to work again

So every level should just be like the first level, that way you never have to learn anything new right?

Any good puzzle games about more creative problem solving other than Zachtronics stuff

Why are Baba memes so good

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I thought it was pretty meh. It is cool figuring out all the ways to arrive at the identities of the crew, but the mystery behind it did not grab me in any way. The game feels like a bad Nabokov novel.

this one is pretty good

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zectronics games are pretty gud
you only pretend to hate it because youre a brainlet

>not a single soul on Yea Forums has played the GOAT puzzle-platformer
This goes to show how bad this board's taste in video games is

What is it. I want to know. Maybe I played it. My phone is dying .

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Is the only gimmick stopping time?

For the soundtrack alone

That's not Vessel.