Sooooooo. Can we agree fallout 76 was magnum opus

Sooooooo. Can we agree fallout 76 was magnum opus

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>no crazy cosmetic mods
>microtransactions up the ass on a full price game

T. Boomer

Micro transactions aren’t as bad as you say and no one minds paying for cosmetics

Sooooo your saying You’d probably rather play that alt right scum game kingdom come or the bitcher, haha get it the bitcher you might be onto something there

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fuck off

>wojak edit
You aren't spamming it enough like the boomer guy did so this one will never be popular.

>shit meme
>shit bait
checks out

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>wojak and pepe faggots still continue to be a thing on Yea Forums

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No. Garbage games get nothing but hatred and scorn. F76 is no exception

what's the name of this wojak

everytime it dies more newfags bring him back
Yea Forumspol/ is the worst starter board weve ever had
rise of Yea Forums when?
gore will thin out the normalfags

nice tumblr reaction pic tranny
I'd take a wojak or pepe any day over tumblr shit

Soooo mabye you should dialate

You could probably find the name of it on reddit where it was created

can i get a quick rundown?



I like fallout 76 and I like to eat my boogers.

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>wojak and pepe faggots still continue to be a thing on Yea Forums

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Thread fucking saved.

are you implying that i'm a booger eater

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