Are you going to play her game?

Are you going to play her game?

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No BDO is fucking horrible and the devs are scumbag kikes

She's censored, so absolutely not.

Attached: Black Desert censored 1.png (505x571, 224K)

I am going to give it a try.

Adorable and hilarious girls are very compelling.


Cute nose

so you can't patch it?

BDO is awful. I got tricked by the flashy combat which is admittedly pretty fun. It's just a shame everything else about the game is atrocious and textbook Korean grind shit.

Even if someone mods it back to what it was texture wise, they've removed all the body customization options. Its fucked.

Is it better than GW2?

What's her weapon and awakening?

way to back peddle
well back into the trash it goes

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I just played BDO for like a month some weeks ago, so no. Maybe next year.

Isn’t the game like 5 bucks? Seems alright to me despite all the bullshit. Even if you never get to the end game and just level a few different classes and have fun with the character creator I think that’s worth the price

Big Boomerang I don't think I've seen awakening yet.

Good, i don't mind loli/shota porn but i sure don't want all the freaks from Tera migrating over here.

Already got gamepass so it wont cost me any MORE upfront I hear it turns into a wallet warrior credit cars contest after level 50 (and also at this point PVP I'd always on).

No, it's fucking awful.

You can.

The other underwear isn't affected by this. You get a free underwear box for logging in 7 days.

I've heard the pajamas texture stays regardless of what you change to. Do you have a photo that shows the opposite?

It's after 56 that the grind kicks in, it depends on what you want from the game. Personally i just play BDO every now and then because i like the flashy combat(even if there really is no depth to it in PvE), i like the world(riding around a carriage doing trading is comfy as fuck), and i like the whole "you can hire workers and invest in farms and shit so they can get resources for you" stuff. As far as gameplay, i pretty much play a character to 56 to get their awakening weapon and then i just play another character because i'm too lazy to grind like crazy after 56. I only have 1 character that is lvl 57 which is where i throw all my money to get them gear so that maybe some day i can explore the world after lvl56 without getting one shot by mobs.
As for spending real money, i've only spent money on character slots and a couple of costumes, you can buy costumes from the player market when people put them up and i have bought a couple from there, but a lot of the times it's a hassle since the moment they are listed someone buys them, so you have to be right there in the market waiting for something to go up, so i've just bought a couple with real cash.
Oh also i bought 3 pets because pets auto loot for you and that is a good source of cash.
If you want to PvP though, then you will have to grind like mad to both level up beyond 56 and to get the best gear.

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The game already doesn't cost anything for the non-steam version. You play a trial until 30 and then you ask for a gift in the general chat and people will throw themselves at you to get that juicy bonus.

Keep in mind character slots and pets are essentially free. You get enough loyalty points after logging in for 50 days to buy the character slot expansion and every few weeks there's an event that awards pets.

Oh yeah i forgot to mention that, i do have some pets i've gotten for free and i have bought at least 2 character slots with loyalties, which you just get for logging in.

Heard they made the grind after 56 a bit better. At least when I was playing last year I was able to level fine. Though I think I stopped at 60 so I dunno how it is from there.

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every year or so they shift the xp tables after enough players have reached level X, since the game doesn't have a max level. so 62 -> 63 you get 0.25% xp for 10 hours monster grind now, before it used to be 0.04% for 10 hours.

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Why are all MMOs either hyper grind intensive (either AFK or non-AFK grind), or/and straight up P2W?

When I went to the first city in BDO all I saw where people fishing AFK.

To be fair, if you don't care for node wars you can practically ignore levels and gear anyway, since PvP and daily/guild scrolls is the endgame.

>0.04% for 10 hours

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I wanna have sex with her but probably won't play it

Because Koreans love grinding games, and as it turns out, so do a lot of people considering how many korean mmos come over to the west and survive for years and years and years.

Fishing in BDO is free money, and you can minimize BDO to the taskbar and just leave your character there for hours if not days just making money. So people that play BDO don't even shut the game off, they just have it running in the background all the time.
Which is why you see so many people just fishing.

It's because of people min maxing and BDO has a special mode where it can sit in your taskbar with 0%-1% cpu/gpu usage. I don't see the point either though. I can just log in twice a week with my 18 characters and turn all the energy into pots and sell that shit. It's 137 mil for doing absolutely nothing and better than leaving my pc running.

There's already nude mods out just download that shit

Is there really no way to turn PVP off?

Like every korean mmo BDO is grindy, but i think one of the things i like about it is that no matter what it is that you are doing in BDO you are going to be working towards something, so you can just do whatever. Also you get free money from everything, unlike other korean mmos where you have to depend for money on drops with a .00001% drop rate that you will never see in your entire life.

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You still can't change the body shape, which is 90% of the appeal of Black Desert.

I could clearly see the size of my girl's boobs changing even with censorship.

Yeah you can

Attached: BlackDesert64_2019-06-24_18-24-41.jpg (1020x1042, 100K)

If you hit 49.99 you will be asked whenever you want to have a level hard cap or not. If you don't unlock your character, it will forever remain at 49.99 and you won't be able to engage into unconsensual PvP. If you want to have infinite levels, then pvp is the price you pay.

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fpbp. No amount of cunny is going to make me play that gook shit.

The real crime here is that you cannot adjust the muscle texture, muscle lolis are an untapped market.

yeah ill probably at least buy the game to play this loli slut

So its height and tattoos then? What was even the point?

Attached: Black Desert censored.png (636x137, 25K)

I think it makes sense for height, since she is already tiny as fuck and having tall Shai's would be weird. The no tattoo is really dumb.

You can still change her height by making her torso and legs shorter or taller, they obviously just don't want you to make a human sized shai, since they are supposed to be lolis.

Rate my bitch

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They specifically made it so that she can't be as short as she can be in the Korean version. They obviously did it to make them look less child-like. Stop trying to make excuses.


Start over on the face, jesus.

Looks like she belongs in a chinese drama.

Wait, how do we even know how tall she is if she isn't playable yet?

You can make pre-make the character before it launches.

Greetings, traveler. Welcome to Chorrol.

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They're fun and basically single-player with fleshed out campaigns

I know that, but you cannot see them in-game, or are you saying that the korean version does have the height slider enabled?

At least you can still have a ripped mystic loli

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The Korean Shai can be shorter.



or in other words: Games where progression and gear don't matter, thanks to level scaling.

My question is "how do we know that?"

Her game is a shit copy of an already shit game.

I know that because I'm not an uninformed retard, I can't speak for you though.

>because I'm not a retard
[citiation required]

Well for someone so well informed it looks like it's very hard for you to give a straight answer.

is the precreation event already going or why the fuck can I not create one?

I just created a shai 10 minutes ago.

You're just too stupid to understand

You just haven't provided any evidence, it's perfectly believable that she is censored, she is wearing a pajama after all, but i've yet to see you post any evidence that she is shorter in the korean game, you just say she is.

You sound like a literal 8 year old. Just so you know. It's fine to not know things, but don't escalate it into some kindergarten bullshit.

am I doing something wrong

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Or in other words: an mmo without grinding

Don't know, i just logged in, bought a character slot thing, went back to character select, clicked create character and she was right there.

How does ESO play? Does it actually play like Skyrim? Or is it just an MMO wearing an Elder Scrolls skin?

user just provide a picture or video comparison of the kr vs us character creators for the shai that's all you have to do

They require a lot of grind. Account bound everything. Progression you're forced to do daily little by little, which can't be sped up through rng or individual skill or gold or trading. Menial bullshit. It's same problem Guild Wars 2 suffers from: "Hey, do these tasks for 2 months and we will reward you with a BiS". It's also worse with ESO, since it is artificial grind. A level 1 character with a legendary 1 sword will rape you in PvP and PvE, while you with a level 179 epic sword will be doing half of the damage of the level 1.

Since this retard stopped posting: You can change the height the same way to the KR version and add tattoos to Shai. So much for him being "informed".

Attached: gsrgULG.png (1044x784, 575K)

Based user backed with facts and evidence.

I was considering it but then I found out she was censored, so no.

Fan made patches are just workarounds, either way by playing the game you'd be supporting the censorship.

The pedos are seething again.

>You can change the height the same way to the KR version and add tattoos to Shai.
Except that since they're covered up by those stupid pyjamas you can't see what you're doing if you wanted to put a tattoo under them.

>Game known for having delicious girls in sexy bodies
>Censor that
>"hurr seething"

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is this autism?

the character in the OP isn't sexy though

I remember BDO being talked about a lot here before and now it's seemed to have died out. What happened?

BDO is just EVE with a waifu instead of a ship running around gathering resources

It's having principles.

no, it's definitely autism lol

she is though

if you find toddlers attractive, then maybe

I wanna cum on her face and glasses so I beg to differ.


she isnt a toddler, shes like 30

mmos are dying in general
all people talk about these days are XIV and WoW, with the occasional ESO


I've seen fully grown women here in Korea that have that same face and height.

i want to impregnate her and make her swallow my spit

no. mmos are for retards.

addic- people get their fix from gachas these days anyway. At least, they talk about them the same way. Muh dailies, muh rolls. They've even got pvp and guilds in them.

my little down syndrome potato is ready lads.

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>They've even got pvp and guilds in them.
But guild and pvp is a requirement for bdo because thats the core game

So resorepless will work like normal for Shai? I don't have to do anything extra, or do I have to re-download it? Dunno if it auto-updates.

FUCK I already bought the game.

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>he bought the game on steam instead of getting it for free from the trial

are you retarded my man

When it comes to PS4 yes.


If I could remove those ugly as sin ears

you can scale them down

>buying anything on the PS4

I tried, they still look creepy as fuck

To be fair I'd prefer the pajamas when I ERP. Spats are cute and all, ideally I'd like the option to have them off or on when wearing clothes. If I had to choose I'd want no spats though.

Has anyone managed to uncensor them yet?

I wanna lick that tummy

supreme autism

I unironically prefer the censored version, well, minus the pajamas, but the korean version looks like a toddler, like those things from Final Fantasy 14, lolis are fine but those things are fucked up.

why does this game exist? Its literally everything thats wrong with modern gaymes and kikes the players milking money with no respect.

how do you take such a good looking game with everything in place that could have made it the single most fun rpg single-player with so much content and potential yet turn it into the most boring galaxy size grindfest littered with microtransaction at every moment until the end of time.

AND they still hurt themselves justifying themselves with the sunken cost fallacy. Absolute mentally ill tranny tier

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Bad management. BDO could literally be the ultimate MMO with some minor adjustments here and there.

koreans only know how to make character creators with grinding attached

>remove cooldown from all dodges and make the dodge distance smaller
>buff enemies
>nerf skill damage
>spread enemies around
>make some instanced areas with stronger enemies
>remove cooldowns from all abilities

I think that's all it would take to catapult BDO to best MMO status.

>get the trial promo
>game is so boring I can't hit the required level to unlock the full game

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>big round ear
this is stupid, should have been pointy or smaller

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So? Sounds like a good deal, you got to play the game and realize it's not for you without spending any money.

There are already elves in the game, and they have a monopoly on pointy ears.