Risky rain
8 am pt, you fat hawaiian
enjoy those cold winters, skelly boy
let this thread die so we can have a fresh one when the update drops tomorrow
stupid pink name tranny shill
shit characters won't make it
i'm looking at you miner
But Miner is the chaddest of them all. He's not a soldier, or a hired gun. It was another day for him when CL crashed. But what's he do? Picks up another pickax and does what needs to be done.
reminder that europe time zones are irrelevant, it's not 25th for burger land which is when the update will release
so mad
>uses ring
>calls themselves a chad
Objectively the most fun way to play.
Objectively the easiest way to play
Desu if you wanna get into this, Miner and Merc need at least one ring to stay viable in late loops. Commando, Huntress, Loader, Sniper, etc. can skate by on syringes, crowbars, and glasses. Merc and Miner's cooldowns means they'll be doing less dps than the aforementioned unless they get a ring.
>b-b-b-but I need EASY ITEM to stay relevant D:
not my problem you are a shitter
Merc and Miner have objectively less DPS than anyone else if they don't get a ring.
Oh shit it comes out tomorrow?
we're running lobbies right?
yeah and engi needs infusion right? :^)
Resurgence of Risky 2 soon.
i will absolutely host when the update drops. get ready bros
Risky 1 when
Hosting some Risky 2 for a spell. U.S, but EU averages 230-50 when I host.
ecks dee, fuck ror2
ty for bumping friend
well it's my thread
11am est 8am pst for the update
>tfw I go to work at 8am pst
says who
Their twitter
Lets get this shit started
Literally ripped directly from A Fire Upon the Deep. The character is lifted directly from the books.
>same day/time as start of steam sale
does gearbox want hopoo to fail?
can't connect
>wait for 20 minutes
>no on joins
>close game
>suddenly 3 posts appear
everyone knows you have to wait at least 30 min
open when
bullshit I tried to join
fuck you
>update comes out at 11am EST
>have work at 11 and an ungodly commute home during rush hour
This update had better give me a handy after the sex for all the shit I'll have to go through to play it
>work from 2 to 10
>break is half the usual length
and this is why i'm going back to college
>comes out 11am est
>have week off work
time off never happens to line up for me with games i like
this is the rare exception
im gonna get blazed as fuck while i get blazed by fucks
>im gonna get blazed as fuck while i get blazed by fucks
you tards better join the ror2 hoasts tomorrow
fuck you nigger word
sorry, will be too busy w/ the steam summer sale
Hey guys what's with these numbers, do you know what they mean?
host when
it werks
Whoa, they added Remillia to this game?
no, they don't add ugly characters
Jokes on you, I'll be too busy hosting
Good thing Remi isnt ugly
Don't reply to my posts in these threads ever again.
every time
that "thing" you posted has downs
I wish I could host
How rude
did she lack oxygen at birth? looks like an ugly rat
action number 1
of Draw Event
for object oTooth:
Variable oPrePlayer.item_value(100368, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Script_draw_item
stack frame is
gml_Script_draw_item (line 0)
that was quick
you wan't in?
I cant believe this, delete this
she is angry because no one likes her
Let me know when you're open
>dying on Sunken Tomb
magma chamber so wipe soon
fuck the bees
lol jk still going
And fuck trees!
fucking crashed after getting bullied
wipe when
>tfw client crashed
thx 4 hosting
action number 1
of Draw Event
for object oSpawn:
Trying to draw non-existing sprite.
at gml_Object_oSpawn_Draw_0
can't connect, you guys start?
wait up! coming
The patch might be coming tomorrow but its going to be impossible to download it or find matches because steam's servers will shit themselves with the summer sale starting up so we'll have to wait even longer
bls no
Risky hosting p2p so i shouldn't be a problem and i don't see why the sell would affect your download speed
can't connecto
action number 1
of Step Event2
for object oInit:
unhandled type (668) for F_JS_ToObject
at gml_Script_move_view
stack frame is
gml_Script_move_view (line 0)
>less than a minute in
action number 1
of Step Event0
for object objServer:
Variable, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Script_set_position
stack frame is
gml_Script_set_position (line 0)
that's okay, overloading vagrant chan ended the run, just for you
action number 1
of Step Event0
for object objServer:
Variable, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Script_set_position
stack frame is
gml_Script_set_position (line 0)
indie developers everybody
Mfw patch notes come out when I have to be at work.
Everyone wants to know what's in the patch
These are so good. Never stop user.
Loader is a walking OSHA violation. Don't operate heavy lifting devices while uso g your phone, kids
In before 1 shitty new character and a bland map. Why did I let Yea Forums talk me into buying this shitty game?
New character, new boss, new stage, blighted enemies added, new items, proc rates adjusted for the better, Artificer gets an evasive maneuver.
>Artificer gets an evasive maneuver
Guess I won't be playing artificer until a mod is added to get rid of that shit. I'm immensely disappointed Hoppo gave in to all the shitters begging for artificer to get a mobility skill. She was strong enough without it
I like her, and I love her
It's a passive. She has her kit.
Are there any risk of rain figures or merchandise?
im gonna play her just shit on you
user is a hobbyist and made those himself.
they made some Golem plushies a while back iirc
Fungal Caverns, 6 minutes in.
alright, i'll keep an eye on the thread
help destroy this server
she literally got one, technically two changes
>hover whenever she jumps, great addition that gives good players more tools and shitters won't get too much out of it
>Proc system was adjusted so that large single hits are better and several weak hits are worse
>artificer will nuke every enemy even harder now
The only thing keeping her in check was that she couldn't quite instantly nuke everything and had no mobility options. Guess all you have to do now is get one proc item and just carpet bomb the map, artificer needed a nerf if anything
Has anyone been clipping out of the map a lot?
I've probably had it happen like 4 times in the past 10 games.
Thankfully only went too far to where the game wouldn't bring me back to the surface once.
Watch out user. You're going to head into those arguments that go
"Single player games don't need nerfs"
action number 1
of Draw Event
for object oArtifact9:
Variable oPrePlayer.item_value(100368, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Script_draw_item
stack frame is
gml_Script_draw_item (line 0)
aight i'm out
was fun boys
ror2 btw
Desu now that blighted enemies are coming I'd say it'll balance out.
>"Single player games don't need nerfs"
Only troglodytes think that though
all it means is that hopoo will probably leave her alone after this, or nerf her if it ends up being too much.
the attitude towards Art has made it clear that they don't give that much of a fuck about what the shitters think
the amount of shitters that think her ice wall is useless makes it clear that there isn't a single artificer change, outside of a rework, that would make her playable for them unless they git gud. this will be just like the last patch that adjusted the formula; anyone that can play her will be even more powerful, and all of the shitters won't notice a difference.
the hover sounds fun as fuck, but it will definitely require some skill to use since most of the retards that complain about her are overly reliant on utility dodge skills. the amount of fucking MUL-Ts I've seen racecaring into enemy groups and wondering why they died is absurdly high.
Blighted? Is this confirmed?
I still don't get why game devs don't skirt those retards by just adding a difficulty level/option that "weakens the character". Retards get to keep playing their auto-win game and non-retards get to play the actual game.
"Elite elites" was said.
gg night ror1 bros
Sounds good. Can't wait for the update.
it was similar but it was basically another elite tier
one example of these kinds of elite was one that would completely negate healing
i fully expect to see some raging engifags when the update his
Skill balancing is coming much later on, so who even gives a fuck until then. Also, Artificer is laughably shit in her current incarnation. Who needs icewall when you can insta-vape everything on the fucking map with any other character's basic M1 spam just by collecting item drops normally?
Based retard
Towards the looping stage, sure. But Artificer has the highest base DPS and melts everything for the first loop or so instantly. After that point the difference between characters doesn't matter, everyone instantly kills things and you're only going to die if you jump into a swarm of enemies.
What are you trying to prove, user?
Artificer falls off the most, especially on Monsoon, because she is limited by her four charges of fireballs, need to charge her Mewtwo ball, and momentum being locked during flamethrower + flamethrower being unaffected by syringes. Late game syringe jacked Commando will always do more damage than late game Artificer, and he has more mobility.
>After that point the difference between characters doesn't matter, everyone instantly kills things and you're only going to die if you jump into a swarm of enemies.
So then why does artificer getting a hover matter then
>needing to charge her mewtwo ball
>not firing it immediately for AoE procs
I bet you ignore gasoline too you fucking shitter
>everyone is a god late game, so why does it matter if artificer is buffed to be a god early game too
Base DPS is useless though, literally ALL of your damage comes from item procs and shit later on. You might as well say Artificer is the smartest retard at the special olympics. Even if she's the smartest retard, she's still retarded.
Artificer isn't God at any point though, she's the worst character in the game.
>literally ALL of your damage comes from item procs and shit later on
Any survivor that makes to the "later on" stage is instantly killing everyone except the golden golem anyways. Even engineer becomes that powerful with just his M1.
For drizzle shitters, sure.
I still have no idea what goes through the Artificerfag's mind regarding balance. Has he literally never played a character besides Artificer despite Artificer requiring lunar coin farming to unlock? She offers basically nothing over the other characters. Being able to kill Lemurians a bit faster on the first level is worth jackdiddly. Literally any other character has a smoother trip to God status and is far more powerful when there.
>huntrissy who can't aim projectiles upset he can't reach max Artificer DPS
I know Yea Forums doesn't know how to play games anymore, but damn.
Post your longest Monsoon run as Artificer.
>being proud at not dying
So this is the state of Yea Forums... No wonder you think artificer is so bad, you consider it an accomplishment to reach the stage where bosses stop spawning.
>have 10x Artificer DPS as any other class simply holding down M1
Ouch! How can user ever recover?
10/10 bait took this long to out you.
Speaking of taking a long time, how long does it take you to clear the first loop on average? Do you consider it a difficult task to reach stage 3 before 10 minutes?
Also, DPS comparison. Takes under 30 seconds for Artificer to kill the stone titan, even with a bunch of whiffed shots.
Huntress for comparison, literally over a minute even with 100% dps uptime and perfect ricochet bounces.
Artificer needs a nerf, and apparently huntress needs a buff since you have difficulty getting runs longer than 20 minutes.
user we have different attitudes on what makes Artificer good or bad. Artificer cannot do long Monsoon runs, full stop. That you felt the need to post this: shows that you're just a shitter who doesn't agree with what I think Risk of Rain is.
>Artificer cannot do long Monsoon runs
Why not? The only time your life is in danger is during the first loop or two, and Artificer has great DPS during those stages even without good items.
Artificer is a guaranteed "victory" for half-decent players, she's too strong.
Her damage starts falling off by the third stage, everyone other character is superior at that point.
>Her damage starts falling off by the third stage
Relative to certain other survivors. Relative to enemy health, no. You still instantly kill anything you hit.
Maybe you're just bad, and have trouble aiming your shots? I understand why you'd think her damage falls off if you consistently miss shots against a giant stone golem, but that's why huntress and engineer exist.
No, every other character, given not terrible luck with items, will outperform her.
I'll ignore your meme "git gud" part of your reply as you yourself know that it doesn't hold water.
Low items is the only stage in the game you should ever be dying. user, do you die after the 40 minute mark?
>will outperform her
This is not the case at all, every survivor at that point is instagibbing bosses the second they spawn. They have higher theoretical performance, but enemy health does not increase at a rate where that ever applies except for the golden golem, where speed doesn't matter because the clock is frozen anyways.
please leave the goalposts where they are
Do you happen to be related to the Clairefag? You're a lot like him.
What the fuck was hoppo thinking?
>the stage where bosses stop spawning.
Wait is this a real thing? I was so confused when this happened. It also happened to be the stage where I ended up dying.
Can I get a quick rundown on a new character?
user, you take pride in reaching the 40 minute mark in your runs. The fact is, any half decent player can reach the 2 hour mark with artificer consistently. Artificer is too strong, but that's not the case if you can't hit the broad side of a barn.
>admitting to using /vg/
You're just as bad as the tripfags
Yeah, it's one of the reasons why 2+ hours runs aren't an accomplishment. About an hour and a half in enemies sometimes stop spawning entirely, and even the teleporter bosses.
it's a plant but also a robot
>user, you take pride in reaching the 40 minute mark in your runs.
stop putting words in my mouth you faggot
you cant argue for shit and only use ad hominems as argument, get fucking good at conversation
Cool. And what about his abilities?
>I usualy reach stage 2 at 10 mins, 3 at 20, and 4 at 30
>I like to clear all the chests before use the tp
>Am i retarded?????
I didn't even know Clairefag is on /vg/, I only know you from ruining RE threads just like you're ruining RoR threads.
See >Post your longest Monsoon run as Artificer.
It's pathetic that you can't reach the point in the game where enemies stop spawning entirely.
another ad hominem. baseless at that, as i can reach that point consistently
great job, you're really good at this
now go jump off a bridge like that eceleb faggot
Kinda, opening every chest is a waste of time when you could rush to stage 3 for the BFG or stage 4 for all the large chests and the single legendary chest. The blood shrines you find along the way help make up for the difficulty spike of jumping forward each stage.
>rush to stage 3 for the BFG
why would you ever do it for that, it's garbage
>ad hominem
user, it's literally evidence that you consider hour+ runs to be a feat worthy of respect.
You use it exclusively for killing the teleporter bosses, it makes the next 4-6 stages a cakewalk because of that, and can carry you longer if you pick up some fuel cells. This strat works 99.99% of the time
>Why not?
You not being able to substantiate a long Monsoon run as Artificer should be enough of a reason why, you moron.
>yet another baseless ad hominem that i cleared up in the last post
lmaoing @ ur life
I don't screenshot my hour+ long runs, it never struck me as an accomplishment since there are no artifacts that raise the difficulty. Without all-elites and spite, it just doesn't feel like I accomplished anything.
I mean, tryharding and trying to save every minute is a valid strat,buf i usualy take my time and spending 40 minutes in the frist loop, i usualy reach the 1 h and a half timemark whit 4 loops being oneshoted by a random greater whisp, playing a safe earlygame is a valid strat.
>Btw rainstorm
Hopoo told you fags not every character in the files will be in the game. Chances are they looked at him and decided he's too similar to everyone else and dropped him.
>artificerfag is still around
Ha ha oh wow.
Then this discussion is pointless. When I talk about Artificer sucking, in her current state, I'm talking about for 120 minute Monsoon runs.
In fact, considering everything I've read, I don't even believe you've made it once to 60 minutes with Artificer on Monsoon.
>artificerfag is still around
I'm almost certain he's the Clairefag.
His autism knows no bounds, expect him to hound every single RoR thread.
I don't understand how you have any trouble at the 2 hour mark. Even engineer's M1 can instantly kill all enemies at the point, what makes Artificer stand out to you? I'm genuinely curious what's going through your mind right now, I've never had trouble as artificer in the late game except that one run where I exclusively picked up defensive items.
>Even engineer's M1 can instantly kill all enemies at the point
you have no idea how the game scales, please stop exposing that you've never made it past 10 minutes
Do you open every chest before activating the teleporter? Your power falls behind if you do that. Maybe that's where your misunderstanding is coming from?
that reply doesn't even make sense
your longest run is still in your character statistics user. it's pointless to screencap end runs because of that. either way, long runs don't prove shit
>120 monsoon
jesus fuck
Post a screenshot of your 120 Monsoon Artificer.
Flew too close to the sun
action number 1
of Step Event0
for object oP:
Unable to find any instance for object index '121645' name ''
at gml_Script_step_player
stack frame is
gml_Script_step_player (line 0)
I don't why fags are like "huur duur if you don't have screenshot ur of longest run den artificer is bad!1!"
I done it multiple time but don't take screenshot because doesn't even feel like an accomplishment worth saving and taking up memory on my hard.
Asking for screenshot proof feels like grasping at straws and deflect the fact you're bad at the character, they strike as those type of people who say you can't criticizes a chef's cooking unless you can also cook the same meal better, shits retarded
All ogre.
What the fuck is that? Never seen that map before.
Contact Light, the final level.
That was surprisingly fun anons! It's a shame that two anons crashed right at the start of the final level though.
>there's actually a final level
>Yea Forums can actually get there too
>but never does when you play with them
it'd be fucking retarded to ditch the bandit now, he's fucking awesome and like one move from being finished, if he's not in the next update I'm just gonna put him in manually and fuck hotpoop.
What are you implying?
You don't go to the final level unless your game is ending, we always loop ad infinitum till we wipe so we rarely see the final level
Really makes you think
That I suck and that Yea Forums is so good they are able to get to this point, so I need to brush up on my skills. However. that's only select people because I never knew this map existed for the year I've had RoR.
Suck my cock retard
if bandit isn't complete i'm going to track down hopoo and shit in his mail box every morning until he is finished
his dynamite ability was the thing that was half finshed, and I think the mod just enables it, he's complete enough to work in multiplayer, Hotpoop said soemthing about wanting a non human as the next character to make the cast more interesting so mayhbe he's next.
>non human
>not acrid
Even after another year of updates and content it'll still be shallow and repetitive. I had fun for about 20 hours, but any time I try to go back I just get bored.
Doesn't help that the first 30 minutes of any run is a snoozefest.
because you want to play as a robotic chia pet don't you?
>that one mod guy did artifacts already while the roadmap says that they'll still be ages before they are out
what the fuck is taking so long?
None of the character abilities are fun. It's just spammy.
I actually do want to play Rex, but not if that means acrid isn't going to be in ror2.
acrid ain't coming back man
Issue with acrid is that almost all of his abilities need a lot of reworking to make function effectively in a 3D space. He had a perfect toolkit for the first game with lots of methods of chunking mobs that clustered up but enemies typically don't group up that way in 2.
He would need to get his goo trail tuned really well using the existing fire trail mechanic that nobody ever notices in 2. It would need to have some combination of lasting a long time, having a generous area it spreads under him, or lots of damage to make the effort of corralling enemies worth while which sounds like it would be difficult to get right while avoiding release state Mul-T levels of easy mode. The infection would probably work fine just spreading to more targets using the same code logic as uke but his spit stun would need to be thought over on how to make useful in 3D since they're already being really cautious about how to make melee characters work.
They have to bug test every single thing and make sure nothing breaks. Modders don't care about a lot of that.
As someone who hasn't played Risk of Rain, what's the difference between Risk of Rain and Risky Rain and why are people suddenly looking forward to an update of the first game even though the 2nd one came out?
>Risk of Rain getting an update
If only.
>going on holiday for a entire week when update comes out
why me, brehs
>accidentally pick up tesla coil
>immediately lose 15+ minutes of my life
Hoppo may as well switch the game to a victory screen once you grab one of those, the game plays itself with that item
>tfw too scrub and always grab it
>tfw don't even know how I did 5000 damage in one shot because it was massively chaining at the time
Anyone know the base fire rate for MUL-T nail gun? Im trying to figure out if the engineer or him is better for item procs from stuff like the ukulele and missiles.
2d platform like game vs 3d fps like game. Honestly its a sequel in theme only.
>update of the first game
But they aren't, the second games getting the update.
But i thought the 3d one is called Risk of Rain 2 and not Risky Rain
180 hours here. Sorry you can't into fun, user.
>He doesn't have fun zipping around at the speed of sound as Mercenary
Sure can't into fun around here.
>when you're so used to going fast that when you start a new game it feels like you're in slowmo