Why is sex appeal so scary to americans?

why is sex appeal so scary to americans?

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you tell me

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it's not offensive to Americans, it's offensive to women, and women have more power than men in America.

Cali dictates what is acceptable in media, and they are scared of the female body.


A combination of feminists and Christians, whose puritanical attitudes are more alike than either of them would want to admit.

It's just offensive to the butthurt fat chicks who make tons of noise on social media.

>no gag reflex

Angey people that dint play games enforce NO FUN ALLOWED BECAUSE RAISINS

I don't know, something about kids or whatever.

>mfw how badly blizz botched the night elf archer redesign

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>generalizing an entire country



I love California. Too bad about all the Californians living there

It's not scary to Americans. No fully clothed video game titty has ever come close to even the grainest tit shot each and every man searches for daily on the internet to get in his daily fap. Even turbo normies that search 'boobs' into google will get far sexier results than even the lewdest video game.

It's liberals and crazy, ugly women who think that seeing a fat pair of tits ACTUALLY results in real life violence against women. These are the same people that think that portraying minorities as anything other than perfect saints being unfairly assaulted by bigoted whites is racism. These are the same people that think if more media starred non-heterosexuals then society will become more accepting to them. These are the same people that think that if Luke Skywalker was gay then there'd be no discrimination towards gay people.

Man, remember when video games biggest threat was out-of-touch conservatives and soccer moms? At least those conservatives played the fucking games. Now it's SJWs and beta male bitches who are the biggest threat. Can't have titties or blood because that's 'toxic' masculinity! Enjoying fantasy boobs and violence is completely normal but total nutcases are trying to convince the world that it's evil.

Lalafells were a mistake

blizzard has been populated with SJWs.

it's not wrath anymore sadly.

I don't like sex being open.

Because you morons think this is appropriate in the west when it isnt

>Night Elves were the last Classic race to get their updated models
>they're sloppily-made with half the resolution and detail as all the others and with twice the bugs and glitches, their fingertips are still four polygons making a sharp point and the males' faces are still "frozen expressions with barely any animation"
>Blizzard makes a couple new skins for their Demon Hunter class that have actual effort put into them, but does nothing to fix or improve the base skins
>Nightborne are even more lazily done, males don't even get actual Nightborne heads and faces, just the exact same Night Elf heads and faces that look even worse

Why does Blizzard despise Night Elves so much lately?

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>ugly rotten feminist

Everything is offensive to Americans because you're as sensitive as an 8 year old girl.

what's the problem? if you're implying that's a sexual image you are the pedophile here buddy

It's obvious the intent behind that users screenshot, but nice mental gymnastics

so when you go to a beach and see little kids you are sexualizing them cause they're dressing a certain way? okay buddy, just forwarding your ip real quick, enjoy the vacation

These people are NOT American.
They’re a disease on America.

I mean, that's a rotted corpse. Didn't seem all that sexy to start with.

Easy. Just because I don't like being awkward around people. Sex is awkward. Not some religious thing.

No she’s not.

She's still uncovered in HoTS. It's not all Americans, WoW just aims for the biggest, most bland, wide appealing audience they can. HoTS actually has original Warcraft artists like Samwise working on it.

Strawmanning. The person that took that screenshot intended for it to be sexual in the first place, not me.


I really have no goddamn idea what it is. It used to not be this way but nowadays it's out in force.
Fucking California.

Go to bed, Zardoz.

why is this a problem, it doesn't affect gameplay

It's not. Sex appeal is scary to SJW's and politicians that want to control every aspect of human life. The real people, like us, appreciate fine aesthetics and sexy bodies.

Because some people want to be the moral guardians and fancy themselves the ones with the cultural "say" over what's okay. When people stopped listening to the old traditionalists, arguing that scantily-clad women in games were sinful, the new wave came, arguing that scantily-clad women in games were demeaning. Prudery has the edge for now, but it'll pass, like it always does.

Go to hell, ACfag.


No game has ever had excessive sex fanservice AND been good at the same time. There isn't a single one you could list that was actually good, let alone made better by its presence. If it meant less weeb movie games like Xenoblade and less gacha games like Fate Grand Order, I'd personally mandate that all females wear burqas just so people wouldn't needlessly lust over them 24/7. Maybe they'd actually make good games instead of relying on the lowest common denominator.

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>sex appeal
looks like a generic elf npc from cartoony RPG #345789. There's nothing sexy about either, regardless of clothing.

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Women are sick of being objectified by the media.

Ask yourself: would an undead ranger REALLY be running around with armor that exposes her tummy like that? The answer is no.

because in america girls use it to trick us into marrying them and then they can take all our stuff and and then an additional tuition fee

a corset is still being blatantly sexy

>Ask yourself: would an undead ranger REALLY be running around with armor that exposes her tummy like that?
I would

>realistic clothing


Blizzard has always been contemptuous that people liked Night elves.

I'm 100 years old, so I remember how she originally looked in WoW.

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>feminists complain about realism in armor designs
>while also wanting gender equality in games revolving around medieval combat

Female armor designs are bullshit because there's no such thing as female armor because there weren't female knights and warriors in the first place
>b-b-but ackshually what about this one excep-
fuck off

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Would an undead character care about clothes at all?

ESRB will give adult rating for almost anything relating to sex, so if you're trying to get as many people as possible best to go no-sexy

It's not, I'd rather have large tits and curves cuz it looks good.

It's just scary to liberal (who ironically promote free sex and stds like nobody's business).

Sylvanas was only changed because Metzen's daughter asked him why she was showing her belly so he wanted to set a good example. Hell it wouldn't even look that bad if they made it a color actually aesthetically pleasing to the rest of her set rather than some off color brown, sure it's no belly Sylvanas, but fuck that brown coloring annoys me more than anything.

b-b-but this soviet propaganda piece about female snipers PROVES that there were female knights you fucking incel

That's the next thing to go. With all those betas having flashbacks after making mortal kombat

the 90s called, they want their edgy contrarian take back

I don't think it is so much fear of sex appeal as it is different approaches to fantasy. Whereas eastern fantasy tends to be pure wish fulfillment where each and every person is flawless and idealized, western fantasy tends to adopt a more grounded approach, with characters that exist to serve the narrative and fit into the world they exist in. Due to this, unless the setting heavily features or relies on sex appeal, characters are not designed with that in mind.

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>night elf archer redesign
What? You mean the super skimpy armor they gave them for BFA? What was wrong with that?

>wanting games to be about good gameplay and not just mindless titties and asses
>this is considered edgy contrarianism

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90s nerds all having kids now is actually probably a big driving force behind this trend. All kinds of things in entertainment end up getting toned down when the creators' kids get old enough to start consuming it.

In any event, whining that your tacky cheesecake is being scaled back slightly does not engender sympathy from either your enemies or neutral third parties, and is therefore probably not the hill you want to die on.

Yes, let me enlighten you, when faced with a game that has sexy girls in it, dumbass faggots like you have been ignoring the actual gameplay and just assuming that sexy girls meant it was a bad game for well over 30 years, and probably longer

it is the most beta take you could possibly have, and you should know just how poorly it reflects on you

>ctrl+f "sex fanservice"
>people are STILL replying to ACfag after all these years
Idiots like you should be shot.

I never thought I'd say this, but I miss the old days when the biggest critic of video games was crazy Jack Thompson. Never thought this would happen.

you miss those days because as dumb as Thompson was he had relatively little power

>all games with sexy women in them are good

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hes talking about war3 Reforged
NE archers are basically wearing burquas now

Sex appeal is boring.
Cute appeal is better.

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>hi let me prove I have zero reading comprehension

Liberals actually have the right idea wrt the power of media. Popular media is single-handedly responsible for homosexuality enjoying mainstream acceptance today. It's also responsible for just about every other major reversal in societal attitudes in living memory.

Is it? Then why are most games featuring nudity (actual nudity, not anime pantyshot) from NA?

And what was your point again? That generic walking simulator #82937 was actually an amazing masterpiece because it had titties in it? That "lootbox gacha mobile phone game: anime titty edition" is an unsung piece of artistic perfection? Please, regale me on the merits of these games where you spend 90% of them ogling character models and buying clothing for your waifus, while button mashing through the tedious and boring gameplay.

Blizzard has stated on no uncertain terms that players will NEVER get the Archer clothes.

>you will accept censorship and you will be quiet about it

>let me continue proving I have zero reading comprehension

ACfag, give it a fucking rest. This mental disorder of yours has been going for nearly ten years now.

>Maybe they'd actually make good games instead of relying on the lowest common denominator.
Any retard that believes that an absence of sexual fanservice makes a game better is literally more retarded than any retard who thinks that sex fanservice makes something better. This is an unquestionable fact. The Witchers 2 and 3 have blatant and explicit sex scenes and are hailed as some of the greatest achievements in Western RPGs.

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Were a bunch of dumb faggots about certain things, and this is one of them.

Because we have a right wing anti sex cult.

Media producers willingly choosing to follow a popular trend of dialing down cheesecake is not censorship, regardless of how much losing that cheesecake may upset you.

Then by all means, make your point. Prove that your titty and ass games actually have merit. If I have "zero reading comprehension" then correct me. Please.

>The Witchers 2 and 3 have blatant and explicit sex scenes and are hailed as some of the greatest achievements in Western RPGs.
Yeah, RPGs, aka one of the lowest forms of video games right above visual novels. Not exactly hitting a high bar, are we?

>hold my hand and walk me through simple sentences

if she started out as women dressed in hijab ill 100% wont care, but the fact they changed it because of some snowflakes, yikes dude

>would an undead ranger REALLY be running around with armor that exposes her tummy like that?
I highly doubt a zombie, who should not be concerned with the elements whatsoever, would be concerned with clothing or leather """armor""" from top to bottom. Much less so if she wasn't using it for clear protective reasons, because that armor on the right offers painfully little protective value even after it's "covered".

witcher literally has a sex scenes, and most women there look like models, you're an idiot

Weirdly enough it's the left this time. Leftwing "SJW" culture is what starts twitter boycott wars over women being hot. They're the ones cheering over Tifa's body being covered more. Shariah Law is a turn on I guess.

>aka one of the lowest forms of video games right above visual novels. Not exactly hitting a high bar, are we?
Oh right, it's definitely ACfag now. Guess I didn't listen to other anons. Have fun sperging out to yourself.

>listen to my point
>what is your point?
>fuck you

Truly a master of debate.

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Exactly. I think those of us who actually live in America know this already. Whenever I hear some dumb cunt on here say “Why do Americans....” I think “No one asked me or anyone I know what they think about it.” This country is the biggest, most diverse country on the planet. The people who actually make the decisions have never represented my own feelings about anything.

okay dude

Women are insecure about their bodies and men want to submit to them

I'm just saying, I don't see the merit in listening to someone who thinks that titties are more important than good gameplay, but this is the majority of RPG fans.

aint the 90s anymore and it's obviously the polar opposite forcing these changes

>say point
>"I'm too stupid to get it. Will you explain simple words to me?"
>"XD I win!!!"

It's also types like Newt Gingrich and Bill Barr, they've been at it longer, and they will be at it longer. In a few decades SJWs will be like hippies but the masturbation is a sin crowd will still be around.

I transmog my undead rogues armor to be all bright purple because nobody expects a undead guy dressed in bright purple to be an assassin

>one of the biggest porn industry in world
>game shows women with skin
>"think of the children!"
burgers are truly fascinating creatures



Modern men no longer desire to see "attractive" women.

>say point
This never happened. You just called me an edgy contrarian because I dared to imply that good gameplay is more important than fap material.

You're talking to ACfag, he hates music, controls, graphics, sound effects, title screens, voices, text, options, and every single thing that isn't gameplay, and the mere idea of women in games sends him into a shitting frenzy.

literally noone cares about those boomers now in regards to gaming, the social climate is liberal and those are the people you pander too.

You always deliberately ignore and reject everything that doesn't fall in line with your demands and views, ACfag.

>eww, he doesn't want games to be angsty sony movies producted by Neik Druckmann!?

How horrible!

No one in media is following this trend of covering female characters up because they are scared of Newt fucking Gingrich. Wtf are you smoking

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Yeah she's an undead ranger retard. She's magic she doesn't have to explain shit. Realism fags deserve to be shot.

I remember this too, but my dick was rock hard when they updated her visuals

Then why don't you show me an example of this happening? If it happens often, you could reproduce the evidence super fast.

Only liberals

He wants all games to be Pong and Dwarf Fortress.

>he wants all games to be timeless classics

The absolute madman!

Nine years and you haven't changed a single bit. The proof was in that reply the other user gave you that you completely ignored.

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>the time period where they made her look like sexy undead ranger is the most successful time in the games history
really makes you think

>hurr Christians and conservaties are the champions of sexy women, it's only the libs making everything bad!
May I remind you that Trump has been trying to censor and ban games for a while now and that Christans and conservatives still view video games as the Devil's toys.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

meanwhile in hots

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christians are dead and conservatives are considered nazis, liberals controll the world, they have more power than both of them, thats why its going to shit

user, America is the disease
