Let's talk about the upcoming video game expansion Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers which releases and just a few days...

Let's talk about the upcoming video game expansion Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers which releases and just a few days. I sure so like this video game. What do you guys enjoy about this video game?

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Other urls found in this thread:


titania is cute and i hope she gets screentime after her trial

God I hope some of the dungeon sets are actually good.
Last thing we need is another Shisu Set or god forbid more chinese-plastic raid gear like the first delta scape armor

I'm glad that the mod left the Etika threads alone. This board was almost off-topic for a minute

i enjoy cute and funny characters

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Let this thread 404. This one is more incognito:

I sure hope we get to see cute and funny vieras on the first

based mods?

Remember when Square cared about seasonal events? Anyone remember the comfy fate grinds to grab all the past summer gear sets?
Remember actually talking to people in game?

how do I make a lala that cute?

dark skinned dunesfolk with werewolf ears


Why would I play this when it's literally a wow rip off with worse combat and a worse story? Do people just play it because japs don't care if you use sex mods and bot?

0-2: Tank
3-5: Healer
6-8: DPS

>Do people just play it because japs don't care if you use sex mods
it's this, at least half the playerbase of xiv are people from wow who got banned for futa dranei mods

I think it's a pussy move to blacklist or report someone.

t. shitter

>with worse combat
Have you fucking PLAYED WoW lately?
>and a worse story
Oh okay you're just trolling. Gotcha.

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Go back to your dying game. It's kinda sad that you have to shitpost in our threads because you have nothing meaningful to post in yours.

>thinking anything in faggot fantasy could ever compare to the story of Arthas
lol, just lol
take your meds

I appreciate you bumping the thread

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>could ever compare to the story of Arthas
Haha yeah man you mean that story that ended TEN YEARS AGO? That was WoWs only good story and everything since then has been irredeemable shit.

Who should I main in Shadowniggers: SAM or DRG


DRG got nerfs to its' core stuff, SAM got buffed across the board

BLM Literally just got improvements, so them

wait how hard was DRG nerfed?

not much actually i'm dumb, just littany got nerfed a bit, and some people are sad about the aoe rotation not refreshing one of your damage buffs like for everyone else, other than that it's very ok

good because although SAM does more dmg I think i prefer the DRG rotation and glamours

>only a few days of SB left before Shad takes over

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Litany nerfed and piercing removed but damage will be increased to compensate
nothing changed, expect its "must have" meta spot

>BLU will never be good because Yoshi doesn't know what "SOLO CLASS" means

>tfw the expansion is 4 days away still

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Who fucking cares. The job was ruined the second they dropped the desert warrior XI aesthetic to make you some faggy carnival sideshow with a pimp cane.

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>ogre is dead


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Alright, give me your day 1 plans, Yea Forums
>Before maintenance, use fantasia so I can change to viera without having to go through the queue.
>Login and set up my GNB/DNC glamour plates
>Unlock DNC/GNB, do hunts/beast tribe/roulette to get DNC to 61
>Spend the rest of the day leveling up to 70 in HoH so I can go through ShB with DNC

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Go back to /vg/ and fuck off with your shitty general.

>inb4 “mum smash threads! much WoW threads!”
Jesus can’t you guys get some new material.

I'm ready to be a full-plate Gunbreaker, bro, but this wait...

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>log in
>play MSQ
Feels good not being a tranny.

do the story with sam then cap gnb

Why don't you go back to your dying game already? It's obvious we won't stop no matter how much you whine.

>tfw have the base game and heavensward
>tfw I can't play any stormblood or shadowbringer content content unless I either drop 80 bucks total, or wait until the 2nd
kill me.

So what happens to Mendacity and Genesis tomes when the expac hits? All the lv70 vendors will sell stuff for Poetics right? Do we get to exchange them 1:1 or a higher rate>

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I'm hoping this looks good in-game with the AF weapon. I'm going to have to find a replacement for the head because viera won't be able to wear fucking helmets.

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join the balance discord voice channel
make a female veena
unlock dancer
take estrogen
go back to female raen after 2 hours
download parser update and votekick shitters

>tfw wasted my time getting a bunch of sam glams before seeing the new af gear

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I think that's a good set, my favorite of the tome sets, and definitely my favorite "High-tech" set.

They'll disappear you silly user.
Level 70 stuff will be sold with Poetics.
You'll be able to exchange Genesis for some Poetics (not sure if it's 1:1).

Still don't know what order/how i'll go about leveling PLD/GNB/RDM, the three jobs I'd like to 'main'.

Probably do roulettes on GNB, progress through ShB as PLD and wait for my friend to finish ShB with his MNK since he's interested in GNB and then queue with his GNB as RDM.

I was happy it won the contest

You think doing Roulettes with one tank, MSQ with another will let them stay pretty equal in terms of level?
Considering doing MSQ as DRK, and then alternating MSQ Dungeons as GNB/DRK, while keeping all Roulettes as GNB so I can have both at 80 around the same time

Yeah, you'll be able to exchange it for poetics. The rate is always bad though, going by the previous times, something like 4:1

user you know we are getting a Lost Allagan Gunblade right?

The price of stuff for poetics is also usually reduced compared to their base prices though IIRC.

you fucking what

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bunnywhores and hrothgays will get votekicked and blacklisted on sight

Oh well shit. Then should I use all my Genesis tomes now? I have a bunch of classes that need gear.

No, because unless something changes only Alliance Raid/Level roulette are actually worth doing for exp, MSQ roulette is big exp but is less time efficient than just spamming the highest level dungeon.

Alliance/Level roulette can be done in like 45mins so if you spend the rest of your game time playing [other class] through the MSQ they'll rapidly outlevel them.

Just wait and get the new complete edition when it comes out

It doesn't matter, Genesis will be able to be exchanged for poetics

all stuff that costs Mendacity/Genesis will cost poetics.

We are gonna get Gunblades matching every other level 60 and 70 weapon and vendor except relics and MAYBE Alexander

thats what im waiting for july 2nd for
I just hate waiting.

But if the exchange rate is like, 4:1 wouldnt it be better to use the tomes now?

we aren't getting ARR or HW primal Gunblade and throwing weapons, are we.

You're fucking right, I forgot how this shit worked. Damn that means DNC lost allagan weapons may look like TRON disks.

Do whatever, it'll make little difference. Level 71 gear will be given to you through the MSQ/acquireable through npc vendors and will be good enough for the first ShB dungeon

stupid fucking cross world adamantoIse and siren niggers are ruining my cozy trains


>Not getting HW Primal Gunblades
>When they're level 60

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nothing, save it for high conversion rate into poetics

Are you new, retarded, or both?

So i'm going through my dungeon list since I have nothing better to do for now and I've gotten better at tanking, i'm even pulling "wall to wall". I noticed though that sometimes it takes a while to burst them down so I wanted to ask, which are the jobs that have the "worst" AoE? I just wanna know so I'll pull accordingly.

Learn to read retard. Yes we will get 60 GNB and DNC weapons. Not ARR though.
>DNC lost allagan weapons may look like TRON disks.
That would unironically be cool as fuck

Oh well, gonna just go full DRK-kino for everything, I'll be leveling up the rest of the tanks anyways because having four classes on the same gear is fucking NICE

You always do big pulls, no class has AoE that isn't worth it. Make sure your garbage fucking dutyfinder dps are actually using aoes, people in this game don't like to use AoE's because "muh damage numbers!!!"

most people refuse to aoe since they are inbreds

Come ShB every single class has good aoe, certain classes have great aoe though.

you pull as big as your healer can handle in all cases

nope, just familiar with how lazy the dev team is and how little of a budget SE actually gives them.

FFXIV has a lot wrong with it, and they are lazy as fuck, but they're far from the worst. There's a lot of unique sets in this game compared to shit like WoW where it's recolor city.

Depends, some classes don't get their AoE skill for awhile. Preasu understandu.

after the genderlock and headgear shit, my expectations for visual options for shadmanbringers is incredibly low.

>dev team is lazy
>small budget
It's almost like one of these things is actually what dictates it.
Hint: it isn't laziness.

I did notice that during a run where the mobs wouldn't die the BRD was almost at full TP, didn't notice what the MNK was doing though.

I mean, during a run with a BLM and a RDM I started feeling bad about the mobs desu. Thanks for the answers anons.

Just don't play the tranny/faggot bait classes then, and you'e good. We literally can not go down from Stormblood designs.

MNK AoE rotation is weird, glad they changed it.

That's why, he doesn't AoE. I had a run in The Burn where the fucking summoner never used bahamut. Called them out on it, they said it was becasue they like ifrit more,and the other two people flamed me for attacking how they want to play. This game is full of fucking retards, and as a tank, you'll see a lot of it.

How my Sambros feeling about Shadowbringers?

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>I think that the unpopular popularity of FF14 is honestly ugly
What do they mean by this?

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>Healer doesn't DPS
>DPS doesn't AoE
>DPS doesn't even know their basic rotation

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You have like 2 hours of story
so yeah

Is there any way to get an account unbanned? Apparently Amazon contacted SE and told them I cancelled my order after getting my Chocobo code. I didn't actually think I'd get banned. I know breaking the ToS is one thing, but shit, I've got all the CEs of the expansions and spent a shitton on the MogStation, it just seems harsh to ban a paying customer over an Amazon promotion.

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Post the ban email so I can help you

Yeah because Amazon singled yourself out of all the people who tried that and banned you particularly

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I'm only ilvl 320 though...

Are you with SE, friend? Or perhaps Amazon? Just ban my Amazon account damn it, or hell, just take the mount away from me D:

Stop posting this dumb bait. Even if it IS real (it isn't) you deserve it.

Sounds like you're fucking retarded and not actually familiar at all

Just post the email so I can give you advice on how to get unbanned from customer support

2 hours is what he'll be waiting in queue for tsuyu alone.


you can buy 380/390 gear for like 150k gil per piece.

Where my cowboybreakers at.


Run the 24 mans and current dungeons user. Or buy some crafted gear. You have plenty of options at this point.

I assume others would get banned too...or not?

>Class is completely segregated from any kind of even remotely relevant content by a two expansion lag
>Still can't use one hit kills on bosses for some reason
Goddamnit Yoshi.

Bull shit.

>viera won't be able to wear fucking helmets.
I really hope they change this one day. I won't even care if they just made the ears disappear when wearing a helm/hat.

>DRG nerfed
low tier doomposter

Thanks for the encouragement fags, just got to 68 on my BLM, I think I should be able to hit 70 over the next three days.

who /wildcard/ here?

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He probably means the marketing and how SE is going all out.

nips being autistic about the shameless advertising drawing in people they see as undesirable
ignore them, they're the minority of players now as per yoshida

>Log in
>Immediately craft Triad gunblades and chakrams
>Stick them on the market for impulse buyers who want to see the weapons their fancy new job can use

BLU will never be good or proper job. Why? Hard to balance.

Just spam HoH and you def will

they said they made like 500 pieces of headgear useable so far, surely that will mean some helmets right

This game has no content. If you want a game that has more than a few hours of entertainment, play WoW. Classic is coming, too.

when you hit 70, practice on trying to dps as much as possible without moving. if you're good enough, you become like a glass cannon that teleports to party members and top the damage charts.

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>still no sign who the other Trust tank besides Thancred is
My money's on Tataru, I'm sure she can aggro like a champ

Garleanfags are seriously the worst posters.

those pieces are all masks, ribbons, glasses,etc.

SCHchads... how'd we let the ASTneets get the better of us? SE doesn't even care about our fucking class anymore.

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you have about 58 hours until the 24 hour maintenance into ShB begins.

You should be able to make 70 in like 3 hours just from doing alliance/level roulette and then just dungeon spamming.

It's Sid.

Can't wait to get back to Garlemald, ascians are boring without them.

First job? I hope it's not and you've already completed the MSQ.

How to Fashion Report?

>litteraly who from twitter
And yes SE is WILD with promotion on the west

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>Not turning yourself into a Lala so you can pull the Lala's on the First into spoken race status

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I'd probably include every single AF headpiece as well.

I still don't get why something that is basically locked in the basement with the long dead content isn't allowed to have a bit of fun. Why the fuck does everything worth using Doom on resist it? That spell is supposed to be the final "endgame" reward for BLU, and all it is is a barely functional trash clearer.

>This game has bo content, if you want content play a game with nothing but boring daily rep grinds that nobody enjoys
>Also a game that got taken off the market fifteen years ago is getting put back out with NO additional content so you can get max level, beat a raid, and then promptly quit forever!
Yeah no fuck off back to your dying game. I played WoW for over a decade, I am never going back to that mess.

I was a drk. Now I just give up. I'll play gun nigger or pld instead

>Mfw playing as Hien in a duty
>Mfw the game pulls a “OBJECTIVE: SURVIVE” on us
>Not only that, but it’s survive until YOU show up

We are literally Goku now.

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Well SE wouldn't since Viera/hrothgar can't wear any of the 80 AF head covering gear, such as RDM hats/DRK helmet etcs

Male midlander,
I wanna change to an elezen or lalafell but their animations kinda suck.

What should I change into?

Wow, SCH mains are already on the 4th stage of grief?

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lalafell for maximum handling

For all we know, that could be an old build thing. Crunch is a thing and cosmetics would go last in the priority list

the stupid cat messes up with the only redeeming factor of stormsblood

As I understand OP is shitposter

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Doesn't matter anyways, no plot device to remove the ascian from zenos body.

>Dorgono: Your thrashing of the Mamool Ja must have been a glorious sight. Never have I met a man so fearless, so strong. Strong enough, even, to overcome me when my inner beast is unleashed.
>If only I could take you to the Azim Steppe, I'd... I have to go.
Am I about to cuck Curious Gorge?

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As much as retards will meme on it because it's not doll-ish enough for their dicks, fem highlander looks pretty fucking decent.

>airship is almost complete, and Tataramu's been rescued from his evil controlling jewdad
>but evil Ixal are now planning to raze down the Ehkatl Nine's camp
I swear to God if the Dezul Qualan doesn't fly I'm slaughtering every non-green Ixal I see

>Finally get there
>Cat boy knocks you out to tell you about the crystal tower

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>Resistance Fighter and Eastern Alliance Shinobi get completely erased from existence in a single moment
Kek I must have missed this part

Please understand. We don't want to upset the autistic raidfags who WORKED for their kills 5 years ago.

>game has both eastern and western character design

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They really are like us then

Why does the main story of this game have so much rape in it?

Sorry dude, planning on staying as a male.
Female highlanders are definitely top tier though.

>haven't played since HW
>only way I could play the game now is to buy on PS4 slim
>shit fps
>controller controls
>Yea Forums will spoil ShB story

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None of the characters look asian though. They're all european.

Why not?

They look good in gear and are the only females in the game that look like they can lift a lance aside from shreks, so yeah. Emotes are a bit ADHD though


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>implying FFXIV wasn't built with controller play in mind
I wish all of the other MMOs would copy this shit

I've seen someone unironically arguing that BLU should never be allowed in PotD because it might piss off those who solo cleared it, so you might not be that far off.

Cats all have fat asian faces, it's why 99% of them are ugly.

Any good guides for hotbar management?

And that's a good thing. Here's why.

Real DARKNESS hours soon user.

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>>Also a game that got taken off the market fifteen years ago is getting put back out with NO additional content so you can get max level, beat a raid, and then promptly quit forever!
>Yeah no fuck off back to your dying game
You mean like like XIV? that has maybe 5 hours of content every expansion, followed by "content" patches that keep you entertained for about 45 minutes before you unsubscribe and wait another 6 months for the next drip feed.
This game is going to be dead in a month, and all the new players are going to go to the winning game. 8.2 is going to be incredibly successful, and Classic will be the final nail in the coffin.

You can play on kmb on ps4 controller is unironically better for almost every class


Plenty. Look them up.

ARR? No. HW? Most likely.

Female MC seems canon in my head.
You get so many husbando's in the main story compared to waifus. You get even more hints for the husbandos than the waifus. prove me wrong.

Imagine living in a world where you could take someone, rape it and throw it to a monster to eat.
A lot of ill intended people would do it.


Ok casters time to pick out your glamor today. Do you want to be a fancy vegas magician? A cool allagan technomancer? A fox? A bat skeleton? A well dressed professor?

We didn't forget about you either healers. Here's your brand new white robe.

Why don't you just not go on Yea Forums for a few days until you've done the story?

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>controller controls

Does the slim have no usb ports? You could just shove a keyboard and mouse in there. It's compatible on XIV

How does it feel that no matter how much you seethe these threads will never stop being made?

I need to clear 4.X still to catch up. What's this fastest way to gear up at 70?

most female Au Ra look asian

>tfw too stunted to make friends on an MMO

And of course I still spend money on these fucking games.

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buying 380 gear off marketboard

Does anyone have a link to the lorebook?

I need something to read before bed

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playing with kb and mouse without a 3rd party accessory will fucking suck due to the input fuckery on PS4. Even if you do get a 3rd party accessory, you won't be able to customize with keybinds on FFXIV PS4 and not be able to use macros.

Sounds good, tomorrow I'll dungeon spam and practice the rotation for whatever reason.
No, it'll be my 4th at 70 I believe.

Don't know how you can stand targetting on a controller. Not to mention having to push 3-4 buttons to do an attack that is one key push on keyboard.

I literally just joined a random FC that threw me an invite.
It's fine except there's a guy named "Pickle Rick" in it.

Wait 4 days and buy Scaevan gear with poetics
Alternatively drop 1.4m gil to buy a rakshasa gear set when it's undoubtedly going to be unnecessarily marked up


You're a fucking retard and a greylet besides. Good riddance.

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>Estinien teleports behind the empire and destroys their giant canon that spelled certain doom for the resistance
>”HEH...my lance has slain far greater beasts than you...”
>Fucks off

>Fighting Zenos
>When we are about to die, we get our soul plucked by the faggot catboy
>Estinien teleports begins Zenos and retrieves our unconscious body and saves us
>”Heh...never was one for farewells...”
>Fucks off

Okay, I liked Estinien in Heavensward, he was my favorite character. Are they really just going to keep having him be the convenient McGuffin device that saves the day at just the right moment at just the right time for no explicable reason? Why was he even THERE? Cause it’s really fucking obnoxious. If he clearly cares so much then fucking stop perching on towers and bring your ass down here and talk and actually help.

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So much wrong in that post holy shit.

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This is sad

>Don't play for awhile
>Come back
>No longer in a FC, guess they kicked me
>Haven't had one person try and recruit me nor have I seen anyone shouting

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God speed.

At least he shows up and talks to you in the dragoon 70 quest.

just b urself.

Seriously, I forgot how much I enjoyed the social aspect after raid logging for so long. Bumped into someone I hadn't spoken to for the better part of the year and probably spent 5-6 hours talking.

PS4 isn't too bad. better get used to controller controls, it is comfy once you get the hang of it.
I don't have a couch in my apartment so it makes no difference to me playing on a controller vs kb and mouse

Just throw an application to one thats recruiting, I don't think they'll say no

>the only good midlander face has no proper facial hair

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Choose your face
>Ayy lmao
>Horns the size of jupiter
>Fetal alcohol syndrome
>Bugeyed bitch resting face

I swear that camp has one of the best BGMs, I could sit there and listen to it for hours. Also love the Natalan version.

>Up at 8 and not 5

>having manic episodes the week BEFORE Shadowbringers not during it

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The MT in my static uses that facial hair and we bully him for it.

Only race with good facial hair is Roe.

I'm pretty sure we already have the full cinematic trailer, I think that HW was the only one that got updated twice

Cope harder. Weeb WoW clone is dead in the water and WoW is undergoing a revival.

This is your black mage tonight.

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shouting recruitment is extremely inefficient

Majority of recruitment comes from
>FC's using player search to find sprouts and then inviting ones that don't have an FC
>FC recruitment listings on Party Finder
>FC recruitment through website posts
>people looking up FC's on the lodestone and picking one to apply to

The shitters will sleep three extra hours.

nah, I'm not a tranny

God I wish GNB would get patched in tomorrow instead of on Friday because I work Friday.


>Try to scam
>Get banned
Yeah its totally SE's fault. If you're too stupid to circumvent systems, you don't need to be trying shit like this. I scam mogstation purchases and timecards all the time, not to mention sell gil. I'm a 9 year Legacy vet on Primal and I'm fucking untouchable.

Ignore me I can't read

Imagine not being from the first

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Your dude looks like mine except mine's a bit more younger looking with a slimer nose.

(I'm using the same top as well)

Eat shit

Oh, I meant the WE FALL theme that plays, need that shit like crack

I haven't been paying much attention to anything, do we know how soon you can play the new jobs? I kinda want to level DNC and play through the story with it.


Yeah that's what I was thinking. Guess I'll keep playing catch up when ShB drops.

man, they are all white and happy

He doesn't have to choose at all. Everyone who fantasia'd into au ra in HW is about to pick the new hot meme race in ShB.


Anyone got any good axes?
The only thing I can think of is Rampager but the lego blocks on the side is making me laugh.

I need something that will fit a knight.

>Picture taken moments before 90% of the world got vaporized and everyone died in agony

Must have one job at 60 to access DNC and GNB

>FFXIV has a fucking firefighter ad now
What the fuck is going on and why did Nintendo THROW WIDE THE GATES for all of this conventional advertising in vidya

>Not to mention having to push 3-4 buttons
What? Holy shit dude Google controller guide. No one doing this.


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Are you fucking blind?
There's a BLM right there

You kek yourself. Because you're a true-blooded WAR, unlike that faggot Gorge, and you don't need any bullshit like au ra whores following you around.

If it's like SB, all you need is ShB unlocked on your account, and likely need to be level 60 or so, then just go to relevant quest NPC

>UP AT 8


>I need something that will fit a knight.
Playing the wrong job. WAR is supposed to be a savage barbarian berserker, 99% of its weaponry doesn't have a knightly aesthetic. You could get the Axe of the Round I guess

Keep in mind that the first two dungeons will drop 390/400 gear respectively and still have the leveling loot system

What's your headcanon WoL race/(main)class/gender?

Halonic Inquisitor's Axe. It's one of the more understated ones, but it's totally fitting for a knight aesthetic.

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Okay I know this is bait but I need the laugh. What is coming in 8.2 that makes it such a "revival"?

Here's the hint: amazon did not single you out and in fact probably reported a swath of people to SE for banning for doing that. They're not idiots, they knew that would happen.
They just probably didn't think you should try to do that on your main account like a retard and not a trial account like the smart people did.

Do we know all of the names for the jobs on the First yet?

jokes on you the servers come up at 6:30pm kangaroo time

Why do people keep memeing this when even the japanese text has larboard starboard?.

>Nintendo is literally living in his head, rent free

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Yep, Legacy is pretty much playerbase nobility/royalty. I make sure to let people know everywhere I go that I'm one to be respected. Daresay even worshipped. I'm LITERALLY the reason this game is where it is.

I got a day off for friday, and I'm ready to download! I just hope that I can actually get the early access, since I won't have SB until ShB drops


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>He didn't take time off for early access and launch
Nigga I took fucking SIX DAYS OFF FOR THIS SHIT.

>MT lets DPS pull aggro and die instead of doing hate combos
>"Use diversion if you don't wanna die"
Bruh, its two combos max. I tank and this shit made me salty, your extra 120 potency loss isn't going to kill you. Don't fucking spite people over next to nothing.

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Cool, i've got everything at 70 except NIN


issue goes away in 3 days anyway

I guess, it's just my tank glamour is knightly looking and I'm boring and ol' glamour prisms.
I've been using Titan's axe but it's a bit much for what I'm going for.
It's nice, I'll give it a look.

Bruh it's one button max to hit Diversion and make everyone's job easier.

You guys say every class can AOE but whnever I get stuck with a 2 BRD party in expert it takes fucking ages to kill trash packs.

Uhhh the latest raid? You been living under a rock or something?

Bruh, its one ogcd max.

>jokes on you
Jokes on you I took like a week off of work so my sleep schedule is irrelevant

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First of all
Second, FFXV stopped leaching on their budget

Midlander male warrior just fits this game too well as protag

Use diversion and it's a 0 potency loss.

Literally use diversion it's one OGCD button that costs nothing we've been over this 1000 fucking times a DPS player's job is to DPS and Diversion is a DPS gain shut the fuck up retard

Did they use diversion though? Unless it was a BRD/MCH
If they didn't diversion/lucid/refresh/tact it's the DPS' fault

>Refuses to push 1 (one) free button that is of no detriment to himself
It's okay they're making hate even more brain dead anyway.


I took time off for the official launch unfortunately.

So a single raid that doesn't come out for a few weeks is going to "revive" the game from the brink of death? Must be a pretty good raid fampai.

i also took a week off though

Sorry healer I see that 4 people are dead but I don't really feel like wasting time raising when I could be doing more dps. Maybe just hardcast your raises while your swiftcast is down

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Every class CAN AoE but that doesn't mean they will. At least half of the DPS players in this game don't use their AoE at all, especially SAMs for some reason.

Honestly probably smart.
All you're gonna miss on the first day at least is log-in queues and server troubles, guaranteed.

It's Blizzard we're talking about, of course the raid will be top of the line.

For what purpose?

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I have heard the boss theme, I'm just waiting for the one shown off in the cinematic trailer with the lyrics and everything. Still a big fan of everything though

LOOOK at thsi fucking POST
THIS is why enmity got turned into a fucking meme in SHadowbringerss FUCKF YOUIUUUUUUUUUUuuu

>have been FCless for months
>not a single random invite
>check PF every now and then
>LGBT shit
>"we are le monkey face gamers looking for more monkiez XD"
>heavy RP based
I give up.

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Posterboy is the best WoL.

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Not him but I can outaggro MT with diversion. BLM, SMN, MNK. Diversion will not save you

user WoW hasn't had a good raid tier since Ulduar.

what is the biggest shield for paladin? i want to be a BIG tank.

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You have to hold in L2 or R2 all the time, then combine them for that other hotbar. That's 2 to 3 buttons.

They just suck like 95% of BRDs. AoEing as a bard takes some finesse, you have a lot of microdecisions, while other jobs you can just ungabunga your way through.

Good thing they all have tools to dump hate too.

Midlander male, always poster job

Male midlander warrior

Helps that a different FFXV game is actually making profits

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But heavy shot has the bigger number...

How's this thread still up? Tranny WoW janny taking a nappy nappy?

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Throne of Thunder would disagree.

Or you could press the fucking button that costs you nothing rather than make him give up DPS you lazy cunt.

Chromite Shield is pretty hefty.

How many years has it actually been since the start? Always forget how they age him up fairly well each time.

Male Midlander

MNK/SAM has purification/merciful eyes
BLM has Lucid
SMN is all about burst so as long as you have diversion up w/ first bahamut you won't out-aggro the MT

BLM and SMN also have Lucid. Its literally impossible to take hate if you're using those unless the tank is just auto attacking.


Which is fucking retarded because SAM has some of the best non-caster AoE in the game. Only really held back by that insane TP consumption, but thats going away soon so that's nice.

>scholar so powerful they turned their lb3 summon into a normal cooldown

When will they be stopped?

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His Monk days were a mistake

According to MUH TIME BUBBLE retards, like 2 months.

Who here /Elezen/?

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He's just grizzled from the adventures

Some tanks act like children because they feel they can
I almost exclusively tank now to keep the shitty drama at bay.
>was playing red mage in fucking snowcloak
>accidentally pulled the gimmick snowball boss by mistake since I didnt realize I had dualcast ready
>Instantly diversion and lucid
>Tank just stands there
>Healer goes to heal me and gets aggro
>So I continue fighting to save the healer
>Tank is still standing there doing nothing along with the other dps
>get boss to 50% and die
>Go "??????"
>Tank "You wanted to tank so I let you"
>Tell him it was a mistake and to stop acting like a child
>He goes "oh now you done it shut up or I kick you"
>Tell him to do it like the man child he is
>Get kicked
Nigga just use tomahawk like wtf is your brain damage

>Fairy now manual
>Both fairies exactly the same
>DPS kit fucking GUTTED
>MP restoration crippled
Lol they already did

I just got Alchemist to 60. What should be the next crafter I raise?

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Shire Shield

>Another elezen with yellow eyes and edgy glam

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Yeah, they’re introducing new mechanics so you can fully raid on your phone now, you don’t need a PC.


I duno man, if 4 people are dead maybe its the braindead dps' fault instead of the healers.

Properly geared tanks doing their rotation correctly should be extremely hard to rip aggro from, even well after Diversion has worn off. Now, if it's a shitty tank and/or undergeared tankl then that's a different issue entirely and they need to stop being cunts and do aggro combos like the cucks they are.

MNK should absolutely not be using Pacification if enmity is an issue - at that point the tank needs to suck it up if he's alone or ask for a Shirk if with another tank.

I should have picked Femelezen, instead I went FemRoe simply because I liked one hairstyle they had and they look good in heavy armor.

Anybody here uh...anybody here ever fallen in love with a videogame character before? A-Asking for a friend.

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Who are these people and how do we get rid of them?

>actual bone structural changes

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Not that hard really.

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I want to nut inside that edgelord

>Just want a FC without a retarded meme or reference name
>Just want a FC where the leader has a normal name and not lead by Lucifer Darkevil or some shit

I feel like my expectations for a FC aren't high but still...

I'm in no way a good player, much less a good BRD but how hard is it to throw 2-3 dots around while using Mage's Ballad? When I do that I get so many procs I don't even have to spam my other AoE desu.

>enmity combo meme
What low level dungeon was this where the tank wasn't aoeing at all yet the healer couldn't press f3 and cast regen

Daily reminder to kill yourself, faaggot nigger tranny selfposter.

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> actually getting kicked
your team was retarded as well
the 3 times i have been in a situation in where the tank is an entitled manchild the rest of the group usually kicks his ass

Tell me can you play DMCV on gamepad with son of sparda difficulty? Because I don't understand if you baiting or not. You, user with PS4, can't use gamepad and want to sit in front of PC screen with KB+M instead of sitting on couch.

This is why I no longer have Deliverance. Because of fuckwits like this.

>Falling in love with a literal whore.

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>falling in love in a prostitute

Just fucking play MCH already. Stop posting this.

A spit in the bucket of tank DPS increase isn't worth letting actual DPS die. There is no Fight in the game where Tank DPS matters to a point where missing a Combo or two will wipe the party. Grow up and tank, adjust to teammates. Stop being an autistic spiteful child.
Phoenix Farm party.

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Based anontrannykiller

Larboard is admittedly slightly archaic, but starboard is a perfectly normal word that every educated person should be familiar with. And once you know what starboard means it is kind of obvious from context what larboard must mean.

It's canon, fag
If they let real time pass, Alisaie and Alphinaud would turn into full grown giraffes

>Who are these people
The writers, sadly
>and how do we get rid of them?
Please unsub from Yoshi's game.

I don't have DMCV, don't like DMC. It's shit. Holding in l2/r2 all the time is annoying and uncomfortable.

This reminds me of those stories virgins tell where they actually went down on a literal hooker. Shit is always fucking hilarious and pathetic.

She's literally a psychopathic whore

>Merciful Eyes
Requires outgoing damage to proc which may not be available
Actually go fuck yourself, you're a trash tank if you expect a MNK to use Purification. If a DPS is using aggro and STILL pulling hate off of you, you need to quit bitching and swing an aggro combo because you clearly aren't bringing as much DPS as you think you are.

Dps is dps, use fucking diversion.

Nobody knows.
Going by Gerolt's dialogue, atleast 2 years. A lot of people insist, however that everything is still happening within a span of 1 year.

It's okay you brainless fuck, you won't have to think about it in ShB anyway.

>Was gonna do WoW Classic
>Devs making retarded decisions like splitting each server into 2-3 parts (layering) for the first month, already proven to be exploitable in the beta
>Also not launching with RP-PVP servers
>Take the ShB pill and return to my old Primal server
>meet someone new and 2 people from my toxic past conveniently leave the server cause i returned
>going to level with the new person
>starts in 4 days, not 2 months
Didn't expect myself to be this hyped

Attached: shb.png (1346x2094, 860K)


If you're too lazy to use one single oGCD, I will gladly watch you die, and I'll laugh while it happens.

Ignore those faggots, this happened to me as a MCH player and I don't even have the option of using Diversion.

I like how you refuse to acknowledge that Diversion is a DPS increase and just continue to shitfling like a toddler.

It canonically took months to sail from Eorzea to Doma, you're retarded if you think no time went by.

kill yourself

You're a shit MNK if you don't purification at the end of your brotherhood window. Basically every boss in the game does a groupwide aoe every 15-45 seconds which means you can use Merciful then.

t. 1000 dps sam

Am a 1.0 fag jumping back in in two or so months, is Balmung open/will it be then? If not are there any other erp servers?

Meant to respond to

Nothing is worse than current wow. My current back pains are more enjoyable than BfA.

>purification at the end of your brotherhood window
what the FUCK

Stop making shit up, dude

This is why they neutered tanks.

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You have Tactician and Refresh, the former which is functionally an aggro drop anyways because what the hell are you going to need TP for?

That said, physical ranged is basically the only role I'll throw an extra aggro combo for if need be, for precisely that reason.

Which is why I'm cool with being kicked. I used to play this game hardcore but got fed up with the braindead playerbase which is every other pug run. You're wasting everyone else's time by refusing to play because you feel your foot was stepped on. When i said hello at the start of the dungeon, only the healer said it back too. Shitty lalas

After experiencing SWToR's ridiculous IRL time = amount of time passed in story, this time bubble is a pleasure

>A lot of people insist, however that everything is still happening within a span of 1 year.
user, those people insist on that because it is the approach the writing team chose to take.

We're almost there bro

Why are you upset that I don't like holding in a trigger for every single attack I will ever do in the game?

Balmung is perma-locked. Roll on Mateus. It is diet Balmung and you can world visit Balmung from there

>Implying she wanted it

Honestly I just love her cause I really want her to step on my dick with her barefoot. Like, I want her to chain me to a wall and smash my balls until they’re just mush. Then I want her to force me to cum on her feet over and over until I ejaculate blood. Then I want her to shove her dirty semen and blood covered toes into my mouth and shove them so far down my throat that I’m gagging up stomach acids and bile, then I pass out and we repeat every day until I die.

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Mateus and balmung are both closed, Crystal is now a fully designated ERP datacenter. So go anywhere on that DC

We need more lewd armor.

forgetting his 1st version

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>Holding in l2/r2 all the time is annoying and uncomfortable.
Excuse me but do you even play games on PS4? Because you well do this in other games. Shooting you know.

>Wastes a 250 pot oGCD under your biggest burst window to fix an issue that shouldn't ever occur unless your tank is braindead
>Calls others shit

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>Neutered tanks
This meme's really getting old. Oh no they took stance dancing, something literally nobody fucking used because once you establish aggro you sit in dps stance for the rest of the fight. WOW!!! Tanks are DONE!

I am going to miss these posts. The so called leaders of the party couldn't even get a dps to use a single cooldown.

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>being a submissive male in love with a prostitute
Bro you're just making it worse

The first two dungeons of ShB, right? I gotta dump these poetics anyway and my gear is currently the lvl 290 job gear, so I can't even do the 4.1 dungeon since it requires 300.

Because you saying it's uncomfortable makes no fucking sense unless you have a literal disability. I have been playing since 2.0 open fucking beta. I have been using a controller all these years and never once had an issue. It has always been INCREDIBLY comfy.

Fucking get a gym membership you limp-wristed cuck.

oh no no no no.

>purification at the end of your brotherhood window.

This is around the start of a pull when I start ramping up my wildfire combo, the tank can either enmity combo or not and if he doesn't then I end up tanking myself. This also can happen during an add phase too. I usually use Tactician and Refresh whenever they are off CD but I start after my first wildfire, so after the initial problem starts.
This is also me talking as a (sad) DF hero and not savages/extremes so my opinion only matters when playing with generally bad people.

Is DRK any better?
I'm a WAR main because PLD spellcasting feels awkward and DRK while it's fun, I feel like it's so much easier to screw up and I feel way more bulkier and do more damage on WAR.

Yes, they did neuter tanks for retards who got upset their emnity was stolen because they were mashing 3 and dont know how to pull with shield lob

I really fucking hope they don't pull another Yotsuyu/Fordola again for ShB where the post expac story completely makes everything you did in the initial story irrelevant.

Oh I'm not, I use it. But its childish to get mad over it.
Its next to nothing, Its not worth Disbanding a farm party over.
Because people start bickering over 120 potency apparently.
>Leader of the party
But thats the party leader :^)

MNK AoE is goofy, Arm of the Destroyer fucking blows unless there's 6+ targets so you won't see it much outside of superpulls since it only has like 50 potency
Elixir Field and Howling fist are both on decent sized cooldowns, Rockbreaker is good but it's at the end of a 3 hit combo unless Perfect Balance is up
MNK is finally getting a proper AoE 1-2-3 combo though and Arm of the Destroyer's potency is getting boosted

No wonder jannies pissed.

>I find a cock in my ass comfortable why don't you?
Not everyone is a fag like you.

Attached: its time to stop.jpg (260x194, 8K)

>Replying to obvious bait

I don't know how you guys can keep up with the story. I don't play for 4 months or so and I forget everything that's happened in the entire game.

t. Cuckold DRK/GNB main

how much does SE pay for these generals?

DRK is becoming the most braindead tank in the game. It will be even more simple than WAR, hell the new Delirium being a diet IR makes it literally a watered down WAR anyway.

Tank skill level is going to go like this:
Not that that is saying much, all tanks are easy.

I almost came over to the game 3 months ago and was stoked to see they had Blue Mage. Then I saw it was...I don't know what it was. I look forward to when they have Blue Mages though.

Not as much as blizz pays to remove them

Wait what?
Wrong quote?

I would LOVE to believe it's bait user, but Yea Forums has a history of being horrendously bad at MNK (along with most classes, really), so I have no choice but to believe he is sincere.

If you skip all the cutscenes then there isn't anything to forget.

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Wtf bros...we fought so hard to go home. Are we going to let it die like this?

Tank stance dancing was a good way to make up for shit party members in Duty Finder groups and it's a shame to see it gone, as you now have a lot less control over a pull that goes badly. Hope you enjoy having significantly less carry potential as a tank now.

You're right that it doesn't make a difference in organized raid content but that doesn't change the fact tanking was heavily dumbed down because of retards who tried to be blue DPS without properly pulling bosses or establishing aggro.

>But its childish to get mad over it
I'm not mad over it. If somebody makes a mistake in gameplay (such as not using diversion) I let them die, then tell them how to correct the mistake. Easy peasy.

Ah, yeah, dungeon aggro can be a tad rough depending on which tank you get, plus you can't voke+shirk for an extra lead.

>Hey man can you use Diversion like everyone else so I don't have to lower my DPS?
This is you. This is literally you.

I don't know my dude. I missed Cleric Stance but I'm a bit biased because the servers was close to my area so I never got screwed over.

Still miss feeling like a badass getting cleric stance going. Doesn't feel as satisfying anymore.

You feel bulkier because of the HP, which is gonna be a trait for all tanks in 3 days. DRK is squishier by design though. Dark mind fucking sucks for anything that's not a raid

0 dollars

None of it is really important

Cool argument.

>Was excited about BLU
>Didn't realise it would never work in XIV and actually be a BLU
This is the best we get unless they gutted SOMETHING about BLU. Why so surprised

The heaviest shield is Haurchefants


You can do ala mhigo a few more times for i300 drops and mendacity to get a enough 360 gear to get into Skalla, from that point the only ilvls borders are 340 and 360 for the other two MSQ dungeons

War/Pld main. Cope harder trying to pass stance dancing off as hard.

No one with taste.

Remove tanks



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>the post expac story completely makes everything you did in the initial story irrelevant.
But Fordola always had a massive REDEMPTION ARC INCOMING flag on her head, and Tsuyu was our bridge more garlean lore dumps (the Populares).

I don't need one. You played yourself. That raid is literally a joke.

Question about purification then
My static's MNK tends to use it after brotherhood if it ends with 3-4 chakras as an extra aggro dump, is that bad? He tends to parse 50-70 percentile

Stormblood was pretty fucking irrelevant to begin with and Ala Mhigo is getting razed almost instantly considering you can see Baelsar's Wall in flames in the ShB trailers

Never happening user. For some reason, adapting iconic jobs like Dark Knight (no HP drain) or Red Mage (actually useful) is fine, but Blue Mage is off-limits.

Why does Tri-Bind exist?

Okay who was wrong here
>Daddy dragon savage
>Akh Morn happens
>everyone stacks
>except healer
>3 dies
>Healer start calling DPS being shit
>Tank support healer

Human being

>I'm not mad over it.
>If somebody makes a mistake in gameplay (such as not using diversion) I let them die,
You're acting like a child, better?
What? I don't care about doing an extra hate combo or two. I adjust to the DPS.

damn straight

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You wanted XI blue mage, you didn't want blue mage which is what you got.

So is Ulduar, which isn't even the best WOTLK raid.

>bird wants human dick so bad she becomes an immortal god

When will this degeneracy be stopped?

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What if WHM gets more ogcd attack?

Attached: naruhodo....jpg (211x233, 6K)

I'm assuming GNB and PLD is the meta tank combination at 5.X.

If you don't mind, is it okay if I can get a quick rundown on all the tanks new playstyle?

You two should EB and have giraffe calves.

How is it childish to let somebody suffer the consequences for their mistakes? It's not right to coddle somebody.


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You know, the only change I'm honestly pissed about, a fucking lot, is ultimatum being removed. Just why?

And with that, your entire argument went to shit.


>basically made tanks blue dps


There's rarely any reason to use Purification for anything but getting more TP back after heavy AoE

It's not "bad" if his group is having issues with enmity, but it's "bad" in the sense that there's literally no reason he should be needing to do that. If enmity is a problem, the tank needs to either do a heavier aggro opener, get an earlier Voke-Shirk from the co-tank, or have someone go NIN to Shadewalker them and/or Smokescreen the problem DPS/healers.

He's giving up a 250 potency oGCD for basically no reason.

Why would it.

Unless your MNK is regularly ripping aggro then yes, I would say it is bad since he isn't gaining anything from it. The only times you should ever use Purification are prolonged AoE pulls where you need it for TP, and niche scenarios where you have aggro because a tank died, you forgot to hit diversion, or something of that sort.

Got it. At least I know I'm not a shit DRK (I still am.), I just feel like DRK you can't fuck around. If you make a mistake and use your MP all willy nilly, you're gonna get fucked and run out of MP to use for groups.

Mi'qote (moon)


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Is it best to get the DPS job through MSQ and spam dungeons/roulettes with tank/healer jobs you plan to play?

>I let them die, then tell them how to correct the mistake. Easy peasy.
Makes no sense.
It's like shooting your own leg
You probably just LARPing like MNK above. There is no reason to let other die and artificially delay killing of boss. No one win in this situation.

Post server

>which is what you got.
A minigame?
Pretty sure Blue Mage has always been a job on an equal footing with everyone else.

>'m assuming GNB and PLD is the meta tank combination at 5.X.
No. WAR has massive MT power and PLD is the obvious choice for OT. GNB will be lucky to get a spot and DRK will be used in fights that heavily feature magic damage.

Literally kill yourself faggot.

Was always just a DPS that healed when necessary or a healer with buffs, and it ended up as the former
Is different because of its progression system

Shield of the round is pretty big and one of the only tower shield with an effect.

WAR gets angrier
DRK is now WAR
GNB has many oGCD to weave in between rotation
PLD got more tools to do PLD things

What if healers only had GCD heals and oGCD attacks?

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You don't need 8 people to survive the akhmorn, but non WHMs might have trouble healing through it.

What if whm gets more shields

more like xyur

Sorry that you never raided outside of filling in for someone, user.


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Always dps first. You do quests faster and you save a tedious grind. You don't even need to deal with the queues for mandatory dungeons anymore.

Dancer or Machinist

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is this what being in the general feels like?

>How is it childish to let somebody suffer the consequences for their mistakes?
its childish when it hurts the entire partys performance. Just finish the run and ask them to use diversion if you insist on it.

no oGCD healing mean DPS fucking up would be the shits.

>queue for MSQ roulette
>exit the game
>come back in 45 minutes
>collect EXP
Can you not kick in these dungeons?

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Curious how it would be anyone but the healers fault here, were ice puddles misplaced or something?


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oh, fair enough. i didn't actually get banned and am in fact just shitposting though

Let me fix that
What if healers only had oGCD heals and GCD attacks?

SCH but who knows for how much longer.

Looks like an incel

Actually yes.

>That part in the trailer that goes RIDING FORTH
Fucking pumps me up dude. It's like everyone on the planet is screaming for the WoD to defeat the light.


Attached: cash money.jpg (959x960, 66K)

>implying I don't have every tank maxed
>implying tanks don't share all gear except weapons

who GNB/PLD here?

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>Couldn't even be assed to use an expression emote so he just looks like a doll
user please youre better than this

Fucking please, half the abilities already have altered effects from what the mob's versions actually do.
And there's zero reason why they shouldn't be able to queue normally for content up to their current level.


You can but most people don't notice/don't care if one person is missing.

We'll find out in less than a week because that's exactly what Scholar is now.

Same as now but Requiescat now also removes your cast times temporarily, they have great AOE, and a gap closer now too
Same as now basically
Literally diet WAR. All you do is mash Souleater and Bloodspiller basically.
Has two combos, the second being 3 GCDs on it's own 30 second CD (lowered by SKS) that has 3* oGCDs it has to be weaved with. Solid 3 hit AOE combo, great utility, burst move is 800 potency single target on a flat 30 second CD. Also has 2 DoTs. Going to be a high speed tank. Yoshi wants experienced tanks to try it.

LOL I'm using that next thread
You can but only really anal people would care

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There's a 90% chance they will get scholar back energy drain in the first patch. Remember in 4.0 when they removed miasma 2 and scholars aoe consisted of spreading 6 potency dots.

No one said people from /vg/ were good at photography.

Do not listen to:
He is a retard taking media tour footage as final numbers. We have no idea what the meta comp will be because the DPS numbers will make or break tanks.

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>DF gets filled with BLUs with only watercannon
yeah no thanks
Get some friends to run things with you

If you get praetorium no one cares because you'll inevitably get sprouts locked out of 3/4ths of the bosses because they missed the key card
Meridanium can be finished in 20 minutes if you have a PLD and I've seen afkers get kicked all the time

expressions in gpose during combat actions or specific emotes can get a little finicky

its only 90% because SCH are the biggest bitches in Eorzea.

As I remember you can kick someone while in combat. At least in combat with boss.

Some random telling them after the fact won't instill the lesson in them properly. It's important for incorrect actions to have clear consequences or else conditioning won't occur.

God I wish.

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>negative DPS GNB


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hey you want a job?

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Miasma II was re-added because SCH did not have aoe skills other than bane.

Energy drain isn't even needed since indom was nerfed and you need to use sacred soil to make up for the lack of healing from both indom and fairy being shit.

Who here plays a manlet midlander Chad?

>is it okay if I can get a quick rundown on all the tanks new playstyle?

I was going with a DPS throughout ARR for that reason, decided to go with a Tank through HW and for some reason it just felt better, like it fit the story. Autism speaks.



Highlanders, man. Godbert owns this.

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Look user, if I'm tanking in casual DF content like dungeons or alliance raids I'm not going to sperg about shit players not playing properly because that's to be expected at this point.

But if I'm in an Extreme Primal farm, especially one that's still semi-recent content, I'm going to 'encourage' people to play better by letting them make mistakes and telling them how to correct them afterwards. Not only are these DPS probably doing shit damage anyway (anyone actually competent would be using Diversion), but they may actually not have known that they should be using Diversion because everyone up until then had been catering to their mistakes.

Again, if there are other options like a Voke-Shirk I'll ask for that first, but you're actively sabotaging any group that DPS goes on to play in if you don't at least attempt to address the issue while it's happening.

Highlander could use with some eyebrows to be honest.


That's what Scholar's been ever since HW desu

We've already seen the Titania footage which is almost certainly final. GNB still won't do as much damage as WAR and PLD, it's trash.

Cringe. Anything less than 85 height is pathetic.

Just paint them on lol

Eyebrows are for the weak. Also the paint on eyebrows make you look INCREDIBLY homosexual

>We have seen footage of randos who wiped so hard against a primal that they had to be buffed
>We can base the meta off this
user don't be retarded.

No senpai I mean actual eyebrows.

It won't for long


I haven't done these quests in literal years. Is there a way for me to figure out in which one I'm at?

why are you shitposting on MY market board?

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It literally doesn't matter anymore because it's being removed.

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Are you trying to give DRK a bad name?

>Some random telling them after the fact won't instill the lesson in them properly. It's important for incorrect actions to have clear consequences or else conditioning won't occur.
Thats some bold assumptions you got there m8, people aren't dogs.

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Journal, under "Side story quests"

Quest log, "Completed" button in the top right, sort to Hildibrand.


playing males in a mmorpg

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if you preorder shad now won't you get everything on the 28th for early access?

Fuck OFF

reminiscing of my days in ZR
The beds house was better by the way

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Not him but I'll pop a FC Recruitment up if you're interested.

People can still be conditioned. Not as easily as dogs, but they can be.
If you touch a stove while it's hot, you get burned, and now you're conditioned to not do that again.
If you don't use diversion and get killed, you will start to learn to use diversion.

Report the DRK avatarfag. They belong on /vg/

>used the fucked up babyface

MTF is not a sex, you would be F then.


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Obviously, but the symptoms of why it was removed remain because there are still people who think DPS shouldn't have been expected to perform their role in managing enmity.

I would love to live in a world where people are compelled to fix their mistakes when they don't affect their own experience. Why would your average DPStard care about using Diversion if they cleared the run without dying?

Or just assume the tank is shit.

They really do remind me of /vg/, how they are ignored and they just reply to themselves.

deluisional tranny

Unfortunately this an environment where they can (and will) pin the blame on someone else.

What kind of guild is it?

Are you really so foolish to think that a DPS who refuses to use Diversion will somehow come to the conclusion "Wow, maybe thats my fault for not using Diversion" and not "Wow, this tank is total trash and can't hold aggro"?

>If you touch a stove while it's hot, you get burned, and now you're conditioned to not do that again.
This nigga had to touch a stove to learn its hot instead of listening to his mother.

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t. tranny

What's this Viera = Tranny shit? Just the usual forced shitposting?

You just losing shit tons of DPS because of burst window. It is not worth it. What if he just misclicked? You can tell him about mistake later. You wasting others time by lowering raid DPS. If you specially killed DPS just to punish "mistake" I can accidentally just stop healing you. You know, to punish your narcissistic behavior.

I just like posting pictures of my character don't lump me in with the ERP degenerates all my glamour plates are full armored

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>he had a mother

everyone knows, we all miss dappled stalls

nothing but sewer dwelling cretin residing on the ultros server

What glamour are you gonna rock for shadowbringer? I can't seem to get the right set going to actually look like the right amount of edge. I'm not looking to copy posterboy's exact outfit though.

>I would love to live in a world where people are compelled to fix their mistakes when they don't affect their own experience
Can you really not see irony in your posts?


Casual RP, casual content, pretty much just being laid back and hanging out. I host RP events for the FC but its not mandatory.

>He wasn't born from a test tube

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>he was born

It is a necessity. We have to leave FF terms out of the threads or Janny deletes them. This way we have one thread everyone can go to rather than three of the fucking things because anons are too retarded to do more than ctrl+F.

if you want to link thread delete link too
cause linking threads = generals

DRK is probably going to be stronger than in ShB but they just gave it the same burst playstyle as WAR
Always meta as its entire identity is built around doing the most damage of the tanks. New tools just improved that.
Everything was buffed and made easier to use.
Remains the anti-magic tank and its defensive options have been slightly buffed. You lose Dark Arts spam in return for Bloodspiller becoming edgy Fell Cleave. You'll still be weaving often.
Don't even concern yourself with it until the expansion is live.

Was thinking about switching to viera but i'm probably gonna use this last fantasia to tweak her a bit

What link? :^)