
Attached: steam exclusive.png (1426x752, 101K)

me on the bottom

Except that's wrong and you know it.
I hate both anyway.

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name 1 game, retard
nobody with a brain uses steam as a store, better deals off g2a, gmg, humble bundle, etc. with steam keys

reverse that

Steam exclusives are easier to pirate. OP is a fag.

you suck

It's like GameStop vs Amazon, it doesn't make sense to waste time on a half-assed store.

Is it possible for a post to have Wojak and not be absolute shit?


What Steam exclusives? You mean Valve games? Because literally everything else can be published on other stores if the publishers want, there are no exclusive contracts unlike with the Epic store.

Steam are the good guys, Epic are the bad guys how difficult is that to understand?
It's ok when Japan does it
It's ok when Nintendo does it
AND It's ok when Steam does it
simple as that.

Gaben’s too lazy to buy games for exclusivity, only “exclusives” are the games they make themselves

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Steamies BTFO

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I don't think I've ever heard the term "Steam exclusive" before EGS showed up.

This thread is a complete fucking waste of time other than this post right here.

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Persona 5 is exclusive to PS4/Sony consoles - only Steam drones would pretend it isn't

People shot up youtube of all places but guys like this feel safe walking in the street? Bullshit

valve games have a right to be exclusive, but epic is stealing games they didn't make for exclusivity on their shovelware game engine app
that is why they are scum

Good post.

damn steam rules

Don't like epic, but kek.

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Yes thank god I can get another platform along with Origin/battlenet. Very fun having many logins...

Name one none Valve produced exclusive


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you are a bottom

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>defending epic

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pcbros on suicide watch

GOG is worse than Steam yet GOGers defend that

Steam doesnt buy exclusives. If a game is on Steam it's because it's either a Valve game or the publisher didn't think other platforms were worth their trouble.

Sure bro

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>fagshit comes out on epic
>forced to accept diversity
>fagshit comes out on steam
>filter and have removed from your store page

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GOG gives you a DRM free download so it doesn't matter what else they have for you


Me on the bottom

Then why does it run on a non-sony machine?

Name one time Steam bought the exclusivity rights to a game.

Cute you got the title screen working. Maybe by 2045 you'll be able to play through the first dungeon at 65% accuracy.

I don't get it

>or the publisher didn't think other platforms were worth their trouble.

Proving the monopoly point. Dark Souls is maybe the best example of a popular game that isn't on other platforms.

>Missing the argument completely

Based retard

>if you like thing you look like this
Why are we so immature? Do you ever wonder if it rots your brain to spend time here?

Bought and paid for, will either appaear on another store after a set period or never
Purely the choice of the developer, can appear on a nother store any time the dev decides to do so

If you can't see what the difference is here you have problems

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Shut up reddit

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I wanna fuck Makoto in the ass and make her intestines pregnant.

Post videos or fuck off with your settings optimized for screenshots