Is this the worst DLC for FNV?
Is this the worst DLC for FNV?
All of the DLC was pretty good. The only one I didn't complete was Dead Money, but that was because I did the other ones beforehand and moved on before I got interested.
Old world blues is pretty bad.
no, that's old world blues
It's weird that people say this now. It used to be that people hated honest hearts much more.
All of the DLC was pretty bad. The only one I did complete was Dead Money, but that was because I wanted the gold.
Honest Hearts is the worst
>b-but muh survivalist journal!
>muh guns and joshua
>muh vegetation
NV has DLC? I played the base game forever ago. Is it good?
OWB is the worst, but LR is pretty terrible and proof that game design based on meta-concepts is a terrible idea. Save the mental gymnastics, I've already read them a 100 times in other threads - I don't sympathize with Ulysses' grievances because I literally had no direct control over them.
After years of shilling, its finally payed off. HH was the most honest design-wise, and people are finally starting to see and appreciate it over just focusing on how memeable it was, which is OWB was considered the best for a while.
No, Gun runners arsenal was
literally nothing wrong with it, cuck faggot
you mean simpletons like the shallowest DLC that is just more ego trip for the MC.
Dead Money > Honest Hearts > Lonesome Road > Old World Blues
Don't (You) me.
>OWB is bad
You're right. Just saying.
I hope you make a left and go right into yourself.
I said don't (You) me
The OWB hate is 300% this site hating weird/random humor. HH is complete trash outside the very short and small Survivor sidequest and Graham's character. LR is Too linear but has great atmosphere and loot, and the story is decent despite the repetitive Ulysses dialogue and predetermined Courier story. OWB is quirky is a good way, non linear, fantastic loot, and a foreboding atmosphere. DM is Obsidian writing at its finest, with some of the best characters in the game (Elijah, God/Dog, Dean), the Stealth Suit and Holorifle are great, but suffers from a short story and cramped map, plus not being able to return.
Is that the one with the small automatic rocket launcher and the courrier who keeps rambling? If so, yes it is.
I loved the atmosphere of lonesome road. Walking through the underbelly of the mojave with a smooth narrator giving you a history lecture is pure ludo.
Old Reddit Blues is definitely the worst.
That goes to Honest Hearts, aka "Literally held up by Joshua Graham by the grace of the Lord" the DLC
Honestly fallout 3s dlc were much more fun than any of the NV ones in my opinion.
lonesome road wasted the least amount of my time so it is actually the best FNV DLC. none of them are actually good.
I love how the only criticism of OWB boils down to newfags not liking the humor. Fucking poser morons.
Apart from the part where it adds all the ez mode pre-order items to your inventory at the start of the game.
>video games
GAY. you're already in bed with the SJWs so get the fuck out and start a reddit account.
there were walls missing in dead money for me. i was able to walk straight out of the map boundaries without any parkour shit and the performance was terrible.
Is this a meme?
I tried to play DLCs in the middle of original game.
First I finished Honest Hearths. It was decent, I really liked Joshua Graham. But the story overall was very short.
Then I went into Old World Blues and it was meh. I mean, I want to explore post nuclear society, like in Fallout 1. But what I got was parody on 60's movies with bad jokes.
Next I wanted to try out Dead Money, but from what I read it was bad...
Lastly I still had hopes about Lonesome Roads, but after OWB I was burned out.
Idk, maybe the problem is with me and that I tried to relive original Fallout, but in my opinion DLCs are bad.
Uh sooo uh Zion park is better
That's courier's stash.
A pity, it is the best one.
>breathes in
>breathes out
>breathes out
>breathes in
>breathes out
Nah, that'd be Dead Money.
>I really liked Joshua Graham
Stopped reading there. No one who likes generic anime character has any right to complain.
Ulysses is New Vegas Kreia, people just hate him because they don't understand him or because he doesn't suck the Courier's cock.
Somebody rank the dlcs of Fallout 3 and New Vegas
And to add from my last post:
What I really think would be best, is that instead of those cheap DLCs. Obsidian would update original Mojave. Add additional quests for the Legion. Increase the size of a desert (it is really an akward felling when in a game about the desert, there is NO desert at all) an so on.
Then I guess I'm a dumb cunt then. Thanks a lot.
Fallout 3 had dlcs? You plebs are amusing.
I am not forcing you to agree with me.
Just expressing my opinion as an average player.
Dead Monkey is the worst.
Call me slow but I'm realizing just now how ridiculous a vault 13 jumpsuit with a pauldron as only armor looks like.
Kreia lectured you on actions you did in the game. Ulysses lectured you on things that you, as the player, didn't fucking do and didn't learn about until the start of the DLCs.
Did you even get to the plot twist yet? It was revealed that Mobius was actually part of their group, saw that his friends became heartless and kept creating dangerous immoral experiments so he brain wiped them and damaged them so much. This explains why they are so wacky and silly, because they have severe brain damage. Then Mobius created this evil boogeyman and set up this barrier to prevent anyone from entering over leaving Big MT. Then Mobius out of guilt erases his own memory and damages his brain as well.
>New Vegas Kreia
Yes, I love author mouthpieces telling me what the author feels is wrong about the universe he contributes to. It flows with the narrative as well as those developer room easter eggs in the Chrono games, except they actually expect players to take them seriously.
Avellone is a great meta-writer, except when he feels he isn't being direct enough without a mouthpiece.
Dead money is shit
>not Dead Money
Face it, DM is a one-hitter-quitter. It isn't compelling. It's like someone said, "Let's make a DLC that's a combination of Metal Gear and Fallout, but with more tedium and smaller payoff".
The Pitt and Point lookout were actually good, Broken steel is really only good for the level cap increase and extra perks. Anchorage isn't great but isn't as bad as people make it out to be. Zeta is shit.
Any good mods/modlists for TTW?
I can't figure out if he was supposed to be a DEEP character or a parody of a DEEP character.
Mothership zeta
The Pitt
Broken steel
Point lookout
Operation anchorage
Old World Blues was complete and utter nonsense. Shit DLC.
Yeah, I spoilered that "twist" because I was to burned out to continue playing.
I was the one who wrote this And yes, as I was worried, this DLC plot was bad. Glad I stopped playing.
objectively yes. NV is a game that's strength lies in exploration, nonlinearity, choices, freedom, interactions with NPCs, doing quests and siding with factions, etc. Meanwhile, Lonesome Road is a DLC where you travel in a straight line, where there's only NPC who just spouts hamfisted soliloquies at you, where there is no exploration, no side content, no one to talk to. NV's weakest aspect is the clunky as fuck combat in the godawful gamebryo engine, and LR is a DLC where you spend 99% of your time in time doing nothing but mindless combat against waves of enemies like you're playing CoD.
And it's especially disappointing that this was the "big thing" that all the other DLCs were leading us up to. A DLC that forgets what game its in and completely discards all the things that makes NV great.
IMO the only truly good DLC is dead money. Honest Hearts could've been decent but it doesn't have enough content in Zion. Old World Blues is basically a shittier and more tedious version of Point Lookout but in an incredibly bland setting.
He was supposed to be deep, but even Avellone admitted he fucked up with Ulysses
You walk your own path, do what you want, say what you want.
I have taken notes on your travels. I admired your strong courage to stand for something. Better then BULLS and BEARS flying flags with no purpose.
I have picked up on you saying the N word with benny about us dark skinned brothers in his suite.
Please, tell me COURIER what you stand for with this?
Can we all at least agree that the fallout 4 dlc was some of THE laziest fucking shit ever put into a game
>hurrrrr here’s 2 actual quest dlcs the rest is just building shit
Operation Anchorage = Lonesome Road
Point Lookout = Honest Hearts
The Pitt = Dead Money
Mothership Zeta = Old World BLues
And I suppose you have proofs of it.
What makes Dead Money the only good one?
Holy sheet, you really played that garbage?
No, you'll have to take me at my word
Nothing. It's shit. Just because you can go in three straight lines that hit a dead end before backtracking to the next and these three lines have no impact on the others doesn't make it non-linear.
We all make mistakes
>New Vegas fans act as hardcore players and not like the casual Bethesda fags
>still whine about Dead Money being unfair and "bad" because they couldn't just steamroll everything like in HH and all the others
who cares about atmosphere, characters, choices, setting and theme in a RPG?
Just give me generi sad story like the survivalist and le burned man or reddit humor and I am fine! I want to fuck the stealth suit!!!! xD
I actually like LR if only for the mood it gave off. Felt like the war had just happened and you were crawling through the remains, even more so than what 3 was like.
Well I already explained briefly what I didn't like about the others, so I'll just go over what I liked about DM. For one, I liked that it took away all your items. This allowed for a more fine-tuned experience rather than it just being cheesed by bringing in a ton of god-tier weapons and equipment. I also liked that it mixed things up rather than just being your standard Bethesda-style dungeon crawl where you mindlessly run around hacking enemies apart. Instead you had scenarios like the intercoms and holograms and poison gas where you couldn't just tackle the problem head-on and actually had to use your head a little bit. It was a breath of fresh air after so many tedious dungeon crawls I've done in other games.
I also liked how there was an intricate web of choices and consequences based on interactions with the characters. Granted, this wasn't done perfectly and I have plenty of issue with the way they handled certain things, but I really appreciate what they were going for, and I think they did an admirable job accomplishing it.
imagine being this retarded
That just made LR more disappointing for me. The location would've been terrific if it were fleshed-out. But instead it just becomes the backdrop for monotonous shooting gallery sections. When I played it, I just kept thinking about what a fucking waste it was.
Only similarity between MZ and OWB was the 'sciency' setting. OWB was a sandbox DLC aking to HH and PL. MZ was a linear shooting gallery akin to OA and LR
LR was my favorite because i like to play a sniper and there was a ton of murder corridors and vertical positions to fight from.
I like them all DESU but ripping off heads at the very edge of the render zone from a roof top is my Valhalla.
Lonesome Road is kino, fuck dead money.
hol up
fuck lovers lab
I never got to finish LR. I was an explosive character so all throughout the game I was knocking everything all over the place and bloating the save file. My game froze every time I tried to go down that one elevator in that silo where the bugs attack you and that was the end of it all for me.
the only thing i didn't like was not being able to build an assaultron and give it a personality in automatron. for a game that acknowledges robowaifus in the form of curie and edna, and basically kleo, you'd think they'd allow that.
My current mods list for TTW.
I'd recommend everything but the stealthboy MKII only because it's seriously OP and kind of ruins the sneaking.
>perk every level
casual. I bet you use mods in skyrim that allow you to equip 10 rings too.
doesn't that nuke your performance due to shit scripting? what does rebalancing and extra options give out?
From best to worst:
>Dead Money
Only plebs dislike this DLC.
>Honest Hearts
Really not as bad as plebs initially made it out to be.
>Old World Blues
I think all the reddit humor makes people overlook the fact that it was actually a decent dlc.
>Lonesome Road
Way too goddamn linear. I've done maybe three or four NV playthroughs total, and getting through LR feels like a chore.
>perk every level
isn't that redundant with project nevada? i thought PN could let you choose the perk intervals
found the pleb
That would be Dead Money.
That may be the worst DLC all time.
It was a stinker.
ive spent the most time in LR but i think its due to playing Obscurum Pandemic and whoring for the armors in normal NV
how to spot a shitter
I've not seen any script bloating in PN except for explosive entry causing the occasional crash due to too many physics object flying around.
Rebalancing can be used to make the game much harder or easier depending on the settings since it basically opens up all the options available in the McM.
I make the game much less forgiving in combat , much less available ammo, and then go with a perk for every level but i use extra options to nerf many of the sneaking perks to make it a little more challenging.
pretty amazing how divided all the dlc is. old world blues is still the worst
no OWB was
I think what Ive heard is that PN bloats saves but I hardly notice with only saving with CASM
It's one every two levels by default but you can make adjustments to many of the perks indirectly via PN's McM. I like the reward of a perk every level up but i nerf them to make them less significant overall.
awful opinion, as expected from a mugi poster
Yes I am a shitter at enjoying tedium.
If you enjoy it more power to you.
The juice wasn't worth the squeeze with DM.
I manually save and I've never used CASM so i can't vouch for it.
I've got save files with around 200 hours and no bloating so far outside what you'd expect from normal play, around 8-megs.
The only bloated ones are from a weapons rebalance mod that are around 17-megs but they still load.