Why is this game so fucking underrated?, literally nobody ever talks about it & always circlejerks ME2 instead
Why is this game so fucking underrated?, literally nobody ever talks about it & always circlejerks ME2 instead
Bioware had already gone to shit by this point. The mass effect games were all cookie cutter casual rpgs
Fuck off Boomer
Its really not.
Normally 2 is shit all over because of the changes it made
Worst combat of the series, and it didnt really have a lot of the characters were kind of plastic and stiff. It wasnt until ME2 that a lot of best new characters were introduced, and the old ones werr fleshed out even more.
It was a great game with good character building and top notch world building.
It is overshadowed by ME2 because it has even better characters and gameplay mechanics. That said, I still think the world building of the first game was superior.
the soundtrack / atmosphere was amazing and saren was a much better villain than whatever the fuck ME2 had
Because it released the same year as COD4, HL2, Bioshock, Halo 3, Portal, Mario Galaxy, Rock Band & Team Fortress 2. And thus everyone was too busy playing these instead, same with Uncharted which didn't gain recognition until the 2nd entry since by 2009 gaming had already died
>meeting sovereign for the first time
god damn that shit was good. shame about what they did with the reapers
all great points. I'm replaying it now and the combat is garbage and most of the textures look hideous at 1080p. Also the mako sections are laughably bad and exploring barren planets for collectables is tedious at best.
Saren is a based 'villain' though.
It's not underrated, there is a thread almost daily here on Yea Forums about ME1 related stuff. Lots agree that ME1 is better than ME2, because it holds well on its own and is balanced between character interaction and combat. ME2 is a drastically reduced form of ME1 with only some good changes, everything else sucks.
>Interesting and engaging story arc, endgame is actually fun with good boss
>Your crew for the most part knows their duty and fights with you for the mission
>Get to balance between or opt for Alliance and Citadel interests
>World exploration with the superior M35 Mako
>Inventory management, plenty of skills
>Fun weapon modding, ammo types were material, not based on class bullshit
>Story arc is incongruent bullshit about muh beehive collector prot-reaper drones with shit skeleton boss
>Your crew doesn't know their duty, and needs you to suck on them to make them care
>No matter what you do, it ends up fulfilling the interests of Cerberus in the long run
>Zero world exploration out of the box, need to pay for faggy DLC because EA cuckeration
>Barebones inventory, you just collect some gear here and there, nothing special
>No weapon modding, you use class-based weapon enhancements
shut the fuck up faggot
thank God Mass effect is dead too
Because 3 poisoned the entire series. IMO 2 was a game long sidequest. Worse in every way to the other 2. 3 had better gameplay and 1 had better story.
People seem to like 2 for the same reason they hated FFXV. It's just a road trip with your buddies.
Boomers were the ones hyping this trash you seething zoomer.
Mass Effect 2 was a shooter with barebones rpg mechanics and some good characters.
Mass Effect 1 was a good rpg with an engaging story, worldbuilding, and awful shooter mechanics.
I'm on to you faggot. I recognize you posting multiple threads changing the original cover of Mass Effect games to shitty edits with FemShep on the cover. I will call you out every time you do this you autistic tranny fuck.
The worst gameplay and ui I've ever seen in a game. The story was the only thing to draw me back in. I'm not even motivated enough to look into 2 and 3.
ME2 is largely seen as the best game of the series. Only place that seems to disagree is Yea Forums.
Because it's shit. Shitty gameplay, no real weapon and armor difference, the mako, copy paste worlds, no real class differences, pseudo RPG system, no real sidequests etc.
>Mass effect 2 has good characters
>Jacob: Typical bliggity black with dad problems and boring personality.
>Miranda: Some genetically modified agent with... daddy issues.
>Tali: Space Muslim/Jew/Gypsy who steals shit from your factions for Quarians (seething talicucks)
>Jack: Psychotic woman who is a victim; who actually needs therapy, but muh biotic powers
>Kasumi: DLC insert Japanese art thief with a completely bullshit loyalty mission
>Garrus: Went from being unrestrained and efficient badass to a sad alien
>Thane: Some sad dying lizard assassin; boring character with generic assassin theme
>Samara: Talks about how she is going to kill you after mission because muh code
>Morinth: Utterly fucked up Asari defect, no idea why anyone would pick her over Samara, wants to kill you too
>Legion: Let's make up a Geth that happens to be receptive to Shepard, for the geth fags
>Mordin: Some random doctor who was on the project for the genophage
>Zaeed: DLC insert, probably the only character in this game who was actually chad
>Grunt: Krogan insert, yet another retard thinking they know what is best for the Normandy
All characters are told there is a critical mission to stop collectors, but most of them seem to not really give a shit or have a sense of duty until you suck their cocks/clits/tentacles in insanely cringeworthy sidemissions. In Mass Effect 1: If Garrus asked you to help him take down a crazy doctor, it wasn't critical to his performance with you on the extremely important mission that involves stopping Saren.
Agreed 100%
Furthermore ME2 shot the trilogy’s second act in the foot. While you faff about fighting a bunch of inconsequential randos called the Collectors, literally no time is spent on setting anything up for the final act besides some cryptic bullshit about Haestrom’s sun and dark energy that went nowhere.
And they knew they fucked up because they have to make a whole DLC to basically explain HOW the reapers even manage to get to the galaxy in the first place. And guess what retards, it has absolutely nothing, nothing to do with the Collectors or Cerberus, the entire raison d’être of the game, pointless to the threads ME1 left hanging.
The only nice thing i can say about ME2s writing is it does a great set up for the Geth Quarian conflict and the genophage. And no wonder those arcs were the best parts of ME3.
The Mass Effect franchise is shit. 2 is the only good game because it isn't Mass Effect.
>>Interesting and engaging story arc, endgame is actually fun with good boss
Way too predictable and the bullet sponge gameplay made it insufferable, even with level X shadow gear.
>>Your crew for the most part knows their duty and fights with you for the mission
Most of the time they do nothing tho. Dialogue was almost not present.
>>Get to balance between or opt for Alliance and Citadel interests
Woah, the ending choice
>>World exploration with the superior M35 Mako
Lol, when was the last time you even played this game?
>>Inventory management, plenty of skills
Doesn't really matter because the armors and weapons were literally the same with no difference but damage and cooldown time. The weapon mods made zero difference and the skills also tumbled down to point and click 3% increases, no real differences like in Mass Effect 2 and 3 where you have to chose.
>>Fun weapon modding, ammo types were material, not based on class bullshit
Just as an example, the weapon mods were literally placebos. Even the element ammo was nothing more than 4% damage enhancers and the only other mods you could have were cooldown reducers. The way Mass Effect 2 did ammo was far superior because you actually had upgrade paths and not just level X 7% damage increase.
Not even gonna reply to the other bullshit. Imagine being such a nostalgia faggot you can't remember what happend in 2008. You Zoomers are a plague.
because most people started with 2
it's sad but it's true
>Way too predictable and the bullet sponge gameplay made it insufferable, even with level X shadow gear.
The game built the whole Mass Effect world and offered plenty of interesting moments on many of the worlds, all of which gave you an idea of what was going on.
>Most of the time they do nothing tho. Dialogue was almost not present.
They have dialogue in many situations, just not enough for you probably.
>Woah, the ending choice
Yes, obviously it didn't matter because of the way the trilogy played out, but still better than ME2.
>Lol, when was the last time you even played this game?
Just last night. I like sneaking up to bases and blasting the Geth with a cannon. It's way better than running the mouse all over my desk for resources on planets in the shitty planet surveying minigame in Mass Effect 2. Also the fact you get to use it in story missions like on Virmire makes the game more fun than just being on foot all the time.
>Doesn't really matter because the armors and weapons were literally the same with no difference but damage and cooldown time. The weapon mods made zero difference and the skills also tumbled down to point and click 3% increases, no real differences like in Mass Effect 2 and 3 where you have to chose.
There was light, medium and heavy armors; some armors offer better shields whereas some give you much better damage resistances. You could mod them too with additional defenses. Ammo types could be used universally and they did matter, because the bonuses were geared towards different kinds of enemies. Something tells me you don't actually take the time to understand any of that.
ME2 is the only good game in the series
On fucking Reddit maybe, seems like whenever the ME series is brought up here the first game gets all the love while everyone shits on 2 and 3 for having shittier writing and being more dudebro shooters
dab on tranny OP
>you are in comfy place
>you find out from cool buddy-type, evilbad is happening
>evilbad fuck place up like royal shit.
>you go to an enclave of elders and they make you part of the special awesome mega group.
>now you need to find six or seven macguffins in various areas.
> along the way, you get a nightmare.
> you are joined by cool guy, nutty guy, stoic guy, sassy sexy girl, cute moe girl, wise elder guy and the guy everyone likes from the game.
>after you get the macguffins, you are sidetracks!
>can shack up and fuck your team mstes but only these, never the cool guy.
> do you be kind or do you be bad?
> get ending which is fifteen seconds long.
Tell me, which classic bioware game am I describing?
You wrote down too many macgufins (it's usually 4 or 5) and forgot the Carth Chart
You retards are STILL making daily mass effect threads on Yea Forums?
Move THE FUCK ON, you retards were the first to spam mass effect generals for fucking months on Yea Forums back in 2011 too
>Bullet Sponge gameplay
Learn to skill up and equip yourself and your team properly pleb.
I'd like to forget I ever played Bioware's games.